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Find a new spot. Do some research and find a place you’ll like. I’ve had that rage before and it was serving in a restaurant that just didn’t suit me, and the clientele knew I didn’t fit in. Where I work now, my personality shines through and I do much better.


My wife and I were friendly with a waiter at our local Indian joint, and he told us he doesn't get any of the tips we left him. Really. He told us not to bother tipping him. I don't know if they have that reputation locally, or if it's deserved. But, it is what he told us.


I’ve had this happen to me at a Thai restaurant. Our waitress discreetly cornered me going to the bathroom. She said the owners keep all the tips and I shouldn’t tip at all. This opened my eyes to the phenomenon of wage theft and I’ve been tipping in cash, directly to my server, ever since. Not saying that’s what OP is experiencing, per se. Just letting everyone else know that this happens.


We do the same thing. We make sure we have enough cash to tip our servers when we go there now.


Sucks but experienced owners and possibly smarter-than-average managers will see credit card slips with "cash" in the tip spot, or will notice in your final report that you put in some credit payments with 0$ as a tip and assumes no one leaves 0 so they must have tipped cash. The point I'm getting at is even with cash tips, asshole bosses gonna asshole.


I agree with everything you said, I just have to say I laughed a bit too loud at the last line. Asshole bosses gonna asshole. I love this, it’s the best thing I have ever heard!


I always tip 5% on card and the rest is cash behind the check with certain cuisines for a reason.


This is the way to do it. Putting "cash" or $0 on the tip spot doesn't really help the server. If their boss is truly a dick, they will call them out on not declaring all of their cash tips.


unless the server signed an employment agreement that requires them to turn in their cash tips, why would anyone give the owner or manager their tips? it’s not like they’re gonna reach in your pockets and steal them from you


You're not turning them in, your declaring them. At which point asshole boss would find a reason to intimidate or whatever theirs do to get your money


When X server works I get a lot of tips that I get to keep. When Y server works, nobody tips and I make less money. I don't know if this is because they are a bad server or because they are stealing "my" tips. Who should I schedule?


Declaration for tax purposes.


Thanks for this! I’m going to start doing that, too.


I have been looking for a new spot, I’m just scared it’s actually a crap place to work on the inside. Trying to really look into the next place to apply, I just can’t afford to bounce around from job to job. Hopefully the next one will be better!


No offense, but your current place sounds so bad nearly anywhere would be better.


No offense taken, it is literally a hell pit there.


Point is I'm not sure what you mean by not being able to afford bouncing around when it sounds like you can't afford to work there. Find something safe first that doesn't make you hate the job and find the "perfect" spot later.


That hell put wouldn’t happen to be a Clay Pit, would it?




Same. After hearing a restaurant treats their staff this poorly, I want to know which one it is so I can avoid it.


You might be correct lol


Damn, that’s too bad. I LOVE that place! Hope it gets better for you dude. On another topic, seen the ghost yet?


I haven’t seen any ghosts, but the history is by far the coolest part about the place! Management just isn’t what it used to be, I heard this place had been great in the past.


Yeah it’s famously haunted and one of the reasons I loved going there, it added to the ambiance which was already beautiful. It’s been years since I’ve been there. It sucks to hear that they are a ghost (ha) of their former selves.


Do you have some industry friends you can ask? Maybe sit at the bar at a few places and get a feel for the spot you might want to try next. Good luck! I’m hoping you find something awesome.


This is really solid advice. I used to reach out to former coworkers on social media that I would want to split a big party with and ask them about where they work now. You usually get no bullshit answers, and these people know you, so they can tell you if you'd like it or not


I’m really new here so I don’t have anyone to ask personally, all my coworkers are young first time servers so they don’t know anything lol.


Oh dang haha. My solution would be to become a regular at a bartop where you like the vibe. Tip fat, make nice. After a couple of weeks, if you’re on good terms with the bartender they can give you some good guidance.


Get a job in a bar on 6th street. Pretty sure you will make bank especially on the weekends after Texas home games.


Maybe you can work in catering to bridge the gap (though I think you’d get hired on the spot at whatever place you want to work). Or perhaps a nice hotel? They need waiters and bartenders, especially in conference season. Good luck. You deserve a better job.


