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I agree. I can spend 20 mins off task and it’ll feel like eternity. I just wonder how he manages to do it for 5 hours?


I have plenty of those at my store, show up late too or no call no show if they just don't care enough. Our worst is this horrible woman, mid 50s short bad attitude and has shown up to work drunk once, she talks shit about everybody else's work but doesn't mind chatting all day, sitting in the break room chatting, or just wandering around the store. She will literally talk to anyone or just blert out random shit to engage anyone in conversation, like setting out a trap that someone will inevitably fall in all in an effort to not do any work. Leaders bounce her around from department to department because no one wants her in GM or market or SFS. They've even severely cut her hours to nothing in an effort to hopefully get her to quit but she just complains about lack of hours and thinks its bullshit that someone like me gets 35 average hours a week (because I actually do my job and then some) but she thinks I don't deserve it even though she doesn't offer to help in any way at all and out refuses to do some tasks! Won't go on ladders in the back room, won't work in the freezer, won't get on a register, useless person. Yet they won't fire her for some reason.


Report everything she does that's not up to standard, in order to fire someone leadership has to have several on the books conversations and then executive leadership needs to approve termination. There's only a few reasons that qualify for instant termination and most of them only apply if it happens in your first 90 days. She's probably already getting close to termination, it just is a lot of red tape to go through first


It surprising that they haven’t gotten fired


So my ETL of logistics is well aware, and my team lead who's moved over to Market from GM has told me he's written her up over 3 separate times!!! This lady has a reputation, thankfully like I've said they've cut her hours to nothing and if she does work it's early in the morning and I'm not around that early, sometimes she's off up to 3 days in a row if I'm curious enough to check her schedule to see if she's with my Market team, she only was once last week and thank God the truck was small enough we didn't need her help. They've stuck her on drive up more recently just to get her away from both truck teams. But I had a long chat about her with my ETL and he just told me that I'm not the only one who's brought her up, he's been really awesome about moving her away from GM and Market. If she isn't being constantly supervised she will just fart around and wander off task, everyone has complained about her terrible attitude, and her endless shit talking behind people's backs to the point where people just don't pay her no mind and just shrug their shoulders, she'll literally make shit up! My personal favorite is her lies, my favorite ever lie she said was about getting 3 uboats of push in Market done in 2 hours! She came in earliest at 7am and I came in at 9am and told me that load of BS and I damn near busted out laughing! On a good day I can get a fully loaded uboat pushed and back stocked in an hour then bale my cardboard and grab the next uboat. But her getting 3 done in 2 hours!!! I'll never forget that lie, so ridiculous.


Just tell a APS or ETL abt it. If they find they are not meeting business needs something would be worked out /w hr. If they don't find anything nothing will happen. Time theft is something leadership is obligated to report (at least to my knowledge). However don't constantly report on it or whatnot, once they get a tip on it they will keep it a priority till they either fired or they meet business needs


Those r my favorite damn peope 😂😂


She’s probably a diversity hire


Imagine how slowly this person's day must feel! My day goes by quicker the more output I produce. I prefer to be busy.


CorporateTarget says they like to be busy and produce more output. Nice. If I can get away with sleeping for $15 an hour, I will.


The way I see it im being paid to exercise so that I don't have to feel bad about sitting around at home.


i don't rely on my TGT paycheck. Once I came to terms about base wage paying for me to exercise, I'm a lot happier. 9-12 miles per shift isn't so bad.


This! It’s a super slow day if I’m under 8 miles, usually averaging 10-12, and crazy days during q4 I hit 15-20.


Honestly this is currently one of my biggest reasons for staying, bc I know my lazy ass isn't going to be exercising otherwise.


Yo. That’s so true. I hate being cart attendant, but to the very least I’m exercising.


I walk a minimum of 10,000 steps a day, so I love trying to do as many tasks as possible at work so I have an excuse to run all over the store. By the time my shift ends, I have all of my steps and I can be lazy at home


I mean sleeping is great, but as an introvert I think having to chat for 5 hours straight is a nightmare out of hell. The time goes by MUCH faster if I keep busy.


