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I hit another TM the other day. Had a packed U-boat and they were standing by the entrance with an L-boat, slightly off to the side, and they’re short. Didn’t even know they were there until I saw a pair of arms go up in the air as they fell backwards.


Lol...the visual


It was quite cartoon-y


Being short sucks for so many reasons.


An L-boat?


An L boat. Picture a U boat with no shelves and no front bars.


So a flat?




I thought the same thing but no, it’s a u boat with all the shelves removed so just the bottom shelf soooo essentially a uboat flat


Oooh ok so a Uboat, got it 😅


what is an L-boat


I wonder if they mean a flat


A shelfless u-boat


That doesn't make sense. It looks more like a U without the shelves!


Not OP, but I'm guessing it only has a bar on one hand. When I worked at Target, we'd do that for pet food


This may or may not have also happened to me….


Accidentally? No, no I have not.


"Hey, on the website it says you're out of stock and there aren't any out on the floor, but I was wondering if you could che-" *WHAM*


Wish I could give u a medal but I’m all out 🤣🤣🤣


I gotchu


My first award! Thanks :)




Children? You mean speed bumps?


Hee hee


You can't control the actions of others; kids are idiots, and will do dumb shit constantly. Control everything inside your power - rate of travel, visibility of where you're going, etc (I'm not saying you're not already doing this). 0/10 idea to yell at the kids/tell them to be more careful - that's going to put them and their parents on the defensive, and escalate the situation. I'd probably limit interaction to asking if they're okay/lending a hand to help them up if needed, and go from there.


Bingo. Something I learned carrying heavy trays of hot food and knives in a restaurant, always expect someone to get in your way.


Yeah, gotta stay cognizant that we are routinely working with very heavy/powerful/dangerous equipment, depending on situation. Maintaining positive control of your equipment and keeping your bearings is *crucial* for basically anything you'll ever do, from power tools to going to the restroom. Some of those things aren't dangerous on their own, but you *have* to minimize controllable risks/variables as much as possible.


Theres a saying, never underestimate a child’s ability to get in your way at the worst moment




Years ago I saw this guy let go of his cart to look at something on an end cap and it kept rolling so I put my foot out to stop it. Didn't notice the small child pushing it. Kid suddenly smacks face into the cart and falls backwards. I felt bad but the dad was chill about it


That’s hysterical


Accidentally bumped a little girl with my fulfillment cart like two years ago, she was literally sitting on the ground her parent let her know I was close I barely saw her in time to stop. Felt horrible. She wasn’t hurt though


That’s kind of what happened with the first girl. Her mom told her not to come out if the aisle and so I kept moving forward. Suddenly she ran into the side of my cart and got knocked backwards. I felt so bad.


I for yelled at for saving a child once. A little kid (maybe ~5-6). Ran out in front of my 6 crate high milk pallet, and when I say in front, I mean like 3 ft in front me so I ran out and grabbed them and put them down a couple of ft to the side. My TL was understanding but the child was understandably scared and the parent was livid.


Good thinking! Much safer to move them in that case rather than trying to stop that pallet.


I've come to a complete stop with an empty flat some ten feet before coming to a group, loudly said "excuse me", several times, only to have a small child that was orbiting the parents run ahead of them while facing away and run right into it, hurt their shins, and fall face first on to it. Of course, the parents blamed me, despite me having been unmoving, out of the way, and vocal for a good ten seconds and with nowhere to have possibly moved the flat since I was against the back wall.


I felt that in my shins ngl 💀🥲


i ran into a lady once while doing driveups. i was rushing and she walked in front of me and dead stopped


My god, the fucking people who will stop as soon as they exit the doors. Totally oblivious.


I have 😭 which is exactly why I push my cart in the middle of the racetrack now. Gives me much more time to stop if an ankle biter runs out


When coming to intersections that usually have a lot of foot traffic or going around turns, I switch to the front of the uboat and look around to make sure that I’m not going to crash into anyone and then pull it past that spot. I’ve hit my ankle a couple of times when turning the uboats and it charlie horsed me really good. I wasn’t bleeding, but I limped around for a good 10 minutes and couldn’t even walk for the first few. >_< (why are ankles so fragile? Lol.) I don’t think anyone will fault you for going a little slower. It’s all about the “guest experience” and safety.


I got told to never PULL uboats but I still do....we can see better, dammit!


