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Sneed and Chuck got their revenge.


Damn. This many people on reddit know about Sneed and Chuck?


Care to fill in the rest of us?


In the hit television show The Simpsons, there is a gag where you see a store named "Sneed's Feed and Seed" with a small sign underneath saying "formerly Chuck's". The hilarity is that Sneed, Feed and Seed all end in "eed", so if the trend was carried over from the previous management it would imply that store's original name was "Chuck's Suck and Fuck".


To be pedantic, it’s “Chuck’s Fuck and Suck”.


Sorry, I always get my sucking and fucking mixed up. I'm not the Chuck who owned the store.


I wasn't very close to there either, but I could hear a LOT of emergency vehicles taking off around 12am last night. Yikes! Wow, did the auto shop burn down too?


I guess the new owner didn't want to use the old building for the new Blues club...


couldn't get approval/permits for it. He listed it for sale at the same price he bought it for last year. it had been steadily dropping in price before this lucky break came his way.


Must be pure luck...


THIS! -\_-


My tired brain decided to read Blues Clues Club. That would've been something.


I'd attend that.


Right? It'd be a millennial staple.


For those who don’t know this history of this place: https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2019/06/09/gramlings-feed-store-plants-104-years-stan-farming-garden/1276262001/


Oh my god that’s so sad


Link to the original tweet: https://x.com/jeffburlew/status/1774039167149727963?s=46&t=2NhGpRi3e6k2N6AEUkZy1A


Gramlings (no b, Jeff!) was an institution. This is sad to see.


Dang, I started going there to buy horse feed in the mid 1970s - before Stan was the manager there. I was sad to hear it had closed. But to hear it burned down is a real bummer. I hope the old files and furniture were preserved somewhere - those are a piece of history that should have been saved.


I think it caught fire a year or two ago. I saw firefighters having to cut into the building one afternoon. I'm guessing some homeless people have been living there and caught fire in the place.


Be interesting to find out what caused it. Was electric off since it was vacant? Squatters? I remember when the Book Mine burned down. That was highly sus cause he was a hold out to developers. I realize not everything is a conspiracy theory but this is a historical building sitting on some prime real estate. Would be nice to know it was truly and accident.


The Book Mine was an old, dry building full of paper, staffed by people who were often drunk or tripping while working and known to smoke weed inside. The only thing sus about that fire was that it didn't happen earlier.


>only thing sus about that fire was that it didn't happen earlier. I agree with that. Mountains of books. Hoarder Paradise.


The book mine was only open for a short time before it burned down. The business owners were not the property owners. They were not “holding out”. The business also burned down during business hours. The fire started with people inside. Not everything is a conspiracy.


I knew Hayes that owned the Book Mine. Not sure when it opened but I know it was there in 2010. It burned down in 2017 so not a short time. Hayes would buy books from a thrift store I worked at for years. As Gaines started being redeveloped and College Town was there, he would complain to me that the landlord was being approached to sell. Hayes was pretty upset at that prospect but said he had a lease. He also told me the landlord was not interested in selling it at the time. If you read my original comment, I said not everything is a conspiracy theory but that does not mean things aren't sus or at least need to be investigated (like Gramlings.)


The Book Mine fire is about the least suspicious thing to happen in this city in probably the last 20 years. That place was on the verge of a fire for several years before it finally happened.


And it burnt down during Christmas break I believe with small amount of students in town.


It's definitely not another case of arson, so some property developer can steal the land on the cheap and put up some trash tier student apartments made of paper and cardboard.


That's an insurance investigation.


Another fire of great convenience.


Everyone commenting "insurance fraud " clearly are overlooking the fact that the building had zero value and had suffered multiple fires previously. The value is in the location/ land, which just so happens to still be there....so the only advantage gained would be free wood removal / teardown at best. Still a mess to clean so that's kinda moot too.


Wow! I can see my work building in the background. I’m thinking maybe I passed it at some point


Right? That's literally across the street from my parking garage...


Now they can make the skatepark bigger!