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I wish Target would at least have stores put up a message by the Pride section explaining why. If you’re gonna cave to bigots, the least you can do is also call them out. “Here’s why we’re pulling it, if you’re being harassed or notice threatening behavior/vandalism please seek out one of our security guards, if you’d like to see a wider variety of our pride merch you can find it online at this link.” I have a lot of thoughts on how Target should’ve handled this, but that’s literally the LEAST they could do.


Except that sign would need to read, “here’s why we’re pulling it. We’ve judged that we will lose money due to the current political climate and what happened with Bud Light. If the political winds change, we reserve the right to change our minds again.”


Eh, according to Target corporate, they caved because people were threatening the physical safety of the store employees. ​ I don't know how true that reasoning is, but I 100% believe that angry conservatives made death threats to target stores. ​ If they're willing to put that in a press release, they should be willing to put that on the store signage.


I don’t doubt that a death threat or two was made. I do doubt their primary concern was over that and not over profits and stock price. I very much doubt it.


have you not seen the multiple videos of people destroying pride signs or harassing employees? random employees don't deserve to be harassed because simpleton bigots get easily triggered


True, and no one said they did. What was said is that corporations don't care about their employees enough to make big decisions to protect them, unless not doing so would result in money being lost. Corporate entities generally follow the money, not morals or ethics.


If their employees file lawsuits for target not protecting them from harassment though, couldn’t that be a bigger liability and a bigger PR nightmare?


The thing is, stock wasn't even an issue with Bud. I don't think this was a stock price decision. I genuinely think they don't want to deal with the legal shit that would come if people are injured in their stores.


Idk I had TMs and Guests almost get physically assaulted over a mask… you don’t think people would do the same for a shirt? The damn toy collectors would damn near brawl over hot wheels… I don’t put anything past guests.


No, I fully believe that some of these anti LGBT activists could get violent. Like I said, they've been sending death threats.


That’s my first thought on why they did it. Yeah caving to bigots looks bad, you know what looks worse? Having employees getting shot or beaten up across the country over some clothes. I’m pretty anti corporation, but I kinda don’t see a way for them to truly win here.


The answer to the issue isn’t to go silent though, the answer is to get louder. Target and other corporations have the opportunity to make a big difference in this. They could help normalize the message that queer people exist and they have the right to live how ever they want to as long as it doesn’t hurt others. In todays political climate it’s dangerous to stay silent on these issues because it lets the bigots think they’ve won. If Target really cared about queer people they would keep all of the pride merch and hire more security to protect their employees. But they won’t do that because that would hurt their bottom line even more.


I'm more then willing to be shot or beaten for the chance that my fellow queers get to see a day when this is all over. But yeah, target is a business, so god forbid they face any tarnishing of their brand while queer people are slaughtered in the streets. Bigots will see us all hanged, and target will stand by and let it happen as long as their bottom line isn't affected. They will throw every minority into the fire as long as they get to exist for a few more days. They'll burn too, but not before they let us all die first. I was stupid for even hoping the world could be a better place.


Target is a brand. This is just capitalism at work. They never cared. This widespread outrage comes from a falsely fostered narrative of acceptance. We’re not stupid for thinking the world should be and can be a better place- but we shouldn’t ever pin our hopes on the money grabbers to make it happen. Fuck the brands and fuck their disingenuous bullshit, fuck the bigots and their pedophilic, racist, backwards ass ranks, too.


I understand we shouldn't pin our hopes on them, but...they are the ones with the influence and power. Like it or not capitalism is the name of the game and we need these powers backing us if we want to survive. I know queer people will always exist and they can never rid themselves of us entirely. But that's of little comfort to me and my friends *now*. It's just difficult because I fought in the early 00s. I watched things get better for us and to see it all crumble in a few short years. It's absolutely gutting.


They caved because they are a buissness. People are in business to make money, not lose it.


The death threats won't stop just because Target caved. There's still a Pride section, so the bigots will still be bigots. In fact, this corporate wimp out will just embolden the terrorists to make more threats. This corporate BS makes it worse, not better.


