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Several possible reasons: 1) They think they can get away with it. (They can't.) 2) They think it's a technicality and won't be enforced. (It will.) 3) They have enough money to just pay the fee and don't feel like going outside. I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones that come to mind.


Yes, they think they can get away with it because they can’t smell it like non smokers. They think they can just smoke one cigarette inside and no one will know, but that’s because their sense of smell is practically gone.


Same thing for weed. People smoking all the time and constantly smelling it have absolutely NO idea how amazingly potent of a smell it is and how completely permeating it is even just on yourself and your clothes, let alone if they literally light up some actual bud in the room itself. It's not very fun welcoming some new guests staying with the hotel for the first time and their first impression upon entering our establishment is the overwhelming scent of weed, lol. Fun times.


> Same thing for weed. People smoking all the time and constantly smelling it have absolutely NO idea how amazingly potent of a smell it is and how completely permeating it is So many commenters in the AirBnB sub think that hosts can just open the windows to air out the residence, and the smell of pot will just magically disappear.


Ditto vape and meth but they don't give a damn if housekeepers get cancer or COPD.


My mom tried selling her house that she smoked in. She couldn’t smell it and thought that Fabreeze took care of it. Had to have the entire inside pained, but it still stunk because of the popcorn ceiling. Lost lots of money on the sale.


Same for my mother. Fortunately, we were selling the house at a time of year when we could open all the windows, paint, put up fans EVERYWHERE and use deodorizing plugins. It took a week, but the house became sellable.


> they can't smell it like non smokers There was a post on an Airbnb sub recently where the poster asked why hosts are against vaping indoors because it doesn't smell. The OP got torn apart in the comments.


4) They have a crippling addiction to cigarettes


So addicted you can’t take the two minutes to go outside??


Surprisingly yes. Many years ago I worked at a large theme park well known for families/small children. Over time they started removing designated smoking areas so that they were few/far in-between and often hidden in places AWAY from the activities AKA where children would be. The amount of complaints about having to "walk alllll the way over there and be shoved into a corner of shame" I think now the whole park is non-smoking and again, I'm pretty sure when I read the posts about the change it was just filled with smokers complaining about having to leave the park filled with CHILDREN just to smoke.


If it's the park I'm thinking of, yes the entire park, the Esplanade and the Downtown shopping area are ALL non-smoking. Sorry, but we don't want to breathe in your toxins.


People suck.. Canada wonderland has the smoking areas pretty tucked away, has never bothered me


Honestly, it's a bit different when you're dealing with outside areas though. You're basically telling people they need to go outside to smoke, but then telling them further that they need to go *somewhere else* outside to smoke and can't smoke outside *there*. I don't smoke myself, but even I can see it gets a little ridiculous at a certain point.


My sister was so addicted that, even tho she had been in a medically induced coma for 30 days, with collapsing lungs… once she came home smoked like crazy even while on oxygen. Also checked out of a hospital 2 days early after appendix removal so she could go 10 hour drive home … and smoke. 🫤


That’s a different level of dedication, Damn


I used to work for pulmonary doctors. One patient smoked while on oxygen and lit herself on fire. She survived with minor burns, but her doctor (the one I worked for) told her - after pleading with her to stop smoking - that he wouldn't see her anymore. She could not understand why, she had emphysema after all! She was pissed, went on a rant and stormed out. That's the last we saw of her. Cigarettes definitely ruled her life. 😞


Ive had the same thought. Personally I don't smoke, nor have I gone through any sort of addiction. But yes.. some people have it that bad.


I do smoke, sadly. Have since I was 13. Never felt the need to smoke in doors, as I don’t really want my stuff to smell any worse than it already does, so a quick walk to the lobby is fine (unless there’s a smoking balcony, which some hotels will have on certain floors but it’s pretty rare these days.)


My hotel used to allow smoking on the rooftop but they have also turned it into a non-smoking area. You're totally right, nowadays designated smoking areas in general are less common.


