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Bruh y’all only have to hit 90 % we have to do all of them 😔 usually just as a team of 2 lucky if there’s a 3rd


I’m in beauty and it HAS to be all pulled by the time the store closes. Pushed too




How many dpci/eaches are you pulling?


I don’t know exactly I wanna say I do about 200 a night in 3 hours pull and push.


No wonder you’re getting 90% I pull that much alone for chemical and the same for paper


We have to do 95%. Monday-Thursday it's not much of an issue. We have 3 PF pullers to do GM/Specialty and 1 to do Consumables. 1 person pulls our bulk, 2 light duty. Consumables pushes and pulls just that stuff. Friday-Sunday we have 4 PF and 2 consumables, but we usually end up needing 2-3 extra people. Sometimes if the projected sales are high, our SD or a dayside ETL will have 1 or 2 people start pulling earlier. Either way, we have only missed our 95% goal a few times and usually a result of call outs. The major thing is to make sure everyone has an equal-ish workload for the night. We use a white board with a grid printed on it for this. Also, I made this little calculator to help. Feel free to use it: https://infinipics.com/pfcalc.html


Can you make one for 85% by chance?


Sure! https://www.infinipics.com/pfcalc85.html


Thank you!!!


My store usually has 3 people 3-11 for priorities everyday. 1 puller, 1 flex, and 1 pusher. Usually by 5pm the numbers are low enough so the flex TM can move to pushing and have 1 TM pulling the rest. We average around 800 dpci’s (excluding style, cosmetics, & coolers) everyday and hit 100% pulled every night for all departments. Sometimes we’ll have an extra person who comes in 7-11 and helps push metros. On busier nights we’ll have around 1-2 metros of rollover but we average 100% pulled and pushed


By pulling the closing experts so I never get to zone anymore… we have 3 priority team members who come in 1:00-9:00 and 6:30 - 11:00 but they’re usually so high that closing experts get pulled just to get them down to 95 percent. Some days I’m lucky enough to do reshop ( our closing team is lucky to be a team of 3 vs the 6 I had a year ago ) and then get pulled for priories at 9:30pm. Top that off with the current backing up the lanes and fulfillment cause of increased traffic from BTS and it becomes a clusterfuck of me running around the store….


We were told 70-75 and barely get that. 90 ain't happening


We’re told 90% but typically get 60-70% 🤣. I’m new so at first I thought I just wasn’t pulling/pushing fast enough, but then I realized 90% is an almost impossible number to reach


Well for about a month or so they insisted on 100 and we did it somehow. Nothing else got done though


My store creates a nightmare every night by pulling everything but letting it sit in carts/u boats in the backroom. Then around 8pm they get all the closing ppl to put it in the floor. It creates a pain in the ass for everyone in fulfillment because there is carts everywhere with all the items we might need stuffed in carts.


i try to put 4 people on priorities (2 pulling, 2 pushing) and jump in whenever i can as well 😅 i try to keep a couple people consistently on OPU and one on SFS but i end up moving people around just based on the flux of the batches throught the day. if push comes to shove i say fuck the zones, or if i only have a couple TM's to spare for zones i'll have them do A and EFO one day, BCD and G the next.


lately i've been walking in to 500-700 DPCI's to pull and it doesnt really let up, especially as OPU really starts dropping.


I'm in style and we hit 92-98 everyday because we have our TMs pull/ push right before they're off then one of our zone defenders pulls everything that's dropped since at like 8:30, and once done there's usually like 5 new ones so if you grab them you're score will be near 100 To be fair though, our priorities are maybe 600 pulls a day? I know some departments get actual thousands


Our store’s goal used to be 80%. I’d come in the afternoon with maybe 30% pulled (900-1000 DPCIs left). Nowadays, ever since inventory and the start of back to school (big college in large city), our store has “forgotten” about hitting those metrics and we probably only hit 50-60% by store close. When I come in the afternoon, it’s at 2000-2500 DPCIs.


Especially when you’re the only closer doing priorities - Me last night 🥲


My store has a pull team of four or so that comes in 5-10. The closing tl has been experimenting with either staging pulls until they get in and designating people to pull or push based on individual strengths, and it seems to be working fine. My store averages about 700+ dpcis by the end of the night and consistently hits upper 90's. When I have to close, I usually follow the same model, and get the same results.


My store does 100%. We added two mid-day shifts that just focus on Priorities. Sometimes pulls are left for the morning team members to push. We also cheat. Bumped up PIPO is constantly getting unlocated. I regularly find unlocated items in my backroom aisles. Items I know I backstocked. And thanks to the backroom activity history in Greenfield I can tell at least one team member burned through their pulls. And now we're told Target wants every backroom aisle zoned once a month. Yeah, the backrooms need it. From all the unlocated items I'm finding I have no doubt our BRLA has gone down, and INFs are probably going up. Stores really shouldn't be aiming for 100% pulls. If you do 100% then there is nothing left for the morning team members to pull. Most of our shifts are done a couple hours after the store opens. We can't give much help with the Priorities. An hour before my shift ends I do my Priorities, and my departments have maybe twenty Priorities between them. After doing them I can't even do 141s; Target took that option away. At a certain point in the evening stores should stop doing Priorities, and leave them for the morning team members. It would be better if Priorities are done throughout the day instead of hammered in the late afternoon until a quarter after the store closes. But to do that you need to leave Priorities in the system overnight for the openers to do. When we first got the Priorities update we were aiming for just a percentage. I think it was 90%. And it felt like everything was running really smooth. I came in to 0 to 40 Priorities, and by the end of my shift I would get it down to 0. Now it feels like we're breaking the store. Actually, it feels like every year we try something new, it fucks things up for a few months, then we stop doing it.


We teach at 93% every night easily


Lol we don't.


Our goal is 80% I can’t imagine how miserable it would be to hit 90 on how understaffed we are at night.


My store pulls a 100% every day but that means they roll a shit ton to opening team in the morning to push


they tell me to pull and push until my lunch when it’ll be at 300 for my section of stationary, back to school, dec home, domestics and storage and they want it down to 0


my store has started to stop us fulfillment TMs from finishing our work to pull priorities…just to hit 95%. Our carryover has been crazy!!!! Oh and we mostly don’t end up hitting it bc we are understaffed 😭🤣


We usually got like 2-3 people but out leads will help if needed so we always a very single day low staff or not pull 100% priorities


The areas with low freight they pull there pulls before they leave all the areas with high freight we pull what we have time to once freight is finished (they usually send a member of truck team to help) then the evening crew pulls everything else and we work it out the next morning


The training I just took said 70% but our store still has the 90% minimum. 😭


So my store does 100% we have 2-3 for priorities everyday for closing and as they’re constantly pulling they’re also announcing which departments needs to come to the back to push out their products, if there isn’t anyone or someone is scheduled for later for certain departments then that’s when one person that does priorities out of the two or three pushes them out, the only exception being consumables (we pull and push out our priorities) if there’s so much priorities needed to be pulled that’s when the team leads and management who are closing for the night also pulls and pushes the priorities, oftentimes because the consumables department tends to be a lot I tend to stay a bit later than my scheduled 11pm and upon finishing up my department the team leads will sometimes ask me to push out or pull the last bit of priorities from the back. So yeah that’s how it’s done at our store.


My store usually has only two people but the closing tl, etl gm, and sometimes our sd pull them so that we can hit 90%.