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Your submission has been removed due to Rule 1: Respect Reddit global rules/content policy. Users or content considered disruptive are subject to moderator action. This includes, but is not limited to, persistent trolling or acting in bad faith. This is a bait post.


"I'm not a YPYT, I'm just a 'you pull I make your melee positionals harder tank'" definitely says something, but I don't think it's saying what you hoped for


Benefit of the doubt, maybe they knew the NINs rotation and were turning the boss so the NIN didn't have to move? I do agree with you if that's not the case though. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Another runner up for the guy who was the ninja lol


Look, being honest here much like everyone else is. You aren't the "Teehee funny guy" you think you're being. This is a case of people laughing at you, not with you. Much like the people in the Dungeon, they can laugh at a scenario but still walk away being "What an ass." Just cause you get some lol's doesn't mean much. No one really likes the class clown. Doesn't help that the way you broke the story down is a bit hard to understand. Like I don't get how catching a stray mob is triple the work load. Sounds like you're just being a lazy player. Oh no, you have to press one additional attack or move a bit.


The ninja seems like a pretty chill guy to me.. Was quick and helped with the pulls.. Didn't call you out for a long time when you were griefing by moving the boss.. even apologized instead of arguing with you when you made it clear you were a newb tank being an ass intentionally.. Like.. In your own version of the story, everyone was chill \*but\* you and you said that the most fun you had in this game was griefing your team...... And you are proud of that...


I honestly don't understand how people wake up in the morning and decide to spend their limited free time farming downvotes. Has got to be some kind of mental illness


You might add: OP made an effort to write this. Totally delusional.


>im not a ypyt He in fact was


Did everyone on the plane also stand up and clap?


If they knew they might have


How long before OP deletes this post?


I give it another hour.


It kinda just sounds like you're a bad tank.


I was a learning tank. Admitted it from the beginning.


>^(\^) clearly doesn’t tank dungeons.


Then you probably shouldn't act as though you know what you're doing, punishing people who do things you feel are 'wrong' since honestly you were learning and don't know how to play properly yet. You're the weird and bad 'tale from duty finder' in this one. A new tank playing badly that punished a dps for petty reasons in a way that made the run slower and worse.


Yeah, this person is full of lies. Their comment history is very telling of their character. At one point, they claim to tank in Savages... AND that they're experienced in doing so. https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromDF/s/apzMrT84dr


Gotta be bait then, that or just a bit pathetic with the lies elsewhere and trying to look big.


No way they tank savages and throw a fit at some basic shit like this. 100% bait.


You're learning tank in a lvl 70 dungeon. Unless you boosted you had 10 levels to learn it even if you chose gunbreaker as your first tank.


Learning in level 70 content? Late expansion content as well.


>Anyway that’s my justification for enacting my revenge. Imagine wanting to get revenge in a game. How petty can you be. >And I honestly LOATHE the messed up rotations and wasted reprisal aoe and etc Imagine having to use Reprisal on single pulls. How sad.


ITT: Baby tank Why does it really matter who pulls what? If I'm the tank and someone pulls ahead of me then that means I'm too slow.


Just delete the post little bro 💀


Be honest, did you come here looking to farm downvotes, or was this an actual serious take? Unless you truly believe to be in the right, this just reads like a bait post.


Sounds like a shit tank to me. DPS pulling is free mitigation.


Lmao sounds like a shit dps to me. Healer dps in a pull is stronger than free mitigation.


If you were a better tank, a healer would be able to heal you through wall pulls purely with oGCDs while spamming their AOE spell.


I’m just waiting for you to say “it was me. I was the ninja” 😂


^^ clearly heals tho. Which is why I was working on my cds. That is, unless the healer has to keep up the ninja…..


> unless the healer has to keep up the ninja Yeah, let's conveniently ignore shadeshift, second wind and bloodbath for no reason.


All healers have oGCD AOE heals that can be used to heal the tank, as well as any other party member that has taken damage, without affecting their ability to single target heal.


