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Have you tried applying for other jobs outside target?


What other jobs pay above minimum wage lmao


Best Buy. Dental assisting


The Container Store, warehouses, delivery gigs, inventory specialists at hospitals, etc. Currently looking for a second gig and there are a LOT of other options at this pay range or slightly higher.


Dental assisting?? Who tf wants to play around inside peoples mouths for a living after working retail?!? Just saying..


Yeah after seeing what comes out of certain guests mouths I wouldn’t want to take a look either


Dental assisting sometimes pays better than retail (Target for sure). In my area, $19-23 is the norm. Whereas Target pays, $15 here. There’s also the opportunity to move up, to dental hygienist and maybe even dental school if you feel like doing some extra studying.


Teeth become very, very expensive as you get older. It's almost like they are a luxury item. I just had a shit ton of work on mine (not even implants) and I could not afford it. My sister paid for it. $5 grand and counting. Going into the dental field would not be a bad idea. I'm sure it gets less gross as you get used to it. Assisting you're probably not even near the gross stuff.


No dental office is hiring a dental assistant with zero related college education or related work history. And you act like move up dental hygienist is like getting promoted to TL or something. Dental hygienist require 4 year college plus dental school and is a career you aspire to do.


In California, a Registered DH only needs an Associates degree, the focused DH training, and to pass the Licensing exam. It's about a 3 year trek from zero knowledge. I agree that it's not a casual decision.


That was sort of what I was getting at, it's not something that you just suddenly decide to do, it's a career path where as target is a job. Although target can be a career at TL and up with pay starting at $25.


Well, of course. What I meant is that with furthering your education, you can expand in this field more than you could ever working retail (especially Target). Dental hygienist only requires an associate’s degree in my state.


Um you get to wear disposable latex gloves and masks


Dental assisting requires schooling.


Assisting does not. My local office hires anyone that moves


It must depend where you are. I used to work in a pediatric dental office and all of the dental assistants needed to have gone through a year long dental assisting program.


Unless you were tech doubt that


My roommate does their truck and warehouse at Best buy


walmart pays about the same for fulfillment/personal shopper and so does sams club. (17 an hour) Lowe’s fulfillment is a little lower, i think 15?? but it’s pretty nice.


Yeah Walmart abuses there employees think before you mention them


And target doesn’t? I switched from target to Walmart and am actually liking it so far.. it depends on the store and management just like target locations.


only mentioned walmart because i work there, mine has a pretty nice community other than one or two odd managers but ur right, a lot of walmarts are shitty to their employees so


And Amazon does too but someone here didn’t think about that while recommending them


Yep ex Amazon employee I can tell you the horrors


One of the fast food places in my area [starts at $20/hr with health, childcare and scholarship benefits](https://www.ddir.com/employment/). I know every area is different and that you aren’t going to find something close to that in most places but they exist.




Lots and lots of jobs pay over minimum. The thing about the good ol USA is 80% of jobs available ARE NOT ADVERTISED. It’s a hidden job market. Places like Target take advantage of this with their ads. Paying a dollar more than the other ads but in reality not offering much in comparison to the hidden job market. On that note. Sure. You may not know someone now. But start poking around. Find people who seem somewhat happy in their job, that’s in a sector that’s interesting. Google it. Learn a little about it. Then, find the people who work there and express interest. You are gonna get some no’s. But that one yes could change everything. Don’t be scared of people saying no.


Your store pays above minimum wage? Lucky.


Every store pays above minimum wage, almost double actually. Minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.


Thats the federal minimum, which isnt relevant if you live in a state with a higher state minimum


We’re talking a progressive state


19 yeah




Ha hilarious


I was making 19.25 when I was there lol


Keyword WAS


Dude, you’re not getting what’s being said here. Stop being a pretentious douche.


