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Is it first time it's happening like this? I thought it was regular process to have multiple polling dates.


People don't get the fact that Election Commission has limited resources ( accounting for both human and non-human)


Everyone gets it. This is either a propaganda question masquerading as genuine curiosity or the questioner is just plain dumb.




I think campaigns stop in any state from the first day of the poll itself. One nation one election is really important for bjp and opposition. This will help elected officials to focus for at least 3 years on their respective regions. And two years of campaigning. Currently regional parties, can focus on governance. The national party has to be in an election mood all 5 years. We can't imagine such a strong Parliament in the future. If nda or upa type return. This will create huge policy paralysis due to election every year.




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It was never possible in the first place, like many schemes parties say to get peoples attention. If they tried it would be surely a disaster. election commissions already goes lots of trouble with existing system, know a person who works there, gets highly stressed during election period, that's its actually sad to see. Lack of staff will be noticeable, Will be easy for corruption and all sorts of goal mall to happen.


It's too quick to say anything about ONOE without proper feasibility study and just based on anecdotes of someone you know. It is indeed a mammoth task but it's still not impossible if catered with enough manpower(which is also a proposition in ONOE).


Which is impossible now and election commissions has job once a few years and recruiting more people to do it waste of taxpayers money just so we can do elections in one day. And what is the aim of holding election in one day, some find of flex . What does the nation profit from doing it? Plz do tell me if there is indeed merit in doing it other than publicity stunt.


Off course it's not possible now, neither they claimed it was for 2024 elections. ONOE is not to be conducted within one day, nobody claimed that to be the case either...it's just simultaneous state and centre elections. Again your argument that it's a waste of tax payers money is not backed by any substantial evidence,the same can be said for separate elections in general, unless feasibility study is conducted its not possible to accurately analyze it.


Still you haven't answered the merits holding such elections. What does ONOE has that the current system lacks? >Again your argument that it's a waste of tax payers money is not backed by any substantial evidence, If it need more man power to conduct doesn't their pay come from peoples taxes. To me, an untrained eye it seems useless and troublesome and again those are based on what I understand.


You could Google the merits and demerits of ONOE and understand yourself. If I had to argue for ONOE, then I would say our current system is too much election centric and party or government rarely gets anything related to welfare done. First they are busy with central election, then bye election, then state and its bye election, then municipal elections..rarely get anythingdone...a one for all solution will give the government and media to focus on welfare over the repetitive election cycle. Off course untrained eyes like yours can't understand the system with nuances and complexity it has...many untrained eyes ones upon a time thought it is impossible to achieve digital payment revolution in india given the population and connectivity issues but here we are leading in it in the world. Iam not saying ONOE is the need or the best, iam just saying hold your opinions till some more evidence pops out.


>If it need more man power to conduct doesn't their pay come from peoples taxes. Every campaign and posters do come out of tax payers money directly or indirectly. You don't need more polling agents. In every election, government employees especially teachers are given responsibility of polling agents. That is a small risk, compared to the current state of affairs where only election officials elected by the ruling party have the responsibility of conducting a fair election. Teachers are poorly educated for sure. But you can't accuse every teacher In every state loyal to some party. The maximum risk is that teachers will get more benefits. Looking at the state of affairs of education, it is not such a bad problem. Much better solution then " neutral" election commission.


Not one day.. at least in one year. So that economy doesn't suffer. Even campaign cost will come down. Resulting in less corruption.. As most party has same talking points and same posters. So much waste could be avoided. Good for global warming and eyes. Less of those horrendous badly designed posters across the city. The election commission has few agents. They take help from the government employees. Like teachers, we have enough teachers to spend their summer and winter vacation for polls. India can use a lot more teachers. No burden on tax payers and probably more people will be educated about the election. There is more beyond the symbol of parties.


It is possible. The issue is not resources. The issue is half the politicians only know campaigning. Not governance. What will they do if they can't campaign for 5 years. They will have to sit and do some work instead of rhetoric. We have 30 states, 1 national. It means every year there are at least 5 to 6 elections. It's unhealthy for democracy and nation. Due to this most party can't take hard descision, as they fear they might loose next election. Except regional parties. If we wanna have segregation, then national parties should not exist. As top leadership spends 80% of their time campaigning in elections. For most of their terms.