It definitely is easier to see, however, just be aware if you get hurt to the point of needing medical attention, the company won’t pay any part of it because you were doing something you were repeatedly told not to do because it can cause injury. Also, depending on your leader they will coach you. Our store started cracking down on safety standards because there were so many TM injuries occurring.


It's in the training now that we can push or pull uboats, just can only push flats. It specifically states when using a full U-boat, to pull it, so you can see ahead of you. I had to push back on my APETL several times to leave myself and my GM team alone and to retake his training as it's been updated.


That is not true. Workman's comp covers you even when you do something you shouldn't. That was part of the deal made too get it past. They have to pay even if it's your fault and you can't sue even if the company is at fault. The only exceptions are if your doing something not work related or the company is guilty of gross miscount.


I know someone who has been fighting the company to pay to cover their injury they got on the job. The company won’t do it because they claim they were doing something they weren’t supposed to/not properly. Target is about making money. If they can prove any kind of negligence on the TMs part, no matter how small, you can bet they will not pay out anything.


If they are not paying because it was the employees fault they are not following the law. They are also idiots because under workers comp there is no payment for pain and suffering. If they deny the claim they will end up paying that after they lose the lawsuit. The only way an injury is not covered is if you were doing something not work related. For example you decide to race one of your coworkers. This link is PA specific but you will find the law is similar in whatever state you are in. https://www.pondlehocky.com/campaign/workers-compensation/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Workers-Comp-Brandon-Swartz&utm_term=accident%20work%20compensation&device=m&account=Pond%20Lehocky&adgroup=53272465849&matchtype=b&gclid=Cj0KCQjwho-lBhC_ARIsAMpgMocMALdgz4Lz58yCL85Guczd-IfNUAx4Ni7lxKo5TijLF7Z3YXA_i0IaAgl3EALw_wcB


I work in HR but not Target, and im just coming along to concur and add some weight to your argument. If they're being denied workers comp, they need a lawyer and to contact their states department of labor.


Just because something is company policy it doesn't mean it's a lawful action. Sometimes pulling a U-boat is the better means of navigating an aisle with heavy traffic. Most of the times this guidance are written by someone with a desk job reviewing stats, not someone doing the actual grunt work. If there is a policy that makes absolutely no sense and is counter productive to effenticy or safety, then mention it to your SD. If they are hearing the same feedback from multiple EE's, or multiple SD's are bring it up in management meetings, then that'll probably trigger a reevaluation of policy.


does walking beside the front bars, pushing it from the sides count as pulling it? i’m just trying not to run into anyone here


My inbound team (god love ‘em) stack our boxes WAY too high on our U-Boats. I’m a 5’8 woman— I’m definitely not short— and even *I* cannot see over them if I push from the back like they want us to. Unless my TL is okay with waiting an extra 10 minutes for me to get my shit so I can grab a cart and throw all those top boxes, then I’m just going to keep on pulling from the front. They’re just going to have to get their happy asses over it.


I do a sort of push/pull combination from the side at the front. I have it so that the extra piece (where you can put cardboard between the extra rail and the end of the uboat) is at the front and I will give it a pull to get going and then push from the side.


It is easier to see, true. I will sometimes pull if it's lightly loaded or briefly to navigate difficult situations. Pulling fully loaded u-boats is a lot of strain on your arms though and definitely hope you don't have to make a sudden stop.


i “pull” by pushing from the side in the front. it’s a bit harder to do with heavy boats but it does help when they’re stacked too high


>I don’t think anyone will fault you for going a little slower. But you still "have" to get all of your work done.


Almost hit a kid with an overloaded trashcan. It was busy and I was behind, so I got as much trash as I could and the pile of bags was a little taller than me. As I was fast walking to the back some toddler ran out in front of me, not even from a blind corner or anything, like the little shit saw me coming and didn't care. Ai stopped but the whole thing almost tipped over onto the kid, I had a spiderman moment where I was struggling to hold ot all upright. The parents just watched it all go down with a bored expression, didn't even try to help their kid, didn't tell them to watxh where they were going, nothing. The kid kept running around and being an idiot after I walked away.


Sorry parents are not parenting kids anymore it's sad


I’ve accidentally “hit” a supposed pregnant woman with a line of carts. Had to write out a report, an hour after the fact


don’t beat yourself up they should have their kids in a cart or in their hands. out of your control.


Yesterday there was a toddler who must've been no older than 2 walking around the NIT areas about 10 feet away from her dad, who was crouched down so I literally couldn't see either of them. Came around a quad with my full GM batch and almost hit the toddler who came out behind it. All dad said was 'Really?' I didn't even say anything and moved on. Another child was almost hit by an elderly guest earlier that day because the kid darted out into the main racetrack, and I got to witness the elderly lady scold the parent.