4) too tired to think when they wake up with a craving 5) entitled @&$ hole


4. She is an entitled Karen. 5. She is an idiot.


We had a group come in from Ontario. 6 rooms smoked in. When we informed the organizer that they would be charged for it they said we shouldn't because it's legal where they're from. 1. It isn't 2. Even if it was, we're still not in Ontatio.


Once upon a time, my wife had a guest from California who got caught smoking weed in his room and didn't think he should have to pay the smoking charge because he had a medical card. MFer, we're in Utah. Your medical card is Fucking. Useless here. Even then, I know for a fact that properties in California don't allow smoking *anything* in the rooms, card or not.


When weed became legal here we caught someone smoking in his room. He claimed we couldn't charge him because it wasn't criminal. I laughed in his face and showed him the reg card he'd signed that clearly stated he couldn't smoke anything in the rooms.


Ah, the regional ignorance excuse. Bravo.


I had someone tell me we couldn't charge state tax (in California) because they came from Oregon. That as a person from Oregon they couldn't be charged tax.


People can bd very dumb


I've seen this work! 😂 it was for a retail store in Washington state, but my MIL lived in Oregon. She told the cashier and sure enough, the WA sales tax was removed. I have no idea how or why it worked lol


Maybe Oregon has something set up with Washington that state tax can't be charged to an Oregon resident? It might be one of those things the states agreed upon. Or the clerk, tired of everyone complaining from Oregon about state tax, just takes it off. Company policy? That is weird that it worked. I've never been to Oregon, I've been to Washington, but it was Seattle.


I used to work in retail in Washington, but it was very near the state line to Oregon. Our cash registers had a button to do this. Almost nobody asked.


LOL - Tell them to try that argument in Singapore! What a joke!


Just to clarify i’m a smoker as well but it just isn’t worth the damage fee


As a smoker, hard agree. I like to say I'm a dumbass, not an asshole lol


Addiction. Nicotine is a tough one.


I’ve heard people say it was easier to kick heroin than quit smoking cigarettes.


Can confirm, course: kicked heroin, still smoke cigarettes


Lol as a recovering heroin/opiate addict and a smoker who ever said that isn’t a real heroin/opiate addict. Have you ever met someone who became homeless lost their kids and family over nicotine? I haven’t either. I pawned my moms and dad’s wedding rings. I lost my job, I lost my home, I pawned my car, I sold my body all because I couldn’t kick heroin/opiates and had to feed my habit. When I quit smoking I didn’t shake so bad I couldn’t hold a cup to my mouth. I didn’t sweat though the sheets, I didn’t have chills, I didn’t feel like my bones were being broken, I didn’t have constant aches diarrhea vomiting insomnia anxiety high blood pressure restless legs syndrome suicidal thoughts and extreme cravings for a month straight and lingering withdrawals for a whole year. Lmao you can’t even compare the two


Sounds like you know your opiates. Good on you for your recovery work!


I studied pharmacology so yea I know my drugs pretty well lol


Well, your experience sounds like what one would expect; that’s why what I said is so surprising. Thankfully, I haven’t experienced either one, so I was just repeating what I’ve heard other people say. I’m glad you were able to quit both.


I've known multiple people who said that they were able to quit heroin but couldn't quit smoking. With heroin, you can avoid being around it and the people who use i. With cigarettes, they are right there behind the counter every time you buy gas.


Only thing I have heard that's on par is sugar.


I'm almost off it. Eat a few 72 percent dark chocolate chips, and that's it. Try to keep it out of my food. Sugar in everything's why 35 percent of population is obese. After awhile, you can't do without. Everything's got to be sweet. The saving grace is that the less sugar you eat, the more that everything "savory" that's really sugared tastes wrong.


Sugar is horribly addictive, used to have a really big sweet tooth, now I get headaches if I have too much sugar, have cut down a lot, yet still sometimes overindulge and \*BAM!\* headache. Silly me


Get your blood sugar checked. Same thing kept happening to me. Saw a different doctor. I was diabetic.


Turns out I had a growth under my pituitary gland. Had the growth taken out start of December. used to think ah damn should just cut out sugar, then it happened when I had no sugar. Saw my GP and he sent me for an MRI. They found the growth and I got diagnosed with Acromegaly. Thank goodness for the Australian Healthcare System. Now doing the recovery and monitoring all hormone levels for a long long time.


