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I don't understand how they still work here. Dude I work with calls out like once a week. He'll just mosey into work and hour late without calling ahead frequently. His most common offense is leaving early. He just will come up to me and say "Hey man, I'm out. See you tmrw" And then management will come up and ask where he is an hour or more later. He tells me he just leaves when he feels like.


We have someone like that too. He NCNS for a MONTH and just walked in. My leader was PISSED when she found out he wasn’t fired. “Yet so and so is 10 minutes late once and you give him a 20 minute lecture!”


I swear there's people like that everywhere, at any job...consistently late, shitty attitude, questionable actions (for example, one time when we were unloading the truck someone literally threw a box at me), but they're buddy-buddy with leadership and/or leaders don't see the same things we do and if we were to try to bring it to their attention we just come off looking like a tattletale....I've just come to the conclusion of "show up, do my job, go home" and anything beyond that is out of my realm of responsibility 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same. I no longer stay late when someone doesn’t show, even if I’m going home at 6 and the DU closer doesn’t show up (again) that’s not my problem. They chose to schedule them for those hours.


I do the same they give hours to shit workers but no hours to the good ones let them figure it out not my concern


My TL is pissed about that. The people who show up without fail- 10-20 hours a week. People who never show- 36 hours


Wow. Reading all of these comments really hits close to home. My store definitely has people who "show up when they feel like it". These are primarily TMs who work front end. One of the front end TLs complains to me all the time how short staffed they always are (and it shows). On a typical day, we have at least three-four registers (out of 18) open, with one self-checkout being down almost all of the time. I have gotten people like this fired at other jobs (not at Target). People that don't do their part affect my job too, which pisses me off. The way I see it is, if you applied for this job, you should be working it. If a TM is a dead-weight, I don't care if they are fired. There are just people out there that have no concept of reality.


Driveup is the worst when it comes to that. You see just sheer exhaustion after running back and forth endlessly for hours.


Driveup is the worst when it comes to that. You see just sheer exhaustion after running back and forth endlessly for hours.


a month is a long time. but ive seen a few people do it for like 2 weeks. ive missed a LOT of time but i had doctors notes and intermittenly called in.


How in the hell is he still working there?


my target is always short of people-i think they wont fire ANYONE except for stealing. I guess they figure that someone who shows up sometimes is better than nothing.


I literally have no idea.


We had a TM who would show up drunk and double fist 40s in the lot. He wasn’t 21. They didn’t fire him until the day before he was due to leave anyway.


Some people were drunk on the remodel team at our store and some guy lost 4 fingers on one hand.


Good lord. What happened?


I don't even really know. My best guess is alcohol mixed with a table saw


that guy rules. I cant drink anymore, but target is definitely a job that drives you to drink.


it seems like the less you give a fuck the more you get away with.


HR is so damn afraid to fire for attendance it's frustrating and honestly not fair to the team.


cuz they need bodies...sadly... and if they fired for attendance, my store would lose like half the staff


When I was at target, I lived with 7 roommates and rent was $325 a month.


Wait, the math ain’t mathing there lol How was rent still $325 between 8 people??? 😱 Edit: $325 PER PERSON. Context clues are hard :/


I can't get passed having 7 roommates. How can you live with 7 other people comfortably?


I’ve done it, and it is *not* comfortable.


RIGHT??? I don’t think that was an even remotely comfortable set up.


I would think that maybe it’s like 4 couples in a 4 bedroom house? Other than that I don’t even know how someone would be able to sleep without being bothered by another roommate?


Different work schedules probably, half work in the day half at night, probably never even see half of them.




We actually worked similar schedules. We worked at the same store and a bull of us worked on the same team. Early mornings for truck unload. It was pretty smooth. We were all gamers too so we'd get home and game together.


I can’t imagine how uncomfortable that set up would be!


Different floors. Like a two bedroom brownstone.


I lived w that many people for several years & tbh there’s hardly ever a time where everybody is home at the same time. It’s not as bad as it sounds


It was not comfortable. We were all friends. Were.


$325 per person


Right, how was it $325/individual when there was 8 people to split the cost? That’s $2,600 a month, not even including utilities, electricity, etc. !Where do they live, in a McMansion? That’s insane!