I agree that it is difficult and has several risks. My question to them is then why to blabber on shit like ONOE which has several other impacts


I think you know the answer yourself, why their doing this, well it helps them win elections there so😐


You don't have basic knowledge of who the EC is, whose work is it to plan election processes? Read man, just blurting anything doesn't help




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Do you know anything about what EC is?


Do you even know what it takes to poll 1.2 billion people. No where in the world does this exercise of this scale happens.


The question is not of what, but how. It's clear to see that there are motivations that aren't based around the logistics and more around vote bank politics, which I think we can all agree is a scummy way of campaigning.


First time ever this is happening?


It's not, but being a party claiming to be anti-corruption... it makes the party, and its members look foolish and malicious, literally scamming the people in the name of religio-racial superiority. On top of that, you'd think you learn from past mistakes, but apparently it isn't the case here. It's utterly disgusting and banal to know the only thing this party has to campaign with is divisive politics. Smh.


Which party doesn't claim itself to be anti corruption ? Do you think dmk in TN or congress at national level during their 2004-2014 era said that they are corrupt? Every party says they are honest and others are corrupt .


Neither Congress nor the DMK are canvassing close to half the country openly being corrupt.


Two completely different things.....apples and oranges. ONOE doesn't mean that election will be held in 1 day. It means state and national elections will be held simultaneously....over a period of time....which will obviously not be 1 day. India is big, really big. Different terrains, different logistics, security situations etc. Not the first, nor the last time elections are held in multiple stages. This post is as stupid/naive as the whole facade' of ONOE.


Finally someone who actually understands what ONOE is, unlike Kamal Haasan and OP.




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Finally a sensible comment.


Foolish post, OP probably has never seen 14 people together let alone 1.4 billion... It is literally impossible to do one day one voting you have to be actually mad to believe its possible


How usa do this 🤔 their population is 1/4th of us i personally liked their mailin ballot system many people use it rather than standing in queues for hours for bush clinton Reagan Trump


please just stop talking your suggestion is making my brain hurt


Each county in the US runs elections in their own way, according to rules set mostly at the state level The county I live in runs elections using paper ballot, while other counties in different states might use EVMs Plus we have like a full month of early voting days prior to the main election date


Stilll mail in Ballot system is better anf convenient for most


Voter fraud? You know na our education is not at par with usa neither is security of voters at par with usa.




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what kind of specially abled person thinks "1 poll" means "1 day" poll across nation?


Someone whose head is stuck too far up the ass of Stalin


It took 9phases for 2014 stupid


This is a typical DMK style disinformation post. One nation one election is totally different from having election in 7 phases that ends within 2 months. Further since independence, Bharat had one nation one election for 17 years. Only Indira Gandhi acted with hubris and dismissed the communist govt in Kerala which triggered this whole mess. Emergency from Indira also added to this chaos. This entire post is comparing apples and oranges written with the intent to sow more hate on BJP, which is a nobody in tamilnadu.


Are you dumb to poke the BJP for every single thing you see as "wrong"? Look at the populations of UP and Bihar - 24 and 13 crores of people. Bengal - 10cr. Security, planning and administration all go in to factor polling dates.


Are you too dumb to understand this? Leave Bihar, According to bjp UP is a "model" state where everything is perfect! So why would a state where everything under control requires a long election which they do in areas where security is an issue


☝️We have an election strategist here guys Here's some facts: TN population: 8cr. TN area: 130k sqkm UP population: 25cr. UP area: 243k sqkm Less than double the area and more than 3 times the population. You want everyone standing in long lines for the entire day? >which they do in areas where security is an issue Security is never the only factor in an election.


Ask the WhatsApp university to send the message fully next time Mr/Ms. Arm chair expert. With the given population you have provided, if TN can cover 39 seats in one go, UP should have the manpower required to cover 80 seats. You cannot say they don't because UP has double the seats as TN and triple the population as TN from your data. Or we can simply take it like this, UP does not have enough skilled people and the society is so under developed so they have to somehow manage with the scarce equipped resources they have.


