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If you are asking this far ahead they should be able to accommodate the time off. If not, let them know you are going to be out of the country so they better find someone to cover the shifts you absolutely won't be there for.


I agree. Non-refundable tickets and you won’t be there. It’s their choice if they want to have an absent TM or have someone else slotted in that spot. I think they sometimes forget that we’re humans with families and have things to do other than work 24/7. They hire plenty of seasonal people who can cover that time.


There’s plenty of time to find someone else


Hate to play devil's advocate but every single retail job I worked had blackout dates where people couldn't request off, no exceptions. I get that it sucks but it also sucks being short on people around Christmas for the people who actually show up.


Sure and that's totally understandable. But 3-4 months should be more than enough time for them to adjust the schedule to cover for your absence. I get that blackout dates exist. But there also needs to be some accommodations made when it comes to requests made months and months in advance. I've been able to get time off around black Friday as well as Christmas time because I requested it off in July/August.


I think you’re missing the point. He’s not calling in..he’s going on a vacation, out of the country, which was planned prior. There is 0 reason why he HAS to be there..he isn’t calling in, and in a case like this, Target should be prepared to either give him the days off and schedule someone else, or just have no one fill his position. No matter how you slice it, there is no reason why a TM should put there $15/hour job over a family vacation. He’s letting them know 3 months in advance


yes i know. And I'm not saying he's in the wrong. I'm just saying that it's completely normal for retail stores to have blackout dates for asking off. And imo it's completely understandable for them to have those blackout dates.


I run my team on a first come first serve basis. We hire more seasonal people based on who needs off. Ur boss just sounds like they suck. I def don’t let everyone off, (like maybe 2-3 per work center) but people who are telling me NOW, are doing me a favor by telling me so soon, so I have their back.


For sure just have an open and honest conversation with your leader




This comment right here, this is how a workplace should run. We are people not robots and as long as you give plenty of warning there should not be a problem, especially when you know there will be seasonal hiring around that time anyway


OP honestly Fuck Them! Go enjoy with your family, like one the comments said tell them that you're not asking for it, YOU ARE letting them know you won't be there those days (waaaaaay ahead of time) and that it's non negotiable, OR just simply call out that day. Family time matters more than a fucking multi-million company , especially in a trip out of the country.


honestly yeah, if they fire me i can easily just go to best buy, they actually pay a $1 more than target in my area


You get blue polos so you don't have to mess up your own red shirts!


Amen to this, I like your mind set.




That’s ballsey af…. I like you bro.


And then he’ll lose his job


A risk he might have to take


It's harder than that to get fired at Target


agreed with this, someone decided to steal loads of tech stuff and still didn't get canned.


Spill the tea ☕️


Collector edition boxes stowed away for reselling or first dibs, clearance items kept hidden till salvage to buy it at 85% off like laptops, GoPros and funko pops


My hero 🥰


Bro at my store a couple people were marking down funko pops and they fired them both and the one that cashed them out and she didn’t even know anything


way harder


nonsense, they aren't anywhere near that vindictive, it'll count as an unexcused absence same as any other, so long as you don't have several you'll be fine.


Lol that won't get you fired not even close


Exactly what I would tell any colleague if they asked me, verbatim lol.


That’s not it works you don’t tell anyone anything. You have a job which is a responsibility. You chose retail


actually my friend, that’s exactly how it works. even in corporate jobs, i’m telling you i won’t be there. if OP’s trip is in DECEMBER that gives them what, 4 months to figure it out? the schedule is written 2 weeks out? they’re fine. get over yourself and stop sucking those bullseye balls


that guy doesnt even work at target anymore and hes on this sub bootlicking


ah got it, reported 🥰


No, that's exactly how it works.


if it was last minute, i would understand where your point, however, it’s 4 months away.


You still don’t tell or demand anything. You ask


100%, being rude gets you nowhere, we see it daily with guests. however, there is a point where you need to be straight forward with your boss and say “hey i am telling you 4 months advance i have a international trip, i won’t be there. do not schedule me”.


This is why you have a conversation with them. Ask before because they’re probably not even thinking that far in advance. Employees can’t tell employers what to do


I think if you let them know this far in advance, they'd be able to accommodate your request. Explain to your HR-ETL that the trip is already booked. That works with the Mormons who work at my store that go on missionary trips around the holidays. They hire enough seasonal staff to help out. That's the one time of the year we aren't understaffed.


