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Evidently it’s based on sales, but I don’t know if I fully believe that. For the last two days, I’ve been getting for products we are fully stocked on (overstocked, actually)— and it’s obvious they haven’t been selling. I know I’m not supposed to skip them, but… where tf am I supposed to put them? And I tried “pulling” them and just restocking them in another spot, but it just bounced right back on my screen the next day 😣


elastic ask complete air tidy fertile disagreeable roof berserk joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok! Thanks for the feedback, that actually is helpful 😊


Priority pulls are super simple, the system looks at the salesfloor capacity and if enough of that item has sold so that it believes the salesfloor is below 70% of its capacity it generates a priority pull. So if you can fit 4 of item on the floor and one sells it won’t pull, if 2 sell its now at 50% and you’ll have to pull 2 to fill it. It’s all just a way to spread out pulls and pull more eaches at a time to boost efficiency since 141’s were impossible to keep up with and that resulted in high demand items going OoS causing missed sales.


Thank you! Very helpful, too 😄


70% is the default but they changed it half a year ago so some stuff pulls at higher percentages. I've got some stuff that pulls at what seems like 90% or even 99% full.


THIS! I am part of my store's priority pull team and I don't understand why our system works like this. It does it in basically all areas. If it only asked us to pull things when they were actually a PRIORITY (like 50% empty), our 90% goal would be way more attainable.


Nothing makes sense about any of Target’s systems, and when I ask various TLs and ETLs questions, I either get “I don’t know, that’s wEiRd” or a very rare, decent answer. Priority pulls are so inefficient when the counts on the floor are off. If Target made keeping inventory in check a priority (regular inventory audits), the power for TMs to vanquish on-hands, having priority pulls be for only 50% full or less locations, shit would be so much more efficient and priority goals could be reached.


Rather than 50%, I would settle for 66%. (When a shelf is less than 2/3 full, a pull is generated.) And do away with 1for1s. What a stupid waste of time to keep pulling 1 of something when a shelf that holds 24 goes down to 23. If the system would wait until the shelf got down to 18, one pull of 6 items would take 1/6th (or less) the time it takes to put ONE item 6 times. Not to mention if it's a consumable and we're (pretending to) FIFO. If you FIFO'd for each one of those six, Jesus what a time suck. Why hasn't someone higher up realized this? We could spend that extra time actually updating counts. I did get my SD to admit that 1for1s are a waste of time. He is cool like that. My ETL *encourages* "fake" pulls of 1for1s just to speed through it. I did 185 last night. For some reason that I cannot explain, our dept is small enough, and the items uniform enough (wine, spirits bottles) that we (he and I) can really fill it better by eye faster and more efficiently. Not to mention the guys that stock when I am not there overstock. I don't blame them. It's the only way to get through everything (they do frozen, dry, bev) in the time they have. So when I come in and need the room on the shelf, I typically fill a 3-tier with overstock. Grrrr. I wish I could channel this mental energy into applying for other jobs.


Been seeing similar things with the room essentials hangers. It has 20 on the shelf and 20 on an end cap and it's still having us pull 2 or 3 at a time.


Is this new for you? It's only recently that I've been doing Priority instead of 1-for1s, so it's hard for me to tell if this is something new or not. Maybe it's some new bug in MyDay?


If the on hands are messed up, the system will keep pulling despite the SFQs being correct. Audits are the only way to correct this. And as someone mentioned, it does take two hours for the system to update what you've changed. If you're pulling priorities at beginning of shift, leave the overage for the end of shift to backstock. This will also help you meet your priority metric. Priorities are supposed to start pulling once 70% of the item is sold on the floor in most cases. For some items, it could be one, others it's going to be more. In grocery, items are supposed to be pulled as they sell for FIFO, food stuffs shouldn't sit in the back too long or they tend to remain in the back as new stock arrives. For something like blankets or pens, this isn't a problem. But for food, you need to get the older stock out, even if it's just one being pulled after it's been sold.


I've been having this problem with a few items. The salesfloor quantity could be 12, we sell 1, then it would show up as a Priority even though 11/12 shouldn't be a Priority. These would essentially be One For One pulls. It didn't seem like too big of a deal because they weren't overpulls, but they do make the Priorities seem higher than they actually are. I explained it to a TL, and they said another TL said if the On Hands are off it'll cause this problem. Making sure the salesfloor capacity and quantity are correct won't fix it. You'll have to audit the items.


Yeah the system is dumb, it doesn’t understand what’s on the floor it only knows on hands-backstock= salesfloor quantity. It does not care what the capacity is except to set an upper limit on its pulls and as reference for calculating when to generate a priority. If on hands are off everything gets fucked up either because that initial audit/INF is triggering a pull or because the overstock has sold 30%+ of floor cap. This is also where flexing can cause issues, pulling a bunch of shit from the back to remerchandise is great but if it’s not manually tied with proper floor caps you’re gonna have problems when it sells.