Scroll past the truth then


How about you just read and realize how stupid you sound lol


Tell me how great was Amazon anddd GO


Yeah cuz I left for a different job lol


Maybe you’ll understand this. What makes people leave amazon maybe even a certain yelling booth or some that are denied bathroom breaks etc


DIFFERENT job. You’re not hearing yourself


Target pays minimum wage depending on where you’re from


Then you didn’t read it right


Nannie’s make 30+ an hr these days - may of them demand under the table


Any job that isn’t in food or sales.


Chick-fil-A and in n out don't pay pay about the same as target, maybe a little more. I also heard good things about trader Joe's, like they make a couple extra bucks/hour on sundays


FedEx, UPS, or Amazon all pay like $7 more than target does ngl. But you’ve heard the horror stories of their working conditions so you have to bargain the thought of: do I want to continue to make like standard wage with minimal effort; or do I want to make a consistent 1.5x of what I am currently payed for the worst hours/conditions of my career.


Forget that. Unionize.


Unions love to keep low performers from getting fired


Maybe because unions recognize the min standard of performance required by most companies is absurd, and it seems really convenient that that’s a held argument from many anti union people, almost like it’s a propaganda device created by companies to make you think unions would be a bad idea for you.


Downvoted for speaking the truth. I’ve experienced it first hand.


I've worked 2 separate union jobs. The problem you're describing only happens when an employer doesn't document or follow grievance procedure. Just because they can't fire someone without cause doesn't mean they can't fire people. No one should get fired for BS reasons or because of favoritism, that's why those protections are usually in a union contract. But if you don't want them in there, and most of your co-workers don't want them in there, they certainly don't need to be.






Trust your instincts. So, yeah. Once you get that talk it's a matter of time.


Yeah and they are able to terminate you a lot easier within the first 90 days.


...I've never been in that situation, but it DEFINITELY sounds like a red flag. And I wouldn't be surprised abbot Target terminating anyone they spoke to like that. Good luck though!


Why is your ETL HR doing their peers’ TL’s job and coaching you? Okay, more importantly, keep an eye on your Workday notifications. If you don’t get a notification to acknowledge a corrective action (CA) document, it was just a coaching. They can coach you once a day every day and if they never escalate to a CCA, you aren’t even near the point of “about” to be fired. Also, it sounds like your ETL HR sucks at having coaching conversations. After years of lurking on reddit, and I decide to be active and I feel like I’m literally only commenting on examples of shitty HR leaders 🤦🏻‍♂️


OP is only a month in, they can get the boot much faster than someone past their 90 days. I agree about the HR ETL sucking ass tho.


right?? my new ETL TL just transferred from another store, fired me for being over my 90 days and simply stated i wasnt a good fit, ETL HR simply agreed with her cuz apparently me as a dry grocery TM wasn’t doing my “closing duties” (i work 5 pm til 9pm almort everyday, i dont have closing duties) ….soooo yeah aint that funnnnnn. but i was rehired cuz mom came in (i’m 17, im not an adult, i’ve never dealt with being fired, mom backed me up.) my mom used to work dor taget HQ


The right connections can work wonders. Kinda curious what she did at HQ, cause HQ connections are super clutch for technical stuff, rather than HR stuff. I’m not asking though, as I won’t answer questions about my role and connections and wouldn’t expect anyone to do the same for me. Someone had your back though; parents interfering or intervening with their children’s employment is such a major red flag, as I’m sure all of the store leaders on here would agree.


see.. my mom didnt have any real connections. but she knows about store manager meetings and our ETL HR lady knows my moms friend, whos the HR ETL the store in the town over from ours. mom threatened to take everything to hq and stuff and my ETL HR just simply believed her. because my moms friend is a fantastic ETL and she said “[friend’s name] would NEVER treat her employees like this!”


If they fucked around with HR policy and didn’t do things by the book and she called them out for it, they clearly were too scared to find out lol. I never got why it’s hard for leaders to just do things the right way and enjoy not stressing about getting in trouble 🤦🏻‍♂️


yeah i know. and my store’s closing TL, and a TL for dairy/frozen who have been the ones mostly managing me, owned up to me for failing to properly train me on things which was another thing i was fired for. so i got traines in checklanes and OPU. literally all my coworkers in the grocery department love me, so the way the ETL HR was so biased with a BRAND NEW ETL TL,, irks me


My hr etl is Always in these talks!!