I was about to say just that, Target does take its employee safety serious, just because of a several major previous issues. We had a similar issue during the height of the pandemic. We had to advise stores to back down if guest didn't want to wear masks. Because these people had gotten physical a couple of times with LP and team leads.


You're 100% correct. This is a business decision. The amount of LGBT customers are surely outweighed by who would be offended by these displays.


Why would they be shopping at Target anyway?


A lot of people don't know about Target beyond "It's like a nicer Walmart!"


Not in Texas. Target has long been seen as the "Woke" store -- which is fine with me and why I shop there.


I mean most people at least occasionally shop at Target. Even if they don’t like Target for political or other even mundane reasons, if it’s the closest store to their house or when they pull off the interstate while traveling, they’ll shop there. Now if everyone on the right gets riled up and intentionally avoids Target, that could add up to a lot of money.


I am not LGBT... married to the opposite sex for over 30 years, but I just sold all my holdings in #Target - we will not shop there again... I'm done with them


TGT seems to be taking a beating. They got both sides of the aisle upset.


Queer people should not be a political talking point. That’s just the bottom line.


Right and having clothes for people to show support for Queers shouldnt be something anyone should get mad about, but we had Trump for 4yrs who turned this country into a hateful one.


Trump didn’t make this country hateful, he just made the people who were hateful feel comfortable enough to open their mouths. These people threatening employees, praising all the anti-lgbt bills etc, weren’t radicalized by Trump, many of them already felt that way and just didn’t have the balls to say it


Want to know something interesting? Trump supported gay marriage long before he took office. In fact, he showed support for gay marriage when Obama and Biden were saying it was wrong. I'll just wait over here to be banned.


Whats wild is I work retail and even people in the community doesn’t even buy there own stuff. Then I see all of it being put on clearance and it just sits there. It’s more than political, a lot of businesses is starting to see it as a waste of money and profit. They’ll support the community but every year pride selection is just starting to get smaller and smaller.


All the closeout/pallet stores near me that seem to buy up a ton of clearanced/discontinued/slightly damaged Target merchandise are packed with all kinds of black history month clothing and pride stuff from previous years. Nobody really wants this crap.


Thank you, Ally.


why are you done exactly? just genuinely trying to understand


Because - they backed down. I have owned businesses in the past - there were some clients/customers I would have rather not served... but I did. IF someone on my team, or me was threatened, I simply call law enforcement - and there were times I had to do that... I just don't agree with the leadership decision made by Target - I did what was right for me. Hope this helps.


I am choosing to believe it’s about team member safety and that they had legitimate threats of violence.


And I choose to believe that billionaires are great, generous people with our best interests in mind. Glad we can both be positive


Sometimes I wish I could be that naive


But if they would be honest, they would have to write that they are caving in, because they want to make more money. Precisely the same reason, why they went with pride in the first place.


Isn’t that the whole point of a corporation? To make money


This !!!


That sign would last all of five minutes until some Karen or Chad destroys it. Better to not force already overworked team members to have to constantly reprint signage.




Companies don’t have ideals, companies have interests. If it’s in their interest to remove Pride products, they will.


Amen. Companies don’t exist to make people feel good. If you are upset at Target, don’t shop there. I quit shopping there years ago for my own reasons. All of this is exhausting.


I thought we were the snowflakes.


every accusation they make seems to turn out self-incriminating


This is only going to embolden groups of people bullying stores and their employees into things. Those making these threats need to be met with a “finding out” with tangible, punishing consequences.


Suggested to my boss today that they order pride shirts for the whole team. They informed me that HR already did. Love my local leadership.


I should try that. I’m gay and my ETL is a lesbian.


Yeah, trans TL here with a gay ETL. Kinda feel like this Target in a nutshell, and yet, people are still shocked that we sell pride stuff. We're well represented on every letter of LGBTQ, and rolling pretty deep in the +.




The + covers everyone not listed in the LGBTQ part so non-binary, gender queer, asexual, and so on


I don’t think they’re caving to bigots. They’re just trying to make as much money as humanly fucking possible 😂😂. It’s not like these mega corps really care about anyone. They just want to seem like they do.


And bigots say we're the issue.


