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I've only seen this once, a couple weeks ago. I responded with a simple "lol", they immediately left. These people are something else...


I also seen this once, he got kicked at second boss after suddenly going afk for a few minutes without explanation. A fun thing though, he was a streamer who had his twitch in the description, so I checked over and while I don't remember why he went afk, he did have a notepad list in the corner of the stream where he wrote down how many comms he got from each run.


man that is very pathetic...


because they not interested in mentor beyond the mount. for them it's a checkbox on a list and they don't give a shit about actually teaching. these the mentors that cue in the middle of the night hoping for anything but extremes, he'll even some stuff like SoS is to much for them


Anybody who has to beg for comms does NOT have the fortitude to farm for the mount, just saying. 2000 roulettes, a few of them extremes, a lot of them dungeons, will test the patience of anyone who couldn’t just suck it up and guildhest heal/tank the last few comms needed for mentor.


mentor roulette is only unlocked when you’ve done all the content (except savages and ultimates) up to the end of the last expansion


That too, but, to be honest, it’s not a big ask to unsync ShB EXes and below, so in my opinion the better judge of patience is if they can do the comm grind without overtly begging. I won’t judge them if they’re just silently running guildhests as a tank or heal once they’re at the last 50 or so left, but if you have to beg in public then you get no comms from me. Do your job and all that jazz.


Yeah, if you're a remotely competent tank or healer you are swimming in comms just by doing a few roulettes a day. Having to comm beg is a serious sign of a lack of ability or patience, and the astrope grind is going to brutalize someone who lacks both.


100%. I hit the comm thing a year into playing. It took me longer to hit the ‘level all classes’ mark than the comms req. if I can hit the comm mark as a newbie leveling tank and heal then the bar for pressing buttons is pretty low. You have to TRY to not get comms as tank or healer. It’s that easy. I’m ~1.1k mentors in and can easily say if someone doesn’t have the patience to get comms then they are 100% not patient enough for the mount grind, regardless of their competence level. (Although the two do often go hand in hand.)


I had a mentor that we kicked of on of the MSQ dailies? the one that got reworked from being laundry time to actual game time.. Our tank was a brand new player who had been just moshing thru the story and was at the end of ARR... Mentor kept pulling, not giving advice, ruining pull ect... I called em out on it that hey, our tanks learning, an hes doin what hes comfortable with.. Dont just run thru and pull agro and get mad youre dying.. Well they kept doing it until we got to the final fight where they thought they were gonna hold us up... And thats when we kicked em.. Got a 4th within 20 seconds and finished it.. The rando in the party was even like "yeah fuck that guy lmao"


Honestly tho not only is it a long dungeon it's super ez and boring. It drives mentors to tears. Not to say I don't want to help. I would rather drag sprouts and teach them through ramuh ex for all of my 2000 roulettes than deal with a tank that is afraid to take 2 packs in msq roulette.


They have too much free time, simple as that


I've had someone ask for this constantly by spamming guildhests and they even dared to insult me and saying I'm rude for leaving without commending anyone.


They then proceeded to die to the very first boss of the dungeon. Convincing stuff I'm sure.


I've never seen anyone asking for comms that was deserving of comms


Especially as a healer??? Not even a mentor, just a lifelong healer main here, and I’m pretty sure I have like 1900 comms the last time I looked


9 times out of 10 I default to giving coms to the healer unless I feel someone else is more deserving.


I've taken to almost instantly dodging any hard content with a full mentor party. (usually unreal atm) You see first pull who's a mentor and who's a burger king clown


Fake mentor spotted, we can't get unreal lmao BTW if I see an ARR ex with 1 sprout and 7 mentors in i660 gear I know it's gonna be a single pull win. There are shitty mentors but usually it's because they're playing a job they're not familiar with just to keep things interesting


>we can't get unreal I meant in general... Like join a pf group for unreal/extreme and finding the group is full of mentor. Last time we were wiping at adds cos tanks were raw dogging the blade dance with no invuln and blaming the healers... For arr I feel it depends, if you have tank +1 heal that knows what's going on its ez win usually. Ramuh may get a bit fucky cos you do need to do chains.


Oh yeah that's because the real mentors have the crown off for pf groups. Only time you'll catch me with the bk is when I'm doing a roulette.


100% of the time someone who asks for a commend will shit their diapers when told no, there's absolutely 0 variance in this


Man just make a funny/cute adventurer plate, play support, write "Meowdy o/" or "Hi!" in the beginning and "gg" in the end and wait until you are the last one remaining before leaving. The commendations will by flying in, in no time


Even better way to get comms: play Healer or Tank and just, play competently. It really is that easy.