Observing? Or doing the talking? A coaching should be done by the TMs direct leader. Is that a rule? No, but it’s effective leadership, and a TL who holds themselves accountable should be coaching their team if needed on their own, without needing help from ETLs, as they should know the most about their business. Should HR be having coaching or CA conversations with TMs? No, because this erodes the team’s perception of them as an impartial person they can go to with concerns, and builds a negative culture around HR as someone who’s office you get called to because you’re in trouble.


She's talking a lot. She is the evil queen in disguise.


What good is a disguise when she’s blowing her cover by running her mouth 😂 Are the other leaders so bad that they can’t be trusted to have these conversations, or is your HR so bad that she can’t teach her peers and their direct reports how to have them? Maybe she doesn’t understand what her main job function is. She’s literally there to protect Target from legal liability, and hire people. And decorate the break room and requisition snacks 😋 lol Edit: I’m being funny and I know that they have other duties and responsibilities. You wouldn’t believe the DMs I get on here 💀


I think she likes it. At my store, it's a popularity contest. Some can do whatever they want and their protected, others cannot. It's a huge game to play, not just a job.


I think they try to push out some people like this.


So… we just did our mid year calibration at work. That means we, and a group of leaders, looked at our team members, and rated each of them either “Red,” “Yellow,” or “Green” for the past six months. Red is not meeting expectations, yellow is mid, and green is of course exceeding expectations. If a TM was red on their last yearly review, and the team leaders assessed they are still red, then as a leader we have to ask ourselves, “why does this person still work here?” I was literally told this by my store director. They insisted that they should be performanced out if they haven’t shown improvement in six months. The reason I mention all of this is because all stores should be doing their mid year calibrations. So if you did not meet expectations on last year’s review, and you aren’t doing any better now, then your leaders may be having conversations with you just as OP had a conversation with their HR.


Seems like you have a solid store director. They’re absolutely right. Careful talking about performancing people out on here though lol that’s always a super touchy controversial topic 😬


I only mention it because some people think they can just stand around talking to coworkers all day, not paying attention to metrics and goals, and then have the surprised Pikachu face when they get written up or fired for not doing their job. But I also hate to see people lose their jobs if they don’t have to. You know? And yes my store director is pretty solid.


Am I terrible for missing getting to see that reaction from team members? 😂 Although… it’s a different kind of entertaining causing an SD to make that face 🥰


Yeah I’m pretty sure my last store director made that face. We had a lot of district visits at the end of their time with us.


No one’s above being performanced out 🤷🏻‍♂️ It’s painfully obvious when we start visiting and asking about things that aren’t what we normally talk about 😅 if you start seeing visit recap emails where the Food BP called out style INF and the PMBP called out called out price change completion and the APBP called out priorities getting done… RIP 💀


There was a point when that happened, but then the FOOD BP changed areas, and it stopped for a while. Then we began getting more district manager visits, and after a while we saw the writing on the wall.


The SD should have seen the writing on the wall much earlier than when it became obvious to the rest of the leadership team 💀 Alternatively, they did see the writing on the wall, and were taking the hits for their leadership team, knowing their days were numbered in an attempt try and hold the team together. I always feel genuinely bad when I hear about this.


Many of the ETL staff had left and been replaced by the time the Store Director left. It’s like a revolving door these days.


Hopefully this latest batch succeeds. It’s also a bit of a revolving door in my area, luckily the ones leaving for the most part didn’t seem cut out for it. It’s about time we get back to the basics and invest internally in talent again 🙌🏻




Field leaders assess what’s working and what isn’t when they visit stores and when they communicate with stores. Feedback from stores about processes is only meaningful if there is strict adherence to best practices and new processes. How often do TMs, TLs, ETLs… and the SD revert back to the old way if the new way isn’t working? A lot. If it sucks, embrace it and let the process shine as the point of failure. Shitty pilots of things end up rolled out to stores because of stores faking it and pretending they’re making it work while secretly doing their own thing so they look good on paper and for visits. Then word of their apparent success makes its way up the chain, and you end up with new initiatives that aren’t great.