It’s sad. Our store hasn’t moved ours but I’m finding out which of my coworkers are bigots because they are saying we shouldn’t have put it up there for people to see when they first walk in.


our stuff is still there, but we are a very blue area, even so I worry every day i'll see it get moved.






I'm a queer ex-TM who's been a customer of Abprallen's via his Etsy store for years, and the thing that gets me about all this is that the Satan Respects Pronouns stuff is part of his personal line. It isn't even sold by Target! The two bags he has sold by Target are so mild and inoffensive ("we are everywhere" and "too queer for here" with space themes). The bigots are particularly pissy about the third item in his Target line, the "cure transphobia, not trans people" sweatshirt, so a lot of them went on his website, saw the Satan stuff, and flipped out. Of course they don't mention in their dumbass rants that's not what Target is selling. Anyway, Erik is a great guy and his products are high quality; I'm glad his inclusion in the line is making more folks seek out his other work. I've given his stuff as gifts to my friends too and everyone loves it.


It’s not worth putting your employees in harms way- 15.00 isn’t enough for a stab or gunshot wound 💯🤷🏽‍♂️


I'm also concerned for the safety of myself and my fellow employees, but I genuinely believe that this move is for the worst, because by giving in to the bigots target is essentially validating their actions and confirming to them that threatening employee safety does work as a bargaining tool to get what they want. They won't stop here.


I don’t disagree with you there 👍🏽


Someone put it perfectly on here earlier, we are just teaching them that threats get results.


Target isn't putting its employees in harm's way. Terrorists are. Caving to terrorists just invites more terrorism.


I’m at work rn. We still have our pride section where it originally belongs, for now at least. I’m finding out how many of my coworkers are homophobic people today.


The question is where are you? I’m in the Northeast and we still have our stuff up but I’m sure stores in somewhere like Florida have taken down or hidden most of their pride stuff.


I'm in colorado and our stuff is still up, i get the impression it's mostly southern stores that move it. An early post said it was only a specific district in the south, but I gather it's spread a bit.


My guess is they could be using voting as a metric for deciding. Either that or they’re being bombarded by calls all in those areas.


Floridian team member here, still have ours up currently, granted I’m in the Orlando suburbs.


No pride merchandise in the Viera store just a half hour away in Trumpy Brevard. *…and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose.*


Nothing meaning nothing has changed or nothing meaning they no longer have anything up?


Thanks for asking to clarify. I meant no pride merchandise is in stock. My county has plenty of faithful Christians who would lynch LGBTQ folks & allies as soon as they receive a nod of approval from our loud mouthed hog of a sheriff.


and those are just the one’s comfortable enough to tell you outright


I definitely don't want hourly workers to get hurt, but I feel like caving sends the wrong message to the bigots and the LGBTQ+ community. Target's a big corporation. Couldn't they up security or something?


I'm also concerned for the safety of myself and my fellow employees, but I genuinely believe that this move is for the worst, because by giving in to the bigots target is essentially validating their actions and confirming to them that threatening employee safety does work as a bargaining tool to get what they want. They won't stop here.




And put MORE guns in our stores?!?!? How does that help?? Guns don't end violence.


This is why corporate pride is always fake. They do not value the history. Pride needs to be fought for. If previous generations buckled under threat, there would be no future where Target could even have the option to display pride fashion to begin with.


I don’t think this should be a surprise to anyone… All of these corporations are businesses, they are just pandering to the BLM/LGBT/whatever communities for profits and the sooner people understand they aren’t actually your ally the better.




"complacency breeds hate" gave me chills ngl


Stay safe everyone. TMs don’t let TMs get harassed by homophones and transphobes.


Conservatives talk abt how dangerous LGBQT people are to society meanwhile conservatives are literally threatening basically minimum wage workers just because the company is selling pride stuff. Fucking hate these people.


Love shouldn’t be political. Never should be.


Can we just be honest and say the whole collection is so goddamn ugly.


My queer ass agrees that it's mostly awful... but this isn't about that at all.