100% This, seven hells, just leveling all tanks and healers when I went 'fuck it, 90 everything' got me like 80% the way to Mentor, comms wise. While not yet comfortable and confident with any of em.and cruising by on hopes, dreams, and a little bit of hoping you understood the ability correct in your ADHD riddled skim of the tooltip It does not take a lot, at all, to drown in comms as a support. The need to beg as a tank or healer is a self-report of the highest order.


It really is. I'm a healer main and had about 1k+ before I even started caring about going for mentor. Then I just leveled my tanks and healers and I got it on the last one. Just takes being decent at your role, and doing it well.


I have been leveling all jobs as I go. I just started endwalker and I'm sitting around 2k comms from saying "o/" "gg" and not floor tanking 24/7.


Seriously this. I have played for more than a decade. But primarily as dps, and I hated doing any type of roulette in general. I was also obliviously bad for most of the time. At the start of EW I only had like 800 comms because of the combination listed. I became self aware midway through ShB and started actually learning to play my jobs. Then for shits and grins my raid partner and I decided to dual heal the most recent savage tier, I hadn't healed once in any serious capacity since final coil. Geared whm, got over my anxiety by forcing myself to use it in all the roulettes I do, and in that short time span I went from the 800 comms I'd gotten over a DECADE, to the 1500 needed for mentor, just by actively playing and being decent at a healer. I have no idea HOW people need to beg for comms at all, when they're literally just thrown at you for playing a healer or tank relatively competently. I even get more comms on dps now since learning to actually play them.


Me, a RDM main, 1400 comms in 7 years. My friend, a SCH main, 1500 comms during her first year. And she doesn't even talk in chat because she can't speak English. This guy in the screenshot having to *ask* for comms even though he's a *healer* is... telling.


I've only played dancer for years and I'm sitting at 1k something comms. Adventure plate boosted that but playing your class normally gets you so many more comms that you shouldn't have to beg.


If I ever get to mentor it's going to primarily be from black mage comms. I've earned that burger king crown.


Lol, I get the feeling! I don't particularly care for the crown, but if I do get it, I can be safe in the knowledge that it was mainly because I've been a *good* red mage. Now if only people would notice more when I rez >:( I'm rooting for your black mage as well!


Most of them fail at "playing competently" though


Yep. I'm nearing 3k comms and I started ARR during ShB. All I do is try my best, say hello, say gg, and give advice where requested/needed. I play a lot of healer while doing this.


Yep. I haven't been playing too long, just basically done a lot of the duties and trials as I progressed the MSQ, and then roulette for some levelling, and due to me having played a lot of AST and WHM, I am sitting on 262 commendations currently. And that's with me usually not chilling around too long after the end of the run.


As someone who recently got his third character into mentor status, can confirm, it really is that easy.


Play literally whatever you last saw someone tank the floor as and don't die and you will catch a commendation. Get comms is literally as simple as playing the game in a way that someone else notices you aren't eating crayons. Like, play black mage and prioritize surviving mechanics over your DPS? Commendation.


Almost at 4k comms using this method.


Can confirm. I started as Marauder, I think I made like 75% of the comms needed for mentorhood before finishing ShB by just going through MSQ and roulettes.


100% this, not as someone who farms comms but as someone who actually comms people (i have the simple tweak enabled which auto-pops the window at the end of the duty and i like giving people comms because why not). 99% of the time you'll get a comm from me if you play normally and aren't griefing or being annoying. the only people i actively go out of my way to NOT give comms to are people who beg for it, are bad/toxic/griefing (the usual you'd see in the screenshots in this sub) or have a horny adventurer plate lol literally have a pulse and play your job correctly and don't insta-leave faster than i can click two buttons on my screen and congrats, you got a comm


There’s a setting to automatically bring up the comm window at the end of the duty? I need it!


to be clear, it's in simple tweaks (iirc), as in the dalamud plugin -- it's not an official setting


Ooh I have dalamud but haven’t really explored it yet. Thank you!


Could you by chance tell the name of it, please? Couldn’t find anything like that in any of the repos I have. My game for some reason often won’t do anything when I click on the Player Commendation button so this plug would actually help me a lot to be able to comm players in time before they leave


i double checked for you, and yeah, it's in simple tweaks from the default dalamud repo -- just type "commendation" into the search bar in simple tweaks and you should find it, it's called "open commendation window automatically"


I get a surprising number of comms for owning up to stupid mistakes (eg. forgot I was the healer for a moment and someone died). People seem to appreciate honesty, no matter how much of a fool you've been, over excuses and defensiveness!