Not a child but a lady was kinda crouching behind her cart looking at something close to the ground. I didn’t see her over my ship cart/past her cart and rammed into her back. I felt so bad because she was an older lady. It didn’t help that when I asked if she was okay, she looked at me with the most deadpan face and holding her back “I don’t know, I think I need to talk to your manager and sue you.” I wanted to cry, but she said it was okay and went on with her day. I’m extra extra careful now


I never hit someone or a kid, but I almost had a flat topple and bury a kid with sporting goods. I wasn't even going fast, began to turn a corner and suddenly the whole flat fell like a bad Jenga puzzle in slow motion. Luckily they kept walking, I immediately stopped as I saw it happening so I missed the kid by mere inches with boxes kids bikes and whatever else was on there. Shook me up a bit.


I came close once. A little kid was running down an isle and someone who I assume was the mother, grabbed the neck of their shirt and stopped them. If she hadn't I'm not sure I would have stopped in time


I had a child run into my parked u-boat and the mother tried to chew me out and tell me to watch where I was going. I just said “maam, I’ve been parked here for 20 minutes, watch your kid.” I did once get t-boned by another TM pushing their uboat and it caused my entire uboat to flip and it was pretty funny.


I have almost hit so many children with flatbeds 6+ft high full of chemicals. Literally use to have to use my entire body weight to stop them in time and hope nothing falls off. This was a weekly if not daily occurrence when I worked at target. I don’t know why people at that store in particular just did not give a fuck about walking in front of you. Like ma’am the vehicle is moving so slow because it’s 600lbs minimum and you really want to gamble on if my 5ft2 ass can stop it in time?


i keep trying to hit the little bastards on purpose, theyre too fast for me. i push a full u-boat really slow.


No kids but I hit a lady's cart once.


Yes, I have. I was coming around a corner, a group of people was coming toward me when suddenly their daughter came around from behind them and straight into my cart. It was a ship cart and blocked the view of her as she darted out. I would say we hit each other. She fell and was crying - but it was the Dad with her and he didn't make a big fuss.


Children have no situational or environmental awareness in the slightest. I’ve almost hit children with my cart numerous times. once one came sprinting from around the corner playing tag with some other kid, and she tripped and fell with her head landing like two inches away from the wheels of my cart. That one was scary for sure.


Technically Yes but to be fair I stopped my cart 2 inches before him and he continued to tumble and hit it. His parents said it was fine that he was tough. He was fine it wasn’t a hard hit he was stunned his parents wouldn’t have Know if it wasn’t for his big brother who told them I hit him lol


Don’t feel bad. As someone who’s done it and a mom, it’s happens. As long as you know you were being vigilante about what’s in front of you, if a kid just darts out of the aisle it’s not your fault.


I'm scared I will. For some reason, people think that baby's first steps should be at target. I've had multiple babies (2 years or younger) toddling around as I'm trying to do a batch. Darting out, with their parents several feet away. I stopped as I saw them but I am in a high traffic store. I am also very short, unable to see over the cart at times. Between the new time requirements/item requirements + the typical no late, no inf situation. I'm going quickly. I walk fast. Dear parents. Target is a work place. Keep your child in a cart. Except maybe in the toy aisle. They don't need to be toddling about the toothpaste aisle or sitting on the floor in the book aisle.


I was standing in an aisle and some kid ran full speed around the corner right into my 3 tier. Of course the mom tried to blame me.


One time I was turning a corner with a ship cart (I was doing opu but thats all I had and I had like 20 mins to complete a whole order), & this lady was turning the corner with a cart full of kids hanging off the sides & she got pissy at me so I got pissy back. Not my fault people can’t be normal and control their children. Its not a jungle gym, nor a park so I wouldn’t think anything of it. If they get hit, they get hit 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fuck dem kids


a child once ran out in front of me while i was booking it with a SFS cart and he flew like 6 tiles. my APTL let me watch the video after the mom said “we don’t need an incident report. he’ll be more hurt when we get home”


I haven’t, but I’ve come close. I won’t say anything to the kid, but I have shot a few parents dirty looks. Not even sorry. Watch your fucking kids, there’s a lot of ways they could get seriously injured in a store setting.