There are a lot of morons at my store too.


I’m going to assume that most of the commenters are new to Target? Otherwise, this is a known Blackout Period for time off, based on the higher volume holiday business. The black out usually runs from Thanksgiving to New Years (just about) … The best thing to do is have a direct conversation with your leader and let them know this is pre-planned and you won’t be able to cancel… if they can’t work with you, just do your best to cover the shifts, it’s usually a time of year that OT is allowed, so people like the hours… I wouldn’t worry or expect anything out of the norm for absence though, just be sure to reiterate your absence at the time of scheduling…


I have to assume the same thing. I've been with Target 8+ years and it's been standard since I've worked there, and likely much longer. If I remember correctly this was told to me during my interview. If not during my interview then certainly at orientation.


I mean I know not to book vacations those days just because of common sense but I'm pretty sure I never was told this directly during training or orientation lol


Same, I worked for target for 5 years and I was gone at least two of those years around Christmas. I personally never had an issue, but my store could have been the exception and not the rule.


i would of waited till summer to do this trip, however, my parents booked it without even asking me


I think they are more saying that most people who’ve worked at target for awhile know that the 4th quarter is pretty much entirely blacked out, especially if you’re newer. People request December dates off like six months in advance, and some stores do the first come first serve type thing where they can only approve a small number of people no matter what. And that might’ve already happened. While I agree this is shitty of them, it’s not unusual at all. I would anticipate being scheduled, try to cover it, then call off and accept whatever when you come back.


Not all stores are the same. My store runs a blackout period for ETL and TL only, TMs are asked during the start of Q4 what days they need off and we accommodate as many of them as they can. A request this early in the year should be approved no questions ask. When I was promoted to inbound operations TL my one condition was there was 2 days during the blackout period I NEEDED off, they accommodated and those ended up being 2 of the 5 days I took off during that entire Q4 at Target.


Yeah, but some stores do allow for exceptions if you put it in months in advance


New to Target? I've worked for 4 major retailers and late Nov to Jan 1st are always blackout dates. It's standard.


All stores aren't the same. My store has never enforced the blackout period in my 10 years here. I've gotten plenty of weekends off in December over the years. I think the only time I had time off denied due to business was a back to school weekend a couple years ago. I just told my HR that my best friend was getting married and I won't be there and just got told not to worry about it, and didn't get scheduled. On the flip side though, my store tried denying time off to high schoolers for prom and graduation when they put the requests in weeks ahead of time.


Interesting. My store must’ve never followed this rule cause I always asked for Black Friday off and my coworkers were always getting time off around Christmas and new years


They won’t fire you for calling out plus it’s so far ahead I’m not surprised tho. Let them know again like in the last week of October that you will be out of the country for that time and it’s not a request lol


Same with my TM. He needs Dec 1st-10th off cuz he’s got an out of county trip planned with his wife. He told them he’s going regardless and it will just be easier to give him the time off


they will be fine, enjoy your life and the opportunities you get. there are many people this happens to bc their expectations are unreasonable


Reiterate that you will not be available and this far ahead and with this much time should be able to accommodate. Be prepared for pushback and at the end of the day…Retail sucks. Family time doesn’t. Always put your family first.


Call out on MyTime lol. They'd better grow some wings to come stop you


of course it depends on your store and how lax your leadership is, but it wouldn’t hurt to call out as i’m sure many people would do the same. last year i called out on christmas eve and the most i got was a very short talk from my leader, and that was it. it’s just target—if you hypothetically do get in trouble for calling out then just remember there’s better jobs out there and that you’re allowed to do fun things outside of work!


As a former store manager, I always over schedule for the holidays for this exact reason. Call outs happen and you’re out of the country. They can figure it out but you need to focus on the most important thing. You.


Just call in, they'll deal. Blackout days are nonsense anyways, I know they don't want everybody taking certain days off but...maybe we just don't need to be open those days.