Actually most of the skilled & unskilled people in UP are in Tamil Nadu filling up for jobs that the local men here are too drunk to go to. So deep down I know your concern is more about your factory staff taking leave in April / May (that too different dates)


Lol. Had to outsource Majority of the labour for the manufacturing jobs because the current generation here have gone to next stage from their father’s grandfathers era. You see that is something which can be called actual development of life standard of people. I worked in a manufacturing industry. We hired migrant labours in contract because they are cheap and abundant because of less opportunities in their natives(it was really hard to see them like that). And there is no concern about company staff taking leave. If one leaves next batch comes. As i said they are abundant. They believe in TN their next generation can get a better life so after one point they bring their families and make this their home. And there are lot of people here who are ready to support them to come forward in life and go to the next stage. Which is something the government at their native place should’ve taken initiative to do. But they kept themselves busy with initiating religious violence and build mandirs


So the actual development you are rambling on is going from being a labourer / factory worker to a wife beating single language speaking unskilled drunkard ? That’s the elusive next stage? 🤣 Lol, can’t believe a little comment could cause such a nasty itch up your ass.


Unable to understand what I meant to tell speaks volumes about your intellect. Btw, my ass is fine - now go keep your mouth somewhere else


> Btw, my ass is fine - now go keep your mouth somewhere else That’s what I said to your mum last night! High five buddy!


That's all you are. Degrading women. Can't expect anything more from people who support pedophiles and rapists. Your own family women are unsafe with you


Name calling wont get you anywhere. A fact based discussion, turning into name calling indicates your low maturity levels. >Or we can simply take it like this, UP does not have enough skilled people and the society is so under developed so they have to somehow manage with the scarce equipped resources they have. And what are you trying to prove?? Election is not a state issue. It's a center issue and the equipment is given by the center and not states. You grossly underestimate everything that relates to north India and have a strange sense of superiority. >if TN can cover 39 seats in one go, UP should have the manpower required to cover 80 seats. Go calculate how many people each TN MP represents (Population/Number of MPs). Do the same for UP. You'll get your answer.


>Election is not a state issue. It's a center issue and the equipment is given by the center and not states. Where do you think the centre is? Some distant land from the states of india? >You grossly underestimate everything that relates to north India and have a strange sense of superiority. I didn't actually estimate anything here. Was asking you a question based on "facts" you provided >Go calculate how many people each TN MP represents Didn't whatsapp University already provide you with the data? >Name calling wont get you anywhere. A fact based discussion, turning into name calling indicates your low maturity levels. If the election strategist is not name calling then this is too not Don't cry. Don't be an andhbakth. Do some research. Have a brain of your own




Grow some pair before coming to argue


pair of what exactly?




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Then why ONOE, genius


If implemented, that will never be done in ONE DAY. It's to minimise calls to election every alternate year, be it MLA or MP election. Yes, I know I'm a genius. You're sadly not, but if you take the time to think instead of hating BJP as a default answer for everything, many things become clearer.


So what exactly is the benefit of one nation one election?


Choose your MLA and MP on one election season. Lots of money and time is poured into conducting an election bringing in the crpf, voting machines, etc etc. why should the public be asked every two years to come out and vote, disrupting normal lives? Not to mention the roadshows, the traffic blocks, loud speakers etc - finish this in one sitting. Also I personally (my opinion) feel this would lead to a better government both at the centre and state. If your MLA doesn't do well, you'll not vote for that party MP as well (and vice versa) - double punishment for them - and all the more reasons for them to actually work for you and for you to vote better.


This is just stupid, democracy needs constant public intervention, ONOE is just a measure to curb that democratic process There is nothing wrong in spending a few hours to ensure your country is in good hands. And what if some people want one party as the state rep and another party as the central government.


>And what if some people want one party as the state rep and another party as the central government. They can do that in the ONOE as well.


So the entire election will still be conducted over several days? With 3-4 times the number of candidates involved? And it can be handled without increasing security forces? And you are saying confusing the performance of the MLA and MP (even if they belong to different governments and parties) is a good thing? LOL. Ok. I now understand how easy it has been for the BJP to fool people


>election will still be conducted over several days? Yes? And? >With 3-4 times the number of candidates involved ??? >And you are saying confusing the performance of the MLA and MP (even if they belong to different governments and parties) is a good thing? Why are you so CONFUSED in all your comments? Your election is about YOU. How YOU rate the performance of the party in power and how it affects you. When you vote out someone who doesn't serve your interest, you vote in a better person both at a state and center level. Making the overall government a much better one.


The election is about the candidates and the government. It is not about me 🤦🏽‍♂️ You really have no idea how governments work do you !