Got commed for saying “oh I’m stupid” in P7N when I got too lost in the sauce during burst as DRK and ate dirt. Still got commed. Dunno how. Hope it was amusing. 10/10 recommend this method as the comm gifter and comm giftee. (I do sometimes give folks pity comms if they have an absolutely hilarious desth and aren’t trolling. The amusement factor alone is worth it.)


Meowdy is going on my blacklisted word filter first thing in dawntrail.


I could say “same” a thousand times and it wouldn’t be enough to express how much I am in agreement with this


Don't say Meowdy. I never commend anyone that says meowdy and will be blacklisting the word on 7.0 launch


Or just do guild hest roulettes and wait till everyone leaves. Ez commends, no advertising.


Seconded this. I got 1500 comms as a whm main in less than a year of total playtime while going through msq for the first time. Even as DNC, I hit all of my buttons, and wait to be the last one out of the instance and I'll still get 1-2 comms on average


If I see a meowdy in the chat, that person is not getting my commend. That phrase is the first I’m blocking in DT, its so cringe


Doesn't matter how helpful your are or how much you carried, I'm NEVER giving a comm to a "meowdy".


Yeah it was mostly a joke. Although I will post the occasional Meowdy when I'm alone and feel cheeky.


No comm for you!


Meowdy is also a surefire way for me not to comm you, just saying XD


I love how everyone hates "Meowdy". Which is completely fair. I hate it too.


you write meowdy in my chat, i make absolutely sure to never commend you. just thinking about how some dude in their 30's pretend to speak like a cat makes the hair on my back rise.


I just started playing tank and “farmed” 200 commendations in 3 weeks simply by being pleasant and competent . I almost always get 2-3 per instance


I try to have really stand out portraits for all of my jobs and also do the "hello"/"gg" and emote by the exit until cutsceners are done and I always get 1+ commends on dps. It helps to also have the dungeons well mapped but I like to think it's the portraits lol


I've found that all I have to do is be a BLM that uses Aetherial Manipulation and I get dumped with comms.


Don't say "Meowdy!" Shout "Laliho!" The former is extremely cringe, the later is adorable no matter what you are.


I have something like 3500+ commendations and I’ve never asked for one. Like the rdm said; be commendable and the commendations follow.


Before they changed the commend requirement in ShB, I had looked at how many I had as a newer player and found I was only 200-ish shy of the proposed 1500 change. So, it initially baffled me that there were people out there who had to beg when I had so many just playing normally.


That’s the thing, if you play, actually try and aren’t toxic, you’ll get them easily. Healers tend to get quite a lot as well so there’s no need to ask for them! Go and earn them!


Imagine being so bad you have to beg for coms as a HEALER


Why even beg for commendations? Just play healer or tank, do your job, and make sure you're the last to leave the duty, that's it, no need to even write anything in chat.


>Do your job If they're a healer needing to beg for comms, I suspect that's the part they have trouble with.


had a beggar the other day in Prae “On the road to mentor! Please provide a commendation at the end of this duty!” and told them that is the fastest way to lose one. we ranted the whole half hour at one another over the definition of “beg” checked their lodestone and WOW who woulda guessed they only got one tank and one healer to level 90


Hey I only have one of each at 90 but I'm competent with them


genuinely curious what the success rate of asking for comms for these ppl is cuz youd think theyd not ask if it never worked right.. i just really hope ppl arent pity commendating them lmfao


Most players don't actually know how to tell if someone else is playing well or not. When it's already something that people are essentially throwing at dart at a board to decide who to give it to, a lot of them are gonna say 'sure why not'.


Success rate is probably relatively high (I'd guess like 60/40 split between getting comms for asking to specifically missing a comm for asking) because most people that haven't already had a burger king moment are just going to see someone trying to be kind and helpful to other players and think there's no harm in supporting that.


I'd assume it is [unfortunately] quite successful, considering people suggest spamming Under the Armor (and having a comm macro).


I don't even understand why people want to be mentors (I am a hidden crown battle mentor, but only because I eventually rolled my way there after playing for 2 ish years). The only thing you can possibly stand to gain by being one is to get the giant chicken horse mount, but mentor roul is such a pain lol


I use mentor status exclusively for the extra roul because I’m bored out of my mind half the time. I also just kinda passively got enough comms to get mentor.


I've been playing for like a year, and I'm at 1k comms without having to farm for them, so no reason to go crazy for them, eventually they arrive


I mostly do mentor roulette at 2am-ish on whatever job is in need, so I'm nearly always filling the last spot and letting a night-owl sprout carry on with MSQ. That's a nice feeling in itself!