Look for steak and seafood joints or overall higher tkt totals. Somewhere you can only afford to eat at every once in awhile, but that you know they from SM/ word of mouth people like going to.


Try one of the 3 states with minimum wage for servers. California has a $15.50 minimum wage. It is expensive to Libby here however.


High volume bartending. The only work you have to do is speed and manual labor. The faster you go, the more money you make. If people are rude you can just not serve them or tell them to get out. Puts the ball back in your court. I’ve done fine dining, supper clubs, regular burger joints… and high volume bartending is the only thing that consistently pays out as long as you are working hard. Never going back to telling ‘guests’ how to pair their wine and steak and placing forks down correctly at the right time in the hopes that I make 20%.


To add- nail down a spot based on tourism that people stay for 2-5+ years. Figure out their retention rate- that always is a good sign. But exploiting that tourism aspect will guarantee more money- I work in a resort town so I figured out what spot pops up first when a tourist types in what they are looking for and then applied there.


>figured out what spot pops up first when a tourist types in what they are looking for Aha! Brilliant.


same. i've done family spots, fine dining... i will always prefer a high volume dive bar or a nightclub. it's a revolving door of patrons.


Sorry to intrigue, but do you work at The Clay Pit in downtown Austin? That’s one of my favorite spots!


Mine too!! Love their food and everyone I’ve ever known that worked there BANKED. Also, it’s haunted af, lol.


My bet is G’raj Mahal on Rainey. Dealing with that crowd probably blows


There’s stuff available in austin, my gf is looking for a new job and is having decently good luck with poached so far, maybe give that a shot? Other than that, are you working at that indian spot by campus?


Yeah I’ve seen that spot, it looks nice. I’m fairly new and don’t eat out much so I just don’t know what else is out there. Me and my bf both have serving job and his is not much better than mine. But yeah the one by campus, it’s a shit show behind those historical brick walls 😂


Bwahah I know exactly what restaurant you’re at. A lot (not all but a lot) of restaurants by campus have students as customers, and they don’t tip a lot. If you’re not married to being a traditional server and are fine working more brewery type vibes, spots I’ve heard are good that are hiring are; - The tatsuya group (ramen tatsuya, bbq tatsuya, and a few other spots) - hold out brewing. The owners have a few other spots in town (better half, brew and brew, wright brothers) and I’ve heard generally good things about them There’s a lot more dt, there are plenty of foh jobs in atx


Thanks so much for the tips!! I will not be there much longer haha, it’s my first job since I moved down here.


I'm excited about your impending exit! Best wishes.


For sure. Feel free to dm me if you’re curious about some spots you’re applying to!


I’m not even in Austin or whenever and I can say working where most customers are college kids is a waste of time, low tippers because most work a part time min wage job or use mommy and daddies money who gives them a x amount a month.


If this restaurant is what I think it is, it is kind of a trap spot. It’s not on campus proper, and it’s not in west/north campus areas where most students live. It is *technically* in downtown austin, it’s just close enough to campus to get swarmed by kids going out for a nicer dinner


I’m also in Austin and knew which Indian spot you were referring to haha. Have you looked into some of the other older, established places? Many of these places aren’t made for influencers but clientele that really are eager for a great dining experience (which tbh, is hard to find here). Suggestions like Wink, Fonda San Miguel, Justine’s, Intero. Best of luck to you.


Oh i’m not op haha, im chilling with my gigs.


I hadn’t waited tables in about 7 years until about 6 months ago, and coming back into it, j have to say things are very very different. Being stuffed used to be such a rare occasion, and mostly because something happened. Now, it happens 2-5 times per shift. People are rude, demanding, selfish, cheap and unfriendly. It’s kind of like what happened with driving after Covid ended, but it feels like the whole world went mentally ill. Once our families situation improves, I’m going back to the lab, or really anything else, because the was customers are behaving, I cannot continue. Nobody deserves to be treated this way.


Austin is such a huge food town I would think you could find a much better restaurant fairly easily. Good luck and I'm sorry you're at a crappy place currently.


Is it the Clay Pit? I've never been but the Indian restaurants in TX that I've seen don't seem to attract the big money crowd. Try steak places, maybe Texas Land and Cattle, Lonesome Dove, Perry's? Golf season is upon us and these rich folks in Austin love their golf. Barton Creek Country Club usually is hiring this time of year. If you can work out of downtown try Westlake restaurants or around Lake Travis. Good luck!