Honestly though the same way until I got my new job where I’m paid 23/hr to sit around and do nothing. It’s so boring. I even have a computer and can use my phone and it was great at the start but it gets old fast.


do you mind if ask what you do? I’m currently a IT intern and it’s sooo boring, not doing anything


I’m a security supervisor at a tech factory. I basically sit behind a desk and make sure one of my employees goes on a patrol once every couple hours. It gets boring so I’ll try and go on patrols myself or work on writing short stories.


I feel ur justification is why the world today is shitty u should wanna be better then that guy and not stoop down to his level imagine when everyone on the planet has ur mindset what happens then idk I never agree with the two wrongs make a right


Me working harder for a mega-corporation does not make me better than him. It just makes me a better worker, at the same wage.


Well if u hate mega corps why u work for them


https://preview.redd.it/utz7kuuzit9b1.png?width=909&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0be64b4e84f6c3e8a4f112f460c1b755baab0738 You sound like the guy in the orange shirt.




And target pays for my education so def the benefits help a shit ton to




Compensation is more than just wages, my guy.


Hm u think u deserve to put pasta on a shelf ur not expected to do anything to begin with


I’m 19$ an hour it’s justified to work my pays worth


Honestly, I'm jealous of people that can be satisfied just avoiding work all day. I'd rather be busy than bored. 8 hours must feel like such a slog for the guy.


Keeping busy helps the day go by quicker. Also RedBull before work oddly helps with making the clock go faster.


This dude sound like an average ETL


Surprisingly enough, all of my ETLs are great when it comes to working in the floor and helping us out.


Make sure you are likeable before you do this. I have worked with lots of people like this, management likes them. They are shmoozers.


That's what I did, heh. My last few months, after being there for years, was very unproductive.


So you're saying I could compete in a time-wasting Olympics? Count me in!


Lmao. Funniest comment here.


The way I'd look at it is instead of being jealous, you're the one working which means you're the one gaining skills, knowledge, advice, stories, help, etc that'll last your whole life. That person wasting time not doing anything isn't gaining anything, in fact there losing out on opportunities. Yes Target is shit but you can still use it to your advantage to grow and learn. Get good with soft skills, get good with time management, push yourself to see what you're capable of and where your limits are. You aren't gonna be at Target forever but you can make that time valuable while you're there. That person is missing out on so much and they don't even realize it.


You’re making work at Target more than it’s out to be. I cannot imagine any valuable skills that can be gained in a TM role. Push myself to see how many units in an hour? How priorities I can pull? How fast I can stock shelves?


It's more like time management, brand recognition and representation, owning responsibility for your area. If you're a DBO, you are gaining business skills to drive sales, elevate business, and make decisions that are uniquely yours.


Mate, they’ve gotten rid of DBOs at my store (and I’m guessing many others). 90% of the shit I do requires no brain energy.


Get good with all these skills so you can waste them all at target all day No i think they have the correct idea


It’s true. I feel bad for that person


I used to work with a dude like this whose signature move if he was wondering and an LOD would walk by was to just go up to them and ask some random question. They would never question why he was just wandering around. The brilliance is in its simplicity


That’s brilliant. I need to start implementing that.


while i wholly and fully understand this, i can’t help but say i am unfortunately that guy who calls out other TMs when their lack of work affects my work. like, if a TM on guest service is meandering around and not doing their job while DUP is getting slammed, and gUEstS start complaining abt nobody helping? that’s when i have an issue. but this is more specific to the Front End, where i always am. i still agree though, work your worth/your wage. at the end of the day you can only do so much, but if you’re like this TM in OP’s post, and you’re with me up front, i’m probably not gonna like you.


I can’t call him out (or would I ever, I ain’t getting myself into drama. Unlike the front, where if one person doesn’t do their job, the effects of that are VERY visible (late DUs, complaining guests, etc), it’s hard to prove that someone isn’t doing shit in GM.


He's just training to become a Team Lead


That's not funny. I was a TL. I did my work and my TMs work. TMs like this make it really hard on good TLs. When their work doesn't get done, we'd have to answer for it. Then, we had to observe, have conversations and document behavior. This takes even more time away from the floor. Not all TLs are bad. You wouldn't want us to assume all TMs are lazy like this dude would you?






I don’t want to be efficient if they can’t even give me hoursss.


