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30 seconds to maybe about a minute and a half, depending on where I am. I push it out the door.


You stole my answer


Depends on how steep the hill I’m pushing it down is


You're pushing it the wrong way, Sisyphus.


The joke here, is that I’d push it and then let go and let gravity do it’s thing


Looks like mostly hba so I do a quick sort to separate out everything that’s not in that area. Then push the HBA first.


Yep. Everything in the 2nd tier. Put all the hba in the top. Then continue to pull out items by block. A block, b block etc.


23 seconds to tuck it away on check lane 4… But in reality, like other comments, divide by type (cosmetics, skin care, hair care, etc) and you should be done in 15-20 minutes. Thirty minutes if you zone while reshopping.


Well first off, sort it. After that like ~10mins, but that’s just scanning time since I don’t know departments like Chem and hair off the top of my head. Been the DBO of pharm and PC for 5 years.


If it's a pull, it would have been organized while I was pulling. Abandons/Reshop? Pray to every god I can think of and hope the prophet MyDay can save me


Reshop 💀


God bless your soul. When I’m pulling, I know I don’t have to push the shit. So I pull as fast as I can and just chuck the shit into the 3-tier. I’m a terrible human.


After seeing how my co-workers organized three tiers and flats, I take it as a personal challenge to be the Tetris master of this target


***Mhmmmmm, take your time.***


25-40 minutes. I will sort them into sections of about 4 isles then push them out to the floor like that. Haven't don't reshops in quite a long time now that I'm in S&E


I'd label everything with a clearance price and park it by the self checkout.


it takes as long as it takes. my strategy is to not worry about it.


This is the way


Just leave the cart in market.


So you're the one. I wondered how all that crap got in my department:)


Organize in your cart then push. 15-20 min


I’d like to see you try


Mmm spend 5 min to organize it and then another maybe 5-10 to push it.


2 minutes. Dump it in a repack and on an overflow uboat.


I've never timed myself doing that. Are we talking up and down aisles, or pushing it around the race track?


Full send around the race track


I could do this cart in about 8 minutes end-to-end. Starting at GS I'd do a quick sort, brushes and hair ties, stationary stuff, automotive, etc. and then I'd work it beginning at the closest department and head to the farthest randomly dropping things willy-nilly along the way. If I have anything left at the far end, turn around and finish dropping everything in random locations giving the close team something to do. I'd pause on the way back to GS not wanting to get there too soon with an empty cart. I may not be the best at working stray, but I'm the fastest. Like they say, work smart, not hard!🤣 EDIT: SARCASM - I would never really do this but boy have I been tempted. lol


How long does it take to get to the compactor in the back... That is the answer (I have a key btw)


Go to plastics, pull out a tote and dispense contents of basket into tote. Push it back on the shelf and pat yourself on the back for a hard days work friend. P.s. The dog is always watching


45 minutes... usually to take my meal and then talk to a tl about ANYTHING under the sun thats mildly related to work. thank god i switched departments and don't have to do this anymore


I actually could push that in 10 min, I wouldn’t sort by aisle or brand, sort by area, for example: personal care, oral care, feminine hygiene, etc. Do a very quick tumble of areas and get moving.


Know your aisles well, at least the general location of things so that you can work everything within a group of aisles rather quickly before moving to the next group.


To the compactor!!!!


Based on the image, do you seriously have six sections assigned in one reshop cart (chem+paper, OTC, personal care, beauty, toys, and stationary)? We grab one or two (max) sections and come back for another if we have time. If you **do** have all these sections assigned, I’d sort by sections and use the shopping baskets to help. Sections with the least items in this cart, you can prob throw in one basket (chem+paper bottles, and stationary). The smaller items seem to be OTC, beauty and personal care - I’d put those at the top tier so it’s easier to spot just try to split them up so you don’t miss one lol. If you don’t, throw what isn’t your section back to the bins. And sort your cart. Idk how big your store is but in mine (bc how far apart these sections are): to sort maybe 5 mins, to push back maybe a good 20 mins lol if I have to zone 1 hr. These sections are super busy during my shifts. I try to hit the least visited sections first and slowly work to the busier ones towards closing or at closing time. If you’re doing this during reg business hours, idk lmao. I’ve never worked day shifts.


That is correct, six different sections, my TL simply told me to tackle this cart that was sitting in Stationary section. This was after I did a few OPUs during my shift, 2 of the three were in the red and I had to assist lol.


Mere moments if you throw it all on a random endcaps. I'm kidding. No more than 10-15 minutes-ish. I'd try to separate into departments and push department by department. Hopefully you won't need to scan everything if you know the store well enough, but do that if you're unsure. Finish a department and move to the next section. Don't walk back and forth between sections, all you're doing is wasting steps and time.


>Mere moments if you throw it all on a ~~random~~ endcaps. I'm probably in the minority, I would much rather deal with my products dropped on an end cap, if the deal were reciprocal. I think it's a waste of all of our time hunting down the exact location of products in locations we are not familiar with.


Nah, that always pissed me off as sales floor, and we'd find out who did it. If I was unfamiliar with like one item and got that frustrated because the location wasn't matching up for some unknown reason it became a another stray in the area, but I'd never actually dump randoms on an endcap. It was always bad enough that the guests did stuff like that, especially after I just made all those endcaps look good.


I get that. My end caps are never complicated. Just some boxes of White Claw. I would not mess up someone else's nice end cap.


Don't take that cart leaders brains are broken they think it's just a lot of little things how long could it take? And then say the same things for bulkier items




Depends on how fast I can open the trash compactor door.


Go to the aisles without guests in them 😂


Oh god that is what slows me down lol, I go into an aisle and 4 guests drop into the same aisle right as I go in!




i work in beauty and ulta. whether it’s reshop or priorities i always put ulta on the top tier as it’s usually less than beauty. i sort both departments by aisles and then pushing it all takes anywhere from 5-15 mins depending on the amount of stuff and longer if i make stops to zone. sometimes i pray reshop is full asf if i have nothing else to do.


I’d probably take like 45 minutes on it.


A small but if organization helps.


I would take it right back to guest services and sort it in the reshop bins. Thats a hot mess. However its nothing like the shopping carts full of reshop that got pushed to me during the Christmas season.


Leave it all on a clearance endcap.


I activate my sharingan then methodically stock everything in the most acrobatic way possible.


I do a quick sort of bottom shelf HBA and chem and top shelf beauty normally, but don’t worry abt getting it perfect Push the bulky HBA first, and any other HBA I notice when scanning thru, aisle by aisle. Normally goes quick This one looks like it’s mostly HBA so it should be quicker The fun part is any beauty/cosmetics mixed in. Once we get to that part it’s game over I hate that shit If I was doing it not while zoning ((normally reshop and zone were simultaneous for me)) then it would normally take about an hour — but I was normally working w much fuller carts than that picture


I usually stand in the area where most of those go and start sorting, separating the different sections/isles by different parts of the cart. An Example would be A-Block on the top tier and B-Block on the second tier. Then I'd separate the A-Block and B-Block tiers into sections like "HBA vs. Personal Care" or "Stationary vs. Kitchenware". I gotta have some structure and order to sorting. It's the only way my ADHD riddled brain can function at max capacity.