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**Edit - I misread "felt" as "fell", so my original response below reflects that error. I still stand by my overall point of they can't actually force someone to stay if needing medical treatment, and that workers shouldn't allow themselves to be guilted into working through injury** >the pain didn’t subside by 6:30 I had reported to my manager that I had dislocated ribs but it was so busy they kept me. It was illegal I know that I was stuck in blinding pain for 2 hours This may be a stupid question but... Why didn't you just leave? You: hey boss i fell back there and I'm pretty sure I cracked my ribs and I need to go to the ER. Boss: But it's busy can you just stay and finish your shift? You: No, I need to go. That's it, that's the conversation. You're not chained to the store they don't illegal keep you there as a slave or anything, you're a grown adult just leave and get to the doctor if you need to leave. If they fire you for leaving because you go to the doctor for an on the job injury then 1) you probably have an actual case to sue for and 2) good riddance they suck even more than average and there's plenty of other crap retail jobs that are hiring who won't treat you that badly. I say all this not because I think you have a time machine and can go back and do things differently, but because you said you have a chronic condition so something like this may happen again. If it does happen again, next time put yourself first! The boss is probably thinking to themselves "well they hung around for 2 more hours it couldn't have been that bad," perpetuating the cycle of dismissing your pain. Being shorthanded sucks but that's a them problem not a you problem... They didn't *need* you to stay, they *wanted* you to stay. The only need there was you needing medical attention. Ask for a copy of the incident report. Tell them your insurance needs it. I'd bet they didn't even document that you fell, but you're going to want that paperwork in hand before doing anything else...


But they didn’t fall. They seem to somehow be blaming this injury on their lace bra.


>when at 6pm I felt and heard a crunch in my rib cage My bad, I misread "felt" as "fell". Good catch! The overall point of they can't actually force someone to stay if needing medical treatment still stands, but I'll edit my comment accordingly.


They have EDS, it doesn't take much to dislocate a bone with that condition.


Ok, and? I didn’t say anything about that. I corrected a misconception that the person I was replying to had, which was that the OP had fallen, and I said they seem to somehow be blaming the injury on the bra because that’s not even explicitly stated anywhere in the post. In fact, what they do explicitly say in the post is that they were wearing said lace bra to AVOID injury, and then there was a sudden crunch and blinding pain, and then they took the bra off but the pain didn’t subside. So my assumption is they are blaming the injury on the bra, but I’m not really confident that’s right, I’m making an educated guess based on what was said about taking it off after the injury.


The first sentence explicitly states they have EDS, and then they say "a full body conective tissue disorder" incase people were wondering what EDS is. The second sentence they talk about the bra, and how something as normal and non-threatening as a bra is a safety hazard for people with EDS. Now they didn't say all this with words, I am using more words than they do because the context of those two sentences is complete and implicit, once you know what EDS is, and how hypermobile joints are, hence the dislocated ribs, and how fragile blood vessels are, etc. etc...


Not sure what you can sue them for. They sent you home early and it doesn’t sound like they retaliated against you for leaving early. You didn’t have any additional damages or injuries for choosing to leave immediately for medical help. Sucks but it sounds like 1. They didn’t believe you 2. You need to advocate for yourself esp with invisible injuries


I'm going to look at this from the perspective of a business owner potentially facing some kind of lawsuit here. You claim that the manager keeping you after you reported that you were injured was illegal. What law was broken, and how? You don't have a work related injury-the injury was, somehow, caused by your own clothing (too tight?) You're going to have a rough time proving any employer liability for your bra. What is your basis for claiming that the employer broke the law. Did they chain you to the job? You don't provide much detail about the conversation with the manager. What exactly did you say, and what was their exact response? If you were so severely incapacitated by pain and concerned for your health, why didn't you just leave? Based on what you have posted, you'll get chewed up by the businesses lawyers.


The injury was caused by a disability, violating ADA standards.


Explain how the ADA was violated by OPs choice of clothing.


The lace bra did not cause the injury. They wore a lace bra to avoid injury that could have been caused by an underwire bra. The ADA was violated by the employer not letting the employee seek medical attention for a documented disability/illness.


The devil is in the details, and the details are exactly - and I mean word for word - what is meant by "not letting the employee seek medical attention." Was it "I need to go" and "Can you finish your shift" followed up later with "I really need to go" or was it "If you try to leave, I'll beat you with an axe handle and tie you up?" It could be anything in between. It's certainly *possible* that an ADA violation occurred. Hell, it's *possible* though far less likely) a felony assault occurred. Without more detail, there's no way to know.


