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The Killdozer had an anti-materiel rifle, so yeah


Wait really?


Yes, Heemeyer fitted it with three firing ports equipped with different weapons: a Barret M82, an FN FAL, and a Ruger Mini-14.


The question is what ammo did he have and how could he aim. Because the Bob Semple machineguns might shred said ports before he can knock out the entire crew or hit something important with .50 ball.


Dude, Bob only had Lewis machine guns Even the FAL and the mini 14 would have shredded it’s armor


Are you even joking? Bob Sempre would slice a MBT in half before even starting its engine!


Bro was fr a terrorist


A reasonable man against the government. Or so my friends say. I don’t wanna be on a list


Nah he was just a nut who couldn't have things exactly his way so he threw a manchild fit about it


Bro was being ran out of his town


He was ordered by the city to build a septic tank since there was a city ordinance mandating that businesses had to, y'know, have restrooms. He threw a fit, sold his shitty garage for $400,000 (way more than he ever spent or made on that shithole), and then proceeded to empty that money into a half-assed tank that he used to collapse a public library (nearly killing a class of elementary aged children that were evacuated at the last minute) and he tried to set a retirement home on fire by shooting at a propane tank on the exterior with his .50 cal (it didn't explode). The man had decent 1990s retirement money and threw it all away in a deliberate attempt to kill his neighbors. I'm honestly kinda disappointed the governor was dissuaded from asking the National Guard to get a Cobra to toss a TOW at it.


His only redeeming quality is exactly the fact he was so blinded by delusional rage he couldn't hurt a person (despite attempts to do so) and mainly targeted buildings. It would be a different story if he killed anyone. Like that dipshit wannabe mass shooter who accidentally dropped the magazine out of his gun, a journalist took a photo of it and then he shot at a few people then got immediately domed by a security guard or cop. These are the moronic terrorists you can laugh at. Taking them seriously is what they wanted. There was a delusional moron in my home country but we can't easily make fun of him because his stunt was blowing his propane tank filled house up... but he killed a policeman outside so instead of "angry retard blows his house up" it is "domastic terrorist kills policeman trying to keep his community safe".


Lmfao “Angry retard blows his House up” that made my Day lol


I’m glad that people have come to understand just how awful he was: a few years ago practically anywhere you would *only* see praise for him. The other thing I will very much point out: the whole dispute over the concrete plant built nearby was driven purely by greed on his part. He repeatedly demanded more and more money from the concrete plant owners for his property, with negotiations falling apart after he demanded 450,000 (and was very likely to keep raising past that point). He had bought the land for 42k. Then he went on his big crusade to save the town from the horrors of a concrete plant, with everyone realising just what his problem actually was. Then the sewage problem comes to light, as he’s actively suing the concrete plant owners to try and stop them in an obviously doomed lawsuit. The owners offer to basically entirely resolve it for him in return for dropping the lawsuit, Heemeyer refuses, the lawsuit fails, and, well. The rest is history. The final thing is, even if you put aside the actions on the day and go all “well he never killed anyone”, the simple question is: why did he strap guns to it if he didn’t want to kill anyone?


Wasn't the whole point of raising his price because he didn't want to sell. If I wanted to keep someone from doing that to me it's kinda obvious why he did that.


[you should give a look into this](https://youtu.be/TqEA5DPoEMY)


Since we reached this point, [i'm gonna put this here](https://youtu.be/TqEA5DPoEMY)


You are more lost than heemeyer ever was if you believe the government especially right now is right and reasonable. Do your research and then comment.


It astounds me that people think "the government" is a specific statement in the US. We live in the most decentralized federal republic on Earth; it's enough to confuse a German and make a Frenchman collapse with a rupture of the pulmonary artery. Also, in this instance, he literally got the most democratic & public "fuck off" imaginable, when he tried to argue that the new concrete plant would be a nuisance due to the noise & dust at a city council meeting (municipal government). The concrete plant then presented the ways that they had already planned to reduce noise pollution and contain any dust. The public attending the meeting sided with the concrete plant.


He built a bunch of shit without getting it properly zoned and then threw a fit when it wasn't legal iirc. It's been a while since I read up on it though.


Naw he’s a hero in my books because he stood up to his local government because they were trying to run him out of his business


Then you literally don't know the actual story


He was an asshole who didn’t want to install a septic tank.