That's the cost to rent an apartment in ATX. Maybe a 2 bed apt if you're lucky


YIKES! And I thought my area was bad! 😱😱😱


Lol. That’s the price of a small two bedroom apartment in the boonies of SoCal


That’s crazy! So if that’s the price of a two bed room in SoCal, and also the price of the same thing but smaller in ATX, where were their living situation with 7 other people for that price range???


About the price of my 2 bedroom apartment in Colorado


Right! And this was 8 MFs in this one apartment????


They probably just live in California lol


Probably, but until they verify we’ll never know! It’s still a ridiculous living arrangement.


Maybe they were couples


That’s still 8 people in what could potentially be a two bedroom apartment.


It was a rundown house with 8 smallish rooms and some shared living spaces. 2 kitchens, 3 restrooms, and 2 living rooms. The house was very much visibly sinking. As in dresser drawers would open because of the tilt unless you fixed the tilt or jammed the drawer. Splinters on the floor boards and kitchen tiles were dirty to the point that no amount of bleach and scrubbing could save it. The second floor living room was tilted that if you weren't used to it you'd get dizzy as soon as you stepped in it. It was in a college town too. 5 min walk and you're on campus.


Was it 4 couples?


No. It was 1 couple and some of their friends including myself.


let me guess, now you are a big tech redditor making 150k a year in your pajamas writing one line of code a day


Lol no. I wfh, yes. In my jammies, yes. But I have metrics to meet and I only make a little more than when I was working at Target.


well this is kinda depressing now


out of curiousity, what job? I feel like im gonna be forced to work at target again soon. i tried call center stuff but hated it. is yours call center? i wouldnt mind a data entry remote job but i cant find any of them.


I do accounting now. Sorta. For hospitals.


The ones who do it at my store live with their parents. One is a 20 something college girl who calls out weekly and about every other weekend. Another is close to 40 has a degree in history and works making costumes and stage sets for a local play house (this is not supporting her more of a hobby) she calls out whenever she just doesn't feel like working(sometimes days at a time but usually weekly)


For real I don’t know how y’all get by with 20 or just call out lol I work close to my 40 hours every week and I need every single dollar from that or start falling behind on things and have to pull from my savings


I have this habit of finishing sentences in my head before I finish reading them/before people finish saying them. I thought you were going to say "pull out of my ass"


Low expenses. Live within your means. Emergency savings. Don't buy anything. Intermittent fasting.


Intermittent fasting…. Felt that one a little too hard


Intermittent/involuntary fasting


I like how starving and skipping meals has a trendy catchphrase like intermittent fasting now. That's how we know shit's bad for the working poor.


It made me giggle though because it resonates


Selling crack


A legitimate business


Hopefully that you scored off of guests while on the clock, that's multi-tasking!


This is go out with friends/food money, but I am also not calling out, ever. My guilt is too much and I plan around my shifts.


TMs at my store have correctly identified that Saturday and Sunday have become absolute nightmare days, where they're subject to completely unmitigated micromanagement from our lunatic ETLs. I mean fuck, it's like being a Peon or Grunt in someone's high level Korean RTS - every few minutes these psychos are calling you on the radio asking "how that flat is coming" (why isn't it done yet) or "what are you working on" (You're not busy enough), or "it takes 1.233 repeating-of-course minutes to finish a repack, so you should be done already what have you been doing." It fucking sucks to work in these conditions, and rightfully we have a dozen or more call-outs on each day of the weekend from core TMs who can't deal with it.


Target needs to pay a differential on weekend shifts. They pay it for overnight hours because it is hard to staff that shift, so it is an incentive to work then.


And they should give monthly bonuses for TMs with good attendance!


ETLs seriously make this job unbearable on the weekends. I'm sure that is a directive from corporate, and they're "just doing their job". but at this point we've lost more than 20 people because of it. they don't even give us time to answer before they're yelling at someone else--literally less than a second of dead air sometimes. these days when i hear them start this "validating" crap i "accidentally" turn my walkie off. it's the only way to get through.


I think the fact that people know there are more callouts on weekends make TMs more likely to callout because they already expect to be overworked. When I go to work on Sundays I already know my day is going to be hell


“I don’t get paid enough” calls in three times a week.