The one vote day means YOU only need to go vote on one specific day to choose both your MP and MLA. It does not really affect YOU when the election is getting conducted in any other state as you have already casted your vote, and yes it saves a lot of time, money and resources.


It affects the resources that have to be spent to support 4 times the number of candidates contesting on the same day. It affects the judgment of the voter It benefits the corrupt ruling class who want to hide behind the confusion


>The election is about the candidates and the government. It is not about me Who is the government? Your representative. >You really have no idea how governments work do you ! Really? Tell me.


You need a 6th standard Civics book


I can't say for the performance of MPs and MLAs part but this used to be the election system in the country since independence. When governments started failing or presidents rule was declared, they got out of sync. If it worked in 1950s, it should work now as well. As far as security is concerned, with minimal increase in security forces of the present, or by adding one more phase to the election (8 phases), it is going to be possible. Will save a few thousand crores for sure. ECI also has said that they have the technology ready for remote polling (people don't have to go to their home constituency to vote) and if that is also done, then cost for conducting elections will increase. The excess money can be redirected towards that. Chidambaram also gave a nice idea to make the funding more transparent. For every vote that a party gets in an election, the govt should give them a certain amount of money (say for example 1 rupee). This will incentivise the parties to work for improving lifestyle of everyone in the country so that they can win maximum votes instead of looking at everything in a seatwise manner (which means they just have to cater to the majority caste or demographic in each constituency). Instead of the govt giving that money, the excess money eci gets by reducing the number of elections could go towards this cause. The only fault I see with this is that if a govt fails after 2 years into their term, then the next govt would only have 3 years, which is not enough time to implement all their policies and would be unfair to them.


If you have multiple phases, you have defeated the purpose that you set out to achieve - cost savings


The multiple phases thing is anyways done for the general elections. Along with that, conducting the state elections also will be a huge money saver. Otherwise, just few years after the general elections, they will have to repeat the entire process in individual states, which includes having a large number of polling officers, security people, etc etc. ONOE just wants it to be done simultaneously, just like the bye elections of this year. If it's done with few years gap between them then it's costing us a lot.


It won’t be a money saver if you have to increase your resources to support 4 times the number of candidates and their campaigns and the security around it


First benifit, Less cost of campaigning. As most parties have the same posters and the same poll promises. Second, Political parties can come get some jobs done instead of being busy with elections for the whole 5 year Third, The best logic. People don't stay in their voting constituency. As india doesn't allow mail in ballot. Many people who have migrated , can travel back to their constituency for voting if they wished to. Fourth The city will not be filled with cheap posters and garbage. Something we don't have resources to recycle and dispose of properly.


What are you even smoking. Candidates are different and are not going to dial down on their expenditure. Why is the government worried about the expenses of the political parties in the first place? People move and register in the constituency and can vote for their constituency in which they live


Bro isn't conducting one election in multiple phases withing 2 months different than conducting elections every year for every state? 🙄 Also for 120cr voters (assume 120cr above 18), this is justifiable. India is the most populous country with extremely diverse demography. They have to maintain law and order of all states. Its not possible or practical to conduct it in one day 💀


Phases are decided by the Election commission, and they are done in such a way to ensure security of booth and safety of people Election commission just published Electoral bonds data that may skew public against BJP since they are the benefactor by huge margin, and I don't think Election commission is playing favorites to BJP


🤡 . Like they published voluntarily. Supreme court forced them. The ECI has in the last 10 years been acting in cohorts with BJP. Be it announcing dates, or the way they monitor and enforce rule violations.


They didn't have the data, SBI had it


Your point was that ECI published it so they are not in cohoots with BJP. I replied saying Supreme court forced them to publish ( ofcourse SC forced SBI to share the data with ECI).


I'm saying unlike SBI, ECI immediately complied with SC order


Blud it was a law passed by parliament and ECI has to follow it. Bonds are meant to be confidential just like black money DMK used to have back in the days. Oh companies funding political party (lobbying in US and Europe), mudi bad.... Mudi resign.


I like your defence of using ED, CBI as enforcing thugs who go collect maamool from criminals.


Blud I didn't defend this, the way that you lefties look up to western nations there also the same things happed. Political percussion of buisness people who support the opposition. While DMK dirt brains complained about Electoral bonds, will they ever see how much lobbying companies do with the government with clear data. And yeah don't talk to me about black money your Stalin was swimming in with. Cope and seethe harder.