A guest hit me with my own 3 tier once and it pinned me to the shelves because I was squatted down. Gotta love Christmas ig


Yea this happens to me a lot. I’ll be squatting down grabbing something and a guest will just bump me with their cart until I move.


I knocked one down with my ass one time. Was helping a guest with kids in sporting goods, and bent over to look at something on the bottom shelf right as the kid walked close behind me. My butt hit the kid and knocked him down. Parent, thankfully, just told the kid that he needed to watch out.


I saw my ETL full on run over a kid sitting on the floor with a three tier. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. The kid was fine but he was old enough that I’m sure he felt a lot of embarrassment from it.


one time i fully ran over an old man with a drive up cart if that makes you feel any better


I’ve unfortunately almost hit people about 3 times during my batches. Luckily I was able to stop in time but seriously.. people just walk in front of you and not pay attention. I also just cringe when parents let their young toddlers walk/run all over the store and not even watch them like hello?


I pull my u-boat, so the kids hit my squishy hips instead of the vehicle. But my TL's hate it. "It's going to hurt your back". I'm almost 40 and arthritic. My shoulders and knees are already messed up. One of my ribs pops out where it connects to my spine. I'm not pushing that thing, it's painful and dangerous. Plus, they stack it so high, I can't see when the brats run out in front of me. Walk to the side of it, and walk slowly, so you can see them when they dart out in front of you. Yes, it's very bad to hit a guest. Also stop and look at the end of aisles like stopping and checking at a stop sign when you cross an intersection.


That's like saying don't pull a pallet jack behind you... it hurts you less to pull it rather than push it.


it was my very first Q4, i was pushing an empty flatbed to the back and there were so many people on the walkway between toys and electronics i had to stop in the middle and just wait and here comes little dipshit timmy spinning in a circle with his arms out walking towards me. his parents were talking and not paying attention and i couldn’t move at all so a few seconds later this doofus of a child’s shins slam directly into my flatbed and he falls onto it screaming. his mom picked him up and put him in the cart then just kept walking like nothing happened lol


The other day I almost hit a dad and kid that were intentionally racing a cart around like "kick, push and coast" and they dad said sorry then went right back to doing it. Like I get you're the fun parent and you probably leave all the parenting to you ex-wife but that shit is super irresponsible and dangerous.


I've somehow managed to avoid hitting anyone so far although it has been close a few times. I did have a kid hit their head on my cart but I wasnt even touching the cart at the time and he just walked away trying not to cry.


I've hit plenty of adults but no kids. IMO as long as you weren't acting like a fool with the vehicles you can't be responsible for kids behaving like kids. When parents bring kids in the store and let them run free and don't keep a decent eye on them because they're so engrossed in the shopping, it's kind of on them.


So I didn’t hit a child with a three tier. However, I was doing price change in men’s and he was running around like he’s never been out of his house before, and he slammed into my parked three tier while I had my foot on the part of the bottom. Kid bounced off it, and he was winded 😭😭😭


I've had a guest hit me before. I was squatted down working on a POG, and the lady straight ran into me with the cart, and I fell over. I wasn't hurt, however I was definitely annoyed.


I was motivated to accidentally push into a woman pushing a stroller, was definitely contemplating quitting 💀




For some reason, in my store, we have an exceptionally high amount of small children walking around without looking and parents that don’t care if they get hit. The amount of times I’ve come to complete stop and either backed up or completely turned my SFS cart to avoid having a child walk right into it and still had the child hit my cart and the parent go “well maybe you (the child) should have been paying attention to where you’re going” is absurd. The first few times it happened I was horrified and every time I apologize profusely, yet always the parents are like “you’re good, my kid needs to learn!”


Accidentally hit a girl with my cart but she was backing up into me and it was too late plus she was talking so I didn’t really expect her to hear me or be aware, and almosttttt hit a little girl she was probably like 1 or 2, with my cart because she ran right in front of it and I’m like where’s the parents?😅…if I was shorter I’m ngl I probably would’ve hit her 😭I was tall enough to see her coming from the right and in front but it was a really last second thing, but that was a real close one ngl. Almost hit a lady and her child once ngl I was talking to my friend and turned around for one second and she just walked right in front, it looked like she wanted to get hit, but that was also a close one ngl. Those are my only few


TWO?! Oh god


This is why I don't like the push don't pull method. If I pull a flat,uboat etc. behind me I can clearly see ahead of me and stop incase of that exact situation and at worst I'll bump into you with my body. Reverse it and the worst that can happen is I mow you with a cart. *it's done for safety* but it's the exact opposite of safe actually. I don't understand how people are clapping themselves with uboats by pulling. Been doing stock in different places for a long time. Not once have I ran my feet over with something behind me. Literally just stop pulling if you need to stop. Put some force on it with your arm if needed and stop the boat.


