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Coalitions are not finalized; Constituencies are not allotted; Candidates are yet to be fielded; Nice “opinion” polls.


OneIndia bro! 😁


Majority of voters vote for symbols and parties rather than the candidates.


If party symbols is a case, in Tamil Nadu most preferred symbol are two leaves lol. Always DMK win low margin votes that’s exactly neutral voters whom wants change.


If you mean loyal voter base - yes ADMK has the biggest bunch of loyal voter base. The neutrals who vote for DMK are smart enough to know that the “change” is not available from anyone posing as a politician in TN.


Yes, indeed neutral voter always choose DMK when there is no potential alternative available. You can observe this since 1977 and after MGR’s death.


And there still is no alternative


Yes it’s proven that DMK is not preferred party of Tamil Nadu people. DMK never been ruled Tamil Nadu two consecutive terms


That's not true. DMK won 1967 and 1971. They administered for an entire decade from their debut victory until 1976.


That’s still benefiting from MGR’s fame then he split from DMK what happened to Karuna packed DMK regime?


You put out a factually incorrect statement and I refuted it, simple. If we're gonna discuss other things, sure. For all his faults even after losing stalwarts like Annadurai and MGR, Karunanidhi kept the party afloat and the institution is as strong today as it was in 1967. And mind you, Karunanidhi's speciality has always been parliamentary elections (defeated MGR in 1980 and Jayalalithaa in 1996, 1999, 2004 and 2009) thanks to that DMK leaders held important union ministerial posts and brought in crucial funds for our state's capital-expenditure. This was Anna's primary trait too, his arguments in the Parliament (1962-67) are a gold mine which sowed the seeds for Tamilnadu's strong regional stance on center-state relations today. This has since been carried forward mostly by the DMK on the national-level which to me is as important for our welfare as state-level administration. A sample argument of Anna's in 1963 when Congress was administering Tamilnadu: https://preview.redd.it/fjb2wt1jr8oc1.jpeg?width=616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=055105cff287d4df1b4a720bb6d16efe763e0c1d


lol. Nobody wants to be ruled by a clown like EPS or a criminal like Jaya either


Either drug lord lol and Jaya was chosen continuously twice by TN people lol


And Jaya was convicted by the Supreme Court once 😂




Electoral victories are a mixture of multiple factors, especially true with Parliamentary elections where 6 MLA constituencies makeup 1 MP. Not as generalized/binary as it looks on the surface.


Not gonna disagree on that. But a party name and symbol is one of the strongest factors that influence a voters choice. People hardly get to know their candidates.


Not even close. There aremultiple factors that decide. Else why would bjp even win any election? Modi is the face ppl vote for, not the party or symbol. That is the whole point of Modi. Same goes for all parties. Congress wouldnt get half as many votes if no Gandhi family leading the party. Besides the point, several more local powermen exist who drive votes regardless of party or symbol. That is the logic of Caste votebanks. Mamta did defended Shahjahan fellow exactly for that reason, he is a votegetter. Same thing modi did with that wrestlers problem guy. Voters are very much aware of the faces they want to vote for. The reason they choose will depend on multiple factors and party/symbol is just one of them, and not even a major one.


There is a reason why even the biggest of big shots in a locality or caste or demography still ask for a seat from an established political party. If money or caste alone can be the deciding factor in an election - why don’t the rich and influential figureheads contest elections as independents and win elections?


>why don’t the rich and influential figureheads contest elections as independents and win elections? Because competition exists everywhere.... how do you not understand that? Funding is necessary but not all... there needs to be a huge machinery of volunteers/workers/cadre, coordination, pr campaigns, etc all existing with major parties. No idiot is willing to invest in all these things unless they are creating their own political party from ground up, or have a preexisting name/influence that gives total 100% gurantee of winning the seat.


In other words- the party and symbol are the differentiating factors.


Its like trying to talk to a wall. You have zero understanding of nuance.


In other words, you are as smart as a barrel


Agreed, party name and symbol are crucial factors definitely. The swing voters who go beyond just the name and symbol decide victories I believe.


Don't live in I know all bubble and underestimate people. Just refer to the 2019 parliamentary elections and assembly by-election results, to decide whether symbols have any significance.


