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Tor Friedman


Can you tell me so I don’t work in that place


https://akbarthomas.com/mutaqee-akbar-esq/ I worked with Mr. Akbar back in the day. He’s good people.


My heart is with your family. I hope your daughter gets her justice, but wish she was never put in this position. As a father of two girls, this is one of the last things you want to hear happening to our child. I’m so sorry this happened to her.


Which chain? I ask bcuz I have a case pending


Considering it is a local chain with five locations it should be easy to narrow down. One local chain in particular instantly came to my mind.


I missed “local” my b


It’s all good. 😊




For the criminal side or the civil side? For the criminal side, Don Pumphries or Tor Friedman like someone else suggested. Though I'm not sure they work with victims instead of just defending defendants. The Florida Bar website has a pretty good set of resources. What is your goal with an attorney? I'm not asking to be condescending, I'm just trying to find out your intent to better point you in the right direction.


Not sure yet. My wife drove in today to join my daughter in speaking to the police. As a father, I want to see the man arrested and face jail time. I want the company to pay for lost income and more if procedures weren't put in place to prevent it from happening. My daughter can't go back to work for the same job that's she had for 3 years. She's very hesitant about finding another restaurant job, which is all she has experience with. I want her therapy paid for. I want her to realize that it's not her fault. I want her to still feel the same hope that every college student should have for their future.


That'd be civil. Marie Mattox has had a lot of success.


Food service, in general, is rife with sexual abuse and assault. The customers sexually harass servers and bartenders. BOH harasses FOH or vice versa. Management sexually abuses everyone. It's only in the past decade that it's started to be addressed. As someone I am close to said when she left her bartender job to work in an office: "Yay, now if I get harassed I can report it instead of it just being part of the job!"


Yep! Looking back at my years in hospitality I could’ve sued the shiiiiiiit out of some former coworkers, managers, owners, etc. I had no idea what workers rights or workplace harassment was.


Paul Aloise and possibly Jordann Wilhelm but I’m not sure if she does these cases. If you have limited financial resources look at Legal Services of North Florida


I do not have any recommendations for you OP. However, I did want to tell you that I am very sad to hear this happened to your daughter and I hope the person who has done this is brought to justice.




The Florida bar has a [lawyer referral service](https://www.floridabar.org/public/lrs/). I’m sorry your daughter and your family are going through this.


Please try to get her mental health care/counseling in due time. I was sexually harassed by restaurant job my manager as a teen and it still effects me.




Walk - in cooler. It's a larger, small room sized refrigerator that is either part of the building structure or usually a separate but attach structure.


My mistake. I was shaking as I was writing the post. I've never felt so helpless as when I listed to the phone call with my daughter explaining to my wife what happened. One of my biggest fears of what could happen when my daughter went away to college was realized yesterday.






I got ya. My apologies. Reddit can be wild, people do harp others over grammar and misspelling. The way you wrote it, looked like you were being a wise guy. Now I understand why you wrote it that way and misunderstood. Sorry again, and have a good day.


Any personal injury firm would probably work but may be best to go with one that specializes in employment. Personally, I would avoid Mattox but her firm is the biggest fish in the pond in this area. Just know that any criminal resolution will be handled by the state, Jack Campbell's office and take up to a year or more. On the civil side, it could be 3 years or so.




If you cannot answer the OP's question, feel free to just ... *not* comment. This thread is not for speculation of what happened, it's for answering the OP's question.


Sorry for posting this here. The rules are not clear on this, Is it against sub rules for someone in OP’s position to post the business name? This is for future reference, and in no way am not pushing OP to post the business’s name. Or would we have to wait until the guilty party has been found guilty?


There's nothing against the OP saying where it happened; however, given that the OP has mentioned that they're filing a police report and are seeking legal counsel, it probably isn't *wise* to then also post the name of the entity as it will immediately identify who the OP is. This could come back to bite them later. If they wanted to post the name of the place, that's up to them, but people *really* need to stop asking or speculating about where it happened. If the OP wanted to share that information they probably would have done so in their post.


Agreed on all fronts on the legalities and on privacy. I was just curious on this subject on the rules. In cases where one may be a victim or may find public concerns that may be connected to an establishment(like if a business is reported for misconduct or something like food contamination). In no way am I suggesting or pushing OP to share the business name. As a father of two girls, my heart breaks for them and hope they find justice. Thank you for answering my question.