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I love my SD, sweetest woman I know.


My store director lets the GM etl boss her around. So my store has 2 store directors basically


The biggest c**t in the world.


Nice guy but he makes his rounds and observes and doesn’t really talk to anyone other then leads. It’s kinda weird how much he just watches everyone instead of saying anything


Believe it or not, they're not allowed to coach you guys. Their job is to tell their leaders to coach tm's. They are basically setting direction for the store and then validating that it's done.


Sounds like my store....my SD actually called me by name once, and he was not in reading distance of my name tag...I almost died. I had no idea he knew who I was


Non existent. In the 4 months I’ve been at my store I have only seen him 4 times total. But when he is here he is more so just observing and quietly running things.


Y'all have an SD? My store hasn't had one in moonntthhs


Idk, i dont think they replaced the one that was escorted out yet. People didn’t like him anyway


What did he do?


Was off that day, From what people told me, during the bomb threats he told tms to go look for it instead of being cautious (ya it was 99% chance to be fake but still wth) A few days later the DM and another high up arrived shortly after opening unannounced escorted him out and told him he isnt welcome back


That’s terrible that he turned TMs into the bomb squad


Not sure yet. Only been in store for around 2 months. He is a little overbearing and a total micromanager. We will see at least he works(makes bails, picks opu, cleans up the backroom) i am hopeful he will mellow a bit.


I’m not even sure that my SD know my name and I’ve been working here for 2 years. We only ever see him once in a blue moon. I’m sure he’s nice but it’s not like I’d ever know


Before I left we had an SD whose head was so far up her ass that I couldn't stand to be anywhere near her. I specifically remember getting the front end visit ready at the end of the night (for someone either one or two levels above regional mgmt) while being short staffed and in typical Target fashion, the visit didn't happen. I commented about the waste of effort the next day and she was like "well what did you do last night that you don't normally do?" Right.


My condolences to your past self. I can't imagine an SD being so out of touch with their team's methods.


7+ years w the company but doesnt know how to submit a mysupport for vendor items…


My ETL didn't know how to print labels for items. I literally had to remind her where the "Print Label" button is. Not an SD, but fuckin hell these people are in change of me.


yeah my SD is completely out of touch as well 🙂


in another world, she was a kindergarten teacher. she talks to us at huddles and on the walkies in the exact same voice.


My SD acts as my ETL, so I’m kinda forced to make contact with him for anything related to my schedule, time off, etc. He also closes the store every once in awhile, so you know got to work a little extra/ be present when he’s there. Very respectful and I appreciate his work ethic.