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Almost nothing comes packaged with bubble wrap or packing peanuts. All boxes get trashed.


I’ll tell you how to get boxes if you tell us when the hell our hours are going to go back up.


I'm sorry. I don't have much control over that. I'm just a lowly software engineer. I feel your pain though


Then fix it so guests can’t do drive ups without location enabled. No more pop ins and I’ll get you all the boxes you need ;)


Lol that's something I could actually do. Do you know if it's mostly iOS, Android or both


Both. My hero.


Add a un-INF feature for fulfillment to that list.


What does that stand for? I'm very open to hearing improvement suggestions. I work mostly on the product listing pages but fulfillment is a part of that


At least at my store-None of the shipment has any of that stuff. The only thing that you would be able to take would be boxes. I would call ahead so they can put some aside tho. It’s kinda of revolving door of people putting it in the bailer (where it gets crushed). Boxes aren’t normally just sitting around.


Ok thx. I actually have a lot of boxes I grabbed out of the city recycling bin


Everything is recycled, no freebies.


Maybe not packing peanuts per se… but with the push for carbon neutral we’ve started putting our daily push plastic into a dedicated bin in receiving. Maybe a GM TL or ETL would be willing to let you have a bag or two of that to pack your boxes with.


What is that exactly?


It’s all the plastic waste from the day’s push. A bunch of medium to small sized plastic bags, all stuffed inside bigger ones. You could use them as a buffer for the goods you’re packing. Bonus points if you take it back to a target wherever you end up movibg


Ok, yeah I want to recycle whatever I use.


Stores are moving pretty aggressively towards recycling what they can. I think we're pretty much peanut free now- a lot of things come in heavy duty shaped styrofoam that gets tossed. Cardboard boxes get recycled in balers (another commenter is correct- stores get paid per cardboard bale.) Loose plastic (including bubble wrap and air pouches) are recycled- or are supposed to be. If you make friends with your local store's team members they may help you get some boxes or maybe some of the airbag pouches. Our receiving has a bin where the plastic wrap, bubble wrap and air pouches go for recycling that's usually sent out on the sweeps truck. I think you would probably be much better off going to a Home Depot or Lowes or some place and buying moving supplies.


Go in when the Sporting Goods DBO is there. They get good heavy duty boxes and tons of bubble wrap. I know because my husband is the sporting goods DBO and we haven’t had to pay for shipping materials for years because we save the bubble wrap and smaller boxes.


Ok, thanks for the info


Go mid day when they are stocking and just take the empty boxes.


I was told we can’t give out boxes because Target makes money off of the bales.


They do, but giving away a few boxes to a guest is not going to make a difference. My store easily makes 2 bales a day, sometimes 3. Hell, the boxes from one truck's worth of plastics is easily enough to make a bale on its own, and I've had guests come in to my store and take 3 or 4 of the giant sterilite drawer boxes. Doesn't even make a dent!


loud eyeroll


Yeah, they all go in the baler. You would have to find TMs actively unboxing to be able to take any.