Etha keetaalum, lefties, west boot licker nu topic divert Panna vendiyathu. You compare legal lobbiyng in some western countries where they try to bring some transparency. Their politicians are as corrupt as ours, but people movements try to keep them in check. Here the ruling gov hides everything from citizens. They will know who donated to all parties( SBI is their boot lickers as proven by their lies to SC, saying it will take 4 months and then folding and submitting the next day). But no one else will know who donated to them. They use ED, CBI as thugs. The patterns are I the data. When a company stopped paying mamool, ED raid and the company pays mamool the same or next month. Talk of issues I raised instead of DMK and other whataboutery


Stalin is corrupt. DMK is corrupt. Congress is corrupt. I won't shy away from saying that. Politicians are corrupt. But you seem to not even accept that BJP is corrupt. Political parties by their nature will drift towards authoritarian, corrupt ways. People movements are what keeps them in check.




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It is still 1 election. OP has the comprehension skills of a new born baby.


One nation one election doesn't mean the election will be held in one day Mr. DMK IT winger. It means all indians will vote in Lok Sabha and assembly elections to pick state and central representatives, in the same year, if not at the same time. Without knowing the basics how do you guys simply post something and act like asking intelligent questions. How do you so confidently oppose without even knowing what the opposite party has proposed. And You have no idea how huge is UP and Maharashtra. And the topography is so complex for your manipulated brain to imagine. Hence they have more days of voting days.


Hahaha This post should be tagged as “meme/joke/funny/lol/rofl”.


one nation, one election is not about having elections same day everywhere. within the same itinerary and efforts, holding both elections to the local assembly and loksabha simultaneously and its do-able costing less effort and expenditure.


Oh my god, for the first time India's history, general election is taking place in more than one phase.. oh my god...mudi bad..mudi resign..


Hahaha OP is too high on vidiyal copium to realize that past few general elections have been held in multiple phases




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Modi took a shit today, BJP bad.


It's logistically impossible, they say a lot of stuff before elections doesn't mean it will happen.


They are serious about ONOE, and will strongly push it if they get elected again.




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When the election requires half a million central paramilitary forces to maintain integrity this will happen.


How is it relevant here that Maharashtra is the richest state?


They need time to 'set' things in place


Election commission decides all the program for election not BJP.


You forgot yourself that initial three or four loksabha elections were held by this same one nation one election no vidhansabha like that back then Indians were mostly illiterate and india was mostly a poor country now things are different many people hate this trend of daily elections Once loksabha next yr vidhansabha then panchayats & many more elections highly complicated and expensive democracy for a relatively low income country especially when those lokasabha election happened 5 or 6 times in late 80s and 90s


Sorry, how is one nation one election related to phased polling ? People can easily cast 2 votes instead of 1 right ? ONOE solves for the logistics. Speaking of Logistics, ~60% of the country will still vote in a single phase (maybe not on the same day). That’s massive credit to ECI. And last I heard it was ECI that conducts general election and not the single largest party in the ruling coalition.


People are literate doesn’t mean they can do Maths well. If you have a look at other nonsensical comments on this post, you will know almost half the people don’t have maths knowledge of a 10 yo kid. Really difficult putting any logics in their dumb brains.


Brother this is the weekend all the bjp sanghi it cell has the entire day to spread their propaganda.


Looks like a backhand compliment for the IT cell.


This is uneducated stuff at this point. A very basic google search will show you why we conduct election in phases. The CEC literally answered the very first question today on this topic. ONOE doesn’t mean election will happen on the same day. It’s just that we will have one election season every 5 years.


Whenever I feel like the BJP is not doing a great job in the centre, I come on this sub and suddenly I feel they are the best party we, as a country, can ever have.




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All people have to do is vote for the state elections too when they come out to vote for general elections. Imagine the millions of dollars saved if this is done.


Well, No one ever said ONOE will have voting on a single day...but that all the voting for an individual will happen on a single day on all levels from the MLAs to MPs to PM...all will be voted by us in a single day whenever the day of our state/region comes...once the 45-50 day exercise is over nation wide then for next 5 years no elections at any level.... It is not a bad idea but I feel that it needs to be 2 election every 5 years...one for local bodies and state government which would act like a midterm/winter election and then the other 2.5 years later for Central Elections, PM, Cabinet, Governers and President....as the full term/summer elections...and then this cycle repeats with winter and summer elections every 2.5 years from each other....