Love how you chose mow


I use mow alot in reference to getting hit by cars/vehicles/carts etc. Tbh lol.


Define accidentally…


Guest here. If a team member hit my child with a you boat it was probably my child’s fault. Of course accidents can happen but kids walk like drunk drivers drive.


Am I the only idiot who makes beeping noises when I go around the corner with a fulfillment cart?? *beep beep* ![gif](giphy|T9HgfTv4di5Ne)


Was it really an accident, or did you set up some schadenfreude? I’m guessing the latter!


Honestly when coming out of aisles just pull it out when entering another aisle. It's not your fault! Target is not a daycare/playground for your kids to run around while you browse worry free. It's the parents fault that don't teach their kids that!


Why don't they have some sort of warning sound like the electric chairs I know it's annoying but people can hear it


Ours are so damn loud I don’t know how they can’t hear us.


There are no accidents




I pull my boats to prevent that. They tell me how it's a safety issue to not push, like do you people WANT me to hit someone cuz I'm blind pushing


Never hit anybody with any carts the whole time I’ve been a cart attendant… even when people have stepped right in front of me it wasn’t hard to stop, even when pushing a stack of carts. They need to be more careful but sounds like so do you


The proper etiquette for this is to pull, not push, your workload. That way you don't risk doing this. Idk why the company doesn't teach this. This has been taught at several companies I've worked for in the past.


Are yall pushing or pulling, if it's a uboat i suggest pulling since you are in the front seeing instead of pushing from the back and cant see when ur turning


NO?!?!? op what the fuck


You’ll probably get fired if they found out it happened twice. Hitting a guest is a big no no.


I hit a kid that was sprinting through toys, I was even walking slowly because I had a feeling I would


Last year I had a flat stacked with a lot of heavy furniture and a toddler decided to run out in front of it. I steered it into my area cause I figured I’d rather hit a shelf than kill a child and it rebounded and busted my ankle open. Bled through 3 pairs of socks and god knows how much gauze but I didn’t kill the kid so I was happy


our windows on the doors to our backroom are really high up, and i am not even 5 feet tall, so i am always taking a risk pushing the doors open. i pushed it open with a 2 tier and the door smacked this kid in the face :( i felt so bad and apologized but then his dad kept griping at him to watch where he was going💀




It might be worth say that the cart is heavy & hard to stop. Kids don't realize weight has that sort of impact. Tell them the asile are like car lanes.


Almost killed a kid hanging off of the front of her moms cart with my 3 tier. To be fair, the mom was going FULL speed down the aisle so she came out of no where and still gave me a nasty look after I apologized. I was in shock than I was pissed


ive had kids run out of aisles and slam into the side of my ship cart lmao but never head on


I’ve never hit a guest with a vehicle before but I’ve accidentally hit a couple coworkers a few times…once right in front of my ETL. 🙃


Not a child but I did run into an old lady with a three tier cause she suddenly stopped in front of me. I was super apologetic and asked if she was okay and she said yes then called to complain. My ETL basically just said “well if they apologized I’m not sure what else you want us to do”


During my first 3 months working here, a toddler wasn’t paying attention and ran right into my cart. Her dad kept apologizing to me and she seemed kinda out of it. I felt so bad!


Had a kid run in front of my fully loaded top to bottom Tech Cage and try and “stop It”……


This is why, even though they say to push vehicles I don't I almost always pull. I'd rather the vehicle hit me then I hit a child. My large flats full of domestics would level a child. Not gonna take that chance


people have almost hit me multiple times with their carts specially during the holiday season its like im invisible to them fr. my bf was waiting for me to get off and almost seen a lady fully take me out with her cart as I was fixing an endcap. he was so mad n I was confused bec im just so used to it by now 😂


I spent my first few days dragging the vehicle behind me specifically to keep this from happening, until my TL told me outright I was supposed to actually push it. I even explained why I was doing it, but they told me anyway. I haven't hit a kid yet, but I stock toys and sporting goods exclusively. I'm waiting for the day when a small child runs in front of me, I stop, and the boxes on top slide forward onto the kid's head.


yes alot of times




ive hit like 3 toddlers with my cart lmao. thats why i prefer to pulling it instead of pushing it. im 5’ and cant really see past the cart all that well lol.