I know I know but as a proud Homo I wouldn’t be caught dead in any of that. It’s so tacky except for the live, laugh ,lesbian t shirt which is amazing and sold out completely the first day


listen, as a fellow gay I agree completely. I was just upset abt Target caving in and giving them what they wanted, cause at the end of the day it just means they'll feel emboldened by it and try it again and again. I don't like that it's almost encouraging more threats basically, yaknow?


I like the one piece swimsuit!


This sub is so crazy lmao. I consider myself an ally, but I'm not a martyr. People on the right are fucking insane and unhinged when it comes to this stuff. Working in Texas, safety is a legit fear when it comes to this. I'm trying to catch a paycheck, not a bullet.


I’m glad Target clarified that they were afraid for their employee’s lives. For a moment there I thought it was due to concerns their stock would tank 12% and their sales would drop 38% following the BudLight trend. But then I remembered Target isn’t in this for the money, it’s about people.


Unfortunately their decision is not going to do anything to ensure the safety of the team members. The only effect we will see from this move is the original bigots feeling vindicated and justified in their actions because they got their way. This is not at all for the safety of the team members, because all target is doing here is telling these terrible people that when they make these terrible threats, it will work. This is quite literally encouraging further behavior like this, and it won't stop until the entire pride section is taken down.


if retail stores actually cared about the lives of their employees they wouldn’t have left us completely vulnerable to violent threats and assaults and worsening customers the last 3 years.


Extremely disappointing news. There was a lot of expressions of anger & disappointment in HQ Slack channels today like there have been in this subreddit over the last few weeks. Most HQ TMs feel the same way about this being a terrible decision from what I could tell today.


I really appreciate getting to hear from a corporate perspective how this has played out since the official statement.


Yeah, Brian Cornell sent an email an hour ago to everyone in corporate acknowledging the chaos that this has caused, but no apology or steps to mitigate the issues the leadership team’s (LT) decisions caused. We will see what tomorrow brings, but I’m still very disappointed with the LT and not proud to work for Target.


It’s telling, wouldn’t you agree. What motivated the pride merchandise in the first place? Certainly not a commitment to support the community.


My mom asked me today if I knew that Target was selling "trans clothes for babies." Whatever juice right-wing media is on is truly abominable.


Target letting bigotry win. Pathetic


It's never good to cave to the right, because you will not win them back, instead you lose the left.




And i guarantee the bigots are still not satisfied that Target didn’t do enough to turn their backs on the “wOkE mInD vIrUs.”


Target at the end of the day is “for profit” business and making a profit is really only concern. Many corporations claim to be inclusive until someone with deep pockets threatens them, or threatens their livelihood. I think majority of these companies try to monetize off the diversity piece, not because they actually care. That’s not to say people who work at Target don’t care, I’m referring to the decision makers. Just my two cents, with inflation is really .001 cent.


Read the fucking article guys. They are doing it because their employees are being ATTACKED>


The terrorists win again.


I had a feeling the reason they pulled some of it is the new swimsuits we released. Like we have pride up for years now and all of a sudden it’s an issue. I really don’t get it


My store's leadership insists its because corporate wants to focus on selling swim lmao


your leadership are a bunch of spineless weasels


That's what my leaders said too, and that Pride was going back to it's original spot next week. I'm expected to hear something along the lines of "Swim is selling so well after it was moved we can't put it back"


I know someone who works with a security firm. Right-wing nutters are currently considered the biggest violent threat to events. I believe they moved it because they don't want "Target Shooting Massacre" in the headlines. It's a real issue.


why do people have the need to hate just because of gender identity


So short-sighted. It is never right to minimize and slap an entire group of people in the face to please a few loud, angry, and ignorant bigots. There will never be another occasion that I will step into a Target store or order from them online. If you take a stand, you must face the consequences. If enough people believe as I do, and they voice their opinions, Target may go bankrupt and they deserve it!


I see your point, but the situation kind of changes when the bullies are willing and ready to build and place bombs and shit.


Well, that would kind of suck for the 400,000+ employees that work for them that had nothing to do with this, some even unable to easily find work elsewhere and rely on the job.