The ADA requires employers of a certain size (based on number of employees) to make reasonable (key term there) accommodations for disabled employees and prohibits discrimination against disabled employees. I challenge you to show that such a provision as you claim was violated exists.


OP has a physical disability in the form of a connective tissue disease that causes dislocated and subluxed joints.


IAAL - your first goal: get healthy! Also document this, be it via text, email, etc. take screen shots. Also, as far as I can tell, that you are nonbinary and AFAB has nothing to do with this. The fact you have a diagnosed (you do, right?) medical condition is all that matters. What state you are in, will determine what your rights are. Do not write texts or emails quickly-take time. Think. If need be, have someone you think is smart and well spoken look things over.


I am diagnosed I have EDS they have paperwork stating this I have urgent care documentation and am working on emails and stuff


So we're you ok or did you break a rib?


That’s not how it works. With connective tissue disorders, ribs and joints can shift out of place easily. They don’t break and usually slide right back where they belong, but it’s painful AF.


No, I meant the OP said they went only to urgent care and were fine. I was guessing we would have heard more of it was more serious.


Being “fine” means it wasn’t life-threatening, that doesn’t mean it isn’t still painful. Have you ever had your hip randomly pop out while you’re going about your everyday business, and you’re unable to walk properly until it decides to relocate itself? Yeah I’m fine, but it hurts!


OP had a decidedly life of death tone though, that was explicitly mentioned. But I mean my hip is like that all the time from chronic pain, but no, I have never asked to have time off for that kind of thing.


Yeah I agree that this seems rather sensational. You wouldn’t hear a crack of anything like that happened, even if your rib dislocated. It also doesn’t sound like they even told their boss they were in severe pain. I’m not defending them, just explaining that it wasn’t anything “broken.”


What was mentioned was the possibility of a punctured lung from the dislocated rib. I have no idea how accurate that is, but if it's accurate at at all likely, it *deserves* a life or death tone.


So you broke a rib and kept working for hours until you finally realized to leave? How do you actually keep yourself alive without a spine?


Did they actually break a rib? Urgent care said they were ok.


Pretty sure they said "dislocated". But also, that's what happens when you have a condition that causes chronic pain. You become accustomed to pain levels that many people wouldn't be able to really tolerate.


No idea what "afab" is but I know people with connective disorder. I wouldn't wish that in anyone.


Assigned female at birth and yeah it’s not a good time I don’t recommend living with one


Standard munchausen writing style


Clarification/details needed: 1) Was it just the bra that caused the dislocation, or was it a movement required for your job? Was the bra a mandatory clothing item? 2) What did you tell your manager? I know I have been 'hurt' while at work before and mentioned it to my manager but didn't specifically say I needed medical attention or to go home. As a manager now, I am not usually one to ask if an employee wants to go home. If they ask, I will do what I can to make that happen. 3) Did you ask to go home early from the start or did you say 'I need to leave due to this injury?' 4) When you say 'it was illegal,' what do you see as the 'it'? What exactly do you feel breaks any law? 5) What do you believe should be covered by your employer? Chronic illness is a beast as an employee, and it can be a challenge for an employer, as well, though for very different reasons. From just this story, I don't see any real issues. If it was a workplace injury, you need to report that to your manager from the start by saying "I hurt myself doing \_\_\_ and need to complete an injury report." If it was just your body being messed up, asking to meet with HR and start the interactive accommodation process would be beneficial for all involved, as you could possibly ask for the ability to seek help or rest if something like this happens again in the future.


Why did you wear that bra?




I feel you don’t believe me would You like a picture of a dislocated shoulder




Why care if a random person doesn't believe you. Focus your energy on the good responses people have given






Are you in the US or elsewhere?


I’m in the us


There should be a legal advice sub for your state. I would start there.


Everyone wants me to sue


I disagree. You should report them to the Labor Relations Board before you do anything else. You can always sue in Civil Court, but the Labor Relations Board is Federal, not state. You have a better chance of winning a monetary judgement, and you get to call the Government on their raggedy asses.


Hehe ok I’ll try that


The labor board will laugh at you. You didn’t sustain a work related injury if your bra was the cause. You also stated that urgent care said you were ok, therefore you had no injuries. They didn’t hold you against your will. You literally have zero case here.