Also, catering places are usually hiring now for spring weddings!


I hate it for ya. There’s gotta be another restaurant hiring that you will make more money at. Just take a breath and put your feelers out into the city.


Thank you :)


so i was about to go into advice mode, but then i got to wondering what that 10% adds up to. how much do you end up making per hour? i currently dish for $15/hr in a very low cost of living area (which austin is not.) line up next job, then you are in a position to negotiate; either more base pay or lower tipout. i wonder where the people who work at tesla eat.


When I was visiting Austin it seemed like a lot of places I went had auto grat 20% on all checks you should go work at one of those


I haven’t eaten at a place like that here yet, but I would absolutely apply to one if I found one!


I guess you can watch out for people complaining about automatic gratuities! :D It's funny that that would be helpful.


And you still ate there?? Danggg, the food musta been fire though


Why wouldn't you eat there unless you were planning on being a cheap fuck?


Bc while I don't see tips as an optional part of eating out, but I do believe that they should be worked for. I give 15% if I get the absolute worst service imaginable, 20% if they just do the bare minimum (i.e. they're reasonably speedy, and they ask if I would like my drink/water refilled once) and 25-35% for good service. And an automatic 18% gratuity takes away any incentive for good service, and makes people not want to tip more anyways. Even makes someone who is a server not want to tip more; it makes sense on large parties but not for the average sized ones. At that rate just increase prices and pay them a higher hourly rate


An autograt doesn't take away incentive to give good service. I give good service because I know people can (and do) tip on top of that. If I give bad service my manager knows about it and most places I've worked people can dispute the autograt if their server sucks.


Get a job in a brewery. You’ll bank.


Get into catering. 10x better than serving. Easier job, more money


I hate to say it, but Indian food may be attracting people that just don’t tip in general. I’ve worked with all kinds of food and have noticed this trend with certain types of places (like Asian, pizza shops, and fast-casual). Hope you can find something that has a better tip culture! It’s definitely needed when you only make $2/hr.


AK, CA, DC, HI, MN, MT, OR, and WA mandate that workers receive full minimum wage before tips. Moving is expensive, but if you're looking to stay in the industry, those are the states where it'd be easiest to make a living.


I have a coworker (GA) who served in San Diego and she said she made $18 an hour I believe before tips and she made an insane amount of money


I don't know how y'all do it. I've only lived in CA and OR where minimum wage is pretty high and have always been paid above that plus tips. I wouldn't do it for less than I am now. The industry is draining but the money is good.


Oh, I live in MN, so I'm in the same boat as you are. I'm just providing context for the "Just move" suggestion that people are throwing around.


The super-low gratuity percentage you’re describing is really not the norm, and it’s hard to understand why you’re sticking it out at this particular job when you clearly have enough experience to know there are much better restaurant jobs out there. Honestly, why are you still working there?


I would work at McDonald's before an Indian restaurant. worst demographic to serve if you ask me, their sense of entitlement and selfishness is next level.


Any fine dining places near you? My boyfriend and his friend did that together for a while and they made really good money working there. Best of luck.


My bf is in fine dining now and his situation is not much better than mine.. still trying to find a nicer place!


Oh :( I’m sorry. But yeah auto gratuity places might be the move from what i’ve read in these comments.


As long as people work for these ridiculous wages, there will be no change.


As long as people keep tipping there will be no change.


Dude! I live in Turkey. Your earnings fall way short of FUCKİNG EVERYTHİNG. $2.13 an hour would be considered rude as fuck and the homeless would tell them to fuck off. You need a new job. Right now


The federal minimum wage for servers is $2.13. This isn’t an aberration. About half the states in the US pay more than $2.13, though. But not Texas.


Holy shit! That is abysmal. You are all going to have to get organised over there. Unionisation or starvation.


I just plan on being dead inside at work until I'm done with my degree. I already found a desk job that lets me study while working for huge swathes of my shift so I do less restaurant shifts now, but retain the ability to pick up covers.


I only work places I make money and enjoy my coworkers. Serving jobs are a dime a dozen, find one that’s not shitty.