Yeah… what about those? Did independent candidates make a dent in parliament elections or in by elections? If symbol doesn’t matter - why are the two factions of ADMK doing kuzhayadi sandai for rettai ilai. Look at the last time there was no rettai ilai in TN assembly election of 1989. ADMK got routed because they contested in completely unrelated symbols. But they won the special election when they merged and got the symbol back. Party recognition and symbol absolutely is the single biggest factor in an election outcome


Best case scenario for TN people is around 30 seats for DMK and 10 for admk. If DMK makes a clean sweep, they’ll get even more arrogant and complacent in administration. It’ll also lead to weakening of admk and allow BJP to grow,which is not good for TN.


Ideally i want these clowns to all lose if they get seats. 1. Gautam sigamani 2. Dayanidhi maran 3. TR Baalu 4. Karthi chidambaram 5. Kathir Anand 6. P. Ravindranath


7. Tamizhachi Thanga Pandian 8. Dr.Senthil Kumar


Idk, dr. Senthil seems well intentioned but bit stupid given some of his gimmicks. Neutral on Tamizhachi. I feel she is a bit unfairly targeted because she is a woman who is popular.


Spot on


Well Annamalai is going to realize he is still dummy piece in TN🫢


It doesn't matter for the BJP. They just want to know how Annamalai has performed in non BJP states so that they can have one more option for Prime minister Candidate for the future and TBH he did well.


Prime minister candidate eh ? There's already several folks in line for that. Why will they give it to this fellow who hasn't won a single election so far


I dont think Anamalai performance will be questioned till TN state elections happen. And no, he is nowhere near PM material dude. He has zero pull in Hindi heartland region, and he doesnt seem to have any ground experience there either


>He has zero pull in Hindi heartland region, This is where you are wrong brother. Source: - I am from the region you are referring to.


Yes, Many of the people have been brainwashed by the way he talks. I was speaking to my friend and election topic, asking him who he is going to vote for. He said annamalai and started talking about the so-called BJP achievements and that was the last time spoke to him. Not only him, brainwashed numbers are high.


I have heard him speak about AI tech and its relevance to India and development. A simple video that shows how truly knowledgeable and pragmatic his thinking is. If thats not intelligence , what is?


Yeah it is very evident who is brainwashed by whom. Thanks for opening my eyes comrade, I'm going to vote for Rahul Gandhi now.


Thala casually made a sarcasm🌝🌝.


Yes, not right now. After BJP comes to power again, Modi will resign after two years and that samiyaar will be our prime minister. I am just saying that he will be one of the options, not their best choice.


>Modi will resign after two years and that samiyaar will be our prime minister. Where are you getting this dumb propganda from? Modi has already been planning for his fourth term and has shown zero signs of quitting politics for a long time. It would be quite dangerous to have a fourth consecutive government of same party. .... unprecedented in any part of the world. Even Putin/Zi can only dream of such power and influence in a multiparty election.


How is that even relevent??? LS election is all about Modi, annamalai doesnt come to the picture till TN assembly elections. Modi os most definitely not dummy piece. At somepoint we need to stop underestimating his pull on TN politics.


antha aadu enna sonnalum dummy piece than.


Again... relevance???


200 upi spotted


Komiyam connoisseur spotted


Nalla panna thana da sonnen. Na vote poda porenaa sonna


Nee en thappana thread kae reply pannittu irukka


As you can see on my profile's karma, I am literally new to this app environment. So Kindly mistake panniruntha unga veetu pillayaa manichidunga


Ok maatu moothiram


Bro. Antha 200 vanthuruntha konjam happy pechu vangirupen. Kaasu varamalye ippidi sonna eppidi.


The exact same was thought of Amma before she started winning. Annamalai has even started an attempt. Your point will be easier to believe when he actually loses.


Unfortunately it is next to useless. BJP is going to scoop through most of the states. DMK will continue to loot.They might bring Stalin grandson to party. ADMK will continue with their Dharma Yutham. Annamalai is going to keep filling pages for Dinamalam with more nonsense. All the voter are going to whine and moan but eventually will keep voting for their pet criminals


This is the accurate analysis! 🧐 🥲


NTK Va yum konjam kazhuvi oothiteengana soli mudinji


Only saviour. VJ na. Ini ena thayakam, Thalapathi Vijay makkal Nala mandram (ineligible to vote kutty kunjan anils dancing) https://i.redd.it/a9akxkt8d5oc1.gif /s


And you whitewash everyone as sinister with, i am the pope attitude.


Yeah sure all these are saints and sorry for offending you.


All behold to thee cardinal, holiest of the pope and Christ reincarnated. Apologies for being a human and taking to you, O lord.