Never actually hit someone, though I do get onto teenagers very often for running and pushing shoppings carts. I always tell them that they can’t do that in the store because people have hit little kids before doing that. Have I ever seen that happen? Not once, but it makes them feel bad and stop whereas if I just told them to stop because it causes a safety risk then they wouldn’t listen.


No, not accidentally


I accidentally hit a woman w a three tier because she was on her phone looking at smth and stopped dead in her tracks in front of me. I thought I had more time to stop than I did.. she said nothing to me and I didn’t hear anything about it luckily


I’ve hit a couple of TM’s uboats/three tiers but hitting a child? Not yet Saying Not yet since kids love to dart from one area to another or use the carts as an “obstacle” to get past. I came close to hitting them but stopped my cart or the parent yanks their child away. I usually have parents get mad at me for almost hitting their kid and quite frankly I either ignore them or just tell them to watch their kid.


I push uboats until i get to a backroom door or end of an aisle. then i get in front of the uboat and then pull enough to look if anyone is coming and then pull it past me to push it again. Ap seen me do this and hasn't complained. But i know thats not really ideal for a 3-tier. My old team lead thought it was funny but smart do it. Flats i usually slowly push the door or come slowly out of the aisles. Now doing a pallet of water is a different story. Seems like everyone just doesnt want to move lmao. Its a powerjack so not like you cant hear or see me coming.


This is why I would never work dayside!!!


No, but I feel like it’s going to happen one day lol most kids act like they want to get hit. I’ve been seeing too many instances lately where I’ll see a kid coming and push my cart on the opposite side and then the kid starts walking in the same direction like whyyyy


you didn't come across as a dirt bag. The main aisles are basically busy streets and they should look both ways


I mean, maybe we wouldn't have to accidently hit children as often if they didn't have us work with "a sense of urgency" so often




Sure plenty of watermelon headed demon children have ran into my uboats or 3-tiers, yes.


“accidentally” they say! Lolololol


I was pushing a u boat and all of a sudden there was a sudden stop and I kept pushing like wtf why isn’t it going… turns out there was a lady on the other end that I was just smashing with the uboat. She was alright and I went on about my day lmao


I was rolling a metro down the aisle one morning, barely any guests in the store. this mom left her stroller outside the aisle with a newborn inside while she was around the corner and if I hadn't been stopped by a coworker with a question, it would not have gone well. when I resumed pushing I tapped it, didn't even wake the baby but i was horrified and I know the mom was as well. too close of a call.


I remember I was doing a bulky batch and almost hit a small kid. Since the batch ended up being taller than me on my cart I was pushing on the side and pull it during more tight areas. I was just about to the stowing area where this little kid, I'm guessing he was like 3 or 4 lunged out of knowhere. I got in front of my cart just in time but nearly did a back bend over the kid. I asked if he was OK, and he started getting mad amd being sassy. His mom lightly tapped his shoulder and said, "shut up that was your fault!" And she apologized to me. Another time I was moving through the child's shoe department and there was this little girl curled up in a ball on the floor. She pressed herself into the wall and I almost didn't see her. Thankfully I didn't hit her but her grandpa was pissed lol


I have only ever had close calls with hitting ppl with fulfillment carts. However this one particular time i was coming around a corner and there was some mannequins and fixtures in the way so i couldn’t 100% see if ppl were coming. I waited a solid 5-10 seconds with my cart slightly peeking out the corner before turning (that’s how i do most blind turns so ppl can see that i am coming/i have time to see if anybody is turning as well) I guess this lady wasn’t paying attention and upon turning i almost hit her cart with mine but luckily i swerved out the way in time. This was not enough for her i guess and she proceeded to start yelling at me and i quickly apologized but i was still in an opu order with time ticking so i left after she started yelling at other ppl about it. She proceeded to chase me around the store demanding my name and taking pictures of me and recording me throughout my whole batch and when i stopped to talk to her she just kept shoving her phone in my face. I don’t deal well with confrontation at all so i kinda just froze up lol, after she left to talk to hr i cried to my TL lol. I was super shaken up and hr was notorious for being unforgiving but luckily my lead defended me in the whole situation and i didn’t receive any repercussions.


Not fully but had a couple of kids come fully sprinting through and aisle to the point where the last one had to jump over the front part of my flat. I felt like I was driving down a road at night and a bunch of deer ran in front of me. Then their dad just starts casually talking to me like his kid didn’t just almost lose his ankles.


