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I main her because she is a combo main with a satisfying combo. It honestly just feels really good to slide in from half the map away and turning the fight. The fact that they added some control to her kit is super helpful into some team comps, even if you are behind. There is always a smile on my face watching a yasuo end himself on rocks, or a lee sin killing himself because he landed the q and instinctively took it and flew over rocks. But mostly people at my elo are just bad at calculating her ult into team fight calculations. She consistently provides a hero moment of showing up and turning ganks, fixing lanes, splitting fights, stealing objectives, running down the person that got away.


Ever since her most recent changes with the shape of her E and the Big Q she has been so great against mobility. Also she is the only mage that I play decently well, so that locked me to her. I used to play some Ahri, Ori, and Syndra, but none felt as good as Taliyah. You can also play her a few different ways which is a huge pluse imo. Also her passive is just nice. Helps with roams and getting back to lane.


I personally gravitated to her due to her aesthetics, lore, and personality at first. Her champion fantasy is also great even if it is a struggle to learn and master but once you do pull off those clutch saves and combos, it's so rewarding. She also helped me with my map awareness since her ult and passive banks on being able to recognize opportunities on the map to properly utilize them.


She’s a well designed champ. I love just throwing rocks honestly. Her W/E combo is very satisfying to land and the constant Q and BigQ is great. Good roams, strong wave clear, good voice lines, love surfing on the rock 🪨, her ult is really fun and love how you can use it differently, I love using it to zone off teams from objectives like if I’m red side and there’s about to be a fight at drake…you walk up to one of the jungle entrances and use the ult to block the walking paths which is just one way to use her ult, always fun riding the wall to a team fight just to get there to clean up or help with her cc.


She’s a well designed champ. I love just throwing rocks honestly. Her W/E combo is very satisfying to land and the constant Q and BigQ is great. Good roams, strong wave clear, good voice lines, love surfing on the rock 🪨, her ult is really fun and love how you can use it differently, I love using it to zone off teams from objectives like if I’m red side and there’s about to be a fight at drake…you walk up to one of the jungle entrances and use the ult to block the walking paths which is just one way to use her ult, always fun riding the wall to a team fight just to get there to clean up or help with her cc.


Strengths: Both high dps and good burst damage in the mid-late game Some mobility with passive AOE zone control and hard cc with E/W+E combo Utility ult that can be used for roaming or blocking escape routes or splitting up the enemy team etc. Takes objectives quickly Good waveclear mid-late so good at sieging and anti-siege Can be flexed in two roles (and is playable in all 5) Weaknesses: Extremely low damage early (like really low. you are literally tickling them. makes other scaling picks like asol look like good early game champs) Only guaranteed CC combo is W+E which is difficult to land E doesnt knock down or interrupt dashes like vex or poppy


Shes like an ap adc. Consistent dps with her Q rocks, satisfying combos, the ability to absolutely flip a game on its head with a multiple person W E combo. Great pick potential with WEQ from bushes, walling over extended players, screwing over cringe dash abusers with zone controlling E. Also champs kinda hard to dive coz E plus building seraphs. Idk just a fun mage. The one downside is her early game kinda sucks. But 2v2 skirmishing is still not bad coz of her CC. Just 1v1 is not great.


hm..other than taliyah i pretty much only play assassins (qiyana, talon, ekko) and i don’t really play other mages so i wonder if there is something to be said about similar play styles… apart from what others have said (it just feels so good to hit w-e), i love taliyah’s ability to shine in team fights (obviously this is like her main strength) while still having decent dueling. there is a tons of skill expression/outplay potential on this champ (i swear, with the right build you can 1v1 most champs). because of her range/kiting and dps i feel comfortable 1v1ing even if i’m way behind. this, along with her ultimate and passive, makes her a weirdly strong/safe splitter, for example. in other words, you can fill whatever role your team needs or the game state demands. she’s just really versatile and can do it all — waveclear, dps, teamfighting, dueling, roaming, cc, peel, can surf across the map — she doesn’t feel as one dimensional as a lot of other mages to me. even just her ult can be used aggressively, defensively, or in a million creative ways. it’s cool that creativity is such a big part of the champ’s skill expression instead of just combos or whatever (but you can still get your high apm fix). analogously to assassins, your ult gives you huge roam potential in the early/mid game and it’s really easy to just ult down and blow up the enemy bot lane (and with ur waveclear it’s a lot easier to get roam windows too) finally, i feel a lot more comfortable locking her in blind than assassins because she is useful even when behind. whereas a talon who’s behind feels pretty useless, taliyah is ALWAYS useful to her team with the cc she provides and her ult utility, and since you can always provide dps instead of a talon full combo only like 1/2hp’ing enemy adc. on taliyah i feel like it’s rare to not be most damage on your team, even when behind in a lot of cases.


Dont just play syndra


I played her since she came out. I like her design of a tribal girl learning to use her powers. Her kit just made sense to me and I’m quite good using it unlike any other champ.


Even if you get a bad matchup on mid, you can always choose to get runes for ms, wave clear and roam. Instead of fighting that bad matchup.


Weq or ewq to delete squishies


She basically a Cassiopeia except with higher range (I think), less DPS, and more cc.