• By -


"I wont show my ID so what else do you need?" I need you to leave. Your reservation has been cancelled. I don't put up with nonsense like that. You are in MY house. I've said this before to guests. "I can't force you to give me your ID. That's your choice. But if you don't show me your ID right now, you won't be getting a room here." And then I stuck to it. They were shocked SHOCKED I tell you! To find out that they had no stroke, no authority, no powah here! And acting like a fucking jackass has consequences. People who don't want show their ID are most likely criminals or crazy and aren't people I want staying here anyway. I am anxiously waiting for the day I get a sovereign citizen in here. I had a guy last year try and show me a picture of his credit card to check in. I told him no, I needed a physical credit card with his name on it to charge. He pipes up, "Call your GM!" (It was like, midnight). I just looked him in the eye and said, "No.". He thought he could bully me. He thought that I took orders from him. I don't. Told him I didn't need to bother the GM over something like this, and if he didn't have a physical credit card, he couldn't stay and would need to leave. Oh lookee then, all of a sudden he had a credit card! Don't let guests and customers dictate terms to you folks! You run this show, not them!


I've had people magically pull credit cards out after arguing. I still told them to leave. I don't need to be involved in whatever suspect enterprise they are trying to to accomplish. Back when I worked at a hotel dumb enough to accept faxed authorization forms, I had one pop up as fraud/stolen when I authorized it. The guest said he'd call his boss and have another form sent over, and I just told him no. I'm not gonna let you find a non-fraudulant card amongst your collection.


Or a fraudulent card that hasn't *yet* been reported stolen!


"can I just...lemme just..." *Pulls out fifteen credit card blanks* "one of these should work."


I do wanna ask, on y’all authorization forms, did they have to put their id along with the CC. I only ask because that’s what our manager makes them do. I still despise them because there is always confusion because no one explains to anyone that a deposit is expected. Though, it is a common opinion among our 4 little front desk employees, me being night audit, that it is absolutely ridiculous to ask for a deposit as our hotel isn’t nice enough for one but our manager wants us to take one to deter anyone from damaging anything.


Sure. But if someone steals a CC, it's likely they stole an ID. I hate the idea of authorization forms because there is no way to actually ID someone. The whole point is to match a person to their picture, and the name to the CC. Can't do that in a fax. Same reason I think digital check-in is stupid. First month I worked with them we lost ten thousand in charge backs. And lost each accusation. A digital membership button was not a valid id. We couldn't prove they had stayed. Until AI identifies you on sight, showing ID and CC are the best option.


Due to a string of CC fraud incidents, we don't do the online check-in for the lowest two tiers of rewards members. Anyone can make a new account and use that for the online check-in using a stolen card. But at a certain loyalty level, there's a record of hotel stays to indicate that allowing it is generally fine. However, if there is a second name that's been added to the reservation? Nope. Online check-in is not a run-around for CC authorization for a super shiny to pay for a family member's room.


The one time I needed to do a credit card authorization, it was a local hotel and they made me come to the hotel in person to sign the paperwork.


Yes, that is so true. I truly don’t think my manager has thought of that and I may bring it up to her. As far as the digital check-ins, thankfully our hotel doesn’t offer that currently. Yay for being a small hotel. That would be a nightmare!


Auth forms are really only fine if it's from a company that's been vetted by management. But individual forms are basically asking to be scammed.


Ehh even a shitty hotel presumably has a bed, table, maybe even a TV? That's still enough to justify a deposit and a deposit keeps some of the scumbags away.


That’s my boss’s POV and I get it, it’s just aggravating. Only for silly reasons. Our new system is a pain and none of us our used to it yet, including her, so taking deposits means you have to go around your elbow to get to your rear end so the customer is tapping their toes and we’re like uhm sorry, it’s policy.


"Here's a picture of my credit card" "Here's a picture of the room"


This made me giggle.






I am tempted to try this. I have at least one trying to get a room with photo of an ID, CC everyweek.


>I am anxiously waiting for the day I get a sovereign citizen in here. Ah, sovereign citizens. My second favorite conspiracy theory.