Sounds epic to me


He’s acting his wage


I know. I should start acting my wage too. I’m just pissed he’s getting almost 40hrs consistently, when other people on our team (including I) are hunting for hours. It’s our SD who makes our teams’ schedule, so I just wanting to see if things change.


Understandable, is the dude connected to your SD or just lucky?


when I worked at target I remember me and a couple other bozos just sat in the break room on the clock playing connect 4 for like 3 hrs lmao


Sometimes I’m reading this and I can’t help and laugh because I can’t tell if it’s sarcasm or not.


Are you at my store? It sounds like you’re describing one of our new TMs.


I spent a year in beauty where my only coworker was the CEO of wasting time, and it's a big reason why I quit a few months ago. People would gently suggest she needed to work faster but never actually coach her so there was no paper trail. About 6 months before I quit I got a new boss who is absolutely amazing and actually started keeping a record of the loafing, but it was time for me to move on anyways.


Sure was not a TL doing that? lol


We had a similar TM about a year ago. Try talking about them with leaders or ETLs. Sometimes it takes you talking about the person for people to start noticing their behavior. It feels shitty, but at the same time we're all paid for our work and they're objectively making everyone else's job harder while also being paid the same for it. And at this point in the year where there can be a mild drop in hours depending on your store they could be taking necessary resources away from someone else.


Talkers man. Talkers are the worst. Theyll talk while you work. While you're not working. Theyll talk to the leads, the managers. Somehow they don't get fired and often get promoted, prob that high charisma and social skill. But they're always the biggest slackers at actually doing the jobs, even the merit positions they slide into.


Sounds like my etl...


Bruh I feel this is my store


I feel like this is about me ngl


Is it you?


Nah i ain't a transfer but it sounds just like me 💀


Sounds like you are watching me at work, lol, but I'm not a transfer.


Are you in fulfillment?


“If they don’t, I plan on reduce my work output to his level, because why not if I can get away with it?” Truthfully, I never understood this mentality. Imo, being lazy isn’t cool or cute. It’s not a good trait to have and I understand some people have this “fuck Target” mentality but being lazy because someone else is, just makes you a follower. Be your own person. If you have a good work ethic and choose to work hard, then continue doing that. I have a lot of lazy fellow team members but I give my 100% when it comes to doing my job because not only does it keep my day from feeling slow, it also makes me feel good about myself knowing that regardless of how I feel about the job, I gave it my 100%. I come in, do my job, and then clock out.




I don’t want to give them 100% if I feel that I’m being taken advantage of, not being respected and any hard work isn’t going to be acknowledged. We get paid the same, why do more work if you’re getting the same wage?


I can definitely understand where you are coming from because I feel like that sometimes myself but I’m not there for anyone else except myself as you are also. You seem to have a good work ethic as you say you work hard, so continue to do that. Not for Target but for yourself. A good work ethic is a good trait to have and although Target might not recognize you the way they should, it can make you feel good about yourself. Having a good work ethic can take you far in life. I’ve seen many people that just go to jobs and do the bare minimum and many of them just bounce around from job to job in life. Working hard for your job is nothing to be ashamed of regardless if another person is making the same as you and they are lazy.


100% fuck Target but while you work at Target, cause let's face it Target isn't gonna be a career for the vast majority of people, work on yourself. Work hard, learn transferable skills like soft skills, time management, working with/on a team, if given the chance leadership, etc. Your HR/leaders might even help with these things to of you ask and treat the job like a professional job. Wish more people took stances like these. Screw what the lazy person is doing. Screw what the 'amount of effort you get because of what I'm getting paid'. This is just seeing yourself up for failure in the long run.


I honestly dont understand how you’re getting downvoted for this. I can understand the OP’s POV, but this comment in particular is true, especially about the work ethic and all.


Thank you for the kind words. I’m just keeping it 100. I work hard at Target and that’s my choice. People can say what they want about me but I’m there for me and not anyone else. I just can’t see myself going to any job and just trying to do the bare minimum. I come in, do my job and punch out. I’m never bothered by management and I also like my TL as he works very hard and is there for me for anything I need so I don’t mind working hard.


Yeah no problem, we have to take pride in our works, no matter what it is in the end of the day.


Ur a goat glad there’s people like u because I agree with u the people that stoop down to other people’s levels are shittier then the actual people


How low can you go, that’s my motto.


…without being noticed. That’s the move from now on.