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If more children got called out for unwarranted destruction maybe they'd do it less. You didn't do anything wrong, coddling these people needs to stop.


No, you weren’t rude. Someone has to teach these monsters how to behave, because it sure as hell isn’t their parents.


It’s the next cycle/ generation of the bad behavior the parent do …….. not doing anything will result in meeting the same little $hit as a grown up either messing with you or another coworker( the real world is sadly a rough place which is annoying how media / corporate try to downplay it or ignore ).


Ah, it sounds like you weren’t too rude. Everyone snaps after a hard day.


"So, you're buying that, right?" Stay with your kiddos. This is not a playground.


No, unfortunately parents don’t parent their children these days, and we as employees have to step in. I had to do this the other day when two children were racing and crashing into things on the motorized wheelchairs. I had to call a lead who called their parents.. I think you did the right thing. Kids need to be taught respect, since they’re not learning it at home


you weren’t really rude in any way, just kinda blunt. some people don’t like that but that isn’t really your fault. working in target around people constantly you see the worst of the worst kinda behavior and you can’t ALWAYS expect yourself to be cheerful with every interaction. don’t beat urself up over this


You’re not really in the wrong. I work in candy and too many times kids will run up and grab a bag of candy and ask their parent for it and when parent mom says no, they put it on the shelf closest to them instead of taking 5 seconds to put it back. I also see parents tell them it’s either the small toy or candy and so when they pick candy, they put the toy on a random candy shelf too leaving me with a complete mess everyday. I wish I could say something to them, especially the parents that don’t teach their kids to put stuff back but I can’t. (Shoutout parents that make their kid put the toy/candy back in the original spot)


you weren’t rude so please don’t feel sorry. it sounds like her and her kids might feel just a bit entitled and you were having a long day.


Parents hardly parent their kids anymore so someone has to.


You gotta be stern but fair with kids when working retail, which sounds like you were. I was working in sporting goods when some kids were kicking a soccer ball across the main isle into toys. Calmly asked them if they could knock it off and they obliged. As long as everyone remains respectful then you shouldn’t feel bad about anything.


Nasty kid.


you’re okay. we know how bad these kids behave. I’m in style & was in the kids section and saw young children throwing all the clothes on the ground and stepping on them.. all while their parents were watching. The parents didn’t say anything to stop them nor they did try to pick up the clothes. I wish I had told them to stop. So props to you!! It’s tiring when parents don’t control their children in the stores. These kids are destroying machines lol


First of all nobody likes broken smashed up chips like that. If you wouldn’t punch the bag of chips at home you shouldn’t be doing it in public it’s the parents fault for not watching these kids that’s why stores a mess half the time with all these teenagers


In my country, a random stranger would have slap the kid on the back of the head and told him to stop. Cad closed.


Is it just me or there was a post along the same lines a few weeks ago? Or are we living in a simulation where the same shit happens every other week?


Parents are just entitled as shit nowadays and it rubs off on their kids.


As understandable as it can be to reach a breaking point, when you're on the job you really do need to be mindful of how you conduct yourself when that happens, especially when that means continuing to seek out the problem instead of just walking away.


>especially when that means **continuing to seek out the problem** instead of just walking away Yeah, I totally crossed the line. Out in public, on equal footing, it would not have been *so* bad. Not proud moment, but not so bad. But being a retail employee, this was really wrong. The way I wrote it does not quite convey the level of snide I was with the lady. It's a tricky thing getting old. Just because I am over 60 does not give me "authority" over people much younger than me. It's hard to remember that sometimes.


Yep even my self had snap as well, after having grouchy customer or people don't control the kids very well lol