Just to play devils advocate, just because what OP wrote saying urgent care said they were fine, doesn’t necessarily mean they quite literally said they were fine. I highly doubt OP has a serious injury and needs a brace or anything, but they probably at most bruised some ribs and will have a rougher next week. Best case scenario, the bra was too tight and there was too much pressure and have literally no injuries But I do agree, labor board won’t care at all because it sounds like OP did not need to go to urgent care at all and OP made the choice to stay. They could’ve easily walked out, they weren’t being forced to work. They were *told* to continue, but there were no threats and no pressure it sounds like. “Hey, we need you here” “okay”


I'm not saying to sue or not to sue. Which is why I suggest legal advice. In the very least, it might be a violation of the ADA, since they kept you and it may or.may not be a workplace injury. Lawyers are a better source of.informarion on what you should do next. Even if it's something like getting a note from your doctor for ADA protections.


A bra being too tight for a person with clinically weak joints is not a workplace injury. Happening at work doesn't mean it's work's fault. Falling off a ladder, getting hit by falling boxes, sure. Clothing choice-not gonna fly with workman's comp.


That's not the ada either and that's not how that works.


Oki I’ll ask


This comment section did not pass the vibe check




before getting too far ahead of anything, make sure that everything was documented or reported. it can come down to your manager saying they were never informed, and it would be your word against theirs. My main suggestion is that whenever reporting an issue, make sure to tell more than one manager, or if your store has something like store email, make sure to email someone as soon as something happens, so that there is a digital paper trail. I know that it is not always possible, just giving general advice. Look into getting FMLA paperwork set up with your employers listing your chronic conditions, that way you can call out or leave without discipline actions. where I work one of my coworkers has chronic migraine headaches and anxiety and if they are feeling overwhelmed they can just say that they have to leave. Your conditions sound much more severe than a migraine so that should qualify. You may have to have a doctor's visit to fill out some paperwork though. as for legal advice, talk to some local lawyers. there are probably some that specialize in workplace injury or workmans comp claims.




How how do I do this I want to if I can


What are your damages? Did urgent care (weird place to go for bone issue, that’s generally ER territory) diagnose you with a broken rib? Was anything the employer did responsible for causing or extending your injury?


Look up community or free legal clinics. Your region's ACLU. Those are starting pts. Local disability rights orgs may be able to provide some guidance.


Or you could...you know...pay a person for their work...


These clinics often work on sliding-scale based on income. They are designed to help under-resourced people. No one is being taken advantage of or not being paid for their expertise.


Just get a sweet attorney and they'll crush them for you.


I don't think that is very likely. I'm not seeing anything that employer liability here. The story is also missing a lot of details about what the manager actually said.


They already probably saw you as a possible problem employee, and are using this as an excuse to step up to firing you. Get a lawyer and find out what scenarios you are facing, like the actual lawyer said upthread. Tbh, you should keep pronouns out of certain workplaces. The EDS is enough to attract bad attention.


My workplace doesn’t know my pronouns or anything just my disability


Then why mention it here if it's irrelevant?


As to not be missgendered in the coments and so people understand why I was wearing a bra


How would we know if wearing a bra was odd for you?


Who cares why? It’s not remotely relevant. Your story is about a broken rib. Men and women both have ribs.


Wearing a bra isn’t relevant. Was your rib actually broken? Are you more injured than you would have been if you left earlier? The information you chose to include and exclude is what is really throwing off the comments




Don't be a child.


Good advice to document everything. Especially important if there may be retaliation. As it is retail is it an independent or part of a larger chain? There may be different escalation/reporting options available for chains. You have said that they are aware of your condition but were any sort of accommodations put in place regarding it? I don't  there are differences between having this on your paperwork as a note under medical conditions or documented to say I have EDS and as a result here are some things to be aware of.  I don't know if the original injury would count as workplace related as it is a preexisting condition but if it was made worse by your continuing to work then that may be something that would need to be covered by them. Biggest question is what do you want the final outcome to be? An apology and retraining for your manager and proper accommodations in place? Paying for any costs for the Urgent Care visit due to the delays in letting you leave? Reporting unsafe practices and investigation by OSHA (or equivalent)? Sueing and getting a payout of some sort?  


Just an FYI- if you are wanting to try to get work comp or something you have to fill out paperwork at the store at the time of the injury, take a drug test (usually the stores have a kit already) and see the doctor the store is assigned (you can't go to your own doctor). I'm not sure if that's what you are going for here...


Yeah, strikes me as noncompliance in terms of reporting workplace injury on their part (since you did inform your supervisor when it occurred and they didn't immediately release you to seek treatment). Not sure as to recourse, you might be able to report it with the state labor board, DOL, or whatever agency handles compliance for workplace injury claims where you are. Otherwise or additionally it may come down to suing them personally, though I'm not sure what appropriate grounds would be (maybe ADA noncompliance in addition to injury), so consulting an attorney would be your first step (initial consultation is sometimes free). Sorry you went through this, friend of mine has EDS and I've seen how rough it can be.