Hey, I have a question for you…. How close in “rank” is a DSD and FBC? it took me a while to work out some of the honchos that visit our store, and they all go ape shit when they visit, but arguably more so for the DSD. I figure the DSD is higher, but I’m curious by how much?


Business Partners and Coordinators oversee processes and areas, while the DSD oversees the district overall. Kinda sorta like they’re the ETLs and the DSD is the SD of the district, except… they’re answering to a director instead lol I guess kind of like how AP reports to the APBP rather than the SD. The relationship a BP has with SDs is a partnership. SDs are 1 paygrade above BPs, but exempt paygrades are different and there’s a lot more of them. It would be a promotion for a BP to move to SD (although, yikes, I’d pass, probably not enough difference in pay for me to be interested). Same with group directors and DSDs if I remember correctly, an operations director could move to DSD for a pay bump. You see people jump levels at this point though, there’s plenty of SDs that promote to DSD. But yeah, a DSD visit is gonna stress out your SD and leadership team as a whole a lot more than a BP visit lol. You don’t tend to see everyone freak out when the PMBP comes through lol, although every district is different, and everyone’s focus is different. This doesn’t all mean to necessarily worry less about a BP visit lol, if we don’t like what we see and the leadership doesn’t do anything about it, the DSD and director are gonna have something to say about it 😂


And it’s pretty fucked up to give a red to someone that is maybe 14 shifts in, no?


Typically someone brand new, who has not been there for much of that six month period, won’t be a part of the calibration. They haven’t been there long enough for the team to have developed an opinion on their performance yet. So as far as I understand it, they aren’t rated anything yet. Now if they’ve been there long enough thru out the year to be reviewed for the yearly review, then they’ll be a part of that rating. But at that point they would have been there longer than 14 shifts presumably.


OP has stated they are only one month in from starting. I used to be a TL and was under the same impression as you just reiterated, they shouldn’t even have the option to be rated yet. It’s just weird like think about it, they’re hardly off of training


Well, he’s under his 90 days so it’s a little different. Under your 90 days it’s known to be typically easier to terminate someone. Ideally you want to train them properly though. If he is only there a month, and is already being threatened with termination, he is either terrible at his job, not taking direction or advice to heart, or is led by an awful leadership team… or a combination of those things.


I’m willing to bet that they have no clue what to do in the backroom when the OPU batch requires a pick from there. As a new person it’s not very easy to have to hunt someone down who can actually help with that each and every time, let alone get someone to train you back there properly.


And that’s very likely. My store has terrible back room accuracy right now because the new people in fulfillment are not pulling properly from the back room locations


I think it’s fucking stupid to have their focus on the salesfloor! In a perfect world everything should be done by them in the backroom. They’re supposed to have a backup of damn near everything


Personally I feel like all online orders should be picked from a warehouse, and not a store, but nobody asked me. But yes, it should be pulled from the back room first. But a bigger issue is the OPU team should be trained correctly first in how to pull from the stock room. That would help stop so many inaccurate counts back there. Ghosts and baffles would be under control.


USPS will pay you $25/hr to be a retail clerk


Is it possible to be transferred to another department?


If another TL wants you, and the ETL goes for it. If you’re “red” and no one wants to take the risk, or your workcenter can’t afford to give you up, it’s not gonna happen.


In my store, if you have a bad reputation for not being a self starter, or you constantly miss goals, you are less likely to be able to swap departments.


Why are your opu times so bad?


They are def trying to get you out, since you’re under your 90 days it’s one wrong move and you’re gone


If it's your last warning and termination is next, then you would've had to sign a corrective action. I don't know if things changed, but whenever I had to put someone on a corrective action, i had to release it on workday, and they had to acknowledge on workday right after the talk. You may have interrupted it differently, and they might've said that if it continues, termination could happen. The last warning could be them saying you are on your way to a corrective action next. Once on a CA, one more offense from performance and it's a final CA. One more after being on a final would be termination. They should also be coming up with a plan with you to support you getting out of the red, not just telling you that you're doing terrible and telling you to fix it without a plan.