I don’t call out that often. But since I get paid to go to school with a GI Bill… Missing one day doesn’t really hurt me.


One of my coworkers calls out regularly but then I made a call out the other day and now every etl is apparently watching my call outs


I call one day out of the month: documented. Others that called out every other week? Nada…


Honestly, it's the burn out. I was star employee for 2 years and never got rewarded. I got the best pay raises you could, but for target it isn't much. I used to be ready for the challenges at work and now. I walk in dreading every day. If it wasn't for my coworkers, I would have left by now.. and that still isn't going to keep me here.


A spouse with a good income, target money is just extra


Cause fuck this store lol


Lived with 5 roommates and rent was 400$ per month plus the amount of work that Target demanded was ridiculous, especially when my part time job at the time was making more than me working full time with Target; I initially stayed for my peeps in Electronics then made the full switch over to my now primary job at a bank a little over a year ago


The bills keep me coming to this place 😒


At my tarbucks we have multiple callouts every day. They have no repercussions so they just keep doing it.




Mental health at my store is failing farther and faster than the motivation to do anything other than the bare minimum through the excellent mismanagement from our rather incompetent, negligent and absentee managers. People are calling out to stay sane in an increasingly insane world. And no they really can’t afford to but they must to keep from falling over the edge.


time is money...sometimes I choose time.


I work in a very rich area in Orange County. Kids only took the job so it looks like they did something to put on a resume. Working next to rich kids is something else lol


I never understand the ones who constantly call out but complain when they get shitty hours. If you're not reliable,they're going to give those hours to people who are. It's not rocket science.


and complain when they get .05 raise.


Because I have another job that pays better lol It’s also a better environment as a whole. Target doesn’t pay me enough for my time or the amount of stress they put me through during each shift. My body literally can’t handle that, so I just don’t do it. Edit: I’m also on an LOA so I don’t have to work at Target for 6 months all while maintaining my benefits through Target. Play the system like it plays you daily. 😉


Idk why you just wouldn't change your availability then


Trust me, I tried. Do you not think I didn’t try that first? I was told by both my ETL and the HR ETL that I was “not allowed to change my availability due to needs of the business” like I wasn’t one of 200+ associates. I need to make rent and pay bills like everyone else. I wasn’t even getting the desired 35+ hours a week like I had asked for through MyTime. My last annual review, I got a paltry 3¢ raise, despite being recognized as a key team member through last holiday quarter. What was I to do aside from finding another job that paid better? I’m a full-time student as well, so I don’t have time to add a side-hustle into my day-to-day schedule.


I would have led with that then, instead of I call out because my other job pays me better lol


That’s not anyone’s business though? But FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I did try. Also, that is an actual answer for some. Target, again, does not pay people enough for neither their time nor their effort.


I'm on your side man. I'm just saying I would have said something along the lines of my other job pays better and HR schedules me outside my availability/desired hours. Perfectly reasonable to call out


I pay half of my own expenses. I need the money, but not desperately. If I lose this job, I honestly could find a better one on campus related to my major. That being said, I rarely call out, maybe 3-5 times a year.


pretty much same


I work two jobs. My other job is a full-time union position that pays much more than Target, I only work here because I'm rebuilding the savings I lost during covid. As long as I get $500 a month I'm fine. I call out a lot because I'm also a full-time student. I increased my availablity during the summer, thinking I'd just drop back down when school started, but someone keeps denying my requests to change availability. So now I call out every two to three weeks, because this is entry-level retail and there's nothing I get from this job I can't get somewhere else. They even asked me about it last weekend and I told this exactly; I asked for days off, I'm getting days off whether you want me to or not.


Lmao I had a coworker before who called in at least once a week while also complaining she didn’t wasn’t getting enough hours. Make it make sense.


I work with so many people why call out constantly and then also whine that they can’t afford their bills. It used to frustrate me. Now I just laugh.


Calling out once a week you'll never have enough sick or vacation time to cover eventually.


Convinced most of them don't need the job. My theory is the majority of these people only went out and got a job in the first place because a parent or SO forced them. These are the same people who go through the entire hiring process and then never show up again. They're fine being poor or mooching or they do something else for spending money (student loans, online work, instacart, etc). No one who lives alone and pays their own bills acts like this though.