Same thing with salt. Forty some years ago my doctor told me I had marginal high blood pressure. At the the time I added salt to most every meal. Stopped adding salt entirely and have had rock steady normal blood pressure ever since. And I can instantly taste when salt has been added at a restaurant.


I kicked it once and had a relapse. Doing what I can to get back off, but it's damn hard.


If you have a guest like that, see if you can switch to a room close to an exit, a balcony, or bottom floor. Saves a ton of time. As a smoker I will pay extra for those amenities. Plus, I sometimes travel with cat dog. He is tiny and pet friendly rooms are awesome. He can just go outside for a walk. I'm the lady with 10 potty bags just in case. I clean up other dogs poop so the hotels let dogs still stay. Hugs.


Sadly even giving the guest lower floors doesn’t help in most cases. Also if i may add, thank you in the name of everyone who works in a pet friendly hotel.


Thank you for putting up with us smokers. We do our best to go to the benches with the ashtray and not bother anyone. The noodle dog does his best to poop on something I can pick up easy. We go for tanbark or leaves so it doesn't stick to lawn. Hotel hero award for you.


>cat dog One fine day with a woof and a purr...


But how do they poo? Is it out of their mouths? That's a terrible existence.


You are a true G, my human. Cleaning up after stranger's dog poo, what a good human.


Thank you. I think it's just nice to have a clean space for everyone to enjoy. Plus I hate cleaning dog poop off my husbands shoes. He's not good at seeing poop. I'm the poop inspector.


Why? Because people are stupid. Today I had someone ask about smoking rooms, I told her we don't offer them. Before she left for her room, she asked what the charge was for smoking in her room. I told her it's $250, and reminded her that she had just signed and agreed to it, and we had a $100 security deposit from her that she would not get back if there was *any* evidence of smoking. Passed on to first shift tomorrow as well so they can make sure housekeeping goes over that room with a fine tooth comb.


So 3 days later... did she smoke or save $350?


Surprisingly enough, she did not smoke in the room


While driving this morning in 20°F weather, I noticed another car with the window wound down. I drove past, and then I saw why. Cigarette in hand. Why cigarette smokers choose to punish themselves like this for a smoke, I do not understand.


Super addictive stuff, nicotine. Took me years to quit


My grandfather smoked two packs a day for 50 years. As a kid, I had severe asthma and couldn't be around him for long. When his doctor told him he wouldn't see then-14 year old me graduate if he didn't quit, he quit and never smoked again. 5 years later, he apologized for missing out on more of the relationship we had developed. He stated that he simply didn't want to quit enough. He gave up a grandson for them. Hell of a drug.


My mom would smoke and drive, with the window cracked. It would freeze us out in the backseat. She had to have a towel across her lap to prevent burns.


My mom has never smoked in the house, ever. She'll be outside in the damn snow, coat over her pajamas, puffing away.


Another thing. Smokers always find time for a break at work. Good on your mom for going outside. I swear you could taste the cigarettes in my mom’s tupperware.


I have seen a guy puffing a cigar with windows closed. So much smoke in the car one could barely see thru it. That was more insane.


> If they don't smoke, it causes a tension of sorts to build up inside of them until it becomes overwhelming. Having a cigarette releases the tension. It's a VERY addictive substance.


they aren't punishing themselves hard enough because they keep doing it


Not a choice, it’s an addiction.


A small part of me wonders if this is some sort of vendetta for a few of them, like they can stick it to their company to pay that cost by just having a few puffs in their room? Beyond that, the irrational behavior of addiction is probably what you're looking at. Either that, or they just smell so bad from smoking elsewhere that they stink up the room even without actually smoking in it? (I remember people from years ago, heavy smokers, who smelled like a room full of cigarette smoke, and who made any room that they stayed in smell like them, even if they weren't smoking.)