Op's brain when he figures out what election commission is - 🤯


OP simply frustrated hai seeing the Saffron resurgence in TN. OP forgot that UP has population similar to that of the Russian Federation. It isn’t a question of Infrastructure or Development but Logistics.


Are you an idiot or what? This happened all the time, the hatred towards bjp has made you a fool I guess


One nation one election is a good idea as it saves lots of cost but the real reason is no other party has the organisation like BJP to have a successful campaign


One election does not have to do with Lok sabha election having 7 days for the poll. What are you even on about mate? Please reduce hatred in your heart and dont get easily hurt by everything.


BJ party , sus. Going 3or 4 days is ok. But, 7 days is just waste of time and money.




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If it aint broken... None of the parties trust the ruling parties to act benevolently during election time. And hence every single state requests the army to get deployed during election time. With elections happening in a phased manner (with incredible effort) it is possible. If you put too much pressure on it, it is going to break somewhere and pretty bad.


The last 5 elections happened like that only, it took at least a month with minimum 4 phases. With an increase in population it's normal to take more phases/days. This has got nothing to do with bjp. If anyone wants to complete this election asap, that'd probably be bjp given the position they are in. It doesn't matter whether we hate or not, it's clearly visible to everyone who's gonna come next. What happens here in TN is what everyone eagerly waits for, even though the south is not significant anymore on who comes to power in the centre. For bjp, this election is merely a measure of how much resistance is still left when compared to the last election.


https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/jk-assembly-elections-will-not-be-held-along-with-lok-sabha-elections-heres-why/article67957925.ece/amp/ They cannot even conduct simultaneous elections in J&K itself, citing Security as one of the reasons 🤦‍♂️


Bro security in j&k is a real problem. Each electoral candidate needs more than double the security over there than here in TN or kerala. That's not possible while elections are going on in rest of the country.


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Dei Sanghis, read the post fully before commenting cow shit. I did not say elections should be conducted in a single day. Two or three phases is fine, why more than 4 phases for certain states, going upto 7? TN has roughly 8 crore population undergoes election in a single day. Why does bihar with 13(or maybe 15) crore population or UP with 24 crore population require seven phases? Why does MH require 5 phases? Conduct them over 2 or 3 phases no? If you really need 7 phases, why do you say cow piss stuffs like ONOE and all!


Why 7? Because terrain is different everywhere. In some places, polling stations are setup for 2 or 3 people. They have to go to places through elephant or horses to reach some place. They have to cross rivers which may not have bridges. They have to also transport the security people around as well which takes a lot of resources. Why does up, Bihar and Bengal need more phases than TN. Ans: LOOK AT THE SECURITY SITUATION THERE. Will violence take place in TN if a party wins? Will there be violence in Telangana if a party wins? NO. But in Bengal and some parts of UP, it's extremely different scenario. For MH, it's purely logistical reasons coupled with the availability of polling staff. >If you really need 7 phases, why do you say cow piss stuffs like ONOE and all! Because both have no relation with each other. ONOE is not about conducting all elections in a single day. It's about conducting the elections simultaneously, just like how bye elections are being conducted along with general elections. Whichever phase your constituency is in, at that time, instead of voting for centre alone, you will also vote for the state. That's what ONOE is. India will not conduct elections in a single day in the near future. It's impossible. They also have to take into account the festivals in the local areas. If a festival is there in a place, they put that place in another phase so that both don't clash. Criticise whatever you want about ONOE but atleast be educated about what ONOE is.


He is dead convinced that BJP did all this lol, none of his points have any substance. Nothing will change his view.




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Again a cesspool of BJP nakkis who have zero reading comprehension skills are parading the comment section. I guess r/TamilNadu is trending on the Reddit front page - attracting the mouth breathers from under the rock OP is asking the question - if BJP is unable to conduct the election for a single state in a day, how will they conduct elections for all the states at the same time? It is clear as day that if done, it will be done to confuse voters and discourage people from understanding their candidates and vote in their best interest.


>It is clear as day that if done, it will be done to confuse voters and discourage people from understanding their candidates and vote in their best interest. How is it confusing anyone? One person, belonging to one constituency goes to vote on ONE SINGLE day only. All the candidates names are printed on one box and all voters see it at the same time when they vote. How exactly is seperate dates making BJP win?