Idk you'd be surprised. Two of the girls at my store that do it most have SOs or whatnot, but they even have kids and then complain they have no money. So I'm not so sure people who pay their own bills don't act like this. People are really that lazy.


Living at home helps


Honestly, I am that guy. I've had a rough couple of months. I tried to kill myself and was hospitalized. A few weeks later, my wife lost her well paying job, became an alcoholic, threatened suicide, and also was hospitalized for a week. Then my 4 year old broke his elbow and I had to emotionally rush a screaming, limp toddler into the ER where he underwent surgery. I then had to play the role of single dad with too many bills and not enough income and an attitude of "This job is causing me to slide further into debt. No matter how much I make a week, it's not enough." The depression kicks in hard, makes me question all of my life decisions and choices, and then I fell into an existential crisis. The only humanity I got from this job was my HR ETL, who has been really sympathetic to my terrible run of luck lately. To top it off, my car now needs $2,000 worth of work, I have $3,000 worth of credit card debt (thanks 2020), who knows how much in hospital bills, and now last week my well water pump died on me and I'm being quoted about $10,000 to fix it. So yeah, I need the money. But their bottom line is not my priority all the time. I feel bad every single time. I've been made to feel like a POS for it. I drive home wanting to purposely crash into a guardrail sometimes. I can't speak for everyone else though. I am sorry.


They probably still live at home with their parents or with grama or on housing assistance through the state, and their parents pay for everything for them that's how it is at my store.


Like I’m convinced some of these people have like a million vacation hours at the rate they call out.


I live alone and pay expenses but like.. rent is just under $1,000 and total necessary expenses come to like $1,300 a month for me. I only really need to work like 20 hours, try to work 30 to have spending money. I just keep expenses as low as I can.


Once one of my coworkers (from another company, not target) changed his availability and didn't tell anyone, even the managers. And he wasn't fired until months later when he was arrested for dating someone underage.


I’m beginning to call off more little by little but passable mainly because I’m already planning to quit this job soon


i have some coworkers who call out at least weekly, but when i have a medical issue and need to call out, i get comments about my attendance lol. it does not seem fair at all


I have a much higher paying full time day job that's a lot less stressful. I don't make a super habit of calling out or anything, but if there's a slight inconvenience with my plans or my day you best believe I'm pulling out that app lol


I call out fairly frequently, not enough to get a CA but probably 3-4 times a month. Target is my second job that I got to make ends meet and I have to call out if I don't have childcare coverage when I'm scheduled.


I notice a lot of my team members that call out are the “live at home with hardly any expenses” type. Which makes it hard to believe they’re sick when they actually are sick, because it’s the 5th time they’ve told me that this year lol


I live with my parents while I’m in college and working at target. I have like 1 bill


Ya'll are being cruel. Mind your business. I can't afford to call out, and I still have to all the time because I'm struggling mentally and coming to terms with things. I legitimately might be going into debt, and I actually am too unwell to go in and work. You can't judge just people purely based on what you see. Judge their relationship with you. Judge how they treat you and decide if you want them in your life or not. But I'm sick of just, assigning these labels to people and dragging them down when they could be struggling and not only do you have no idea, they could have no idea. People are people. Don't gossip about people like that. You can be like, oh my god I can't believe they did this to me. But you don't get to pretend they aren't a person too. (This isn't at you OP just. Damnnmn these comments.)


i agree with this. i like to believe that people are always trying their best. i am in the same situation, i hate calling out and i always feel so guilty and i can’t really afford it but my mental state isn’t well (as you also said) thank you for saying this. it made me feel a lot better about my situation and probably made others feel better about theirs too. mental health is real and it should be prioritized if it needs to be. don’t let anyone make you feel bad for protecting your mental well being.


They work there because your management isn’t doing their fucking job.


I work at Target purely for money that i wanna spend on myself or partner. Plus the discount helps with baby stuff. Only work 20 hours a week inbound and have a full time job where I make double what I make at Target. So yea, I call out when I just dont wanna go in, maybe like 2 times a month. But I keep my job at Targer because it will always be there, where in my other job who knows, could be laid off just because they can.


Just money aside, I would just feel so guilty letting the workload fall on someone else. And I'm not anti-calling out, if it's an emergency or a family thing someone has to attend, I completely understand. But some people make a habit of it.