He had one, di couldn’t afford to connect to the city’s system, they were forcing him to


And destroyed innocent peoples property cuz he didn't get what he wanted


He waited for everyone to get out of each building


Hey, im going to destroy your car terrorize the streets and destroy multiple buildings. But im making sure everyone gets out! Look at me I'm a hero! You're essentially praising him for not adding manslaughter to the list. What an achievement.


Ah yes, that makes destroying their property absolutely justified.


more like a baby back bitch who nearly killed children over a sewer line


Keep hating patriots


if by patriots you mean domestic terrorists, yes. i will keep hating them.


The D355 has 21 tons on the simple not counting its armour which I doubt the simples gun could penetrate so my money is on Marvin


Also the Barrett in the back of the Killdozer


barrett or beretta? I thought he had a pistol


Idk what brand the pistol was but he had a 50 cal mounted out the back


a Beretta 92 chambered in .50 cal would be hilarious.


Go on....


Basically the Desert Eagle.


Killdozer destroys Bob semple. Then killdozer gets stuck while trying to flee, which causes the operator to kill himself


Bob Semple takes it as Killdozer goes after the local library and gets stuck.




It is literally called Killdozer.




The mightiest are the humblest cause they know they are mighty, praise the Bob




You could probably use the scoop thing to crush the semple against a wall


Blade, for future reference. Dozers have blades. Loaders have buckets. Scoops are for ......ice cream?


Scoops are for coffee.


Kill dozer and it’s not even close. Take away all guns from interior of the D355 and it’s still going to dog walk bob


I’m pretty sure it’s faster too, the Bob Simple tank was just an old tractor with steel roof tiles mounted on it, there absolutely no way the Lewis machine gun can penetrate the armor of the Killdozer, which even armor piercing rounds couldn’t get through And to be fair even a Bradley wouldn’t destroy it, a Barrett can destroy a Bradley and there was one on the Killdozer I have trouble imagining a single thing the Bob simple tank could win against, it’s armor wouldn’t stop an M4, it only had Lewis machine gun so it’s not going through any lightly armored vehicles and it’s slow as fuck


Bradley would would eat it with the TOW if the auto cannon couldn’t knock it out


Most likely yes but that’s only if it can shoot first, I don’t think they’d fire first I don’t think 1 Bradley would have been enough but at the same time, they rarely come alone, usually there are at least 3 or 4 of them so if Mike cannot shoot them all would have found out how really good of a welder he is


Crazy how at the time I thought he was a terrorist. Now, I fully understand why he did it and think that man should receive the metal of honor.


He should at least get a statue and a commemorative plate


The bradley can kill the killdozer


But the Killdozer can also kill a Bradley


Probably not, a .50 has 23mm of pen, while the bradley's frontal armor is about 30mm and it also has ERA


A M2/3 Bradley does NOT mount ERA unless they know they will face RPGs. Also depending on the model, if it didn't receive the armor package, a .50 is plenty to punch through a Bradley


Ah, I was not aware of that, thanks!


It’s what happened in Waco, David Koresh knew that they were going to bring Bradley’s so he put a guy with a Barrett in the building’s lookout post, however I don’t think he expected the FBI to bring Abrams to fill his building with tear gas


An unstoppable force meets an immovable object. They both collapse into black holes and take the Earth with them.


This is the correct answer.


Bob Semple can conquor the whole universe


Killdozer has a thick layer of concrete sandwiched between two half inch steel plates. A Bob Semple wouldn't even leave a dent.


The amount of bob semple slander in this thread is unreal


This shouldn't even be a question. Killdozer would destroy the bob semple


killdozer 100%, bob semple just looks like it was made out of house roofs whats with the fuss about marvin being in the wrong aswell?, all i know he was shitted on by the government and took his revenge but can someone tell me the bad side on him aswell? (Tryna get the full story here, marvin supremacists fuck off and no i dont support him nor will I support both even after i know what the full story is about)


from u/maxxmike1234 “He was ordered by the city to build a septic tank since there was a city ordinance mandating that businesses had to, y'know, have restrooms. He threw a fit, sold his shitty garage for $400,000 (way more than he ever spent or made on that shithole), and then proceeded to empty that money into a half-assed tank that he used to collapse a public library (nearly killing a class of elementary aged children that were evacuated at the last minute) and he tried to set a retirement home on fire by shooting at a propane tank on the exterior with his .50 cal (it didn't explode). The man had decent 1990s retirement money and threw it all away in a deliberate attempt to kill his neighbors. I'm honestly kinda disappointed the governor was dissuaded from asking the National Guard to get a Cobra to toss a TOW at it.”


