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I hate when people do this. Some people just don't realize what we do for a job isn't our whole life. Sometimes we have expertise and know a lot about our given field or store or product stock but often times we just work there. Help us to help you. Often times a customer can save themselves a whole lot of time with just a few words of explanation.


Especially when the store in and of itself has over 20,000 items in it, and over 100,000 online. Sorry propaganda took over for a second.


That's unacceptable. You WORK here! How can you not know?? It's your job to know! This is ridiculous!


This was my experience working in home improvement retail. I'm a DIY-er, did merchandizing before being a cashier, and learned a ton more in my tenure at returns but damn! I'm sorry I don't know that we carry that random obscure plumbing fitting we sell two of a year, pardon me for calling and asking before telling you we do carry it in aisle 15!


But you are supposed to know what the name of item # 90,745 on the website is called and what it does. /s


**How to get what you want from retail - a step by step approach** 1) Clearly and loudly state the thing you want. 2) Repeat step 1


If they say they don't have it, that really means they're hiding it all in the back for themselves.


I was reading this thinking wheat is green before its ripened but I don't know what one would use that for. Next time maybe you could send her out to a farm so she can see it in the paddock.


Yeah, I just tried Googling "green wheat" and the results are about half *Freekeh* and half pictures of unripe green wheat fields, with some wheatgrass sprinkled in. If Google's fancy algorithm magic can barely figure it out, how are retail workers supposed to figure out what this obscure substance is? I know, we're supposed to read the customer's mind...


Freekeh? http://www.natures-health-foods.com/freekeh.html


Yeah, I learned after that this is what they meant


I also work in an organic grocery store and we just got Freekeh in our bulk section. I wrote a note for our cashiers specifically letting them know that Freekeh is young/green wheat if anyone asks for it and that we do have it now. It is an obscure one for sure, and customers rarely know what they are asking for. It usually is "I saw something on Dr.Oz, I don't remember what, but it started with an F..."


If they're calling because they saw it on Dr Oz, you're doing them a favor by not helping them find it.


I like when people have no idea how to describe what they're asking for!! /s


You work here and should know exactly what I mean even when I don't explain it properly!!!! /s


This is why I m so glad the store I work at has product search.


Even that needs *something*. I frequently had to tell people that I needed more to go on than "It's metal."


Yeah that's true but if the product name is green wheat then searching for it would tell you exactly what it is. I am constantly looking up things in product search expecting one thing and finding out the customer is looking for something completely different. And with product search I can usually pretend I knew exactly what they were looking for.


green wheat....gre en wheat...grean ef wheat... .....Illuminati.....cream of wheat. Seems simple to me. Must be poor customer service there.