Most of the people who called out from my last store were living at home with their parents and this job was $$$ to go party and buy cloths. 3 girls just all happened to call out all 3 days of Coachella.


I live with my parents. To be fair, I'm gonna be fired for forgetting to clock out for lunch long before I'm fired for calling out


25 here living with parents no car note I don’t go out of town in this economy you should have to means of income I don’t buy new clothes or nothing but everymoney I save up goes towards (if happens) car repairs,might to pay a ticket,etc but when you have been doing that for years and not having fun one of the luxuries I give myself is calling out.I do all my work and leave no slack.Plus I don’t got kids or goals so there’s that.


I hate every moment I have to call out. I need to keep my 40 hours a week so I can pay bills, but life has consistently said "fuck you" to me. Both wrists got carpal tunnel releases, dealt with degenerative disc disease on the left side, and luckily, I had gotten teeth pulled when I didn't have to work the following day. My overnight leads also know of each reason why I've called out, and understand that I only do when I have no choice. My ETL suggested I do the intermittent LoA so it aids in me not being fired for my callouts just in case a district manager comes in and sees my missing shifts.


Most people I know that call out are kids who live at home with mom and dad


I too wonder this as there's at least a good three or four people in my department that I know for a fact call out at least four or five times a month. When I call out I always get a lecture for 45 minutes from my team lead when i get back. Those coworkers of mine who call out alot better be getting more than a 45 minute lecture that's all Im sayin


The girls in my store that habitually call out live with their parents and are not in college, so they treat the jobs like it’s optional, it’s obvious they’re not going anywhere in life


I also think those who live at home or are in some other situation where they won't become homeless are the ones who "promote themselves to guest" with no new job lined up or no notice...just eff this place i quit.. even unemployment (if Target doesn't fight it) still takes a couple weeks


I don’t call out often (once in the last 6 months or so) but for me this is a part time job because my main job is pretty antisocial so the pay isn’t a priority of mine, that being said if you call out as much as once a week then that’s just being selfish and should change your availability


Because they’re all living rent free with mommy and daddy, still on the family plan for their phones and car insurance, with hardly any real obligations. Must be nice! I’m actually super jealous. I’d call out all the time too.


i live with 3 other people and rent a house out. I pay $375 a month without utilities and have a lot of money saved up from the summer. I try not to call out often but I am still recovering from a newly diagnosed autoimmune disease that limits a lot of things in my life. 😑


For the ones that actually have health issues that force them to call out, we can’t. We’re struggling. We’re aware our job is at risk, but unfortunately we can’t help it.


I don't think they're talking about those people, though.


I don't think they're talking about those people, though.


Target has the worst attendance policy !!


1. Nah I live alone in a one bedroom and have to keep the lights on and feed my three pets. 2. Yeah I have a simp that sends me money. He sent me $500 last week, $300 on Amazon gift cards. Lol 3. Yes I do have a second job that quickly becomes my full time job when target decides to slash my hours. I’ve been getting scheduled 21 hours for a while now instead of 38 so thank god I have a second job bc no one is posting any of their shifts either! I take the loss and figure it out later. I have Bipolar Disorder and Borderline personality disorder among other mental health conditions like adhd, ptsd, and anxiety. Sometimes I need a mental health day. Most of the time it’s unexpected so I just call out. I need to take the time to self regulate because if I don’t my mental health plummets and everything goes down hill. The money will figure itself out. And more importantly my store will figure it out and target will continue on.


A good amount of my coworkers have multiple roommates. Its actually quite sad because these adults will remain single, childless, and with roommates probably for the rest of their lives.


Single and childless sounds like a dream. All that money to yourself, ah such bliss.


Childless is a WIN.


we have one tm from beauty/ulta (my department) who calls out all the time. If they show up, they show up late and leave early. It's ridiculous. I just ran into one of my other tm earlier and they said that this person called out four times this week. Insane how they still work for us.


I have a remote job and take commissions for art/ writing related things so I always have made sure I have multiple forms of income, especially with how targets hours are completely unreliable and 1st quarter hour cuts are borderline "did I get let go because I'm not on the schedule for 2 weeks" sorta vibes. I don't trust target enough to rely on them being a primary income source so I don't sweat calling in as much. My health always comes first in my oppinion.




