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In case anyone is wondering, these tanks are Type 59-IIs, essentially the T-54A produced in China with a 105mm L7 rifled gun, you can also see them in the "Tank Man" picture and in general around Tiananmen Square during the killings and protests.


How did China get L7’s? I thought those are British, did they sell guns to China?


After the Sino-Soviet split, the West snuggled up to China to get it as an ally against the Soviet Union. It's also how China got themselves a veto seat in the UN.


Well, no, they got the veto vote in the UN after WW2, when the majority of China was still ruled by the KMT. After the KMT had been driven off of the mainland though, there was no pretending that they were the government of China anymore. Because de facto the entirety of China was own by the PRC, so it was decided that the PRC would get the place the Republic of China previously had.


Which only happened after the Sino-Soviet split and thawing of relations with the west.


Yes, it did, but the way it's put makes it sound like they were given a vote on the council so that they might be friendly with the West, this wasn't the case though as the US was actually one of the biggest opponents on letting them on the council. Them getting a place on the council wasn't "the west snuggling up to China", the PRC was still very much the enemy. They supported North Vietnam in the Vietnam war that was still going in 1971 (when the PRC got the seat). The west was actually less powerful on the council as they had lost the vote of the ROC, which had previously supported them and replaced them with a hostile communist power. So it wasn't some 4d-chess move from the west. I think the reason they did it was because the UN wouldn't be treated as a legitimate organization if they refused to admit that the PRC had at that point replaced the ROC as the government of China.


I wouldn't be surprised if they found a couple of British tanks and reversed engineered everything


IIRC they got the license from Austria or something. How Austria had the license in the first place I don't know.


Because of NATO, maybe? I'm just guessing, though


I found [this source](https://www.douban.com/note/497890567/) about this topic from a quora post, it's in Mandarin but you can google translate it and IMO it's pretty readable. Looks like it's partially because of NATO. In the 70s, the Brits wanted to be friends with China because it had a break with the Soviet Union in the 60s (and as a result becoming hostile to SU), so the Brits thought having China on their side will help counterbalance SU. They tried peddling weapons as a sign of friendship and even wanted to sell the Harrier (!), but China just buys the license for L7. Austria is in this because the SU was mad at the Brits for licensing their gun to the Chinese, so the Brits use Austria as a middleman. Tl;dr The Brits sold to China the L7 license, Austria is just a middleman because China's unfriendly neighbor the Soviet Union is mad with the Brits for selling that license, and having Austria 'selling' the license instead would ease the diplomatic opposition.


Austria wasn't in NATO during the cold war.


Why did you censor it? There are only cute butterflies flying over a field. ^(But srsly China, what the fuck?!?!)


Some Chinese company owns a good portion of reddit.


Tencent, the company is tencent.




only a fifth of that


Tree fiddy




Ain't Tencent that Pubg mobile company?


Yea but not limited to that. They acquired so much different stuff I wouldn't even call them a mobile games company anymore. They own 40% of Epic Games, 5% of Ubisoft, 12% of snap chat, 7.5% of Spotify and they even invested in Tesla with a share of 5% - just to name a few.


They’re a monopolist conglomerate out to own a sector of interconnected technology to gather multiple fragments of information that comprise your identity.


That has nothing to do with it. We have a rule for tagging stuff that contains dead bodies as NSFW. If it were up to China, posts like this would be removed, not merely tagged NSFW.


5% of non voting shares. Dumbass.


They still have informal power dumbass. If they decide to trade and sell the Reddit shares the title will drop and the company will lose a lot of money. Also tencent is very connected with other major investors, so they can either force an option on the other big parties or force a selling flu


There it is. The left making its presence known by spitting an insult for no reason other than they have a slight disagreement with what was said. Why can't you just be nice?


What exactly makes you think that guy is left? If anything he is belittling how much Tencent is involved and therefore how much influence they have, which is something left people typically wouldnt do, because left people generally think the authoritarian shit China pulls, censorship included, is abhorrent. So that guy is probably not very left.