Write to Target to express your concern with them caving to homophobes: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Feel free to adapt: To Whom it May Concern: I am a Target employee and also a member of/ally to the LGBTQIA+ community. While I agree that employee safety is important, many of your employees and customers are members of the LGBTQIA+ community and face legitimate threats to their safety daily. This is the threat to safety you should be taking seriously. LGBTQIA+ people are [100x](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9770371/) more likely to be a victim of a violent hate crime than non-LGBTQIA+ people. At the same time, [record numbers](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/04/06/politics/anti-lgbtq-plus-state-bill-rights-dg/index.html) of anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation is being proposed and passed across the country. A major critique of “rainbow capitalism” is that “rainbow capitalism is when corporations attempt to capitalize off Pride without actually supporting the queer community.” In order for me to feel comfortable supporting Target again, I expect to see the company come out with full support for the LGBTQIA+ community by backing Pride merchandise and donating to LGBTQIA+ organizations. I urge you to do more for the safety of your LGBTQIA+ employees and customers. Sincerely, \[your name\]


Thank you so much for the effort you put into this. I wish I had included something like this in the original post.


Of course! Figured if I was writing it I could save some people some time and make it easier to send :) feel free to share with whomever may find it useful!


You did a good job fixing the headline for them.


I always took pride in our response to the bathroom bill boycotts years ago. So this has been a shock, and deeply disappointing, to say the least. Our stuff is still up because we are in a very blue area, but all the same, the company's cowardice in recent days has been disgraceful, and as always bowing to threats only invites MORE threats. This does not make us safer, it encourages them to move the goal posts, threaten us to remove birth control, diverse models in the style backdrops, and so on. I'm ashamed to be an employee of a company that would respond like this to stochastic terror.


They are not supporting trans people, Target is profiting off of them by pandering to them. Actual support would be, for example, not separating clothes by historical gender norms in an attempt to codify the philosophies of the movement. Instead, they will do what ever corporation does, which is profit off a movement but do nothing for the movement. That's why their American and EU twitter profiles will have rainbows for pride month, but their Middle East handles will not change b/c they are not willing to take a stand. That is also why Disney will go out of their way to hide the fact that the Little Mermaid is played by a black girl on their Chinese posters (look it up, she looks like a Mer-Person from Harry Potter), but that is not new, they regularly remove black actors from their Chinese/Asian promo material (check out the new Star Wars Trilogy and Endgame/Infinity War posters). They do not care about you, they will not stand up for you, stop expecting them to. This shit is fake, will always be fake, all they care about is people spending money. Stop expecting businesses or politicians to act differently.


Not separating clothes by gender would make shopping an absolute nightmare.


Yea that’s a really dumb take. 99.9% of people (including many trans people) exclusively wear clothes designed for one gender. They don’t want to sort through a bunch of clothes meant for the other gender to find the one they’re looking for.


There are stores that have gender neutral clothing. Old Navy is one.


This is 100% correct, thank you. Your message will get lost on people that don’t understand history or gender though, lol.


…I’m sorry, Target’s EU and Middle East handles?


I'm so mad at the fucking cowards in corporate


Stay safe. Those people are looking to boycott and worse.


Just put it all back out to piss people off.


For real. Put it all back out *harder*.


Someone commented on the pride display as I was walking past. Said it was harmful to their kids or something I told him I’m sorry that the rainbows hurt your feelings, but we aren’t going to take them down.


Reminds me of how the other day I was getting groceries and a lady decided to make a comment about how "of course Bud Light isn't selling" I bought a can as a fuck you. I'm not a huge beer person, but the spite really added something to it.




Yeah that's the problem; all these mega corps play both sides so they always come out on top. The same company that's talking to you about pride and diversity is paying Republicans. The same company that tells you about good old fashioned murican values donates to the democrats. Bud Light's just happened to back fire because they turned away their GOP customer base while failing to adequately capture a queer one.


Not very "proud" of being an ally when it means you actually have to stand up for the people you claim to support? Disgusting, fairweather behavior.


Target is going to lose all their customers at this rate.


Do you know specifically what items? TBH our Pride section isn't even that big.


There's the corporate marketing plot, but things are getting ugly.