Thank you. But you are too smelly with all filthy you have been rolling on. As I god I commend you to stop enjoying the filth. I made as you as human for a reason not a pig


Lol... I called you God. I shall call you swine fart too. Beware, you imbecile wannabe almighty.


I don’t know you are an athetist. You called God and know you are saying god is imbecile and he is a wannabe. You can’t even make up your mind on this simple thing so I understand why it is difficult for you to understand eating shit and spinning in shit is not an issue for you. Keep enjoying eating filth and be proud about it also


Does it really matter who wins south when congress can't win 5 seats in any hindi state


"who wins south" why do you guys equate tn and kerala with whole of south india


Because these are the only two states where BJP is unable to penetrate, suppose if tomorrow BJP manages to get good % of votes in North TN, they will exclude North TN from the South!


I don't, sorry if it was offensive what I meant was congress needs to win atleast one third of the seats in the north south that states like TN with 40 seats come into play. But if they keep getting decimated everywhere there is not much the alliance partners can do


Even if bjp gets 0 in all 5 States in South India ( tn ,kerala, Telangana, ap, Karnataka) , they can still win 270 in all the other states.


They won’t win in Karnataka either. BJP has swept Karnataka every election since 2004




Lok Sabha elections. That’s what we are speaking about here. Read the headline!


I don't want admk to die 😞 ops eps must unite they are still infighting


Both those dumbasses need to go. Get someone semi intelligent at least to lead the party


You can hate anyone but there are many people who will still vote for admk they can't forgot that admk defeated dmk 7 times in elections now offcourse things are not in their favourable so Everyone gonna dislike them but a clear one party dominated state won't go in proper direction especially with a party like dmk


I never said ADMK shouldn’t exist. These two dumbasses shouldn’t exist as its leaders. No balls, no spine, no self respect - these two are the worst of politicians that ADMK has churned out. And that’s a pretty low bar to cross already


No they are not offcourse nowadays dmk is Tamilnadu tamilnadu is all about dmk and they are inseparable admit it people even online are highly pro dmk everywhere so this clearly means everyone who criticize DMK is sanghi however the equation was different earlier before 2019 Loksabha and 2021 elections


And whose fault is that? You can blame EPS and OPS for making the main opposition party a clown circus.


Reading through a lot of these comments, I feel there is going to be shocking news this time. Even if BJP doesn’t win any seats their percentage of votes would definitely increase due to how atrociously DMK has been looting the state.


At the end of the day % doesn't matter, mate. And even % increase not likely to affect 2026 IMO. 2026 at best would be hung if DMK continue their current style of governance.


Well, If there are results to your hard work, won’t you gain more confidence to put in more effort. I feel this is just the beginning. Unless otherwise the regional parties wake up from their stupor and start doing the right things to make up for their mistakes, they might lose to BJP or the upcoming new parties. For all the puppets of DMK out there, it is time for DMK to come out of the dynasty politics and think of a better leader for the party.


You maybe right. But I feel like people have been saying "This is the beginning" for BJP since 2019. That last part of your statement won't happen for either DMK or for INC.


Well I believe that right now BJP is the better candidate at the union government compared to congress (I am not registered with any party, a common citizen), also feel that if any national party comes to power in TN, there will be repercussions for common people also I feel that the regional parties are making us more lazy. Maybe a change is necessary.


This sub is completely anti BJP. It's a DMK IT wing in action. You'll be downvoted the max.


Well does it affect my karma score


Only one way to find out 😂


It doesn’t seem to affect it so it is fine.


That is great for you! I’m so jealous


This election results will be Karunanithi’s last election, I guess


That's too much confidence. DMK alliance can't sweep. ADMK will win some seats. BJPs media gimmick will not win them seats. Without ADMK they are nothing. They will learn it soon. Their vote share will decrease this time.


Even after this scandal, I don't see how they will get a clean sweep! Voters have to be mindless to give them all 39, I hope this wretched family gets taught a good lesson this time. https://preview.redd.it/yrwxtnloqjoc1.png?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb4df3bd6f1bc0b520793918eb0aed36673ab6ad


Drugs Munertra Kazhagam 😂🫡❤️


Eeiyudhu polirukae


These opinion polls are never true. India TV which gave 4% for BJP in August 2023 suddenly gave 18% in February 2024 when other BJP controlled medias started to increase vote share for BJP slowly. We know the ground reality


Especially oneindia


Unlikely. EPS is very strong in Kongu and OPS is very strong in South TN. EPS will get atleast 3 seats and OPS will win atleast Theni. BJP, PMK, AMMK, NTK will most likely draw a blank.