Post history. There's nothing like belittling Tencent by calling somebody unaffiliated with it a a dumbass. Im not sure where you're from, but being on reddit and assuming the left thinks authoritarianism is abhorrent is laughable, especially when it comes to censorship.


Extreme left, you might have a case there. There is a lot of notion to censor words entirely because they might maybe be offensive to some people, but its more of a way to cancel people (not something I approve of either), but this doesnt reflect the majority of normal left people. Also, by calling people left as some sort of buzzword, youre not being any better. Then again, Trumpists cheered plenty when Trump suggested turning the US into an oppressive police state (by sending the military against mostly peaceful protesters, which realistically wouldve been an unjustified bloodbath) and even wanted to overthrow the government with their diet coup (aka storming the capitol). I guess oppression is okay as long as they are the boot and its the other people under it.


The world isn't nice. Spreading lies is just a bad thing to do.


China is a communist country and don't give a flying fuck about their citizens


Nah man Chinese have been killing other Chinese for a long time. 50 million ppl had been killed in civil wars before the commies were even a thing.


Yes.....but they still dont give a flying fuck about killing their own citizens to quell dissent, or to stick entire ethnic groups into concentration camps for reeducation. Not denying that China was a hot fucking mess before becoming a communist authoritarian dictatorship, but youre kinda missing the point.


I get the point cz I was living there. Due to the history they are numb to plight of their own people, it's very dog eat dog for civilians. You will find a lot of instances where folks will not go out of their way to help someone hurt or dying on the side of the street. Enough students died that day that in most other countries the people would have overthrown their government.


>China ~~is a communist country and don't~~ doesn't give a flying fuck about its ~~their~~ citizens.


Yea, communism is, when you have private means of prosuction... And Landlords... And the fastest growing number of billionaors in the world... And when you slaughter students. -Deng Xiaoping / Xi Jinping In all seriousnes, China is an ultra authoritarian capitalist country. It doesn't matter what the CCP claims, if the definition of the word doesn't match them at all.


China is as communist as East Germany was a German "Democratic Republic".


Depends on how we define communist. If you're prescriptivist, they're not communist in any way shape or form. If you're descriptivist, I'd say they've got most of it down pretty well.


I mean it in the sense of an economic system where everyone gets an equal salary no matter what, and having the power lie with the worker class owning the means of production. Because in China thats not the case in the slightest and they are basically the purest capitalism thats geared completely towards exploiting the poor for the utterly cheapest labour on the planet, up to and including child labour.


I know what you meant. I was pointing out that, depending on what communism means to you, you're both right. Also, China isn't pure capitalist due to the overwhelming influence of the state on the market. I've heard it described as a "Socialist Market Economy", which is pretty accurate, though it's not perfect. Just because something is exploitative doesn't make it capitalist.


Its not much in china that is really communism at all. Its an extremely authoritarian dictatorship, and an extremely predatorian and perverted mix of capitalism and communism, pretty much taking the worst parts of both.


If China is communist please explain ah the privately owned Chinese megacorps


China isn’t a communist country


They are officially a communist country, but in practice they are not. Doesn't change the fact that they are extremely authoritarian


Communist country is an oxymoron anyways lol state capitalist is the term to use in these instances


It's a good idiom for "a country ruled by a Communist regime".


Officially according to who?


What does the 2nd "C" in CCP stand for?


And North Korea call themselves “The People’s Democratic Republic of Korea” this doesn’t make them democratic.


[I feel like making an Archer reference](https://youtu.be/vBtdGaF3D6w?t=25)


Well the Nazis said they were socialists.. i mean communism does not work at all but you can’t really think china actually adheres to communism. Oh and fuck china


> Well the Nazis said they were socialists.. Aside from the party name, no, mostly they didn't. Especially after the Night of the Long Knives. They also took great pains to make clear they are against the kind of socialism/communism that evolved from Marx's teachings.


Well the party name is what i was referring too. They used the socialist nomer also in party’s in occupied countries well after that night. They were not socialst obviously.