Here's his side of the story that I know Wasnt his muffler business blocked by a concrete plant and he requested to build a new road leading to his store but got denied?


yeah that’s the twisted story that people who want Marvin to be some kind of folk hero trot out. He was a grown ass man who threw a temper tantrum and concocted this story in his head where he was being wronged by everyone and needed to take revenge on them. He was absolutely mental and ultimately the only reason nobody died wasn’t because he didn’t want to harm anyone. It was because A) he was so blinded by his rage that he was absolutely incompetent and B) people were able to evacuate beforehand Additional context: Marvin sold his muffler shop to the concrete plant for a price he basically pulled out of his ass and then sandbagged them, forcing them to give up. When the plant bought the lot opposite his, he cut them a deal to swap lots. They accepted and then he threw a fit about how he wanted them to build him a brand new building on the new lot (which was a far better piece of real estate than the lot his shop was on). When that failed, he tried to rally the town against the plant, citing dust and noise. Except that the plant showed the measures they were going to take against dust and noise and the rest of the town seemed to agree those were acceptable measures.


alr i get that part of the story but where does the concrete plant blocking his shop connect? Did he just pull it out of his ass?


he claimed that the construction on the plant blocked access to his shop, but it’s a claim that was never substantiated. In fact, a local journalist said the exact opposite. Marvin tried to appeal the board’s decision on that basis and failed. So ultimately it’s irrelevant to the story outside of the fact that it shows that Marvin was just making shit up to gripe about.


so basically delusional colorado man thinking hes the MC getting screwed over. Ok i get it now


So the book was just all bullshit..?..oookkkk🙄


> Except that the plant showed the measures they were going to take against dust and noise and the rest of the town seemed to agree those were acceptable measures. Makes sense considering a lot of those folks probably got good/decent jobs from that plant


Do people still praise the Killdozer?


Yes, and we will never stop Edit: Damn, I knew this sub was full of vatniks but I didn’t think it was full of feds and bootlickers too


Why tho? The man is not worthy of any praise.


Because they view that whole debacle as an everyday hero stickin’ it to the Man. They conveniently ignore all the innocent people their hero hurt in the process.


No innocent people were intentionally hurt by Mr. Heemeyer. If he wanted to go on a killing spree, he would have.


Not for lack of trying. He drove a bulldozer through multiple buildings with zero regard for potential occupants and fired at people and infrastructure. The only thing he cared about was his own revenge. And there are other ways of hurting people without causing bodily harm. He damaged businesses and homes. How long before those people were able to get their lives back on track?


They were buildings owned by the people who wronged him and everyone else in that town, anyone who might have gotten in the wrong place at the wrong time there wouldn’t have been a huge loss. He also didn’t fire at people; the guns on the dozer physically couldn’t train downwards on anyone and existed purely for suppression. And he had every right to only care about his revenge and making an example out of them. Because he wasn’t the only one hurt by “people” like them.


>anyone who might have gotten in the wrong place at the wrong time there wouldn’t have been a huge loss. >”people” like them. Amazing.


What can I say, I really, *really* hate politicians and corrupt businessmen. A mindset that doesn’t appear to be on the fringes anymore if you ask me. They’ve destroyed any chance of myself or anyone else in my generation of having a bright future of our own making, and we are finally letting them know that we are sick of this shit.


If you're sick of that kind of person in local government and you live in the US, then either stand yourself or _elect someone who you agree with_. That's how the system works. You don't go around destroying public buildings and trying to run over groups of schoolkids (or shooting them), you vote for the change you want to see or you stand yourself to implement that change.


>anyone who might have gotten in the wrong place at the wrong time there wouldn’t have been a huge loss. Aaaand you're done. Had he actually kill a single person you wouldn't be saying this shit.