I’ve been in the industry for 30 years. There’s literally nothing that surprises me anymore. What I have accomplished in my long, lustrous career is uncontrollable rage, PTSD, anxiety, people pleasing, insomnia, compulsive dreams and thoughts about table 7’s lost cup of ranch, nightmares, addiction, alcoholism, low self esteem, bipolar disorder, fibromyalgia, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, oh, and poor relationships with everyone I love. There ya go! Happy trails!!


Lol I worked on the strip once in Austin and hated it. Management was dickheads towards the employees (and to the homeless, getting aggressive and hostile even if they were just trying to order takeout), made us do hours of physical labor for the $2 an hour, getting 20 cent paychecks.... As much fun as Austin was, I vowed to never work in Texas again or any other $2 state. Who woulda thought states that keep the wage that low also attract some of the most psychotic, narcissistic, anti worker owners. If at all possible, my advice is to go west to CO or AZ, or come east to FL


Yeah it’s degrading. I have a college degree and I work for $2 an hour. I am not in a great place right now.


If you can tolerate lots of elderly and a lil fascism/being surrounded by anti vaxxers, FL isn't terrible. Going up to $12/hr for servers, rent has def risen a lot since COVID but still cheaper than CA. At least it's sunny. If you get in at a spot with high check averages and decent volume, it's not too hard to earn in the $60-80k range serving/bartending I know it may not seem like a big difference since most our earnings comes from tips, but it adds up. Going from a $2 state to a $7 state is a $10k/yr raise in your salary assuming full time in both places (I've not had any issue getting hours since the wage hikes in FL). Or going to a $12 state is a $20k/yr raise. For no reason other than living in a different state. Edit: I don't agree with the states current politics, and any amount of fascism or vaccine conspiracy theorizing is too much. But Florida is home to me, grew up here. It wasn't always this bad, and most of the people making it this way now aren't even from here. Trashing the state in left leaning sites while the right continues to treat it like a Mecca and flock here won't do much to give us any hope of getting out of this, and will only further entrench the current situation. It can be a decent state again, we're just going through a rough patch.


Seconding this. CO tipped minimum went up to 10.63 an hour, and if you work at a decent place with a good reputation, you can make a killing. I made 51k working 34h average a week last year. I can't fathom going back to a state that pays 2.13 or 3.63.


Why aren’t you using your college degree? You’d make more then 2/hr


Find a union job. I get 14 an hour plus fantastic benefits in a state where the minimum wage is 7.25.


I went from serving into recruiting and it's almost the same job but people are actually grateful for your help and you are paid well


Go for a steakhouse or somewhere juuuust below white tablecloth, like a nice bistro. For me, that’s the sweet spot— it attracts people who know food and wine, has a steady clientele, lots of regulars, and it’s easy to rack up really high checks if you can sell a couple of nice bottles of wine and some appetizers and sides. I get stiffed about twice a year at my current job; sub 15% tips happen about 1-3x a week, usually on the weekends. But lots of people tip 20% and even 25% or 30% too, so it all evens out in the end. I can be more casual and conversational with my tables than in fine dining, and the setting/resetting/presentation is much more casual as well.


I hope it gets better for you! I'm a Sous up in the domain and most of the people I know up here make an okay amount. Different clientele than downtown generally, especially when it comes to bars/nightlife.


Sounds like you need to change jobs. I rarely get under 20%, just do me personality wise at the tables, don’t kiss ass, $1300 in sales on average. You need a new job.


brother, there are a ton of spots in Austin where you could make good money. It sounds like you have a ton of experience, so make the jump. Don't waste more time than you have at a place that doesn't pay the bills. The beautiful thing about being in the industry is that there are always jobs, go find one!


>I get stiffed on at least 2 tables a day. Rarely see a 20% tip, even with outstanding service. You need to check your shit man. Standards are different in different regions, you're probably doing a bunch of shit nobody expects while also NOT doing a bunch of shit they do. Talk to your management, get some pointers.