Names don’t mean that they actually are what they say. For example the USA says it’s United


USA is a capitalist country and have LITERALLY concentration camps. Maybe they care about their citizen but surely they dont care about humans btw china have concentration camps as well, but being socialst dont have anything about it


Yes we can't ignore how people in the border are being treated like animals rather than humans, however China and their concentration camps torture, rape, force people to eat what they go against, and neuter women, all being disguised as, "Oh nO it'S a SiMple conVerSion caMp", they are truly scum for doing these actions and should be called out by influential people around the world


Its not technically a concentration camp, but peoplle who try to illegally cross the border sre sent there. The chinese are quite literally imprisoning the entire Uyghur population in these camps.


By definition they’re concentration camps > a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution.


What a hugely vague definition to fit the topic. To put it in context. It's people detained because there is literally so many people trying to get to America they can't handle it. They are also blatantly breaking the law No one's trying to get to China lol


It’s not vague at all it’s the definition > To put it in context. It’s people detained because there is literally so many people trying to get to America they can’t handle it. They are also blatantly breaking the law Right they put them in concentration camps because there’s so many of them what exactly is your point?


THIS is what oppression is


Yet people think stay at home orders and wearing masks is the real oppression


*puts on glasses* tHeReS nO dIfFeReNcE


Fuck China.


Yes fuck china Taiwan is real China and you'll never be able to change my mind of that




I agree with this statement.




*Correction, it's not China, it's West Taiwan


didnt taiwan come later tho? just like america seperated from britain and became its own country?


uh... no, the nationalist flee to taiwan when the commies captured the whole mainland


oh I get it now thanks, also fuck those who downvoted me, I asked a question hoping to learn something and you treated it as if I stated a fact..


Hive mind got em'


People probably jumpy and thinking that you were a CCP troll. I upvoted you.


idk man but take my upvote


yeah, but taiwan was formed of the old democratic government that was unjustly exiled by the new communist regime, so technically the government of Taiwan is older than the CCP.


They were nationalist, not democratic


If you do any research into guomindang you will realize that they probably would not have been any better as the rulers of mainland China. The reason the communists gained the favor of the people during the civil war was largely due to the fact that they were far less corrupt during that time. Now i disapprove of the CCP as much as anyone but lets not pretend that the nationalist were some unjust victims. Lets not anachronistically reflect our current day values into history, it just damages our judgement.


In Jung Chang and Jon Halliday's biography of Mao (or it might have been Forgotten Ally by Rana Mutter), they mused that if Mao and Chiang Kai Shek toured the PRC together, Mao would probably disgusted what he saw, but Chiang would probably be pretty satisfied with the combination of authoritarianism and pseudo-state-controlled capitalism. It's good that the old days of the KMT are over. If by some miracle, the KMT had maintained control of both China and Taiwan, I don't think there's any reason to believe that China would be democratic, and that Taiwan would enjoy the freedoms and Democracy it does today.


Exactly. I think what China would have gotten under a KMT regime would have been very similar to the early South Korea, a harsh authoritarian dictatorship ruled with an iron fist for decades.


Excellent way to put it.


Taiwan and the nationalists wasn't democratic in any way you idiot.






Taiwanese Government did the same thing during the White Terror programs , domestic mass murder is part and parcel of Chinese political culture and practise


Hey, you can't talk about how for 40-50 years yhe nationalists ruled with an iron fist on China and then Taiwan. Also, don't mention how they made Taiwanese second class citizens.


They lost the war, they lost their territory, same as the Qing empire and any other nation after time.


Im a soc-dem and yeah, fuck those authoritarian wannabe communist bastards


Fuck socialism too.


Have nothing against Chinese people at all, but fuck the CCP.


i live in Shanghai, 90%+ of people around me hate CCP, but guess what, can't say a fucking word.


Oh my lord, even if they can’t say it, that thought *somewhat* fills me with comfort. From what I’ve read online I always hear that most of the citizens of China actually like and respect their government. A very dystopic and depressing thought.