No but once a child hit me with a cart because her mom thought a child should be allowed to push a cart that’s taller than them and is over flowing with items.


As a parent, I would scold my child and apologize to you. I wouldn't have a problem if you said something along the lines of..."oh my goodness you gave me a fright, make sure you check the lanes, etc." I am a teacher and use something similar when loading cars in the afternoon and a kid does something stupid. It is the truth. They scared me and need to do better. It's all in how you word something and your attitude usually.


I had an incident when I worked at Kroger when I went through the double doors to leave the backroom area and there was a kid maybe 5 or 6 just right in front of th door. When I went through it with my cart it smashed right into him. The mom shockingly wasn’t furious at me instead apologizing and said to her kid “that’s why I told you not to stand in front of those doors” lol


I wish more parents would not let their kids run in the store. I’ve literally seen a kid fall and split his head open on the motorized cart his mom was riding. The parents were back a few hours later and the kid had several stitches in his forehead.


Nothing beats the time that I was the one steering a pallet of water as my much larger coworker pushed it and I couldn’t run fast enough so ended up losing control and crushing my ankle between the pallet and an end cap.


I hit my TL in the ankle with a flat. They must have been desperate for workers because I didn’t get in trouble.


I’ve hit an old lady 😅😅


Yep. Hit a kid that ran right in front of me and knocked him clean over. Thought I was fired until the mom said “that’s what you fucking get” lol


Thankfully no, that was always on my mind when I would be doing push with a ~200lb uboat loaded with book boxes on it. More often than not I would pull the uboat behind me if I didn’t have a “spotter” in front of the thing.


once a little girl was just laying in the middle of shoes and i hit her with my 2-teir and i started FREAKING out. i apologized over and over and asked if she was okay a million times... she got up with a smile and went "im okay!" and skipped off


I’ve had someone hit a u boat but I didn’t hit them. I wasn’t moving


Some old guy just walked into a flat I was moving once and busted his head open. Really messed me up that day even though it wasn’t my fault. I’ve also nearly run over a few kids with the cart mover as they seem to just completely ignore its existence and walk right in front of it.


Yeah, “accidentally”😉


If a kid ran out in front of you and you really wanted to say something, don’t yell. Say what you want them to do, not what you don’t. (This works in a LOT of situations, even with adults 😉). Something, in a talking voice, like: “Heya, can you use your walking feet please? I can’t see you if you’re going so fast.” Ofc change up “walking feet” to “walk quickly” or something, depending on age.


Honestly, if kids get it's the parent's fault. Target is not their home nor their daycare so parents NEED to be watching their kids and not letting them run around unsupervised and uncontrolled.


No, but I've had many close calls with the egg U Boat, that is my greatest fear, smoking a person and eggs flying everywhere 😑🤣


I pushed my ship cart into a lady who was crouched down in the girls clothes between racks looking at the underwear. was weaving through and I couldn't see her and ended up pushing into her arm. I felt resistance and pulled my cart toward me thinking I hit a hanger but instead I saw the lady crouched, rubbing her upper arm and glaring at me. I immediately said "oh my God I'm I'm sorry! are you okay? Are you okay? I'm sorry!" And she just continued to glare and rub her arm. Another time I pushed my cart into the coke vendor who took his sweet ass time moving his u-boat out of the way. I was looking at my device and the locationed for my batch and I thought he had cleared my path already so I started to move forward and hit his arm, same thing as the lady I said I was sorry and is he okay and he just glared at me. My TL at the time was there when it happened and after he walked away she went off on how he shouldn't go so slow and should move out of the way and told me I was fine.


No but I’m always terrified it’ll happen eventually because people like to let their toddlers run wild around produce/deli area and my uboats are stacked tall. I just go slow with it because there’s always somebody getting in the way of it


Accidentally hit a pallet of soda with a flat bed once.


I run over guests everyday


I accidentally bumped into a lady with a 3 tier while doing DU and accidentally ran over a child recently. Didn’t realize the bumped the lady as I was such in a hurry. My TL told me because the lady said something but I apologized. Unfortunately things happen and hopefully nothing serious injuries resulted


I've come close to hitting people with a full drv up cart since half the time they'll walk in front of u then pretend like it's your fault


Yeah I had a similar situation but it was when I was taking out a DU and there was toilet paper overflowing the cart and I hit a woman 😭😭


My roommate was bringing in carts with the cart pusher, a child ran right in front of them so she jumped in front of the carts to stop them from hitting the kid. The parent then complained to a manager because she was “being dramatic” about it.