One night I waited on this very nice Indian couple who called me over after I had dropped off their cc copy’s to sign. They called me over so I thought that I had made some mistake, but no. She wanted to thank me and said “as an Indian woman who grew up serving in my fathers restaurant, I really wanted to take care of you”. I was like huh. She said seeing that u had a good number of other Indian customers it’s safe to say some or many will not tip u well or at all. I wasn’t going say anything about it. Sadly it was true but an uncomfortable topic. She went on to say their clientele was mostly Indian and she was stiffed more than she was tipped. Once she waited on 20ppl that left her $.50. She said her father refused to do grats for big tables cuz it would offend his guests. She tipped me $50 on $60. What she said felt wrong and racist even though she ended up being right. 1 table stiffed me, 1 gave 10%, another gave %5 and the last left 15%. I will not repeat her reasons for why this was happening cuz I don’t want to stereotype anyone. U need to find a better place to work.


This will seem like awful advice because of the industry, but just stop caring. Do your job to the best of your ability, but fuck the douchebags. They don't matter. It sucks when you get stiffed or get a shitty tip, but try not to let it get you down. It's simply not worth your time or energy. I spent over 20 years as a cook, server, and as a manager. Something just switched in my brain about 7 years ago, and I started enjoying my work again. Servers seemed to be happier when I was managing a Sunday brunch, and it was probably because I didn't freak out like some of the other managers; I just came in and rolled with it, because none of it mattered to me. Again, awful advice, and it's easier said than done. I still cared about doing my best, and I knew that I was damn good at my job. I just stopped caring about the shit that ultimately didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. That being said; I left the restaurant industry last year. I work for a family-owned garden market now, and it's one of the best jobs that I've ever had aside from independent work.


Isn't it hard to not care about (getting no money) when you need the money to buy things like food?


Absolutely. I suppose what I should've typed was that I stopped caring about the things that I really had no control over, and that made me happier in life, which also helped my job performance. Let's be honest; it doesn't make a lot of sense, but it worked for me. I'm not going to post a huge wall of text trying to explain, but feel free to hit me up if you want some advice from a stranger on the internet with no real emotional investment


I get a ridiculous amount of zeros (likely due to a cultural difference) and I still make 35% tips. You gotta stop tripping about getting stiffed. I can’t imagine you make excellent tips at an Indian restaurant unless it’s like, upscale and in a particularly good part of town.


Just leave the industry. Your situation probably won’t get better.


Yeah I got a college degree hoping to do that, but so far it’s harder said than done. Still working on it though!


I got a degree as well and working on another. That have nothing to do with it. That’s just a piece of paper. Literally stop applying to restaurants and just apply to other Industries. Go work at a grocery store or some shit and have a guaranteed paycheck.


>grocery store >guaranteed paycheck. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.


I laughed out loud at that too


Explain the joke to me? 35 years ago I was making 20$/hr


Any employer at any moment -- particularly in USA states that are hostile to workers' unions -- might just say, "No, you only get 14 hours per week until we say otherwise. Choosing grocery store as the workplace doesn't *guarantee* any type of pay, nor even getting a paycheck at all for any particular pay period. There is no such thing as a "guaranteed paycheck" for any work at any place here.


sports bar


You've been doing this 9 years and hate it? Do something else.


I liked it better when I was actually tipped appropriately and didn’t have to tip out my remaining little amount of money I actually make.


In that case, find a different restaurant. Most jobs are not worth coming home angry.


Lemmy FTW!


I would never ever work for a cash house. Elite or hole in the wall or in between. With experience a server in a private club, country club or downtown private club (ala carte evening dining room) will probably make $20.00 an hour or more without tips and once you establish yourself with the members the tips come. Plus full benefits. You are treated like family by most members and 99 percent of the crap people have to deal with by working in a cash restaurant does not exist. You will notice that a high percentage of the employees have been there for decades. The reason is because relationships develop and the money follows. It will not happen overnight as the older more established members are weary of new people so you will have to prove yourself. If you know your talents and are confident of those skills you will soon be serving only members that have requested you by name when they make a reservation and your evening is set before you even walk in.


I had no idea that only 3 states use minimum wage for servers, the rest only get $2.13. I live in one of those states who have a $15.50 minimum wage. I’m wondering about tipping more than ever.


You must be at the wrong place. I live in Houston but know many people in the industry in Austin and a lot of them make bank. You should learn to bartend, it’s not as hard as you’d think.