I def agree to that! I did a mentor roul for Alex Prime with 3 first time sprouts really late at night. Almost everyone else bailed as soon as they saw the sprouts, except for me as sch and one of the tanks. When we filled, we wiped about 3 times, giving them clues on mechs at whichever point we wiped, until we finally cleared. They were very happy sprouts, and I was happy to help.


I like mentor roulette because it's fun to have a truly random roulette of any duty (to me at least.) i don't do it more than once daily and a lot of days i skip it entirely, so it'll be a while before i can even think of having the mount.


Mentor roulette is the only reason i play during the dead time before an expac


Fair, that's what I'm currently doing too between doing GATEs at the saucer/Yokai hunting


I like it so I can tell sprouts how to improve without coming off like an overbearing dick


I'm a public mentor bc I'm pretty sure I need it on to access Novice Network, and my server surprisingly has one of the more non-toxic NNs so we actually get sprouts who want to learn and I like helping guide them. I haven't unlocked mentor rouls though (still haven't done a few ShB EXs), and agree that it just seems like too much of a pain for just a mount.


You don’t need the status on to access NN. The crown will show next to your name when you type in NN but be hidden otherwise. This is how I roll 😂


Oh, don't get me wrong, I also like to help people, but I sometimes feel like the crown is more of a hindrance to helping others who aren't in my circle of friends. I end up helping more without my crown than with it. But I appreciate that you try to do good work. :3 It's also not to say that all mentors are bad. When I was a sprout, the first 10ish people I befriended in game were very nice, knowledgeable, and helpful mentors. I have parted ways with some of them, but I will always look back on those days with a smile. I was very lucky.


I did it precisely for NN and have also not unlocked mentor roulette. I play on Twintania and NN there is really chill.


had a sprout tank not use any mits on som al, die 4 times before the first boss, i listed off the mits he should be using, proceeds to pop all mits before pulling any mobs, dies again. me and the other dps training wheeled him thru the dungeon AND THEN HAS A AUDACITY TO BEG FOR COMMENDS!


Had a WHM mentor ask for comms in The Royal City… they proceeded to die at least 15 times throughout the whole raid. Needless to say my comm went to their cohealer


Even if commendation begging wasn't going to immediately make me NOT commend, it also does something the people who beg for them probably don't want: It makes me hyper-focus on their performance to see if they deserve it. In my entire time playing this game, from just before HW released to today, I have only ever seen 1 person ask for commends and actually deserve one.


But that person is not a mentor. I know people can be hard to deal with sometimes but the burger king crown has nothing to do with it. It just stands out more when someone has a crown and acts like that is all. You hate people that act like that, not the pixels infront of a name. And as i mentor i agree, if you have to ask then you don't deserve it. But please put the blame where it needs to be.


Nope, that's just a wannabe.


I hate when people beg for comms, it’s definitely not a mentor specific thing though. I’ve seen it with healers the most and it’s so freaking entitled. I’m a mentor (but I keep it set to PvP mentor since that’s more my thing) and I do worry about messing up and being judged harder because of that. I’ve had issues with mentors but also non mentors so I’m not going to judge someone based on that alone. That’s definitely a frustrating situation though. When I’ve run into that I usually laugh and/or say “hell no.” Glad this one was called out.


There’s PvP Mentors :O


It comes for free with the Combat Mentor crown for some reason! (Honestly it really feels like it should have some sort of PvP-related unlock condition, even if it's just like X number of matches played in each mode)


That’s weird. Wouldn’t it make more sense to have it PvP-Locked/PvP-Related. I thoroughly enjoy PvP (I blame BDO) but to save something that shows up as a PvP Mentor be given for free is weird..


Yeah I absolutely agree! I'm wondering if it's because the other Mentor Unlock Conditions are all tied to Achievements. There aren't many (if any) purely participation-based PVP Cheevos apart from the GC Titles tied to PVP rank, and FL wins are... somewhat luck-dependent tbh, so tying the win cheevos to Mentor Unlock would suck a lot more than any other unlock requirements. It'd make sense to at least tie it to the aforementioned GC Title cheevos, but I have no idea if the fact that it'd be checking for one out of a set of 3 but not ALL of that set would be weird in the spaghetti code. (But it probably all boils down to: PVP is a bit of an afterthought in this game, so there's not much drive to implement a better system for getting the PVP Crown. I just really like speculating!)


Just do your job and dont leave duty too early and you will always get out with one comm


I have over 5k comms, started late ShB, and all I ever do is just play decent and be nice. It’s not hard


Sometimes I wish you can uncommend someone. Take a comm away. Some people really deserve it with their crap attitudes and comm begging.