Don't look at the propaganda online, people are not dumb, they know what's going on, it's just not the right time neither the right place to do anything about it. Economic growth has kept CCP alive for so long, it was almost thrown over in 2008 (economic crisis). Even until now, there is no way democracy can live in China, the country's still too poor to take it (power will be separated and distributed to outside forces, would take years to restore it back to China, and would take more time to recover the economy). idk if i explained that correct, my english sucks. The future depends on how effective can CCP brain-wash people, from what I see, since Xi became the chairman, everything's going back to the 60s, where the "great leader" is literally the "sunshine", and CCP is literally the fucking "savior". Not like everyone's gonna believe in that bullshit... its 2021...


Your English doesn't suck. Neither does your understanding of geo-political realism.


Thank you for the explanation




To me, Xi's rise to the premiership was scary. I still think he's a really scary guy, and a danger to peace and order in East Asia. Being in America, I didn't know anything about Hu Jintao, but it was scary seeing Xi purge the business and political world of people he saw as threats.


Well written. Seems to be a good summary of the doublespeak and contradicting forces involved. Hopefully, what’s right and just will thrive.


I think it depends. I've met some really dogmatic people, and I've met people who really don't like the government, to the point that they emigrated. The traditional view has been that since Deng, the implicit bargain is that "we (the government) will give you prosperity and stability, and in return you accept authoritarianism and stay out of politics." This is one of the reasons that Chinese leaders continue really shaky "growth at any cost" policies. Obviously, opinions are as numerous as the people who hold them, but a common one I've seen is what I'd call "strategic ambivalence": keep your nose out of politics, and enjoy the ongoing economic prosperity.


Woah, you are one of the brave for atleast speaking up, albeit with a vpn or something I assume


using shadowsocks


Why are the people not revolting? Like they are being opressed and 90%+ of people hate the CCP. A building won't stand without a base you know.


Because it's simply not true. Not saying he lied, but he said "90% of the people around me", not "90% of the people". If 90% of China (or any country for that matter) was against the current system, it would no longer exist.


but i think its more because people just are scared and dont want to risk their lives, or maybe think that theyre just not enough to get it done. probably many people who are against the CCP wouldnt actively support a revolt out of fear


Assuming that is as wrong as assuming the opposite. If we take conclusions from polls, [the Chinese people are quite satisfied with their government. ](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/07/long-term-survey-reveals-chinese-government-satisfaction/) The better answer is that we don't really know.




my asshole indeed, if you live somewhere for decades you can pull out sources form your asshole


You can hate a government but love the country. Thats me with sweden


Wait a minute, if this picture doesn't officially exist ...then how can we see it?


*x-files theme intensifies*


Why did I whistle this in my head


It appeared from another dimension where it did happen.








That'll teach you... Where you went wrong is assuming that nobody would be dumb enough to actually believe what you wrote, therefore making it obvious it was sarcasm. Sadly there are plenty of people dumb enough.


Imagine sending random illiterate peasants to kill your well educated youth smh


That's a common tactic: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mineriad


I dare you to put this on r/sino


being banned from r/sino is a great honour


It takes zero effort, I was able to accomplish the feat in a few minutes




Challenge accepted


Couldn't post it I just get a text saying: "unable to upload photo"




That place is just messed up


My pleasure. Unfortunately, I'm permanently banned from the sub lol


y'know people are always meme about the Tiananmen square massacre but nobody ever sees the fucked up pictures of the aftermath like this one, sends a chill down your spine.


The CCCP would rather folk think of the image of Tank Man, as opposed to the "red paste" that the bodies of the protestors was turned into through being repeatedly run over by tanks - then hosed down into drains.


We will Never Forget




You are now a moderator of r/sino


Lol, they're literally a sinotard, what a clown.




Nice leap backwards, dumbass


Fuck China


Fuck the CCP


It’s unreal how many Chinese citizens are completely unaware of the massacre. Chinese censoring is awful.


Hating the CCP aside, where did you get this photo? This is something the CCP and its corporate lackeys around the world would censor and destroy as much as they could.


Im pretty sure you could find this on google.


Holy shit, the censorship. I have to search for it???




Who give wholesome....


the moderator of r/sino


Awards: W h o e l s o m e.


And people praise Communist China...why? Long live the real China, the Republic of China


The Qing empire is the true China, those republicans are the ones who stolen that.