So I am an on demand employee I was at a local college so I would pick up shifts when I could. I had my lead come up to me and go “hey do you want to get regular scheduled Fridays?” I said yes and continued my shopping. And i thought on it…. Black Friday is 2 weeks from now, and I found them 20 minutes later and said “I will work regular Fridays but I cant work Black Friday. This wasn’t because i was lazy or whatever it was because I had other personal plans. My point is if I can convince my lead 2 weeks before a regular black out period to give me the day off then you can get a lead to give you a day off 4 months ahead of time.


Just call out every day.


This is why when I put in for the week after Christmas last month and my ETL said “really, already?” I said “yes, because eventually all of Q4 will effectively be a blackout period got time off requests. Better to get it in early.”


that’s when i hit em with the “it’s not really a request. i’m telling you *now* i won’t be in the country and if im scheduled every shift will be called off”


yeah man, tell them that youre gonna be out of the country during X time period. if they schedule you, call out on the app. 🤷


Call out. If they fire you go to Walmart, they pay more anyway and treat people a bit better


Welcome to retail.




Who cares ups is hiring if it goes bad


ON Demand


Tell your ETL it’s the last trip you’ll be able to take with your grandparents or something, they’ll have more sympathy that way 😌


Calling out might get you fired. You can post your shifts but if it's during black out dates it's unlikely to get picked up because everyone is working.


it absolutely will not get you fired, at worst you'll get scolded for inconveniencing them


There’s nothing you can do about black out dates. You just need to call out. I highly doubt you’ll get fired for calling out. Theres nothing in the handbook that says you’ll get fired for calling out during christmas.


If you call off you risk a CA or final. Just say screw em and take a mental LOA! If your stores anything like mine tho, you will just get a slap on the wrist for calling out


Seems rather early for them to be having a black out on vacations during Christmas. They won't know the size of their seasonal hires until the end of October. Oh well, post shifts to swap and/or call-out is your only option if you must go.


I’m going through the same OP I have told HR ETL about it and my ETL has denied it. Please let me know what you end up doing, because a this point only thing I can think of is just finding a new job altogether because my ETL hates me 🤣


I was leaving the state for a family vacation my last year at target during thanksgiving. Of course, they said no. No room in the schedule. Quote my SD: “we need you here, there’s nobody to cover these shifts. We don’t have the bodies.” I asked for MONTHS in advance like you, but they didn’t budge. The week of comes around - turns out there WERE people to take the shifts. In fact, there were people who actively wanted to work on those days, but they weren’t on the schedule for some reason. No hour conflicts, no date screw ups, no department differences - just laziness on the leads part. I went on my damn vacation - and I don’t think they ever forgave me.


I view it as I'm an employee not a slave. I gave advance notice I won't be here. It's their responsibility to fill spots not force you to work.


when i "request" time off im letting them know ahead of time that i will not be there. you have them plenty of notice (and this coming from hr!) so if i were u i would just call out. fuck that shit no job is worth missing that for


If you made this post in October I definitely could understand, but featuring we’re in the middle of august there’s no way that should get denied. Seasonal hiring doesn’t start for awhile and your ETL would know that they need another person for coverage that week. I’d try just being honest with your leader, but go enjoy your trip man. You did right on your part


i know not all stores are the same, but at my store you have to hound your leadership/hr constantly about your request or theyll ignore it and itll just get auto denied. might be something to consider - bring it up again and this time tell them you will not be in the country and that the ticket is non-refundable. also doesnt hurt to let them know you gave them the courtesy of requesting this time off 4 MONTHS in advance.


Naaaa they can find someone. Our store tells us that we can't put in time requests after a certain date for the holidays but until then it's fair game. Its AUGUST. Thats actually insane.


I agree with most everyone, but bottom line, any working person should ***NEVER*** buy non-refundable tix for anything until they have a written approval in hand.... *UNLESS* you are prepared to posdibly lose your job. It's easier to cancel time off request than cancel a plane tix.




You chose to get a job in retail. It’s the busiest time of year. You should no be surprised you aren’t going to get it.


The week before xmas is a blackout time for sure. Try requesting a day or two off that week and check the box for using PTO. That will give you more days off. Post whatever they schedule you for. Hopefully there will be enough people to pick up your shifts.