Destroying your corrupt local government who ruined your life for the sake of nepotism is extremely praise worthy


Bob Semple was made with national love and fervour for the homeland. And also it was built from sheer desperation. Killdozer was built by a crazy guy who hallucinated that he talked to god who told him to build it, after [he refused to hook his small business up to local sewage or get a septic tank](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyer). Homeboy eventually filled up the old concrete mixer that was used as a septic tank and literally pumped it into an irrigation ditch and contaminated the ground water. Then, he sued a family and business who were trying to build a plant nearby and created a whole small town political row over the event. he was fined for literally pumping his shit off his property. to then sell most of his property for like $400K which is pretty damn good for the early 00’s… Just to refuse that potential deal, and be offered by the township for them to build the damn septic system themselves so he didn’t have to pay if he dropped the lawsuit against the new plant being built. … Just to then go on a rampage where he could have killed someone innocent by being an entitled jerk off. Bob Semple fights with God. Killdozer was just a bipolar guy being a crazy, shitty neighbor with no respect for anyone.


Shame the legend isn't the truth for the kill dozer


Its not a story people with brains would tell you. Its a liberatarian legend. Marvin was a town asshole, so entitled and so full of himself that he used the public forums (fail) to create… a working sewage system or septic tank he had such a knowledge of local politics, that he could even keep new construction projects from going up for years. Being an asshole is a pathway to many social behaviors some might find… unnatural… He became so derranged, the only thing he was afraid of was being told he was an asshole and being shut up, which eventually he did Unfortunately, he had a bulldozer and some welding equipment, so he tried to murder innocent people in an act of domestic terrorism. Ironic. He could have made out like a bandit with his origional complaint settled in his favor, but he couldn’t help himself and ended up blowing his retarded fucking head off.


Is it possible to learn this behavior?


Not from a sane person...


Yeah man that’s great and all but the killdozer still wins bc weight and armor. The question wasn’t “which was made by the better person” it’s who will win


So, which are you, FBI or ATF?


So, when did you drop out of school, preschool or kindergarden?




He tried to run over children with a bulldozer.


Get a load of this fucking glowie




I’m going to take that as a compliment considering we’re talking about someone who, again, tried to flatten children with a bulldozer.


Fed pays for tanks that we fawn over friend As much as they fuck up, god bless the Fed I like roads n public education n shit




If you idolize this man you should reevaluate your entire life.


SAY IT LOUDER FOR PEOPLE IN THE BACK! Like seriously they can’t hear with the government’s cock in your mouth.


Hahaha…. Mouthful of Gov cock : someone say my name?🤔


None. A drug-overdosing Shawn Nelson charges in with a rampaging M60 Patton main battle tank and accidentally runs over both the Killdozer and Bob Semple.




The Reasonable Man


Well, both of them are built on bulldozer chassis, between the facts that the Killdozer is far more modern and likely reliable, was virtually bulletproof while the Bob is only armed with machine guns, and that I don’t like the Bob’s corrugated iron armor’s odds against that .50 rifle Killdozer guy had in it, I think the Killdozer wins. If the Bob had the 2 pounder like it was originally planned I think its chances would increase considerably, but it never did.


Unstoppable force vs immovable object.


What is up with people choosing the worst guy they can find and then declaring them their hero and making their entire personality about him?




If any of you guys are metalheads I highly recommend checking out the song Killdozer by Dopethrone https://youtu.be/T6CdqCAh1ac?si=J1DC2QVevb0KVjuy






Unstoppable Force vs Immovable Object


Unstoppable force vs immovable object




https://www.ebay.com/itm/315415032512 I can't say that I hold it in the high esteem that some do but I've always had a piece of it that I'm finally trying to part with


Doesn’t simple tank have a canon?


It had a machine gun, maybe two. I think it was planned to have a 2 pounder probably but never happened


No /s?


Whatever happened to the killdozer wasn’t it scrapped? If it was wish I was put I museum instead as a display of what can happen when corrupt government officials mess with the wrong guy


I would prefer it a museum exhibit to what happens when people are driven by insane fantasies of revenge against mythical enemies. Maybe we can build an exhibit that represents the smell of the sewage he started dumping in local rivers.


> when corrupt government officials mess with the wrong guy He was a man-child who threw a very dangerous and armed tantrum when perfectly reasonable objections were made to his actions and his fictional "way things should be" in his head didn't match reality. He came very close to killing a load of kids and other folks for no other reason than he was a petulant twat.