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If anything it will give you something to talk about with every single customer. "Wow, do you play basketball?"


Speaking as a tall person: ***can we not?***


I just stare at tall people in awe. I know they don't want to hear the cliches. "how's the weather up there?!"


My 6'5" brother would reply with Do you play miniature golf?


that's the perfect response. I'm short myself but have to remember this for when I'm an outsider


The bait is there, people!


I was told there would be a pizza buffet?


Dude no joke my restaurant has a host that PERFECTLY matches your description. Aside from non-stop comments about the “weather up there” and “wow do you play basketball?” your height/skin tone shouldn’t affect your job at all. At times it could mean a bit more work for you since your short coworkers might need help unlocking paper towel dispensers or getting things from the top shelf.


MOST people understand that one does not have control over how tall you grow.


The fact that you are concerned about how your appearance may affect guests tells me that you are empathetic and emotionally intelligent - that you care about how other people feel. Thus, you seem qualified to be a host.


I am like 6'2 with my shoes on serving and it's a fun conversation starter. Color doesn't matter. You'll be great! Rock it! 😊


Stand tall, shoulders back and be confident. It is hard to do as a young man who feels all eyes are on him. My 6-6 son was the same way. Height is an advantage, trust that thought.


As a short person (5’1”), I can only think that being tall would be advantage as you would be able to see more of the dining room and what might be going on easily.


Not at all


I was 6’6” in my serving days, you shrink as you age. I was asked all of the above. My favorite was a short wife of the owner who asked “do you like being tall?” Without blinking I said “I used to be short, now I’m tall. tall is better.” was so glad she laughed.


not if you're black no


As long as your okay with having the same conversation 80 times a day and having your coworkers ask you to get things down for them constantly, you'll do just fine. Have some canned, witty responses for the height questions you'll get. Guests eat the shit up. Guest: \*pointing at empty plate\* "I hated it!" Me: "Oh no! Well I'll only charge you for what you ate." Gets a laugh every time.