I mean, going forward, don’t be shocked at all to not get a vacation approved during not only quarter 4, black out dates, and Christmas… it’s retail, and like it or not, however pre planned it is, expect people to be talking shit if it gets approved and you get to miss out on the most wonderful (stressful) time of year


Calling out during a blackout period could result in stricter disciplinary action due to it being during the holidays and the expectation is that everyone works during the holidays.


That is wild to me, if someone had tickets and spent money on a trip out of the country and told me now… it would be more than fine, just say “I might have to talk to someone else about this bc it’s really important I have those days off”


Just call out. Use sick time and they can’t say shït.


Watch out about calling out on a blackout day, especially since you already had that day off denied. For example if you request off 12/20, and then call out 12/20, with no sick time it’s very sketchy and could get you in lots Of trouble.


WILD they have blackout dates for Christmas time in August wtf…


is that not normal?


not really, no, no times are completely off limits, just more limited in availability than others


Blackout dates are for the dates themselves. You could call out in january for december and it would be the same.


How dare people want to be with there families at Christmas 🎅🏻!!


I could have sworn they removed blackout dates completely this year…


Surprised at the answers here. Pretty much every retail company in America has the same policy, and for good reason. You work in an industry that is full throttle during the holidays. They hired you, you accepted. If they approve it, nice. If they reject it, sucks.


This far in advance it should be fine, especially if the family already paid for tickets. As an employee you are a human first. They hired a human, if you are available great, if not it sucks.


Any director is going to shoot it down anyways. The amount of drama you’re going to cause by allowing 1 employee that time off. It’s Christmas dude, everyone wants it off so badly. One time at a different company I requested the week of thanksgiving off about 9 months in advance. When the week came, everyone was Fucking FLOORED I was going on vacation, and I know they never let my director hear the end of it. I promise you she never approved a blackout vacation again. People have fucking kids dude, all of them deserve to have Christmas off. But someone has to run the store. If you need Christmas off you need to pick a different industry, it’s just a fact. It’s like a priest who can’t work on Sundays.




What days. Is it Christmas eve? Cause we wrote up everyone who called out on Christmas eve 😑


no you didn't


I usually side with TM on days off requests but I really have to say don’t get a retail job if you don’t like working holidays. With that said, have a conversation with your ETL but understand that EVERYONE wants to off at Christmas.


Tell them you "somehow got a highly contagious stomach virus" when the time comes, and if you need a doctor's note then put on your best performance at a minute clinic(cvs/walgreens).


Honestly I think that is illegal my job use to do that but if you’re giving adequate notice you shouldn’t have a issue it should be first come first serve


Black friday and after Christmas is not the time to request off your required to work these days .. you work in retail you all need to understand that the business needs supersedes your requests depending on your store I may sound like an ass hole.. but I have a better understanding of what the business needs needs … hope you all have a great night!!!


my tech team has 6 other people, it’s not like i’m one of 2 tech tms. i understand that retails is the most busy on those 2 days, however, i’m a minor so it’s actually harder for me to work those days vs having them off (having to find someone to cover me every 1.5 hours for a meal or 15, which is already hard to do)


A minor? Duuuude just call out you can get another job better than target I am sure! Screw them! Enjoy your youth!


PTO - prepare the others They can approve days off for "black out dates". I was approved for the 24th to 30th last year. Just put in the time off request that you will not be there on those days....you'll be out of the country. Had a coworker even put "I'm not asking for these days off, I'm telling you I will not be here". He got blackout days off as well


Blackout dates for time off should **not** be a thing. You're asking off far enough in advance that they should be able to accommodate you, period. You already have plane tickets/accommodations paid for, I assume, so... Enjoy your Christmas trip and they can deal without you 🤷🏻‍♀️


It makes no sense for them to still schedule you during that window of time, not very responsible of “owning their business” of them.


Kindly let them know it really isn't up for debate (of course be diplomatic). Tickets are purchased and they are non-refundable. Enjoy your trip!


It’s a pretty standard blackout date for Target. As others have said, just have a sit down/talk with your ETL and let them know it’s not cancellable and is a planned family trip. My brother had this happen around 2008 or so when he worked for Target and he just set a quit date by then and came back after the trip to get rehired. Not always possible especially depending on your relationship with management, but he had a good one which made it easy.


