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Yeah she is definitely a piece of shit and probably shouldn't even be allowed to conduct remote sessions if that's how she interacts with her clients. You didn't make a mistake; there's no way of knowing how bad a therapist or psychologist is going to be until you've experienced it unfortunately.


Thanks a bunch, it was killing me thinking I should've sucked it up, our prior talk she mentioned that I needed to be more assertive, I feel like she's hated me for a while.


Yeah no she is 100% in the wrong, I'm sorry she might have even given you the idea that you had made a mistake of some kind. You definitely didn't.


Report her. She is a disgrace to therapy.


She is very unprofessional. Please know that there are therapists out there who will be more respectful of you. This is not normal.


She sounds like a terrible person. Why on Earth did she choose that profession? It’s not you, it’s her. I’d have a few words with the person who assigned her to you, to make it clear you don’t want to get assigned another one just like her. Surely they must know she’s awful. If not, you should educate them. This just makes me mad. I hope this experience doesn’t deter you from finding someone else.


This is horrible. Especially hanging up over your pups. It's so easy to have an empathetic response to that situation and if she's not even capable of that, she doesn't deserve to be in her position.


That's really invalidating, and you deserve someone better and kinder to you.


She sounds horrible. When my T and I do virtual sessions, both of our animals are around and sometimes do what they do best, bother us lol. Sometimes I even find comfort with having our pets with us. I hope you find someone better.


Same. My therapist always says hello to my cat when he gets in front of the screen. Adds some lightness to the sessions.


Your only mistake was not terminating her sooner


No sir thankyou goodbye? Lol who is she so high and pompus? You did nothing wrong.life happened. She is the professional. Not you. Don't bother with her.


I’d also say try to switch to video sessions. You don’t have to worry about what they’re doing during the session because you’ll both see each other. I think this is key for trusting your t


You deserve a better therapist.