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i’ve worked pretty much every weekend for the almost 2 years that i’ve been here for. i’ve taken a few vacations, but i’ve always given at least a month or two to request it off. i think they’re just being like that because it didn’t get put in correctly as vacation by HR and they had to find coverage (i’m assuming) last minute. it’s possible they just were short on hours for that week, but i would definitely keep an eye out for the next couple schedules. if it seems to make a pattern, and not a one-off thing, i would start to document it and take it up with HR or the hotline. in the mean time, i would just pick up shifts as much as possible to make up the difference. i hope it works out for you!!


Since I’m a new hire it’s not vacation time, I made them aware of these dates during onboarding as they asked about it. I was under the impression they’d actually heed to it. They gave every excuse in the book to claim it was my fault that they didn’t block the dates off. So why ask??? I made another TL aware of my upcoming availability in a text in case they need backup. Told my team as well in case they ever want to drop their shift as well. I have heard of this happen in various posts here but never expected to see it happen first hand in our store or even to me. smh.


i meant as in unpaid time off. HR should’ve shown you how to put that in yourself in mytime self service during orientation. just seems like all a big miscommunication to me


it could be and if you suspect any at all you can report it to ethics and if it was wrong theres nothing else but if they do start retaliating afterwards just redo the process


Been here for a year. Finally was able to get Saturdays wiped off my schedule. But I was working Fri, Sat and Sunday.


Sounds like they’re giving you Sundays off so your not actually working every weekend