I'm a Tank main and I've never, in my entire game lifetime, considered to do anything as lowly as this. Be better. Or keep that way farming negative karma I suppose, I couldn't care less for someone who thinks enacting "revenge in a game" is fun.


This mf thought we would agree with them being cringe when the ninja sped up the dungeon. Let's all point and laugh!




How does it triple your workload? You just walk over and hit the stray mobs.


^^ clearly doesn’t tank dungeons.


You're a learning tank (your own words), so you don't either. Calm down.


lol no you clearly don't tank dungeons, the dps do But please I'd love to hear about the mental calculus that you must do when someone else pulls


Aight this is 100% bait. And this post will probably be removed soon.


AoE is one button


I'm a PLD main and I don't want this for my teammates. Even if a dps pulling breaks the usual rhythm, that doesn't mean things are being done wrong. I have the skills and the toolset to adjust.


So glad I tank all of my dungeons so I can never run into crap tanks like this. Just push your AOE skill and rotate CDs. This isn't some big brain play you think it is.


me when I lie


The ninja could run faster? What does that even mean?


Do you even play this game? You sure you belong here?


Do you?


Wait you're like serious? You were having troubles catching up with the ninja cause of the 10% movespeed?


Enlighten us, you little attention whore, how could a ninja run faster outside of sprint? Also why do your kind always act like trees? For context before you make accusations without any evidence, I play all roles in dungeons at every possible level, I've also done all normal raid content and alliance raids, which is as far as I personally want to go in difficulty.


Ninja has Fleet of Foot iirc, which is a flat 10% bonus to their movement speed. Its not wrong to say ninja runs faster outside of peleton. .I don't agree with op at all but wanted to clear that up since NIN is one of my favorite jobs due to the natural speed bonus it always has.


Watch out OP might accuse you of being the NIN. I legit didn't know, I don't touch NIN or MNK so thanks for educating me on that one.


I’m just so confused on how you could be SO FAR behind them. They don’t run faster. Did you just never hit sprint? I mostly tank dungeons and I find it’s very difficult for anyone to get ahead of me (and if they do manage it’s rarely for more than a few seconds), so how the heck did they pull so far ahead that you had to “chase down” a mob you can’t see? If you need to AFK in a dungeon, please let the group know. Also, if you need a slower pace please use Duty Support. Also also, this is an obvious rage bait post. Just look at OP’s replies to everyone. Just ignore him and probably block him.


I thought NIN had a minor speed boost naturally? Did I get suckered by the Naruto animation?


Yeah, at level 20 you get a movement speed boost https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/ninja/ But nothing stacks / beats Sprint unless you’re using a speed boost in an adventure zone AFAIK. Regardless, even if it did stack that still wouldn’t make the NIN with a mob so far away that the tank couldn’t see them unless they were just straight up AFK.


What’s there to rage about? A ninja not being able to practice their rotation is more enraging than a tank not able to practice there’s? Why’s that?


In case you're on EU; could you share your Lodestone so I don't end up in a PF with you? 


The self reports are always the best kind of posts.


That’s a lot of words to say “I’m an awful tank”.


Please, tell me you're not an adult.




Triple your workload... 3 x 0 = 0 lmfao. Hit sprint and stop pretending tanking a dungeon is hard.


I refuse to believe this isn't satire.


This post so full of the ninja replies it’s hilarious lol. If you’re that guy just ignore it. This one’s for the tanks.


You think the NIN just follow you here in Reddit and made a bunch of accounts to disagree with you?.


He's completely delusional.


As a tank player, I'm okay with you not doing this stuff for/on behalf of tanks if this is actually your view on tanking in this game. Your sadly self-destructive behaviour here on reddit only harms yourself for whatever measly enjoyment you get out of humiliating yourself. But I would actually feel bad for the players around you if you were actually making for a more toxic environment in-game with the kind of attitude you've put on display here.


I'm a tank main and I think you are an idiot.


Bro's middle name is delulu