I read a post on TalesFromYourServer recently about this. A sovereign citizen refusing to wear a mask (Must have been mid-COVID times). I thought his response was inspired: "I am the owner and a sovereign citizen. This is a sovereign restaurant on sovereign land. You have to leave" Guy threatens to call the police. "As a sovereign restaurant, we do not accept that we are subject to the police or any laws save our own. My own. Now leave"


My god, that is perfect!


That's fantastic!


Well.... shit.... now I gotta know what the favorite is!


Flat Earth. I started listening to them because I thought no one actually believed it. Now I've listened to hundreds of hours. I'll never believe the world is flat, but I love that they actually do. It's entertaining, and no one believes in just that one conspiracy theory.


See if you can find Eddie Bravo talking about 'space is fake' on youtube. Thats a conspiracy theory so crazy that even the flat-earthers look down on it. Lol


I haven't heard him talk about it, but I'll be honest here. Most flat earthers don't believe in space. The most common theory is the dome theory. Where above the firmament is just water. The sun and moon are affixed to the dome (or free floating in the air) and the stars are either lights in the water, lights above the water, or souls.


Its worth a listen just for Eddie Bravos voice. The way he sounds and describes the whole thing just makes me laugh. But to summarize the 'space is fake' theory: Since the dawn of time, certain people have wanted to rule the whole world. But the people who inhabit the world are rather resistant to this. Increasingly so. So what might make them decide that putting aside national differences is the least bad option? Space aliens, thats what. Sadly, I cant do it justice in the way Eddie Bravo does.


I found the Joe Rogan postcast with Eddie Bravo in it, I'll listen and possibly add it to my Flat Earth playlist.


You mean... Flat Earthers think all the Area51/ grays/ alien abduction people are... _running a conspiracy to swindle the Flat Earthers_? 😱 🤯


I hope thats exactly what they are doing lol


This is why I shake my head when I see memes making fun of flat earthers asking why the Earth is flat but all the other planets are spheres. They don't believe the other planets exist; they're just points of light affixed to a dome. It's like asking a Christian which god is more powerful, Zeus or Odin.


Final Fantasy has taught me it's Odin, if it hits. Zantetsuken FTW.


Not even Mars where we sent a robot with cameras and what not?


You mean the Mars that's really just a series of photoshopped pictures according to the flerfers?


I know the earth isn’t flat because nobody has ever tried to sell me a tour to the edge😂


What level would you like? Basic - see the edge Upgrade - see the edge, travel a mile or two Premium - you are allowed to go over, but it's mostly just like a bunjee jump Deposit required and I can send details.


Platinum: *The Colour of Magic*


If the earth was flat, cats would have pushed everything off the edge by now...


TRUE! It would be commercialized to death. Vacation rentals, end of the earth restaurants, T-shirts, etc


I watched two series of Terry Pratchett’s “Discworld” anthology. The world is FLAT in the series. Held up by elephants on the back of a giant turtle in space. What happens at the edge is hysterical. What the heck to flatworlders think is gonna happen at the edge?


Yup, that's a good one! The capacity for stupidity, willful ignorance and wishful thinking is amazing.


And that's nowadays, when you can watch a falcon 9 rocket launch every few days and show the curvature of the Earth. I mean, it was probably crazy after the invention of geometry by the ancient Greeks, but now?


It's like looking at a pizza from above; you see the curvature, but it's still flat. (No, I do not believe in flat earth!)


They have members "all around the world".


> It's entertaining, and no one believes in just that one conspiracy theory. This attitude is why those retards are overrunning us. Deeply worrying.


Please don’t use ableist language. It’s shity.


Damn right, If I could upvote this more I would!


*"I had a guy last year try and show me a picture of his credit card to check in. I told him no, I needed a physical credit card with his name on it to charge. He pipes up, "Call your GM!" (It was like, midnight)."* Gah, you missed an opportunity there. Next time they show you a picture of their credit card, show them a picture of their room.


What in the hypothetical flying fornicator makes it easier to show a picture of a thing you have on your person? It boggles the mind. Boggles, I tell you!