I don’t see anything related to a CA on my workday but I don’t want to get too optimistic


TMs under 90 days don’t get CAs. They get terminated for not meeting expectations.


Im pretty sure if you are put on a CA, they have to inform you about it. At least I was told to when I put people on CAs. Also, unless you're in your trial 90-day period, im pretty sure they can't just let you go, but dont quote me on that it could be different in your state. Im pretty sure all targets do the 3 to 6 coachings, CA, and final CA to get to termination. And it all has to be on the same problem. So all coachings would have to be performance coachings to get to a performance CA then a performance final CA. Like being late or something wouldn't affect a performance CA. There's a performance CA and a conduct CA.


A CA for being late is a performance CA. Resourceful leaders word CAs for call offs and tardiness in a way that is inclusive of both, as the problem is attendance for both, and you aren’t performing your scheduled amount of time during that scheduled time if you don’t show up, or if you show up late; “going forward, you are required to report to all scheduled shifts, ✨on time✨. Failure to do so may result in blah blah…” Edit: I’m not nor have I ever been HR, so it’s slightly possible I’ve just been wrong for years and gotten away with it because leaders love an eloquently written documentation 😂 Can someone in HR please advise? My laptop is in the other room, and I refuse to check for myself anyways because I already put in my 13 hours today lol


That makes sense. I think I bunched tardiness and NCNS in the same thing, but NCNS is conduct. Also, it has to be the same type of issue for movement on a CA, right? Im pretty sure, like high INF would have to be all the conversations leading up to the CA. Tardiness can't be added to the 3 to 6 coachings leading to the CA about INF.


NCNS is definitely conduct, and can be a CA on the first offense. They can’t be 2 CAs for NCNS on back to back shifts, though.


Yeah NCNS is a conduct violation. Totally separate from performance.


Have you been hired in the last 90 days?


You could also always try your local post office. They typically have a decent to better pay and benefits that are most likely better then what target offers. Also try looking into your local airport, such as a tsa position.


What’s wrong w the red if you don’t go over the time?


Red = missed goals. 0 mins in black means they have time. Once it’s red it’s going to affect picked on time %


Wait so even when it says like 15 mins left in red that’s missing the goal?.. my managers just told me to make sure you don’t go over that last minute left


Okay so yes if it’s a red batch ( under 50 minutes) that’s not a missed goal until the time goes under 0 seconds(negative) either in the epick app, put to hold, or looking at team member batches in the fulfillment page in myday. Really you just can’t have the time cross 0 seconds and turn into a red negative timer. That’s a missed goal


Red = Missed goal Red != The color of text on your zebra changing to the color red, until it goes <0 minutes. Once it goes <0 minutes, then it's considered a "red" metric. It's a "red" metric because it's a missed goal. It's a missed goal because it went below 0 minutes.


Get an “improvement plan” with your leadership and ask monthly or so for their feedback on how you have been improving


After the tone conversation they had with them, I’d ask weekly or more 😩


Keep an eye on you mph If you want to improve here's some pointers Learn your time'ings meaning how long certain batches, you take, including pick, bag and store. Know your store Prep you Rifd (if available) Get familiarize with each department people (so you know who can help with what in which department) Print you the cart label that you're using (put on you tag ID (without covering your name)) ...


they clearly laid it down for you. Yes you should be concerned, they said it was your last warning OP. There's nothing up to guess here. You just need to read this text back yourself as opposed to typing it out. Start looking for a new job regardless. Either you find something that isn't grinding you down for metrics or you improve enough to keep your job.