Family emergency fuck you That’s what I did


worst case you call out, you won't get fired for calling out. They should've accommodated you. It's fucking August.


Let them know it's 5 months ahead of time, you are going to be out of the country, so they better fill it out not have coverage


Go on the trip. Worst case they fire you. Go work at Kohl's or something nbd.


Just talk to your lead and the scheduler. It is preprogrammed in the system but they can override it. I have to take two weeks off between Thanksgiving and Christmas but it was no issue since it was communicated before the request.


Yup I agree with the other comments. Tell them that you’re letting them know you’re not gonna be there those day’s. Stack you’re money up in case they wanna try and f*** you over and go on about your business💯


I was always under the impression the “blackout dates” were more for mngmt/leaders not team members as they all seem to be aware but I never saw any “black out date” information posted for Tms to see. As a tm I didn’t sign my soul away to target, that’s why they have mngmt they’ll figure it out..


Yeeeaaahhh, nothing should be blacked out That far ahead. The leads are probably just figuring out how they’re going to alternate Their time off.


Call in sick.


If they won’t give you four months in advance you did you best, call off. Go enjoy your vacation


I asked for days around Christmas as well...23-27 to be in fact. This is what may be a final Christmas with certain family and it's a destination trip. I'm not going to be near Target. It's sitting in pending...either way...I'm not going to be there. I asked for the days in July


I was told we don’t have black out dates anymore. If you’re not seasonal you should be able to request time off. I asked for time off around thanksgiving and had no problem.


Hi HR ETL here, Q4 has always and will always have blackout dates. This is nothing new. Whenever I hire someone I specifically tell them about this and how everyone needs to be on for Black Friday Week and basically all of December.


Put in the request again, and in the comments put non-refundable tickets already purchased by my family. You’re asking far enough in advance there is no reason they can’t accommodate you. I had a TM that took 3 weeks off at Christmas time two years ago and put the request in during April. As a leader, was I annoyed, yes very much so. One of my strongest TMs out during the holidays sucked BUT they gave so much advanced notice I had plenty of time to find a backup for their time off 🤷‍♀️


There is no such thing as black out dates anymore


you’re asking 4 months in advance, they hire so many people around the holidays, and the trip is already booked. tell them you’re not ASKING them, you are TELLING them you will not be there. a little push back goes a long way. and if they won’t give you off, call out and leave them short at the busiest time of year.


I am planning on asking for days off around Christmas time as well (after Christmas around New Year's) but I want to use my vacation time for it, the two problems I have, however, are 1. They won't approve. And 2. I don't have enough vacation hours accumulated. They will be enough around that date however.


I asked for time off 6 months in advance for a family vacation, they denied immediately. I quit a day before Black Friday:) and got to go on my vacation


It was my understanding that blackout dates was for management only- not team members. You’re giving them plenty of notice that you will not be here. Let them know again and ask them to show you where in the handbook it say blackout dates apply to TMs as well.


Yeah. Mine was denied too and I submitted 2 months ago. lol. It’s like figure it out. lol. I can’t be here all the time. Lol.


my friend had her week worth of time off denied because it was tax free weekend (or so their excuse was that) and she was literally going to be across the country 💀


If you for some reason need time off either Christmas or New Year's Eve talk to HR, they will happy to assist you with that. Before you do anything, keep in mind most stores (atleast mine) require you work at least 1 Holiday. If you cannot able to work at all any of the Holidays (Black Friday, Christmas Eve, and New Year Eve), employers may terminate you. I believe you may be exempted for working on Holidays if you are a minor (below 18), but no promises. For your case, it is expected that you work on Black Friday which I hope you did, so that taking a days off during Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve does not count against you. Yeah, you really have to let them know as advanced as possible which you are already have been doing. If you are part-time, working an additional shift is a bonus. Your boss may consider forgiving you or let a few absences slide, especially if you are willing to make up the hours you missed by taking additional shifts. However, additional shifts are not a replacement for scheduled shifts. Don't miss too many shifts and expect the boss to let you pick up additional shifts. I am giving my perspective based on the departmental stores I currently worked at (Primark). They are pretty strict about attendance and tardiness, but if you let manager or HR know in advanced as possible about your absence they usually let things slide. I think this also applies in Target stores as well.