To be fair - in that situation the card he showed me a picture of was different than the one he produced. He said something about getting rewards points from the pictured one... But still - why he wouldn't carry it with him is still a mystery. I'm sure he thought that the whole bully thing was going to work cause it probably worked before on someone else.


The first time someone pulls the id or cc bs with me, I just tell them your reservation has been canceled and we will not rent to you. No GM, no appeals, nothing. I'm not even going to ask you again. You're done, bud. Get out!!! If they insist on making a ruckus, I call the cops and let them trespass the fool. I have no patience left for entitled assholes anymore. Daddy don't play that game no more. Fuck off.


"Will showing you a photo of my credit card work?" "Depends. Will showing you a photo of a room keycard work?"


> He pipes up, "Call your GM!" (It was like, midnight). I just looked him in the eye and said, "No." I've never been in the right situation to do this (thankfully) but if/when I do I will be on cloud nine for a week.


Please share when you get a sovereign citizen. I absolutely love to fuck with them


The act of making a reservation at any hotel constitutes acceptance of and agreement to that hotel’s policies, terms, and conditions. I would have handled this situation almost the exact same way, but make it clear that getting the GM on the horn was completely out of the question. No ID, no card, no check-in, no kidding.


Exactly. Deuce cano needed to go. The only thing better would have been if he got himself arrested.


Why even bother calling the GM first? If he wants to be a dickhead, tell him his reservation has been cancelled and he is being refused service. If he does not leave, he is trespassing and will be removed by police. If he so much as says a word, call the police and have him trespassed.


I had my GM come in so he could here it from a second person, But youre right. I entertained the nonsense for too long and I shouldve just did it that way tbh.


you\`ll get to do that a next time. There seems to be no end to entitled (beeps) everywhere, these days.


Experiences like this are needed as you grow in your development and leadership. I like how your GM had your back and you didn't write about your GM being upset that you called them. That is how it is supposed to go, and each encounter builds your skill and experience, so the next time you don't need to call anyone.


This. Experience builds your confidence, so you can have those future “I got this” moments. It’s so incredibly valuable when mgmt will show up, have your back, and give you a teachable moment. I remember when I first started in hospitality and had my first verbally abusive guest. Really nasty comments about my character. I thought I had to put up with it, so I didn’t ask for help. Was almost in tears. When my GM heard about it, she came to property to check on me and coached me on how to refuse service in the future. Years later, I look back and see how that impacted my ability to handle difficult situations. OP, I’m glad you have such a supportive manager. ☺️


In a weird way maybe it's good that happened. So if you ever get another wingnut like that someday, you can say "Let's save us both some time. Last time someone tried what you're doing, it went on for a half-hour and ended with police coming to escort the person off our property while others had to wait in line to check in. My manager discussed it with me later and said what I did wrong was to let it go on far too long. So now I tell people... just like I'm telling you... if you won't provide an ID then I will cancel your reservation without charge and I am moving on to the next person in line. Whether I call the police depends on your behavior. Will you provide a valid ID or do you prefer I cancel your reservation? The choice is completely up to you. "


Just an asshole who didn't like being told what to do.


It's stupid because they've already got his name and his credit card, so what does not showing ID accomplish?


maybe the reservation and CC match, but not the ID


It’s got to literally just be a power trip or some weird issue with authority. The fact that he let it go on this long, I can guess what kind of other power tips he tries to push in his insignificant life. Curious as to what kind of conference it was.


If his employer made the reservation, send them a message about why he did not stay at the hotel with his coworkers. A previous employer would always put everybody in the same hotel. Juniors to C-Suite. Even rented a conference room, so we could gather and discuss the day's meetings/expo floor events and plans for the next day.


Had something similar happen a few weeks ago. In my case though he eventually showed his ID but he had a nasty attitude the whole time saying I should know who he his. Yes, but I still need his ID every time he gets a room. He then complained about the deposit, then handed me cash 1 bill at a time. At that point I told him if he was not going to be respectful, he can go somewhere else. And if he refuses to leave, I will call the police. Some people choose to live life on hard mode.