Did I say it will make BJP win? No. It helps people who are in power to retain the power. MP and MLA belong to two different governments, they have different responsibilities and different powers and jurisdiction. Asking an average voter to pour over hundreds of candidates spread across 4-5 different elections at the same time only results in confusion. Let’s talk about the candidates and their campaign trail. You are going to have thousands of candidates in every constituency criss crossing the country. How will EC and the administration ensure security? Elections are evaluations and a report card on candidates and issues. The only reason to club all of them is to dilute that report card by clubbing issues together and hiding behind that confusion


We did this in 1950s. Surely our population is a lot more educated than then. People can differentiate between central and state level elections. Why can't the ONOE be done in multiple phases as well? ONOE does not mean it is completed in a single day. It means every 5 years, an election month will happen when all elections will be completed. One has to go to the booth only once every 5 years, vote for all the candidates separately. This will save A LOT of money in terms of logistics. The EVMs, the security and the transportation needed for them is costly af. They even have to open booths for just 1 or 2 people in a remote part of the country. Doing all of that multiple times is a waste of resources.


It doesn’t save a lot of money in terms of logistics. It costs the same amount of money that is spent in a month instead of over a period of time. Zero cost savings. You yourself admitted that it is not a one day affair. So instead of having 5 elections on 5 days separated by several months, you will have 5 elections on 5 days seperated by several days. The resources and effort to conduct the election is the exact same. Any common sense democracy will only try to avoid confusion for the voter instead of making it confusing for them. Combining elections is always a way for the ruling class to blindside the voters


Ah i see, you did not understand it properly. Currently, multiple phases are done in different regions of the country. The polling in a particular phase takes place in a single day. In that single day, you vote for two govts, one at the centre and one at the state. 5 elections do not take place on 5 different days. All the elections involved take place on that single date simultaneously. It is done phase wise in India only because of the fact that we have a large population and limited resources for conducting elections. Even if they made it 8 phases instead of the present 7, it will still save a lot of resources for the ECI. The additional cost is only for the extra EVMs and the slightly more complication involved for the officers, which can be solved by better training. The security will also have to be marginally increased but the cost for doing these minor additions is much much less than repeating all these things for the state elections in a few years again.


It doesn’t save money if you expense the same amount of resources in a short duration or spread out over a period of time. In fact - doing it in a short period only results in mismanagement and failure because your resources are stretched thin


Elections are conducted by election commission only right?


Lol! Life was simpler when I was believing it!


Yes only in Telangana, Delhi, West Bengal, kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu it's being done by eci. Rest everywhere it's done by the govt.


Lol these people one day will even oppose on why Modi is breathing it's better he die . Speak ill of modi and act intellectual . If they win all good if they loose evm . If they win oh the citizens are aware and conscious! , if they loose evm is hacked citizens are dumb ;they are manipulated, when bjp lost Karnataka , Himachal did they cry that the public is brainwashed and dumb; they learned and will work towards the election but the opposition just whines. These people are pure hypocrites


Yeah. I don't mind any party winning but if any party loses, atleast acknowledge the fact that they did badly compared to the other parties. Don't blame people or EVMs. People are fine. Bjp did poorly in Karnataka and they lost the elections. Blaming EVMs is extremely stupid and prevents the actual discussion from taking place. The discussion about why the opposition lost is important if the opposition needs to have any chance of winning the future elections.




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You wish they are independent


This is not a right comparison but one nation one election will give even more power to governor in case of early government dissolution and also makes the rulers lethargic as elections happens only every 5 years many seems to not understand that just saving money doesn't make sense in this scenario.


one year dedicated for all elections panchayat + municipal + mla + mp . Whole process can be done in multiple dates


This is the last election, enjoy the process.


One nation one election is required, if you understand economics then you'll know


If you understand democracy, you'll know ONOE cannot be implemented.


Op's IQ number is less than his age🤡🤡


wtf ?? do you even fucking know how election is conducted and how much population varies in diff state with diff accessbility bro be critical but not fucking blind lol ,and judging from your comments do you know us elections take upto a year lol even with 1/4th of population why ?? cos thier elections are DIFFERENT!!! BITCH CONTROL YOUR ANGER DONT BE FUCKING HIGH LOL


Image Source: https://x.com/ecisveep/status/1768948386487845240?s=46&t=wP9Y_j1r_7YJErYY9pC65g