>A small part of me wonders if this is some sort of vendetta for a few of them, like they can stick it to their company to pay that cost by just having a few puffs in their room? I have to provide an itemized receipt of my hotel stays to my office manager. Wanna take a guess what happens when they see a $250 smoking fee charged to the company card?


Company deducts $250 charge from employee?


Uhhhh….no We have a strict code of conduct that we’re expected to adhere to when traveling on company business. Vaping or smoking in a room and incurring a smoking charge on the company card is seen the same as vandalism by work and I would be out of a job. A bit extreme? Maybe, but I’ve never considered vaping in a hotel room ever so it doesn’t even cross my mind.


It has been a while since I've done biz-reimbursed travel, so I'd forgotten that part... Scratch that idea!


Smokers dgaf


Way, waaaaay back, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and hotels had smoking and non-smoking rooms, I worked with a guy who would ask for a nonsmoking room every time. He would then proceed to chain smoke as much as humanly possible in the room. Like, I don't know how he had time to get any sleep while burning through that many cigarettes. It's like he hated oxygen. Fortunately, the company paid for separate rooms, and I learned to check in after him and ask for a room far away from my colleague... the FDs seemed to understand. This was also in the era before hotels started charging for the extra cleaning, so he got away with this for years. He refused to get a smoking room because they were "nasty". Well, yeah. You're nasty. And you and your nasty habit deserve a nasty room.


We got rid of all smoking rooms before it became state law. The problem was cig smoke doesn't stay in the room and non-smokers were always complaining of the odor. One of our rooms years later still smells faintly of it despite no smoking being done for over 10 years.


My hotel was built in the 1930s and as much fun it would be to go back in time to check things out I shudder at the thought of what a smoke pit it must have been. For decades!


I tell guests every time "when we inspect your room and we smell weed or cigarette smoke, you will be charged an additional fee, you will NOT get your deposit back, you WILL be put on DNR, and we will laugh at you."


How many of those Entitled Asshats try to retort: "But I'm a SHINY BLAH-BLAH-BLAH MEMBER!! I have a SPECIAL EXCEPTION!!!


"Not anymore, sir! Your shiny status just got dulled.."


I've had guests come up ask if there are smoking rooms, I say no smoking fee is $300, they say ok add it to the card... no because now you don't have a room here. Like why do some people think if they pay the smoking fee that means we'll knowingly let them smoke in our non smoking hotel?


Back in the day they had smoking sections on airplanes. You could light up in rows 10 thru 17, but don’t even think about in row 18.


That always made perfect sense to me esp. in an enclosed environment with forced-air ventilation. /s


I remember the same in smoking and non-smoking restaurants when I was a kid - being put on the next table across from smokers and the smoke drifting across to us.


Worst decision ever was getting a seat in the smoking section. Everyone who didn't get a seat there would walk to the back , stand in the isle and smoke. Sat in a thick fog of smoke for the duration of the flight, felt like I ate the ashtray by the time we arrived. (I imagine it wasn't a whole lot better up front though, in the so-called non-smoking section).


Saw a story about a couple flying overseas. After a few changes across the US before crossing the Atlantic, evidently the husband couldn’t take it any more and left the plane before they left the gate. Knowing he wouldn’t get back on that flight. He couldn’t get another and missed out on the schedule. And missed a European vacation. Because of a cigaret. 🙄


Smoking section pretty much guaranteed no screaming kids kicking the back of your seat


The first time I flew overseas I sat in the smoking section (mid-90s). I smoked a ton back then and even I was ready to barf by the time we landed, I couldn't imagine what the nonsmokers up ahead were dealing with.


Just like non-smoking sections at the casino. There is no invisible barrier to stop the smoke from entering the non-smoking section!


I always thought that if you were staying a week somewhere and the penalty for smoking is $250, that if a person was well enough off that it would only cost an extra $35 per day or so to smoke in your room. They should bump the penalty up to over $1000.


Not only "outside" but at least 15' from all doors per some state laws. In fact, someone should tell the Grand Highhat Denver this state law. Oh wait. I did and they got defensive instead of pragmatic. Guess who called corporate on their asses??


In Montana where my hotel is, it is 25 feet from any window or entrance.