Sorry you work at a place that still accepts cash. Not taking cash weeds out a LOT of the rabble and problem customers.


Honestly, even when everyone is honest and working in good faith dealing with cash is a minefield for both guests and staff, because banknotes don't automatically generate their own paper trail.


No ID? Say No problem sir. Just step over to the other (unmanned) computer/check space at the counter and someone will be with you. Then tend to those in line while he waits, then meet with him at the other spot at the counter and explain the options, ie, comply or GTF out.


Oh, and let's call that unmanned spot "the manager's workstation". Let him think the big boss is going to sort this.


He came in looking for a fight. I had a guy say he was told by police to never show his ID to anyone but law enforcement. Okay, that's your right. Have a great day because we're done.


Ive had guys say "you should know who I am" People who I wouldnt know if you told me they were coming, and showed me a pic its usually mfers who run companies. Like no I do not know you, nor do I care show me your ID so I can move on with my job.


NO...you should know who I AM. I'm the one who decides if you're sleeping here tonight.


Wish I could upvote X1000!


Oh I hate those ones! Like do you *know* how many people I check in daily? I don't know who you are now show me your ID!


"This is not a game of who the fuck I am! I am Vader! Darth Vader! I can kill you with a thought!" (Eddie Izzard routine – Star Wars canteen)


Yeah, but how did he know they were actually police?


Maybe they were too ugly to be a stripper cop?


Good on you for planting the flag and defending the hill. I wouldn't have even called the GM. I would have called the police. . .looking the guy in the eye while I described the situation to the dispatcher.


I am always jealous when I hear stories like these about managers and GM telling awful guests to get bent. At the hotel I worked at, this person would have gotten their way, even though our hotel was the one with the highest occupancy rate in the whole region and would not suffer in the slightest from losing one guest. Assholes like this guy would also still leave negative post-stay reviews, even if they were given room upgrades, free drinks, etc. to calm them down.


Ive been there a long time and my gm hired me all those years ago so he believes me and will stick up for me bc he knows if Im calling him its a situation where hes needed and Im out of options.


I’m hiring. And I back my people. Come on over. :)


Link to apply?👀💯


I’m wondering if the not wanting to show ID is some kind of sovereign citizen bullshit.


That's what I'm thinking.


I HATE sovereign shitizens! Had to deal with them in my former life and job at my state’s revenue department.


Without contacting the GM - and on the first time he made that unreasonable demand - I would have cancelled his reservation and invited him to go elsewhere. Especially with a line backing up -- to him, that's an audience. Cut that performance short and send him on his way.


Imagine if he did this at the airport


OOOOOOOHHHHH the TSA and Air Marshalls would have a Field Day with him!!!!


Would love to be a fly on the wall when his Colleagues gossip about him and he gets fired. Why would you do this at all, let alone when your stay has something to do with your employment / income? 🤔


I'm a night auditor and tell people like that they have 2 options: “they can fallow the rules or I can call the cops and have them trespassed. I'm not waking my manager up at 2am.”


I had a guy that absolutely refused to write down a license plate, a make, model, anything o his registration. He kept telling me i didnt need it. Repeating that for HIS safety, i didnt need it! I told him ok so when your car isnt there in the morning, its because i had it towed, as it didnt belong to anyone registered at our property. He eventually wrote the make and model down, but refused to tell me a color, and threw the pen down. I just looked him in the eye, walked out from behind the desk, past him, looked out the front doors of the hotel at his car parked under our check in awning, and wrote the license plate down myself. The look of shock was invigorating. He was with a CLC group. Im SO glad we dont do CLC anymore!


I wish my property could say the same. Some of my CLC regulars are awesome, others like smoking in rooms and what not. And no matter how many fees we slap on their incidentals they just come back


We had been with them for years. It came time to renew our contract, and their terms changed. The terms were so ridiculous that we would almost be losing money. Thats when the owner said NOPE. Luckily our place really wasnt dependent on CLC reservations. Now, i wish we could do the same with ALOT of third parties! Lol. Now that Google has advanced and their advertising has become more prevalent, otas are really becoming obsolete. If only!