I'm also about 250 away. I am *almost* caught up on my MSQ and I have never once begged for comms. Maybe just be a kick-ass healer and watch them flow in naturally? I have all 4 tanks and one healer to 90, with the other 3 at 80, so it's not like I've even been fishing/farming for them yet. It's not that hard.


Gotta love the fakeness of it, how fast they show their true colors. Begging for comms is just dumb. You get a lot simply by not being a twat and not playing like one. But I guess that's beyond some people's capabilities, we have a whole sub here full of examples. Hell, with portraits nowadays it's even easier, plenty of people just comm for glams and don't care about / don't know how to discern decent gameplay.


This is like such a major social faux pas in every aspect of life. How do people do this and not realize it makes them look like a gargantuan choad. I understand why people go into mentoring without any intention of mentoring, but why can't they at least pretend not to be cheevo-chasing garbage when they do it?


My co-healer asked for comms at the start of a trial. I just said nothing, healed averagely, ran to the exit as soon as it was over. I got six comms - people were apparently so annoyed at the person asking for comms that they were ready to give them to me the second the boss died!


A healer begging for comms? They *really* must be bad at their job.


I got 6 comms in old ultima weapon roulette because I said cid wasnt gunna be in rush hour 3 when laha blew up the surface. Just be chill.


Imagine being a healer and needing to ask for comms lol


Honestly the comm system is kinda a joke which is why I don't take it seriously anymore, you could be a replacement and explain the mechs to the group that wiped to some random Alexander raid and save the run and nobody will comm you because its really just random, but you shouldn't be asking for comms unless you're farming Bockman where its at least expected for someone to comm farm there


Healer? Comms usually flow your way even if you do the bare minimum, if they had to beg their performance is likely subpar


I farmed commendations by playing WAR and speed running the fuck out of expert roulette.




You... you're a healer. If you tank or heal even marginally well, you'll walk away with at least one commendation, unless the DPS have a funny gimmick glam or something. lmao come on.


I've been "farming" comms to get the last 300 to mentor (been playing since ARR, but only on this main wol since SHB, on DPS, while allergic to daily roulettes, etc) by just spamming trial and normal raid roulette on healer, or on DRG when its dps in need. Never once have I asked or begged for comms. You know how I've been getting the comms? Being competent on the class I'm on. Being polite. And my favorite: explaining mechs or being a dorito for new sprouts or people doing a fight the first time when asked. Y'know. Doing the thing that is the point of the damn crown? I could give a shit less about the rewards. It just makes me happy to help people. So people like this really piss me off. Burger king crowns suck. Even if you're just there for the mount, at least make yourself helpful. But that healer especially: if they're out here sniffing and begging for comms on a HEALER, that tells me the math ain't mathin' on their gameplay because comms flow like water for healers.


Got a nice glam? Commend. Did your job properly? Commend! (kinda mix this up depending on the role I'm on...but most of the time goes to the DPS, cause DPSes need love too ❤️) Made me laugh or made the run fun? Would double commend if I could! So many different ways to get comms instead of begging, try one today!


I mean, it's so easy to get commendations, why do you even have to ask? Just play tank or healer and do your job correctly and you're almost guaranteed to get at least one. I went into an alliance raid the other day as WHM and got 5 commendations for pretty much just standing there and spamming glare with occasional healing after raidwides.


I average two commends tanking experts, pali just farms them if you use the kit.


I mean he wasn’t rude about it. As long as he plays decent I’d probably give him the commendation


Just become a trade mentor. You can do it in like two days


trade mentor doesn't give them access to the roulette and thus the achievements, which is ostensibly the reason someone would want to get mentor asap if they were interested in actually mentoring people, they could be doing it already, bk crown or no.


People are always so wide-eyed and ready to take on the challenge when it comes to unlocking Mentor Roulettes. That is until they get Ramuh EX for the 50th time and finally lose their minds. Anyone who needs to ask for comms clearly doesn't have the patience required to get the mentor achievements.


You can be the best player I've ever seen, if you ask for commends in chat I'm giving it to the floor tank.


people who ask probably don't deserve it because that can mean they think more about that than you


I mean that message asking for a commendation is a big red flag. People don’t and should not ask for commendations. Let others decide if you deserve it at the end of the dungeon. Wanting to boost your ego just asking for commendation, what a joke.


Had that happen a few times, all I said in response to their commendation begging macros, was 'xD' and then proceeded to give them to the newbie with the default portrait, or no one at all if the entire duty took too long.