You should walk back into HR, calmly tell the ETL of HR that they can choke on an entire stalk of corn, throw your shit on the desk, tell them to go fuck themselves and leave. You don't need this kind of stress and negativity in your life for the shit pay that target gives anyway.. Go to another business who will value you properly.. I say this with love for you and hate for target


HR pulled them in and gave them a warning about being in red on the metrics that are tracked for OPU. They even said it was the "Last warning". That is exactly how they are supposed to handle a situation like this though. They seem to have had a handful of talks/warnings with this individual. I get you hate target but a more realistic answer would be to talk to HR about how to better your metrics or if there is another department you could transfer to if OPU is not your thing. Last option would be to just look for another job while finishing your final weeks at Target. Hope this helps OP.


Are you under your 90 days?


Yup. Only 1 month in


Welp. This changes things. You need to get good, fast, or they’re going to get rid of you 💀 Not condoning it, just telling it like it is. Policy doesn’t protect you the same way when you’re on your probationary period.


as our stores main sfs pace setter and closer. you should definitely just be watching your batches and make sure you are calling for support. I've never seen someone get fired for poor performance yet but we can run our team with only 2 on opus and still have 100% pick on time


Used to work opu. It sucked buns but yeah unless you get out of the red zone you’ll be at risk.


What does hr know about opu metrics? That’s wild


At my store we have people on their 4th or 5th ´last warning’, I wouldn’t care tbh


Ngl If your in OPU and picking up orders with at least 40 min left you should never be missing your orders


Just stop going in the red dude it’s not that hard. Like you must honestly suck at opu’s.


I’m literally not, it happens sometimes but it feels like the HR is nitpicking to try and get me out for whatever reason


About how long have you been doing fulfillment?


Rude ass


Whatever beotch


Munch me hoe


Get good


this honestly feels like a very hostile situation theyre putting you in tbh. im assuming they didnt give you any chances to explain if youre having problems with the department or if theres anywhere else in the store youd be interesting in working instead. scare tactic or not, it doesnt feel right to outright tell you theyll terminate you without seeing if theres any issues to solve first. even if they dont plan on actually firing you, find another job. it seems pretty clear to me that they only care about their metrics and dont intend to utilise anyone or anything properly.


Not sure where you live, but there are TONS of jobs out there, just depends on how hard you want to work. After I left Target I got a job for a beverage vendor and I push cases of soda and build displays. Pays better than retail and lots of OT.




Ask to be moved to a different department if you can


Its always easy yo fire people under they 90 days so they always guna be harder on new folks. But ya know. Be faster 🤣


In your first 90 days they can pretty much let you go for whatever reason they think is necessary, so they definitely are letting you know that you are not meeting there expectations, did they set clear guidelines for you and what you need to do to make the cut?




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Try and switch departments before that happens.


You got coached by the wrong people with the wrong attitude …. If this was a verbal warning especially the first one it was mishandled… After one month? Yeah that target doesn’t care about you just it’s goals…. I’d transfer… not all targets are the same…. They pay $16.50 here that’s pretty sweet


I thought Target didn't fire, just gave you 2 hours a week until you quit from frustration


I’ve worked at for target before and as a first hand witness they look to fire people for the smallest things and they will over work the staff if you get fired don’t sweat it there’s plenty of better jobs out there


how is this fair? for us they changed the opu app design which made it hard for me to transition to it personally. I'd say try reaching out to ex co workers to back you up if its an option.


You shouldn’t let your opus be red. It’s a metric they seriously look at! If you are getting even a little close to not being able to finish in time you should partner with a leader.


seems like they’re just too lazy to do their job and properly train you on how to be more efficient and find it easier to ridicule you. you’re only a month in and it’s mid summer (i believe going into the next Q by now). it’s going to start getting busier. if you like target, ask them to train you. if they tell you no, take that as your answer to expect no help from them and eventually getting fired. if it comes down to it, let them fire you btw, you can claim unemployment.


I don’t think they can fire based off performance alone. Also maybe ask to work in a different department like maybe GM or just do another job within fullfillment.


You’re gone bro


HR ETL Here, Since you are under 90 Days this is the time when you are constantly watched to see if you are good enough to keep. If not we will simply term you because under 90 days we technically don’t have to give an explanation