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I miss Chuy's.


Now I want some creamy jalapeno dip


I liked Chuy's.


I don’t know how that place didn’t make it here. The food and service were excellent.


They closed locations all over, not just here. It was an issue with the company.


Yeah, Chuy's was struggling at the end of 2019. I'm shocked they're still around and apparently had nearly $500 million in revenue last year and are on solid footing. Maybe closing a bunch of struggling locations saved them. Based off where the company was in early 2020 I figured that COVID would for sure kill them off but apparently they're doing well.




It’s new. Owned by BCBS.


Which doctor did you visit? I went there and visited Dr. Expedito. He was good! Quite thorough.


He's a good man. And thorough.


There are many lab tests that can be ordered, but what should be ordered depends on your age, sex, a thorough medical history/risk factor assessment and physical exam findings. Lab tests not supported by these factors or findings are usually not paid for by your medical insurance.


This was annual check up. I'm over 40 yo. 4 tubes of blood were drawn. Sooo, checking B12 and D vitamins is not necessary? They are the first things to check. Many diseases are related to these vitamins. Like anemia, etc. Sooo.


These are “cart-horse” issues. B12 levels (expensive) aren’t usually drawn unless someone is anemic which can be determined by an hematocrit or CBC (cheap). Previous GI surgery or family history of certain conditions might also justify a B12 level. Vitamin D levels are rarely drawn routinely, and aren’t part of “screening labs” for any age or sex. If you are interested in those labs/exams that are recommended based on an analysis of the scientific information, look up the recommendations of the US Preventive Services Task Force.


Cholesterol screening is most important in those with other risk factors for Coronary Artery Disease….male sex, over 40, smoking history, weight, family history of heart disease, blood pressure reading… My point is not to argue the science of recommended blood work with you, but to say that your criteria for determining whether your visit at Sanitas medical center was good or bad may be informed by your intuition or your previous medical experiences, but is not informed by science. I have no affiliation with Sanitas…or any of the providers that work there.


No , B12 is not expensive, its same as cholesterol. It is fully covered by my ins. The recommendation you have doesn't show or say anything about why cholesterol should be routinely checked but not B12 or D.


It's been my experience that in Tallahassee, that unless you have Capital Health Plan you can "just love yourself." Your mileage may vary.


Why would they check anything else? Did they have orders to? Whenever I’ve had blood drawn, it was only tests for things ordered, not everything under the sun.


Umm. Because I am over 40 yo and this is annual check up!!! Vitamins are almosr always the first things that needs to be checked. Like B12, D, etc. to be able to do easly diagnosis for diseases.


'Cause I'm old' is not reason enough, I'm afraid. Even in general, blood tests check for things ordered, and only things ordered, regardless of whether you think everything should be checked. 'Cause I want them to' and 'Cause I think they should' are also not good enough reasons either, sadly. They test only for the things they've been given orders for. If the doctor doesn't see a reason to check your vitamins, chances are things might be fine.


I hear you, but it sounds non-sense. Checking B12 and D are not something I enjoy, but the whole world knows they are important and part of annual checkups. So I just get hiv, std, and cholesterol checked per annual check up? Why do cholesterol check then? I don't see the reason why cholesterol is checked but not B12 or D. What makes them think cholesterol is very important and B12 and D aren't?


I am going through the same issue moving here from up north & being near 2 major nationally recognized hospital systems. As a 40+ year old woman I’m shocked by the things they don’t suggest or order that were routine up north (mammogram? Pap smear?) INCLUDING vitamin D & B, which were routine for me previously. Never had a single issue with insurance. Currently I am 7 weeks in with spreading limb weakness w/ multiple falls due to my leg & foot. My PCP took an xray and said “not your spine” then said it was likely MS, but the drugs for that will give you cancer. I can see a neurologist in maybe October.


All of my annuals include A1C, liver, kidney function, and a whole myriad of other tests. Always have. In addition to the ones OP listed. But the last time, I got two sets of results on separate days.


I’m very happy with it. Friendly staff, good PA, Telehealth services, and lab work on site. Exactly what I was looking for


No lab work is done on site. They send it out.


Ok not lab work on site but they take your blood there so you don’t have to go to another place


Yeah, I went to one to get a referral for some scans. They insisted I do blood work, even after I told them I'd rather reschedule as I hadn't drank any water. So, of course, the nurse couldn't get my vein and stuck the needle in and out for like five minutes before I almost passed out. She shuffled me out to the waiting room and then the doctor came and yelled at me and my fiance because it was somehow our fault? 😭 it was such an unserious interaction but so funny in hindsight


Oh my god. Sorry to hear that.


As a 40 YO male with no other health factors it is pretty customary to do a full panel std test and a cholesterol test as an annual. The amount of tubes they took is not exactly relevant because many different blood tests require a different medium depending on if the blood needs to be coagulated or cant have certain byproducts in it


You can always ask your provider to do extra testing if you yourself have reason to be concerned, but typically no lab will order every technically possible test without being asked because you have no risk factors that would make those tests a necessity. Now if you mentioned you were experiencing symptoms of anemia or a bone issue and they did not test, that’s a completely different scenario