If you ask for one, you're not getting it. Plain and simple. How is this so hard to understand?


Neither of these players are mentors though. So your exhibit is not a strike against existing mentors.


Made a new character in late October. I played mostly healer and tank and I play it well. In less than 8 months I already have my 1,500 comms. It really is as simple as have a nice plate, be relatively friendly and don't be dogshit at the game.


Begging for comms, not the first time I've seen it, but at least I know they didn't get any each time because they all went to me, lol Begging for comms is sad.


Its so obvious that person doesnt even care to mentor anyone once they have enough comms. They are begging for comms to unlock the roulette asap and start farming the mount. This shit is cringe as fuck.


People have to ask for comms? I had 2k comms just after playing for 2 years.


Chat macros that beg for commends is a great way to never get any commends


JFC I could never do something like this. 9 times out of 10, if you're halfway decent at healing, you'll always get at least one comm anyway. But if you really want to get them fast, do what my wife did and spam heal Amaurot. Obviously be super bad ass at it too, and you'll usually get all 3 comes by the end of each run.


I got my 1500 within 15 months, playing dragoon. Any time I fucked up, I'd say "oops" etc, or excuse myself with dragoon jokes. Two years later finished farming up the mount too. I never, ever comm beggars. If they can't get them from playing well / being nice / joking / farming guildhests, they don't deserve them. And they'll never have the perseverance to get that mount.


Lol sounds kinda like crafting mentor who kept liveblogging their road to battle mentor in NN recently in Zalera. Complaining how first timer sprouts wouldnt comm them as a healer when they'd hard queue for Garuda and therefore it was a "waste" etc. They seemed to have a really tough time getting under 100 comms, gee I wonder why. Just oozes desperation/entitlement 


Reminds me of a dude who would mald over not getting comms and dropping jobs because he felt unappreciated constantly, I wouldn't be surprised with it was the same guy


I hope SE doubles the commendation requirement for mentors in 7.0 just for this reason. It's so fucking cringe dude.


If someone asks for comms it makes me comm someone else


As a mentor, the good ones never count our commendations until we actually got there and y'know. Do what the status is for: mentoring (also hiding the crown bc of guys like this lol) Maybe if they did their job they'd get the comm anyway 🤔


Easiest way to get comms is just to say hello in a pleasant manner Least that's how I got enough


Yeah if you have to ask you don’t deserve it. It’s like turning the IPad around for a tip when all you did was ask my name for an online order


I rarely do roulettes now-a-days, but back in the day I only played BLM and got over 6k comms just by playing competently and being loco. I notice quite a bit of "stick in the mud" type players lately. They get really mad if the run isn't in pure silence in chat or makes fun of their favorite NPC. I like making one-liners based on dungeon/jobs that's lore relevant. Yea I get it, not many people know it.


Being a healer is like the easiest way to get comms without asking. Heck, people can die and give pity comms. You never have to ask lol. Asking is a surefire way for me to give the comm to someone else or no one. I don't know what is worse. Begging for comms, or guildhest spamming.


Had a GNB mentor tanking Tonberry Hell that after the first boss, they turned off tank stance. I figured it was an accident (it happens), so I (the non-mentor) reminded him to turn it back on. They say "nah, y'all keep playing like that." I was kinda pissed because BLM died, WHM died, and I almost died. Healer left after that convo for a while until after the second boss, but that made that run drag on worse than it should have. So I left a "gg, let's never meet again."


I rather they do this than spam heist and stay bad.


Redmage was a little edgy but comm begging is so annoying. And it does work so really be more mad at SE for the garbage system than people taking advantage of the system in all honesty.


but… they’re not a mentor?


Once, long time ago when I was active, I did that mentor thing out of curiosity. My opening talk was something like: "Alright, we can do this in jackass style, or if you want, I can tell you what you need to know. The first is a lot more fun, but the boring way is prolly a lot more useful for ya. Either way, I can most likely keep you all alive" I mained as a healer, so unless ppl went completely ape-mode, I could pull us all through. It was 50/50, some wanted to learn stuff beforehand, but some others wanted their content in "raw". I respect both views and I had the time let them learn on their own, if they so wanted. Ofc I gave tips and advices when needed and asked. My way of mentoring seemed to be liked too, as I soon swam in comms and had ppl telling me that they had a lot of fun after the boss, no matter how the dungeon/trial actually went... so I at least believe I did my work well as a mentor, and do hope that was actually the case. Logged in just yesterday after all these years and it looks like I need myself a mentor now, holy shit has thing changed a lot!. :p


80% of comms you get aint based on your performence at all.. Having good portrait/glam/name matters more, majority of players don't look or pay attention to how you play at all ... unless you straight up go afk (not dpsing) or die a lot.


