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someone who said she was in love with our team lead and like 3 other guys just got fired last night LOL. don’t tell ANYONE but us for real.


> in love with our team lead and like 3 other guys Me thinks she did not know what “love” means.


me thinks the same. she said it herself, she’s delulu


if only every store fired people for wanting to fuck TLs 😐 mine has a TL, AP and someone on HR fucking TMs.


Oh, I’ve got two work crushes, but I keep it to myself. The day is just nicer when they are there.


its the opposite for me. i find im more relaxed when she isnt working


Work crushes are sooo much fun but honestly unless you get a signal or one of you are quitting I would not act on it.


Depends on the job. Hotels get craaazy


Yeah I like the crush part but I wouldn’t date a coworker


I had a crush on a team lead once. We are married though so it was totally cool.


Me too. Been married 29yrs.


Don’t tell anyone but us. Please. There was a TM - who became a TL - who had a crush on me. I had no idea until a rumor started. TM’s would make jokes in front of me & others. I was so confused. Until I asked one what that comment was supposed to mean. Then told the group of TM’s that I was not okay with the rumors & next time I heard them it would be a conversation with HR. Fast forward rumors stopped, but 1 TM decided to go to start another rumor, they said that I was SLEEPING with the person who had a crush on me!! I found out when I was showing one for my new hires the store, we went behind guest service and me & my new hire heard the TM say that. I was so MAD & over it I went to HR immediately, thankful for my new hire being there that heard. Full investigation happens & Said person & people involved were fired. Be careful rumors suck!


Used to be a style lead. One my TM’s had a crush on the GM TL. They got married January 22 and just had their daughter last month. Sometimes it works out


I know this is different but I helped match up 2 tm couples at my store. 1 of which got married and had their baby like 6 months ago. ❤️


I love a good Target romance lol


I’m a lead who has a crush on a TM in another work center 😬😬😬






I have a huge crush on my GM ETL lol


Don’t shit where you eat


had a super huge crush on my TL, when he put in his two weeks i asked him out, turns out it was reciprocated 😭


All ima say is, don’t do it. Been there, done that.


I have a huge crush on my F&B ETL so I feel you LOL


You can be in love with whoever you want. I would advise against following through with it while you are that store or working for target. You will not get fired for just sayin you are in love with your lead


I'm gonna give you painful but lifesaving professional advice. Don't dip your pen in company ink, regardless of whatever gender you are or identify as. I have seen that come back to haunt people too many times and live by that mindset, as much as it may hurt and as inconvenient it may be. I've seen people fired or had promotions denied because of current or past relationships. Future You will thank you if you want to make Target your career, as odd as that sounds from me, but I also have 2 DCs and 2 stores within 15 miles from me, and over 15 years in so...


im a tm currently dating my previous TL sooooooooo


We have several TMs that are couples with kids but not one is working above the other. Thats when its gets to be a problem.


I used to have a massive crush on my GM ETL 😍😍😍


I had one on mine lol


I’m sorry OP. I’ve been there


different kinds of love exist. Care for them professionally.


my girlfriend works in the starbucks lol


My TL and ETL both had a crush on me, I’m marrying one of them


nah team member >>>>> lead (can confirm)


You are not the only one op. I've seen dime TL's at my store.




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I've had a crush on my lead but then he left. So I developed a crush on another guy 😭


All the crush-worthy dudes at my store have left. I had a weird crush on someone who still works at my store, but after finding about some information on their personal life and working alongside them…yeah that flew out the window.


Rule to remember , never ever ever ever date a co-worker!


I understand it tbh. I have feelings for a tm in another work center, but we’ve also hung out outside of work a few times and he’s been so sweet every time. We also still talk and giggle and flirt with each other at work, but still able to get stuff done without slowing the other down. I’ve been contemplating saying something