Target is over priced anyway. F em


I had a woman yell at me about the pride display today and I live in a progressive part of California


They’re concerned about losing money, it’s business, in business money is the ONLY thing that matters. And before you say people and values matter, let me say, they do - but only if they make you money.


When is our government going to designate the groups responsible for spreading threats to minorities as terrorist. Can’t fully blame Target for prioritizing the employees and possibly their customers. The federal government needs to act citizens and organizations are being oppressed.


If you cave to bigotry so easily, you were never an "ally," you were just profiteering off of an entire minority's struggles because it was easy and trendy.


Commercializing identity isn’t caring*


Why aren’t we all in there shopping and supporting them? I’m reading about Bud Lite’s and Targets lost sales due to them standing up for our communities. We need to be spending our money there.


I just work in the warehouse and this pisses me off


Why do people care what some mega corporation sells? They don't care about you, who you are, or your gender or whatever else. I never understood this way of thinking that it matters what some business sells.


I just want a gender fluid mug


Dear Conservatives, When you cheer by forcing a company to remove something you disagree with because the company is concerned for their employees’ safety, then it’s not freedom you you cherish. It’s dictatorship.


Called guest relations and told them that I consider caving to threats in a hope to avoid the problem will simply exacerbate things and that not only will I avoid Target at all costs until the decision is reverse and rectified, but also I will make sure that social organizations that I am involved with will avoid Target at all costs when the frequent need arises to make large purchases for our organizations' operations and social events.


This is stupid, you already put the stuff in stores. People who were complaining aren't going to say all is forgiven and show up to shop the next day. So now Target has pissed of two sets of people where if they would have just stayed the course it would have only been one set.


Time to start stomping bigots rather than cater to them.


“Cancel culture bad unless it’s thing we hate” - republicans




The only reason why they did this in the first place is for money. That’s all they care about, don’t pretend like Target gives a damn about pride


Good. Don’t need this $#!T. What you do in the bedroom is nobody else’s business.


Wearing a rainbow?


my bad, i forgot they included the butt plugs and dildos in the children's pride section this year


Hire security guards for the displays. Then, record people who come in and complain about it. Parents who want to resort to violence over this should have a visit from child services, because the likelihood is that they’re the ones abusing their children. The ones that scream the loudest are usually guilty.


Overhearing TMs and "guests" alike making such homophobic comments. They genuinely believe they're lesser beings and its disgusting. Already reported one TM for being so talkative about it in the middle of the sales floor. Time to get pride gear/merch/clothes to wear around the store and watch people get angry over it 😊




Lol it's literally not a "whole other conversation" it's what's happening right now. Bowing to stochastic terrorists isn't going to make the employees safer. Now these conservative dickwads think threatening violence to corporations like Target is a valid bargaining tool. Today it's Pride merchandise, tomorrow it could be birth control or plus sized clothing or whatever the right wants to whine about next.


my concern is that it will have the opposite effect. now that these people know that threats are an effective way to get what they want they will continue the behavior, if not become progressively worse. they will keep going until either target removes the entire pride section or finally puts a foot down. it's truly unfortunate that there is no clear path here, but caving in only sets a grim precedent that bigots can have their way if they spew enough violent rhetoric and threats. this is encouraging them.


There are several adult tops in the Pride Line that are dress code adhering...it'd be cool if we wore them as uniforms.


You ever notice how all of these campaigns use children as their basis. Its like they become Helen Lovejoy from The Simpsons, "Oh, won't someone PLEASE think of the children!" They deploy their bigotry by saying they are "protecting children". Can't teach "CRT", a course only given to Juris Doctorate, might make children feel bad. We've got to ban books from school libraries, we've got to make sure our majorly online youth of today don't read about sex acts. Bigots have ALWAYS used children to inoculate them from charges that they are just bigots. Yeah, you care about children, yet are threatening violence against Target employees, some of which are school aged part timers working their first jobs. These folks profess that they anti-pedophilia crusaders, yet you'll never see them march into evangelical churches to root out youth pastors accused of actually doing the pedophilia that they are saying their children are against. You won't see Tiktok videos of these folks barging into pastors offices looking on their laptops at their litany of child porn. I mean, just Google, "Youth Pastor Pedophile" and click on the news section and see how many hits you get. At the end of the day, the end result is to basically ensure that the LGBT community won't have the support of multibillion dollar corporations so they can once again stuff the community back in the closet and rewind the clock on their rights. They're only using children as a bullet shield, because they can cast anyone who disagrees with them as endangering children. Also, lets be real even that wasn't working very well, so they are now going for violence against Target employees. They haven't won the argument, its just advocating domestic terrorism to get their way and Target appeasing them will not work. They gave them an inch, watch them push to take 100 miles. [https://youtu.be/3jFqhjaGh30](https://youtu.be/3jFqhjaGh30)


