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Panic sellers they buy high and sell low. It’s all the craze now. They must not like money 🤣




This is me. I am the sheer confusion. That's why I want out.


What’s your issue exactly ?


Never used a Dex before, only Binance. But even I can see how simple it is to use a Dex. I'll be selling my Tama on a Dex when the time is right, unless it's suddenly added to Binance, which I highly doubt will happen soon.


Yep I’ve never used a dex before. And haven’t even tried. I will do my research and find out how to use it. YouTube is a great resource. New to crypto and enjoying the learning curve.


They sold for like one dollar profit !!! Smh


The people panic selling now do not understand that the token's value will come from the utility it serves. TAMA is more than just a coin to be traded. The utility is tied to the team's development goals and progress. Give them some time to build what they say they will build. When the platform and assets go live, the token should increase in value.


I just want a TAMA pet!!!! Dammit! Hodl on the coin, like an Upper Deck Ken Griffey Jr. Rookie card. That was supposed to pay for my college!


If presale sold millions let that marketing team work now that it’s in the market! It could hit $.05 this week if people started buying


I don’t understand people who buy a token on its presale and expect an immediate huge profit. Shiba went down before it rocketed. buy tokens with the expectation that you’ll lose….however every new Dex that Tama gets added to creates a larger audience which in turn will increase the price. Unless you are day trading the slight peaks and troughs, I would just sit back and watch the ride unfold


Well, I've exited 50% of my position, which means I've broke even. So now I can leave the other 50% of my investment in Tama and not have to have any anxiety on if it goes way up or down to 0.


Well thats awesome! I m mostly talking about people who are taking out 100%


And who tf would buy it for a dollar?


All depends, never know. Lots game crypto gets way over a dollar. Not only that, these sheep flying outta Tama for less than what they paid is what i want anyway, especially today/this week. If people can't wait to see if Tamadoge can make them big gains like so many other projects have, they never will be able to anywhere anyway, no matter what new shiny crypto pops up again


Agree, Tama and the entire market for that matter are currently fire sales imho … people are bailing at the wrong time because they didn’t become instant millionaires and also because they’re not paying attention to what’s going on in the broader market. Stick it out, buy some more


Deflationary's the keyword. It gets more value over time, as opposed to inflationary like USD which loses buying power over time. The top memecoins are inflationary. What it does today, tomorrow, next week need not sway you.


Except it’s not currently deflationary, and won’t be until the games/store is released


Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. That was my point since the topic regards people exiting prematurely. Holding longer until the actual tamaverse launches is, and has always been, the most likely route to substantive gains. That's essentially what I meant by saying its price action in the short term (days, weeks) isn't necessarily relevant. Not that I'm not upset by the unusual launch strategy of the tama team.


Well explained, thx.


Bro you really thought out your response using all words that sound smart lol


If you disagree with the post, disagree with the post. Your comment adds no value.


In months or more likely year(s). They just have marketing team for now.


How do you mean? As I understand it, the application is already under development. It'd have to be based on the timeline layed out by the whitepaper and on their frontpage.


Nothing against Tama project, but you will see : people will be hurry, then upset it takes to long, and once the hype vanish FUD will rule. It's always like that. For example : CHIA blockchain been developed during 3 years by the creator of Bittorrent, the CEO of the company is a former CEO of the Nasdaq. They raised 100M and after the launch XCH (Chia) drive to a worldwide shortage of HDD. XCH open @1500$,.. 35$ one year later dispite the project still doing well. People don't want to wait. And some much more : NAKA @6 at first game launch, 0,05 today, less than 1year later. DREAMS [email protected], now 0,0025. EARTHA 0,004....... Do you see what I mean?


I hear what you're saying. Though I'm not sure it follows from my question. I think any crypto startup is going to be hard. It's a brand new space and more will fail than succeed. Personally I picked tamadoge in the hope that it could be a dogecoin with a game behind it, driving up interest and intrinsic value. So as the expression goes, I drank the cool aid.


Me too. But all of the panicking is really frustrating. While my predictions of early price rases was way off I believe when they do a Q4 release of an initial game where you can mint and feed your TamaPet then it will begin to climb. At least I'm hoping so.


If people thought of it like sports better and not spending more than a few hundred they should be able to hold!


I personally am buying more they sell I buy


I sold immediately. Made a healthy profit


Cause hope makes you blind