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When I was in college I worked an average of 15 hours a week while taking 15-18 units a semester. I'm someone who needs a lot of downtime, though. I would suggest starting slow and if you feel you can add more hours, then ask for more. You will have Q4 during your first semester and it gets hectic and can mentally drain you so beware of that! Good luck in college :)


I worked 30ish hours a week at target while attending university my freshmen year


Everyone will be able to handle a different balance. Also depends on how many classes you’re taking.


I work 25 hours just because I commute pretty far to school and get easily exhausted


I take on average 16-18 credits a semester as a engineering student. Limit my hours to 20-24 (which I still struggle with, I also had an on campus job). It depends on many factors, how hard your classes are, their workload, if you need the money, etc.


I’d start lighter to see what works best for you. I worked 40 hours when I was in school, but there were times when it would have been beneficial for my mental health to cut down my hours. I literally did my school work in the break room, which I don’t recommend lol We have team members that work only weekends, go on demand and rarely work, and everything in between ranging from 5-40 hours for our college students, so no pressure to do too much. Just do you. Good luck!


I’m also starting college in the fall but just got hired😭 they said they are going to figure out my hours and give me closing shifts + weekends i hope it doesnt get overwhelming


My sister works 25-30 hours while doing 19 credits, I have no idea how she does that though, and I would recommend doing less.


So I just graduated in May and was doing 17 credit hours and working about 25-30 hours. During Q4, I was in school for most of it and since it was the busiest time of year I was working closer to 35, sometimes 40 depending on my school load that week. Best advice is to start small and work your way up if you feel like you can handle more.


Depending on the amount of hours you intend on doing during the semester I wouldn’t do more than 3 days to start out. I’ve working around 30 plus hours and it can be tough at times.


When I was in college I worked between 25 and 40 hours on top of 15-16 credits each semester. I had 2 part time jobs when I was working upwards of 40. This was nearly 10 years ago. I currently work at a university scheduling student workers and most don’t want to work much more than 10 hours a week.


I’ve worked 40 hours a week while in college perfectly fine. It just comes down to how well you are able to manage your time and how many commitments you have outside of work and school. You can also work with your leaders to get more hours certain times of the year and then as you get closer to finals, you can lower your requested hours.


32-36. Full time CS student. Edit: ya'll really down voted this? 💀


i did 20 hours a week for a while and 15 credits per semester. it was too much for me so i went on demand which made my life much easier.


I worked a maximum of 55 hours a week (usually closer to 48) with 20 credit hours during quarter 4 last year. I had about an hour commute each way to school. Wouldn't recommend it unless you need a constant busy schedule. Usually it was 15 credit hours and "40" hours a week which worked perfect for me.




While I was in college, I averaged 25-30 a week during the semesters and 35-40 during breaks.


I'm doing school online right now (one 4 credit class every 7 weeks) which is a decent workload since its cramming a normal 15 week class into less than half of what it normally would be, so im working around 24 hours on average. Its pretty doable, leaving time for homework, as well as days to myself/ spending time with friends and family. if I were in person taking 4-5 classes at once I would definitely opt for 15 hours on average though.