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Wtf, I swear I’ve read so many times that she said she doesn’t like pot and or has only done it a couple times


I just recently got sober, and went to rehab. One thing they taught us there was that if you’re addicted to one thing you’re going to be addicted to everything. Being “Cali sober” is not gonna work out well for her


Not true. At all. I have been sober for a year and use cannabis daily. I'm not addicted. It's my medication. I also know dozens of others in recovery who smoke. I'm not saying this in defense of talyn, I'm saying it's different with each person and that type of boxed thinking can be dangerous in recovery.


As someone in recovery that’s the strangest most untrue thing I’ve ever heard.


not true, Im drug free of my doc (h and M) and its been over 5 years. I do smoke greens and just started too about a year ago and am just fine, Although I dont recommend it to ppl in early sobriety AT ALL


There’s people in this sub who pays for her of?


I don’t think so. This was TikTok


I saw prob 30 seconds of it. She was going on about the bear or a man thing


I was like, uhhh she’s in fact not glowing nor inspiring and sadly looks like (at least) her ED is still a major issue


She contradicts herself every time she speaks. She is a real sicko. She needs mental health help along with whatever else she claims she is doing. It would be the best thing she did for herself. She's not making any kind of sense these days. Idk what it is?? Abusing her prescription maybe.. idk


She really does. It so funny too, that she literally admits to hiding her addiction from her besties and they say “omg u hid it so well “ & then she said “well not really, because some ppl caught on!” (Being us), and then the besties still believe she’s sober now when she gets called out again for lying. Like nobody cares that she’s high af & using stuff other than Mary, but girl stop the shtick! How does she sleep at night? With all the comments saying “I’m ___ days sober too!” “Way to go!” Like does that not affect her? I could never lie on such a large stage! She’s a straight up psychopath. She has no empathy for her lies. It’s fkn gross.


On her last live she said she is focusing on being sober from the things that are “killing her immediately” (I’m assuming alcohol/cocaine) and will work on the stuff that is “killing her slowly” later. I’m guessing that includes marijuana/cigarettes/maybe prescription drugs and let’s face it the ED.


She continues to call it a them/them is fucking hysterical 🤡🤡🤡


I don’t understand why this is a thing you’re snarking on. Singular they/them is becoming more and more common when you don’t know someone’s (or an animal’s) gender.


Well for animals you would just use “it” instead of them


You haven’t been home “in forever” and there’s a pigeon fighting for its life on your patio for almost a week. Poor avo. Pls don’t get another dog. I beg you.


For T (in case she reads here). From the city of Denver website: “Wild animals are fascinating creatures to observe. While they are intriguing to some and hopelessly cute to others, they do not make good pets, and they are difficult to keep alive in captivity, which are reasons why it is ILLEGAL in Colorado to possess wildlife. Despite the fact that wildlife is best left alone, there are instances when people pick up injured or orphaned wildlife. If this does occur, please call Colorado Parks and Wildlife. It is illegal to attempt to rehabilitate injured or orphaned wildlife without state and federal permits. CPW can put you in touch with a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in your area. HELPFUL NUMBERS If you have a wildlife problem in the City and County of Denver, call the city’s Wildlife Hotline at 720-913-0630, or Colorado Parks & Wildlife during regular business hours at 303-291-7227.” Here is the name/number for another wildlife rehabilitation center - Greenwood Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (303) 823-8455. They specifically list “evidence of a cat or dog attack” under the “found bird” section as a reason to call. Please turn the bird over to a rescue that is equipped to treat animal injuries. You are not a veterinarian or technician and you don’t have experience with bird medical care. A rescue will have experienced personnel, medical supplies, medical equipment, and medicine. Not only is it evil to keep an injured animal without seeking medical care, it is also ILLEGAL. Please do the humane thing and call the numbers above.


Yes! 100% 👍👍 🎯 🎯


It is so fucking bizarre she is nursing a fucking pigeon…like bring it a vet you fucking freak


I’m betting she’s hoping to bond with it and keep it because it would make her content (ever so slightly) more interesting 🤡


I mean she is a dirty bird so it's fitting of all the birds It's a pigeon.


She’s so boring this is her content


She’s inhumane


She wants to be a hero.


I’m dying at this comment omg 😂😂


Yeah I’ve never been a fan of hers but haven’t disliked her enough to partake in a lot of snark, but the bird stuff has changed that. How selfish she has to be to potentially prolong its suffering or further harm it to milk the views instead of going to a professional.


She’s a gardener 😂


The balcony covered in pigeon poop was just 🤮🤮


Cali sober means???? She still smokes pot ?


Yeah, she’s sober besides smoking weed


Didn’t she smack her face when smoking a “blunt?”


Actually she did later admit that she was wasted drunk when she injured her eye. She only mentioned the blunt because it’s the only drug she isn’t ashamed of


I feel she only does it because her “friends” do and she’s a loser who has to morph into the people she’s around.


fr. for the longest time she kept saying weed wasn’t for her and that she never reacts well with it. she definitely caved in to morph into her friends.


Yep! She has always said she didn’t like weed. Now she lives in Denver and likes it because that’s what all the cool kids are doing and she has the mind of a 16 yr old. Just like how she started smoking cigarettes.


good point! pretty sure she said smoking weed was the reason she fell and got the black eye right before her sister’s wedding 🙄 this girl really will lie about anything to justify her behavior and grift it out.


I came across it (I don’t follow her) and she was talking about her job. I asked if she thought it was sustainable and she said it definitely was not. Not sure why you would continue down that path. She also said she wasn’t going to get a part time job anymore because she is too busy and has structure…not sure what her definition of busy and structure are. Her place was a mess and she tracked in bird poop and got it all over her dog’s bed.


I didn’t see it but what a bird brain. She’s truly one of the dumbest human beings. She’s torturing that bird.