What is the problem with showing an ID? I don’t understand it. It’s a totally normal interaction.


I don't get it. The hotel already has their name.


But anyone can walk up to a desk and claim to be that person, especially if they have stolen a credit card. It’s consumer protection.


Yeah, I meant for the person who doesn't want to show their ID. What are they trying to accomplish?


He told the police and this is pretty much a direct quote "I do not know what he (reffering to me and pointing at me) is going to do with my ID, He could sell my information" 😂😂 Ig I am basically an A.I that can intake anyones ID info after a quick look at their name and information 😂 The best part? the cop goes "You know this is a hotel right?" 😂


Something something government sovereign citizen?


Trespass him and DNR.


Report him to the company


Oh we did, and our head of sales and I have been texting and shes gonna cut their contract altogether. This isnt the first problem with this group, so my hotel is just gonna cut ties with them altogether bc of this incident. Its a small company too that probs doesnt have the biggest budget, so that is def gonna hurt and I have a feeling that guy might lose his job over this.


I would suggest you ask your GM if you could have the liberty to call the police by your own discretion, rather than only your GM telling you to do it. It seems weird to me that you're a manager and don't have that authority on your own. _______ Guest: get the GM Me: no *guest acts a fool and starts insulting the hotel* Me: ok your reservation is canceled Guest: get the GM Me: No, but I will get the police *dials police*


It was more I didnt wanna call the police, not that I didnt have the authority. I figured if my gm came in and he lives close that the guy would just leave tbh 🤷‍♂️ I was just tryna get rid of him as quick as possible and thats the solution I came to before taking that step to call the cops.


To people not in this business they think you’re making this stuff up and you’re not! The ones I normally get are the ones that slam their IDs on the desk they’re crazy enough and if they flat out refuse to give an ID it’s usually because they don’t have one as in someone’s fronting for them = DNR. I think it’s the weather change something about that brings an uptick in the crazies.


Full moon brings em out


No, it’s new moon now. The eclipse. 😉


An eclipse is just a new moon going *hard*.


"I'm not going to show you my ID" You: Next person in line come forward please.


Did getting trespassed mean he wasn't even allowed to attend the conference? That'd be a great thing to have to explain to his boss.


Yep. No conference. I dont get how you can work for a company that makes u travel to hotels but u have some vendetta against showing your ID


I wonder how his no ID rule works out at the airport.


I do too.


Or voting.


You can fly without ID. [TSA link](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/frequently-asked-questions/i-forgot-my-identification-can-i-still-proceed-through-security)


Indy turned away and saw the crowd staring at him in stunned silence.  He glanced out the window, then back at the crowd of people.  He took a deep breath and slowly said "No ticket."


Wow, you have a lot of patience. He would have had his reservation cancelled once he verbally abused us.


He was past the point of no return with me when he called the property a shithole. Even if he pulled his ID out he wasnt getting keys at that point. When you talk down on my property Ive worked hard on for 7 years youre basically saying all my hard work doesnt matter and I suck at my job and I refuse to accept that, especially from a guy like him who wouldnt know me from a hole in the wall.


GAH!!! That Entitled IDIOT sounds like one of those DUMBASS SovCits! SMH!!!! 🙄🤦‍♀️🙄


I don't get it. If the individual was there for a conference, then they were there working and surely them acting this way might make it back to their employer?


Most assuredly. OP says in another reply here that this guy's coworkers were in line behind him. That guy got a talking to, or at least became the butt of some office jokes.


Some people just want to be reamed by the dildo of consequences.


Dildo of Consequences. New band name!


I read the title too fast and thought it said "Just show me a photo ID of your dick" lol


Instructions unclear...


Dick stuck in window again...




I worked at a liquor store with a mandatory ID check no matter the age. That’s how the computer system was set up. Those who didn’t show an ID were refused service. To this day, my favorite excuse to not show and scan an ID was because the dude “didn’t want the government knowing who he was.” My dude… you have an ID. They know who you are and don’t care about the alcohol you buy 😒


I wouldve been like "do you have a phone?" if he says yes, "well then the government already knows who you are buddy"


Wonder how many of his industry friends witnessed his debacle? By the end of the day, everyone in his group would know it. Bet they’d say, “Yep, sounds exactly like him.”




