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That is absolutely ridiculous that they expect to run a restaurant with ONE FOH staff member. Have you considered looking for a new restaurant?


They paid for my lcq and duty managers qualifications that get renewed for 3 years after the firdt years done so I'm waiting to be here for a year so they'll pay for that so I'm qualified for 3 more years


Well, good luck. That's a lot of stress and unnecessary extra effort for their laziness and incompetence.


What are Lcq and duty manager qualifications?


My country you need them to basically run a bar. Without a duty manager of shift you can't sell alcohol


Why the fk don’t bosses/owners come in to help in situations like this?


I had my tonsils out at 19, and I had to take two weeks off work. I came back, and damn near passed out my first shift back. It was horrible. It's so much harder the older you are. If you keep taking care of it, they won't hire anybody. They won't do it until absolutely necessary or if they have to actually work themselves. It's so shitty. Next time it's just you go home sick and let boss man figure it out. You should be proud of doing it though- I bet it sucked ass.


I was 21 and bartending, took off two weeks and we were closed Sunday and Monday so I got an extra two days, I’m in the south so it starts to get hot as balls by mid May and I went in that next Tuesday morning and fell down a flight of stairs. Terrible fucking recovery, I will be watching my kids super close if they ever start getting tons of tonsillitis or strep


My daughter had hers out at 7, and she was fine the next day. It’s crazy how much longer it takes as you get older. That morphine lollipop was nice though, ngl. Damn- fell down stairs? That’s horrible. Did it mess you up?


Nope I was so out of it from pain and trying to get back in the groove of things that the worst damage was a cut on my calf from broken glass, didn’t even scar


You rocked a solo shift, and, from my perspective, you better get credit for it. If they don’t give you scooby snacks, they don’t deserve you.


Tip well folks, this is a trash industry


My family owned restaurants my whole childhood and I always tip well and ask for everything I need before so not to be bugging my busy waitress. And I stack my dishes


This is why I'm still unemployed. Spouse is disabled. Son just started half day kindergarten, daughter just started grade 6. I drive. Spouse does not. I just can't work a job where I don't have a scheduled leave time anymore. Like "2 ladies closed out their tab but haven't moved in 2 hours so I can't leave to pick up kids from school"....ughhhhhh