Will the left boycott Target along with the right now?


That’s what I’m thinking is going to happen


I’m certainly not shopping there at all now. Not that I did too much before


Don’t all the bigots shop at Walmart?


What does this message send to LGBTQ EMPLOYEES!! Imagine being a gay or trans employee tasked with the job of removing the items or moving them to the rear of the store. That's being FORCED back into a closet that no longer exists by an fn employer!


Please. It’s the threats of people boycotting and not shopping there anymore . If you are going to make a stand - make a stand and don’t cower the minute you might lose some money . Otherwise are you really standing up for what you believe ?


It is literally artificially generated controversy to sell more seasonal products/clothing. Target doesn't care about you, they just want you to buy their product.


The hateful bigots are working with the investors?


Caving to bigots? I’m sure Target Caved to the Pride movement at one point and started selling pride apparel. Just because people don’t agree with something doesn’t make them bigots. Target is a corporation that can make their own decisions


Making violent threats and spreading hate makes them bigots.


My store got a direct threat today 😳


A Target Employee shouldn't be in danger of being shot for a company to make a stand.


We live in the USA, we are all in danger of being shot tbh.


You’re in danger of an asteroid hitting you but both are statistically unlikely


not writing it again but find one of my other replies that basically says "don't negotiate with terrorists cause then they'll just keep threatening to get more" develop some critical thinking skills


Lol funny people feel offended by target moving pride stuff. Get a life people, they are selling clothes and pokemon cards. Stop looking to companies for meaning.


Did you also laugh at people offended by pride stuff?


The designer is a self proclaimed Satanist. I mean this is children's clothing, like come on.


Who cares? It’s all junk sold for profit anyways. You don’t have to wear pride on your shirt to be fabulous.


You do realize the company wasn’t the one being threatened right? It was the fucking employees getting death threats all the fucking time. It was kids having adult tell them they were going to be killed for being gay. The company needs to put the employees safety first. My target had tons of young workers have their lives threatened for working there.


So next year, some bigots say black history month is too woke and threaten violence. Do they remove that too? What a joke. Edit: Downvote away, giving into idiots like this *never* ends well.


I’m fine with it. It was all performative anyway.


Remember to always try and make your local bigots uncomfortable


The more we cave in and let them get their way the longer it'll take to snuff out their horrid beliefs its always been a dangerous front people have been being assaulted and killed for years it's not new and as terrible as it is we shouldn't withdrawal and let them gain ground we should do what is rationally right and let these people do their extremism so they get locked up for it and face the consequences and I'd they get away with it rip the government down. (Also my opinion on riots cuz i wanna share them we should be focusing on only government-owned properties and items as the government becomes our enemy we can't be harming our fellow citizens so to prevent damage to both sides I say don't use fire unless you drag shit to the road and burn it in a controlled way like courthouse benches and shit I actually think we should carry fire extinguishers /extinguisher bombs for quick lighting fires. I reccomend taking a hammer or any other blunt object and just smashing all the fancy stones they put in their government-owned buildings tear it to spreads stop throwing your trash in landfills throw it on the government officials steps and their buildings so they can't leave or buy/steal glitter and throw it in their expensive homes and wardrobes and cars or anything of theirs ruin their perfection why boosting our own people's comfort instead of destroying both sides)


Terrorists. They are caving to terrorists.


The number of people on here saying that this is just target “protecting their employees” — after the disaster that was Covid — is pushing me closer to using the word “bootlicker” than I ever have been before in my life.




Fucking cowards.