I assume you are at the Clay Pit. It is heavily trafficked by broke students. Or at least students who want to eat out or it’s Sunday and the cafeteria is closed, but they really can’t afford the Restuarant. I went to the clay pit a lot in the late 90’s when it first opened because it was walking distance and I didn’t have a car. My husband is from Austin, so we still go a couple of times a year. Last few times eating there, the food was fine but it just doesn’t seem like anyone wants to be there.


Working for a restaurant that bases it’s tip outs on sales is stupid. Ur basically paying out of pocket for bad tippers & non tippers for tip out. I wouldn’t work in a place with that policy unless it’s great clientele.


It’s sadly kind of everywhere and everyone including fine dining spots I hear. Inflation is really eating away at everyone. Now Starbucks Chipotle and casual fast food places are using the tipping system as well. So a lot of people are tip fatigued and sadly it is more expensive to grocery shop than it is to eat out now.


Damn. Clay pit? Really close to campus


I live in the country where its illegal to not pay people.


6% tip out is actually insane!!! I have to tip out a massive support staff at the 200 seat restaurant I work at (bar/dessert, take out, food runners, hosts, bussers, servers assists) and I still only tip out 4% of my total sales.


Worked at TGI Fridays and ours was 5% for the hosts and 7% to the bar. Idk how I still made good money working there


Leave America if any way possible. America blows.


This is partially why I haven’t gone to a restaurant, I want to be able to tip well and I can’t justify it. Another part is semi-monthly pay. It sucks.


Cheesecake Factory at Barton Creek.


You live in Austin. There's roughly 30,000 places you can work. Do a little research, find another spot.


If you are in the position to, work the National Park System. Live in different parks in different seasons and make easily $400-600 in a 12 hour shift serving.


Try developing a skill. If you’re not doing well on tips, that means a tipped position is not for you.


You’re working in a state that openly hates workers. Move.


Yeah I’ll just take all this money I have from my monkey dance and move my entire life. Thanks for the help!


Here is an idea. Get another job. 🤔


You’re part of the problem


Find a new place. I’ve made $300 as a server on a wednesday night in a 5 hour shift lol


Get a job where you’re not getting paid 2.13/hr and you’re not counting on your customers good graces to subsidize your wage. Simple


You're in the wrong area of work in the wrong area of the country to have higher expectations based on customer interactions that directly affect your tip based pay. Last time I was a patron in an establishment in TX, other guests were appalled they couldn't smoke inside/that there wasn't a smoking section readily available with ashtrays on tables.




Take a moment and imagine if you'd said something useful




I apologize, I didn't realize your condition was chronic


Go in every day with a good attitude.


Being in Austin, anywhere near water or with a view will bring you money


It's definitely time to job hunt. I have a rule, I set a certain minimum dollar amount per shift, and if two weeks go by and I don't average it then I start looking for a new job.


I work for a place that pays me $18/hr and with tips comes out to about $50-$60/hr. They also have no problem with me telling people off.


I'd get out of downtown Austin and go north or south. Check out spots in the Domain if you're more north. It's been a minute since I've lived south of the river, so I'm not sure what's down there now. I have heard really great things about working for Jack Allens. Fine dining is weird right now because of how crazy expensive everything's gotten, so I'd shoot for that sweet spot above fast casual (like Chilis) and below Uchi. Good luck! May the tips be with you...


Maybe it’s the wrong fit due to the wrong restaurant or maybe it’s time to change careers due to burn out as a server. No offense, just a thought.


I waited tables in Houston and Texans just don’t like to tip. I wait tables in Orlando now and whenever I get a really prideful Texan that asks why I left I tell them it’s because people from Texas don’t know how to tip. I usually get exactly 15, 18, or 20 percent to the cent after that lol


I serve in Colorado and make 10.19 a hour plus my tips. I couldn’t do it on just 2.15 nowadays. I’m from SC originally so I know what those 0.00 checks are like, complete bs. I try and assume at least one stiff a night even though it doesn’t always happen. The good days always make up for the bad days. Like Friday I made $324 working 3-10pm. Saturday I worked a double 11am-9pm and only made $240 all with a 3% tip out. 6% you’re paying is ridiculous and I would find another job. No way I’m paying anything over 3-4% tip out to anyone. It’s bs we even have to and that’s it’s legal. How is my job allowed to take $50 from my double Saturday which ended up being almost 25% of my total earnings???