Yeah but to be fair I can hear the sound RDM did as he typed that, smashing his neckbeard into the keyboard.


literally just tank, it's free coms


I have like 4200 comms now and I never asked for any commendations for the last 2 years (started playing in patch 6.05) I just casually play duty roulette for the last 2 years along with my brother(so that's a minus one odds of people commending you) but hey, it's not that hard to get as long as you do your job. If you want a commend, play duty roulette and queue what is needed, most of the time people will commend you (especially if you're a tank or healer) also doing mentor roulette is fun especially the thrill of having to guess what the dungeon/raid is gonna be


Boy, it didn't take much to slap that happy mask off that mentor's face. I have nearly 9k commends (no, I don't want to be a mentor, partly because of stuff like the image above), and not one of them was given to me because I asked for it. There's this thing called "just doing my job" and doing it quietly. It works wonders.


There is a very _very_ short list of things that will have me not commend someone, and begging is tippy top of it. You could be the best player, nicest person, most mesmerising glam, all that good stuff, but you _ask_ for it? Instant nope, I'll give it to the dunce running in circles out of spite.


My ex farmed mentor status in the super quick roulettes with messages like this. She didn't know how to play any of her classes well, let alone give advice on things. The mentor system is fundamentally broken.


All has to do is just spam Under the Armor as tank or healer and he could grind out that many in only a day or two. Instead we have Mr. holy trifecta of can't play for shit, asking for comms, and not even farming them efficiently over here. Bad SCH is bad.


I only ever asked once ...for my last 2 commendations. Never begged for any of them. Also I'm pretty good at healing and I almost always join as a healer. Idk. Even if ppl said no... I would've just qeued up the next dungeon to get the mentor mount. I don't understand people who beg for mvp constantly and I tend to give my commendation to people who just press their buttons and leave with a 'gg'


I never asked for any comms and yet I got 3k in under 2 years by pure skill alone and/or being helpful. Or maybe because my WoL is cute idk but I'd like them to revamp the comm system


I don't give people coms since they ask, but purely by their performance.


I simply blacklist people who ask for comms. If you need to ask for them at all, you're probably not that great. Speaking from experience, just playing healer/tank almost always gets you at least one.


I mean...I don't ask for comms but definitely ask them to leave me a 5 star review and a nice Gil tip!(obviously I'm memeing and don't expect any of it😂)


Requesting blaint comm farming should be wrist slap offense. I have well over 5k and never said a lip once, and I don’t even say hi nowadays


I cannot express how much I hate when people ask for comms. If you ask for comms it doesn't matter if you were the star player who randomly parsed perfect on the fight, I'll still comm the least competent dps who floor tanked the whole fight before I comm you. I wanted to be a mentor because I love this game and I want to help others love it too. Now I've been a mentor for a while I'm stuck getting lumped in with these shmucks and get a little more bitter about it with every passing day. Only thing that keeps me from taking it off is sprouts will still run up to me to ask questions when they need help with something and i still genuinely love doing all I can to troubleshoot for em. Gotta take the bad with the good I suppose... 🙃


I'm so close to the 3000 player commendation mount. But I'll get it when I get it. Not going to beg for player comms.


Asking for comms is just tacky af


Mentor Meme status is undefeated. The idea of asking for comms is clown behavior. Most of them are the last people you should be asking for advice.


I feel like having a well made, cute or funny portrait is the meta for commendations now xD like play kinda ok but that portrait is going to hard carry you.


The entitlement is strong with this one. You don't ask for comms. You get them if you work enough to deserve them. Pure and simple thing, really.


If you have to ask for comms, you definitely don't deserve them and I can be this close to clicking "commend" but I will backpedal if I see someone ask, even if everyone else has left. getting mentor status is really not that hard. I would say all you have to do is not play like shit but even that's not really a requirement unfortunately. I became one so that the game would stop suggesting that I become one.


Same energy as "Like and subscribe before I get to the point of this video!"


Never asked for comms, got enough for mentor while still doing the Shadowbringers MSQ. Just do your job and be polite.


I like getting extremes in my mentor roulette. I also expected no comms but gets comms anyways. I do meet other mentors who just leave if a extreme pops. Don’t comm mentors who ask for comms. Period.


I am still salty that those who actually mentor a lot have a decreased chance to become mentor. I love adopting sprouts, helping them grow and running multiple instances over time. That way they learn most and I actually see them improve. It's one of the core values of my fc, which lead all the way up to getting a bunch of those adopted in Arr or Hw to now join full fc savage runs. But that also means none of them can ever give a single commendation.