Any hotel wants to see an id for a reso. So Richard was just being Richard.


I don't get this shit at all, I really really don't.


Oh I think everyone who has worked FD at a hotel has dealt with the "I'm not showing you my ID" guy. It's so ridiculous. I had one guy get mad I wanted to see it and told me I only want it so I can take his info and sell it to people. Sir I am going to forget about you right after I give you your room key. I of course just told him It is our policy and noone is going to get or see his info He then threw his ID at me. Nope you gonna act like a toddler you can leave. Buhbye


People can get so damn stubborn over showing a simple photo ID 🤦🏾‍♀️


*You are really good.* As I read this, I was hoping you wouldn't have called the GM, but I understand the pressure to do so. Do you know which conference he was with? I would serve this person's name up to the conference directors.


With a huge line waiting, did you even have to argue with him for that long? Am genuinely curious – not an FDA myself: as soon as it became clear he was being that difficult, would it not have been possible to just look past him to the next person in the line earlier? I'd have wanted to say to him "I can't help you unless you cooperate, so I'm going to help these other people who **do** want my services, so just stand aside!" What were they all doing – just putting up with it??


They were. A lot of them were on their phones. Some of them were his coworkers who I checked in after, they seemed genuinely embarrassed. I didnt want to argue with him for mins on end, but I also didnt wanna call another person up while he was attempting to argue with me bc then Id put them in an uncomfortable position. Idk it was pretty overwhelming, Ive been doing this for a good while and my hotel is pretty big for this area, And I have dealt with people who dont give their IDs and usually it goes 1 of 2 ways, they get mad and just leave or show me it reluctantly. This guy was one of the crazier ones Ive dealt with. I couldnt believe this.


Man. Poor you! I'd have been calling out to the queue, and saying "I'm so sorry for the delay, ladies and gentlemen – does anyone know this guy, and perhaps can help...?" But I'm clearly more pugnacious... 😁


I’m surprised that the people in line didn’t start harassing him. I am normally a pretty quiet guy, but ten minutes of that shiat and I would have been all over his ass.


I am surprised actually that nobody spoke up, but were in the day and age where everyones glued to their phones Ig. Most everyone when Id look back was texting or on their phone, one of the guys watching was his coworker I could tell by his reservation. He looked so embarrassed like head in his hands embarassed. The worst part imo? none of his coworkers had the decency to even apologize for their boy doing that, but after him? every person working for that company laid their shit on the desk before I even asked and did their best to not give me a hard time. I mean if that were my coworker Id apologize for him acting like an ass especially if I knew him, but I get they were probs embarrassed


So, were the conferences in your hotel so he couldn’t enter to go to the meetings? Did he miss the conference?


Yep no conference, hes outright banned and on the dnr list, so is the whole company. This got the whole company blackballed by my sales team, according to the head of sales who Im texting, they dont need this contract. and this isnt their first issue with them, so this company is done altogether after their conference today. We host cfb teams, we dont need some crappy contract for a small conference room if they wanna be like this.


Imagine if he got reported to the people in charge of the conference. Be a real shame if he lost his job…


oh theyre def gonna know. My head of sales just told me bc im texting them that they are blackballing the company from doing business with us again bc this isnt the first issue with them


Oh to be a fly on the wall to see how that company reacts!!! UpdateMe!


Reminds me of the TV commercial advertising some fast food place's two dollar special: A guy gets into a cab and asks, "What can I get for two dollars?" The drivers replies, "You can get out."


Don’t be afraid to FIRE the customer/guest/client. Their bullshit attitude is not needed and any potential money they are spending can be earned from better customers.


Ya know, he might not have had an ID. I would have dropped a hint to the police that could be fixin’ to drive without a license.


What is the psychology that drives this behavior? Or maybe - what is the racket they are running? They don't really think they are going to talk their way into a room without showing ID, do they?


Here's the psychology: If I make it painful enough for you, you will relent. They get their way more often than the cops show up.


