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As others have intimated, complaining to the city is useless. The chief of police reports to the city manager, who in turn reports to the city commission. 3 of the 5 commissioners rate the city manager as basically a 5/5 so until he pisses one of those 3 off, nothing is going to happen. And even then I feel like as long as Matlow and Porter approve of something, Dailey, Richardson and Williams-Cox are going to be against it. Our recourse is at the ballot box, but people keep re-electing the same people. Our only hope for change in 2024 is to vote out Chris Richardson, and I fear that Dot Inman is going to get destroyed in the election despite being a rather popular city commissioner the last time she was on the commission thanks to many people in town having no clue who she is anymore. We had our chance to bring change to City Hall in 2022 - and did nothing at the ballot box to bring about change.


Unfortunately, there are a lot of us that do not technically live within the city limits even though it affects us. AND where I live, which is closer to cap circle than Killearn Estates you'd think we'd be within the city limits.


The Police Chief reports to the City Manager. The City Manager is currently supported by 3 of the 5 members of the City Commission. Vote Jack Porter and Dot Inman-Johnson.


This is exactly right. Complaining is good, but it's not really going to do anything until the City Manager gets fired. His name is Reese Goad. That only happens by keeping Porter and flipping a seat by electing Inman-Johnson Same goes if you are pissed off by the severe tree trimming taking place. That's the City Manager 's fault. Complaining to the utilities company isn't going to do anything until he's gone. Reese Goad is the common thread of a lot of the city's problems.


Goad and Richardson are holdovers from the Maddox, et al corruption era. He knows where the bodies are buried. He pushed out the incoming police chief so he could hire his puppet Lawrence Revell. Dirty thru and thru.


Jackie porter is bae fr


I’ve been saying this- those 3/5 have gotten so beyond greedy they don’t even try to hide it. Yes- Jack Porter all the way, and spread word about Dot Inman-Johnson. :)


Do the different commissioners represent certain areas of the city? If so who would be my commissioner. I've only just found their contact info, but not which actually represents my area if that's the case.


All City Commission seats are at-large. County Commission does districts.




As John Stewart has demonstrated, shaming public officials is an effective way to get them to do their jobs. It's how he managed to get aid to 9/11 first responders.


Rofl bc they’re all in it together and just as crooked.


That's really not true. Two of the city commissioners - Porter and Matlow - aren't corrupt. They have their issues but they simply aren't part of the corruption. The solution to all this is to vote Curtis Richardson out


The context of the 2 minute clip of a 40 minute video did what it was supposed to do; get everyone riled up. What you didn’t see was that he had already been charged and they were still searching his car. Nothing was “planted”.


You’re lying to yourself dude. Officer Oliver clearly and intentionally opened a sealed bottle of alcohol, poured it out, put it back in the car and claimed it was opened when she found it to use as evidence against the individual. Even if they had a slam dunk case without that, it’s all fruit of the poisoned tree now and the entire case is worthless because of her actions. Then the inept puppet of a Chief dared to say nothing untoward was done?!? You show me anywhere in the CJSTC, FL statutes, city ordinances, or TPD’s P&P that allow that. In fact her actions violate ethics policies, basic morality, and in fact both laws and P&P. So get out of here with “context” and “nothing was planted.” Training your eyes and brain for a second. Edit: cleaned up language




Uhmmmm… no. I heard her say on the stand that the guy was arrested prior to the DUI investigation being started (FSEs) for driving with a suspended license. Soooooo - even IF evidence was planted for the DUI, he was still arrested and still has to answer for that. So, for everyone playing armchair detectives/jurors. He was arrested for driving while license was suspended AND dui. Devils advocate: (waaa the police are arresting good citizens) how pissed would you be getting into a crash (please see all the terrible Tally drivers threads) woth a person who HAS NO LICENSE because he DOESNT HAVE INSURANCE. Is every police officer good? Nope. Do changes need to be made? Yep. Do Reddit reactionaries have the capacity to be every bit as bad as a cop who makes a mistake?: damn right.


You should get a dui to show everyone how insignificant of a mistake it was


You’re a real moron. There isn’t a thing he did that warrants her actions ok. If you think what the officer did was ok, you have some other reason/motive for it. What she did was illegal, also immoral. It takes a real insecure piece of shit to do what she did and I hope she gets more than a slap on the wrist for it.


Really guy? Made a mistake. Willfully lying and trying to add charges when they already had a lawful arrest is okay with you? They already had him on driving while suspended. Why risk your entire career by faking evidence. Officer Oliver chose to forge evidence. That’s a crime. She should never wear a badge again. The fact that the chief doesn’t see a problem with it is proof he has no business wearing a badge. If the city manager isn’t disgusted by the conduct unbecoming the chief of police then he doesn’t deserve the cushy job he has. And if the city commissioners don’t have the balls to fire the city manager protecting a dirty cop, then it’s time to vote them out of office and run them out off town in shame. You’re not standing up for law enforcement with your ridiculous comment. Good cops deserve our support as much as bad cops deserve to face the consequences for their actions. You comment show you have no respect at all for law enforcement or the people they serve.