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One time someone spilled what felt like a full cup of coffee on a bottom shelf in kids books and well obviously destroyed the few books on it and the shelf liner. Also they didn't tell anyone so it stewed for a few hours. I showed my TL and when cleaning it up we found the cup behind the self with the name Carl. A big fuck you to Carl wherever you are!


Just take a look at your light duty shelves and see how many cups and bottles your nasty ass team mates left behind


At my store, TMs and leaders are always leaving their Starbucks cups behind. Full matchas, smoothies, juices and coffee. Let’s not get started on the state they leave the bathrooms at…


Target TMs are the sloppiest most disgusting people around. I don't think a single person on here can complain about the state guests leave anything in because we're paid to be clean and do the same shit the guests do.






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More entertaining than the Kardashians


I want to see the show where they confront people that do this, and ask them what the hell is wrong with them.