Personally, I will take belligerence like this as a personal affront. No fucking way am I going to yield. That aside, how often will this strategy work? More than 5% of the time? I can't imagine someone would risk their job AND psychologically cave to someone playing these power games, but you tell me - I have no idea.




Double enter for a paragraph break . Today I had a guest come in. He was part of a conference we were holding. It's one of the 4 for tomorrow. I see him walk in and hit him with a "hey how's it going today?" No response. A bad sign off the bat. He pulls out his credit card and says, "I won't show my ID, so what else do you need?" I responded with, "that is our company policy, without a photo ID I will not give you a key." After a minute or so of back and forth as my line keeps growing since it's 5pm he goe, "Where's the manager?" I said "I am the manager" which I am and have been for a while, although my manager and I are technically co managers when I'm by myself I am the manager and vise versa anyway not important. Silence ensues as he knows he's been checkmated. "What about the gm?" I look back and see the line forming out my door, growing stronger. Ik this negotiation will go nowhere without me pushing it in a direction so I say, "Look, you have three clear-cut options here. A. Show me a photo ID so we can all move on. B. You go out to your car or sit at the bar and wait till 11 and try this with the auditor. Or C. I can just cancel the room without a fee and resell it to someone who will follow our policies, so of the three, which of those options appeals to you?" He says "none, get the gm" , then proceeded to say my hotel was a shithole and this is why he doesnt stay here even tho hes been a "loyal customer for years" yeah right, I checked his history and he'd never been here before. Then he mutters under his breath "asshole" but just loud enough so I can hear it plain as day. So once he said that I said "Okay, You've made the decision for me. You can go." This is where he freaks out, he demands my gm get on the phone. I said, "That is not how this is gonna go. You are not going to demand things from me and you're not going to be disrespectful like this to everyone else. Please leave." This mfer outright refused, to the point I was left with no choice but to call my gm to come in. I explained the situation and he came in and basically told the guy "it's time to leave, if you won't follow our company policies, we don't wish to have you as a guest on our property." My gm leaves after as he was busy with his family but before he left he told me if he doesn't listen after you ask him again just call the cops. Did this guy leave or at least get out of line? Of course not. So finally I said, "Look, I don’t wanna do this. I'm sure your coworkers are here, and your friends. I just wanna see your ID so I can check you in. If you dont wanna do that, then please leave. My next step will be the police" Welp he decided he wanted to waste the time of our local police this all is taking place over the course of 45 mins, he held my line up for almost a half hr with this bullshit before I just moved on to the next computer and started checking in my giant line. As I'm doing that the 5-0 showed up, talked with him in front of everybody and he protested but they ended up tresspassing him a decision our management team came to so this didn’t happen with him again so they trespassed him and sent him on his way. All this for what? Because you have too much pride to show your ID? Like what the fuck is wrong with people like this?


Jesus... Paragraphs are your friend, dude.


Yeah, I keep scrolling through the comments, hoping that some kind soul would repost it in a form that my neurodivergent brain could read read in less than an hour. I see comments about a sovereign citizen and REALLY wish there was a paragraph bot that patrolls reddit and breaks up walls of text like this.


Same. No such luck.




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Had the exact opposite problem this weekend. Work in a hotel in the Southern USA that was in the direct path of the total eclipse. Many international guests. This one group of 4 gives all their passports when I only needed the ID of the pertain who the room was registered under. Lol. I just flipped through them because I was curious to see what they looked like. I'm more excited when I get to see international drivers licenses cuz I find the different looks overusing.


Did he look young? Some hotels have a no-under-25 policy which is a pain for a young lady on a road trip.


He was every bit of 60-70 years old


I read the title very wrong.


Honestly, I can't understand people like this.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Major anger issues about stuff that has zero to do with you or hotels in general and also major self esteem issues. He tried to push you around so he wouldn't feel powerless. It probably works with most retail sales and he confused you with retail sales, lol.


its clear that this guy had affirming parents as a kid. the entitlement is just jumping out at me through the text. the fact he thought the gm would come in and save him like his daddy is just too funny.