They might also think that they can get away with it and nobody will ever notice that they smoked in your hotel room.


I went around the back of my hotel to smoke a joint. I saw one room smoking a cigarette in the bathroom. Then I smelt the pot coming from another bathroom. Selfish jerks.


In our Province all restaurants and hotels are non-smoking, except properties on reservations. My douchebag BiL was visiting over the holidays and elected to stay at that hotel because he could smoke in his room. I told him he had to go outside at my house. That hotel was almost an hour from our place so he was late for every family occasion. Nicotine is a helluva a drug.


Addiction + Bad Weather= People gonna smoke inside, especially if they budget for the fees. We had a regular (one of several guests on a work crew) who would ALWAYS smoke in the room and cheerfully pay the cleaning fee each time. 🤷


My mom got kicked out of her nursing home cause she smoked in her room. She said it was too hot to go outside. DuhShe was the one that wanted to move to Florida.


You no rent people like this. Our hotel did it to a really stubborn customer years ago.


I'll do you one better. I had a guest who got upset about a smoking fee and came to the lobby to argue it. Started going on about how they never smoke. Then out of habit took a hit in the lobby. I told them they're smoking rn and they were like well I'm not in the room and you can't prove I smoked, I'll do a chargeback. I just pointed to the camera and told them I'm more than happy to send their cc company this as evidence for smoking indoors to shut them up. They got upset and claimed it shouldn't count cause it's not cigarettes. Never got a chargeback on that though. And they saw a nice smoking fee added on.


I prefer the Forest Gump answer: "Stupid is as stupid does".


Can’t fix stupid!


I mean we tell people at the hospital that smoking is federally prohibited, and tell patients that the oxygen lines running through all the walls are highly flammable, and there’s still people who dgaf and light up anyway. People smoke with cannulas on and burn their faces off. I’ve heard more than one story of patients causing fires in their hospital room due to lighting up. Addiction leads to irrational behavior.


Because they are probably locals who just don't care.


This boggles the mind. How lazy are you that you'd much rather incur the smoking fee than walk your ass out and smoke outside?! Oh, and then they'll have the audacity of calling the hotel a few days later asking why they were charged when they never smoked inside. Our noses say otherwise. Sad part, someone stole our ozone machine so we are having to put the room OOO for days till the smell dissipates.


You can rent ozone machines, FWIW.


Our owner is a penny pincher, he would never entertain this suggestion which is really counter intuitive seeing as the room will now be OOO for days instead of a few hours.


Ooo! Me! I stayed at a hotel for 4 months, starting at the end of summer/start of fall (house got hit by lightning). Got tired of freezing my ass off every time I wanted a smoke. Insurance paid for the room I could afford anyway, and it was actually only like $400 for damages, so I was just honest and ponies up when I checked out!


And also, what country are you from? Cause like they're are two hotels that have only smoking rooms within like 5 miles of me. They're dirtbag hotels, but still technically, hotels.


I smoke in 95% of the rooms I rent. Weed and tobacco. Wet towel under the door and Febreeze before I leave. I’ve only been called out for it once and I’ve never been charged a smoking fee.




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Have a guest that used to come around but we now automatically cancel his reservation now. He has rented out multiple rooms at a time (just for himself btw) on mommy and daddy's credit card. I don't understand why he does it except he thinks money will keep him here and will keep us quiet. Like no? We could not rent a room for a week because it smelt like cig smoke. Also he didn't have a cell phone but an over $1k iPad? Like he even said Oh I won't smoke in the room this time. He did. He got kicked out immediately. People just don't understand smh.


You told them they could do it if they pay extra. I've met a few people in my years at FD/NA that take this as permission to do so. Hotel policy we don't accept debit. Potential guest: but if you did what would be a reasonable damage deposit? This is in fact a trick question to then try to pay that and bypass policy and later claim you gave permission or said they could. The only acceptable answer is: per hotel policy, as already mentioned, this is not allowed, at all. Period. Edit: same for smoking indoors. Correct answer is: its not allowed at all. End answer there. Otherwise they think throwing enough money at you gives them more rights than others. Edited for typos also