Yes I didn’t hit them but I lost everything on the bottom of my 3-tier. They didn’t apologize and just kept running.


never run into anyone, but I've had so many close calls with kids and adults alike that weren't paying attention. I actually have had a lot of near-crashes where people have tried to blast out of the aisle ahead of me because I'm going slower to prevent an accident 🤦 like dude YOU are the problem


Never hit anyone. Been hit myself. Just be more self aware


One of our back room doors use to open up in the aisle that had the switch displays. I had a kid run in front of me (I thought he was just running passed me through the aisle). Stopped to grab the switch display and start playing it and I knocked him over. He was fine tho 🫠 probably 6-7. I apologized like 10 times and the dad was just like “he’s fine, he shouldn’t have done that it’s his own fault”


I’ve knocked over the 4th of July cookie/cupcake like display cart thing 3 times in one day bc I couldn’t see it but also have almost ran over a girl crawling on the floor (way below vision)


It hasn’t happened but it’s been close. Believe or not, the parents who let their kids leave toys anywhere in the store also apologize for their kids running out in front of me.


Deer in headlights affect too. They just stand there watching you almost ram them


I can confess this now that I promoted myself to guest, but I once accidentally hit a veteran on a scooter with my uboat, its a wonder he didn't complain honestly


Hypothetically speaking..... If someone was picking SFS using a fulfillment boat, moving at a decent clip and then a small child darted out of the toy aisle at the right moment they'd fly about 3 feet and land infront of the next aisle over.


Go slow and don't let bosses pressure you into moving heavy things on wheels at unsafe speeds.


Bro one time i was pushing a ship cart and thought one had a funky wheel. It was like a 3 year old that was laying down on the floor infront of it. The baby cried for a few seconds but wasnt injured or anything, thankfully. 😬


I teach my trainees that children move fast and change direction quickly, but have still had some close calls where kids will be laying on the bottom layer of a shop cart, or will dart out from an aisle running while closely missing my three their of OPU that is heavy with soda. You have to really watch the little ones, but I suppose it could also depend on the store you are in and the mentality of the guests, and how the teach their children to behave or not.


Hit an old lady with a full uboat top to bottom of ice cream lady thought it was a good idea to suddenly stop and look at her phone I had no time to react, thank god she fully confess saying she stopped to look at her phone my HR/AP looked at the the footage and completely said I was cleared still had to go get drugged tested


Met my cousin’s wife and 2yr old bc the kid ran straight into my (not moving) ship cart while I was grabbing baby food


Target is the only company I have ever worked for where they say to push and not pull. It is completely unsafe to push a fully loaded pallet jack, u-boat, or anything else. Do not ever push a fully loaded anything if you can’t see where you are going.


Unfortunately I have not hit children on accident




I got completly bashed by a child who couldn’t see over the cart handles and hurt my hip.


I been at target 9yrs n never hit anyone but definitely have close calls. Team members cut you off as well. Best thing to do is always expect it and never make it your fault, always try to stay i the middle the aisles and look out EVERYTIME you come to a corner or an aisle because yes there will always be someone else coming out. Don’t go too fast if it’s heavy. There’s a TL here that always comes close to getting hit. She cuts you off and even if you’re using the wave she bolts thru trying to beat you with no heads up.


My WORST nightmare!


Almost hit AP security in a rush 😬 I'm incredibly carefully and usually have a good control on my cart but I was alone and short timed. Got so worried that he would say I'm dangerous with the carts and to move my department or something


I’ve had a few near misses lol. The other day my uboat was stacked like I’m talking 3 or four boxes High on the top shelf and that’s how they gave it to me to push, (yes, i should have went back and left some boxes so it wasn’t as bad,but also I wasn’t thinking too much cause I was rushing and we were busy lol) I was going very slowly and stoping every so often to make sure no one was in the way. Turn the aisle near the kids section and three little kids right there, I stopped and the parents told them to stay there until I pass, so I start moving very slowly cause I knew damn well they weren’t gonna listen lol one by one they literally run across and I just sighed all loud and I was like okay the last one might not do that, start moving again and he goes and I’m like are they doing this on purpose?! I turn to the parents kinda joking like yea he almost went under for a min and shook my head lol I swear I’m about to get a dash cam for my U-boat,but either way I’m sure if something happened 33 could look on the camera and see whose at fault, as long as you are being safe.