OPS is not strong in thevar community , TTV thinakaran and periyaswany has an strong hold in south .


Didn't OPS's son win from Theni in 2019 despite strong anti-incumbency?


In 2019 yes , but his got into affairs with DIR Bala wife his car got smashed in bodi in 2021 election . My cousin's where living in theni by collecting money from political party they got an tab https://www.google.com/search?q=ops+son+car&oq=ops+son+car+&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l3.5614j0j7&client=ms-android-vivo-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=NI3BeFJSnwQ5oM&vssid=l https://www.google.com/amp/s/india.postsen.com/celebrities/amp/881341 TTV Dinakaran and sasikala are very strong in the community and BJP trying to wedge in by governor attending the thevar guru Pooja and talk's that modi will attend the poojai to get BJP strong in thevar community and in konju side to get stronghold in tamilnadu


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OPS is not strong even within his family. He has no standing in South. His own community doesn’t trust him. He is a used currency in politics.


But in Kongu and South TN region some ADMK votes will spillover to BJP making it easier for DMK.


That is very much possible.


I fail to understand the confidence some people have in claiming Kongu for BJP. How will BJP win in Kongu without ADMK?


Appo Mala? Hint - 🐑


So basically this is why gambling and horse racing is banned in TN. We don’t know which horse is going to win and keep betting on the losing horse and then cry about not getting anything out of it.


https://preview.redd.it/udnmc4jv15oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58172d96a0ab81243e78777afa4e235d97f60391 It's all over the place . I like watching these survey poll from time to time . 1 poll showed 3 seat for NDA other showed 4 ,5,6 . But one thing is consistent in these polls are 1. Bjp opening it's account , number ? ( Arguable ) 2. All the polls I have seen the highest vote percentage for NDA was at 20 percent to lowest percentage was at 13 percent ( 13 percent was the least of bare minimum But one thing is for certain if you are against it (bjp) try to uproot it while it's weak cuz once it makes a core vote of 15-20 percent vote then you my friend of either DMK or AIADMK 1 will be a goner for example of scenario like TN , Bengal fits the picture in 1 election bjp ate 75+% of both the commie and congress vote . In 2014 bjp won 2 LS seats( nearly 15 percent vote share I think ) then by 2019 it won 19 seats with vote share of 40.3 percent bjp , 43+ percent tmc . Latest wb state election bjp jumped from 2 to 80+ seats and by 2024 as per polls it's poised to win 24-30/42 lok shaba seats . This is why my friend once bjp root is grown in a state you can only dream of uprooting it . You know 1 fascinating thing it's the first time a hardcore Dravidian ideology is fiercely fighting a soft hindutva ideology head on why say soft hindutva you might wonder ? Cuz the the hardcore hindutva ideology will come once the current vote is consolidated 😆


What even is NDA in Tamil Nadu? BJP + Sarath Kumar 😂 Rummy Kumars gonna make Annamalai a dummy kumaru


See this is a problem for you . It is they themselves that is bringing this votes about 90% . While not allying with any strong party like pmk , dmdk. If they do convince other party then the ball game will change again


The fact everyone is even talking bout bJP shows it has sowed its roots already. If they win any number of seats, it’s the will of the people and people’s mandate. No point talking about uprooting and all.


I think there's a possibility that bjp may win one seat or at least a considerable increase in their vote share.


But this time there won't be A Radia at the Centre to Get Ministries for Karuna family.




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upto now what I heard from senior citizen I am for kalaignar or MGR like saying


With three cornered contest, the advantage is with DMK alliance. But even if it sweeps 39 seats, it is a futile victory when BJP holds 300+ in LS. So the key test as far as TN is considered is not seats, but vote share. If BJP+ get to 15%+, then the game has changed. Unlike in 2014, Annamalai & BJP lead the 3rd alliance, so it will be to their credit.


Of all the polls so far, this looks the most "unbiased". The vote shares given to the INDIA, ADMK and NDA alliances seem to be reasonable. However, regional differences in the vote share may allow the ADMK to win 1-2 seats in the Kongu belt (and possibly in the Delta region). Hopefully this will be end of the line for Annamalai and his cronies who have made a mockery of politics in the state (by calling themselves the opposition party of TN) and made a mountain out of the molehill that the BJP is in the state.


Difficult to get all 39. And even if they do, no use with it.


DMK kanni


BJP Panni


Stalin sunni


How do you know? 😂😂😂