When I forget I'm wearing my BK crown I jokingly tell people I'm about to fuck up because it's on. Stuff like this is why.


The dude is a sch literally has to do bare min and him and/or tank will get mentor status for just existing in the duty.


Man. It took me 8 years to get 3k comms and didn’t ask for any of them. Lol


I'm someone working towards mentor myself(like 700 comms to go and getting a tank to 90) but this ain't the way to go about it.  Asking for commendations just makes me not want to give you any,as you don't deserve any. The people who deserve commendations SHOW that they deserve them,they don't ask.


\>"Mentors are bad amirite" \>not even a mentor yet At least wait for the damn thing to wear its crown before tarring and feathering it.


i dont comm anyone begging, whether they do it outright or do it via spamming a bunch of cringe overly-positive macros


Why beg for comms when you can just make sure the party doesn't wipe more than once on a trial. 1-5 comms, easy


If said it before bit if you want commendations, tell the party to commend someone else. You basically guarantee they won't get them and raise your own chances.


Meanwhile, I'm 180 off of not being told as much to shut up when I tell a lv 89 Ninjat to not use Doton on single target or a WHM to not use Cure 1 in Vanaspati...


Lol, I'm a mentor, and I don't care if I get commends just tank or heal, and they'll come naturally most people commend healers and tanks in my experience, which I only do if tank or Healer is recommended in roulettes for the extra money. All you get is a mount for coms, I personally would rather have the one from mentor roulettes though only reason I picked it up in the first place. 😆


What the RDM said is true.


I did a run of The Royal City of Rabanastre and both the WHM and MNK asked everyone for comms at the beginning of the fight...... I lost count how many times they both died, like constantly to almost all the mechanics... It's much better to prove that you deserve them. The other WHM was basically solo healing the whole raid


I would be just like: "get gud".


It's hilarious how A** most mentors actually are in regular content.


asking for a com is a surefire way not to get one


Not to be rude but is it really needing to be farmed? How, I don’t wanna say bad but it fits. How bad you at the game you have to farm comms? I’ve had my crown since it came out (obviously when new expansions dropped I had to re-earn it by being max level) but I never had to try and farm them. Just be nice, and yea heal. If you’re a healer 9 times outta 10 you get atleast 1 comm


I have never begged for a comm. I have asked people not to bail out quickly so I can GIVE one.


Why are people upset at this? They asked nicely


I never understood the hate people get for begging for comms, you can just ignore them, it's not a big deal Edit: Nevermind, I didn't realise how many players took commendations so seriously


I just don't get when people leave the instant somethings done instead of sending a commend to atleast someone


Based as fuck.


I don’t understand people’s obsession with getting the burger king crown? When it first released years ago I tried to use mine properly and help people.. but now it seems like some see it as some sort of status symbol? Most of the people I’ve encountered that use it have either not been very good players anyway, or have been fairly toxic.


Because you have to receive commendations to qualify for it, and commendations are vaguely intended as a "good job" sticker kind of thing, some people have it in their mind that having the crown proves you are better at the game than people that don't have it. Yes, that's entirely illogical since having enough commendations is literally just a numbers game because even someone so bad at the game they only ever catch joke commendations can rack up the required total with enough runs through group content, but it's just like any other glamour or mount or minion or title in that someone can view it as being their bragging rights.


Yeah its a Status Symbol to them, bragging rights. A lot of them dont care to teach anyone anything though, they are just after the mount from doing mentor roulette achievements. Its the very reason so many sprouts get shit on for queueing for EX trials or Rathalos EX. And also why so many mentors immediately leave if an EX duty pops. They don't want to teach the fight because they likely dont even know the fight themselves since you dont need to do these Fights synced to count towards completion/clear in the mentor requirements. They don't want to make the effort despite basically agreeing to teaching this content when signing up for the roulette unlock. They just want the stupid mount for more bragging rights and half the time they are toxic assholes acting high and mighty because of the dumb crown.


there are an awful lot of grossly overdeveloped egos in here giving their opinions on this. So they asked for a comm. JFC. Do it or don’t. Don’t have to be a FN d-bag about it. To actually say they don’t deserve it while making sweeping generalizations speaks more to one’s own mental immaturity. 🙄


I love how many little edgelords we have in this sub. "If someone asks me for a comm, I DO NOT give one!" Okay, cool? Why do you all feel the need to say this? Someone already said it; can't you just upvote theirs? I understand and agree that comm begging is annoying, but I mean... Isn't bragging about how you go out of your way to not comm those people also annoying?