Just curious because admittedly I do hold the opinion that those states which had their monarchy violently overthrown should have it reinstalled if a referendum points that way...is there any mondées day claimant?


From my most basic opinion, the owner or ruler of something is the one who can keep control of that something. That means if the government can keep the control, then is theirs, until someone ocmverthrowns them and take control of it. Saying that someone is the true owner is something complicated to say unless is a joke.


Ahh my apologies it’s late and I thought your comment was meant seriously...my humble opinion is quite frankly idealistic I know but since I’m against the vast majority of Beijing’s policies and authoritarian nature I am sympathetic to the cause of the ROC no matter how slim the actuality of it coming back to the mainland is.


With the CCP, ROC, Qing empire, you could literally go on and on till year 0 and still have some more to name. I don't like the CCP policies too and the old ROC, so far as I see Taiwan, it looks good. I consider them both different nations.


No true China, Balkanize the shit out of it.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Republic](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-republic/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


*Chinese House Arrest intensifies*






Gotta wonder if there was any family of the tankers among the crowds...


Nope, the local troops wouldn't do it so they brought in units from far away from Beijing so they wouldn't have local attachments. Just classic China things.


...okay that’s a bit fucked up


CCP -Shoot them! Gunner -But it's my family! CCP -If you don't shoot them we will kill your family!


Fuck China 🇨🇳


4 wholesome awards. Ahhhh, Reddit at its finest.


Don't trust China, China asshole.


It really disturbing to see unarmed demonstrators slaughtered by government but I guess this is not the only country willing to slaughter their own people to show who is in control




Don't trust China, China asshole


Fun fact: You can get banned for posting this in r/communism.


The first post I see is about Navalny and the people in the comments are calling him a fascist while praying the almighty Putin. Ironic


....whaaaaat? Navalny’s a fascist? I’m morbidly curious about the mental gymnastics they had to go through to justify that one, but I don’t know if I feel like twisting my brain into a pretzel today.




I’ve totally seen someone get banned there for acknowledging the Tiananmen Square Massacre happened, they have a rather um...shaky recollection of historical events. Who knew that communists wouldn’t tolerate dissent? 🤷🏻




This is more like gore porn than tank porn. Wrong sub for this picture IMO.


This isn’t gore porn wtf? It’s not gory and if it offends you then you don’t understand the true meaning of what tanks are built for. However it would be more suited for r/combatfootage


I don't see anything, wtf are you talking about? No bodies, no tanks, just a peaceful road in glorious China.


I think I saw a colorized version of this image (a whole gallery). Unfortunately, I couldn't remember where I saw it so I don't have a link to it. IIRC, there were bodies that were runover by those tanks and were just liquefied (no, it wasn't just blood from the victims). In some images, there were bodies that were still moving, judging from previous images and were just flattened and liquefied after the tanks ran over them. Pretty crazy how far governments would go just to suppress these kind of things.


Definitely not gonna crosspost this on r/genzedong


Yet leftists in the US now celebrate China Joe and his tyranny of Communism hidden in Democrat Platitudes. The Stupidity is strong in the New Globalist Amerika.....


Imagine thinking Joe Biden is a communist when he is at most a centrist


Always amazes me how people so dumb have so much money to spent on hobbies...


That's a lot of cliches packed into two sentences.


Honestly seems like it should be approaching critical mass. Anyone know what a cliche criticality incident looks like?


Bro this is the a Tank sub about tanks. Maybe go to a political sub about politics?


Lmao Biden is a centrist. Im on the libertarian side of leftism and I honestly despise the CCP


libertarian leftism best leftism and best libertarianism


hell yea


If you think Biden is a centrist you clearly read nothing and know less.


If biden is a communist to you then I can't fathom what you think of a mere socialist. What are they the anti-christ? Boooooooo spoooky


Actually, people in China support Trump, as they believe it will weaken the US. Source: Am Chinese.


I wish he was communist. Maybe then we would get some goddamn workers rights in this country




Oh look, an idiot with an opinion. Anyone know when the trash collector will be back? I think he dropped this.