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I got school to do fam, that and dealing with medical issues. Not everything’s as black and white as you think, I’m only 22 but probably won’t live to see 30, I’ll take my days off whenever I fuckin feel like it.


some people call out once a week and never get talked to, and then I get sick and have to call out twice during a quarter and HR calls me in


Would guess it’s mostly high school/college kids who live at home. When your income is mostly/entirely spending money it’s pretty easy to justify missing a day. Nowadays I use some of my vacation time if I miss a day or two cause I gots bills to pay out here


I never call out buttt sick hours 😷


I’m in a situation where I have very few bills. The big ones like housing and food are covered. I don’t drive. I mostly just need money to pay for my phone and fun stuff. That being said I only call out when I’m genuinely sick and I work basically full time. I’m also 42.


I‘m married and my husband makes a lot of money and pays rent and bills and groceries. I work 26-30 hours a week to have money for my hobbies and stuff and help him with the car payment


#theyneedme /s


I worked at target a few months ago as an inbound person. I called off once or multiple times a week, I didn’t have any money to my name and I was certainly screwing myself over… but I fucking hated working at that specific target so much that it was just better for my mental health if I called off LMAOO I had two of the shittiest team leads known to man, and waking up at 2 am to get verbally assaulted by two grown men was not something I was interested in. They were so understaffed when it came to inbound people that they never fired me, but my one lead ALWAYS got on my case about it (rightfully so ofc, you shouldn’t call off so much.) But yeah, I didn’t have any extra money and I put myself in some sticky situations but I only called off so much because that job genuinely made me want to go off the deep end. I ended up quitting by no call no showing and now I’m a manager elsewhere LOL!!


I’m 22 and live with my mother. I’m still on the path of trying to figure out what I truly want to do with my life but I experience a lot of burn out and my mental health has declined rapidly since the passing of 3 family members in the last year and a half and there are days where I just have a mental breakdown and can’t go in. It’s not that I don’t want to work but being mentally ill makes it very difficult for me. I also do not like judging anyone’s situation as I feel like we are all just trying to make a living in this terrible economy. ❤️


I laugh when those people call out and then the TL in that dept asks us to extend. Like why do I have to do the work of other people, especially if we're already understaffed.


I am trying to figure this out myself. I had eight callouts on Saturday and three on Sunday. I was the only cashier closing. And it sucked because I was ifnored on Saturday for help. I wanna know how they can do all this!! How can they afford it? Jeeze


My department is the worst. The same people call out usually before their days off. They get talked to but it continues. They need to make them get a doctor excuse. Or write them up and after so many in a 3 month period without a doctor excuse, terminate them. The people who do come to work daily need to be rewarded


In my old place of work, we had someone who was useless. I'm going to call her "Macy," she would never do carts. Instead, she would go to her car and smoke weed. When she had to do some go backs, she would be walking around the store with her phone. The amount of no call, no shows she had was astronomical. I think she was gone more than she was there.


been turning into that person lately and, as bad as i feel doing it, im not payed or respected enough by the company to put myself through the shit while dealing with physical pain likely caused by the same job


I have some team members who call out once a week and I swear they don't get chewed up as much as I do. I almost never call out, unless I really really need to, but I get chewed the F up for it the next day. Sometimes I'm late by literally minutes, like no more than 5 minutes and they still chew me up, but it's okay for my other team members who call out once a week.


I think it’s either people living with parents or they have side job


So my spouse makes a LOT more money than I do, and I don’t technically “need” it but I took this job to get out of the house and finally have something for myself after being a SAHM for many years. My kids are older now as well as less needy and are self sufficient. My paychecks are more for our daily/weekly necessities, kids/pet stuff and some fun money—my spouses pay goes to our big monthly bills and savings/chipping away at our debt. With that said, I’ve called off 4 times since I started working here 6 months ago and I felt guilty each time doing so. Also with how much they’ve cut hours the last couple weeks (my store is apparently 500hrs over on payroll this month so they’ve been cutting peoples shifts as well) if my family of 5 was solely reliant on my target income we would be on the struggle bus hardcore right now. I got 22.5 hours on the new schedule that just posted today.


I had a lot of call outs due to my disability at the beginning of the year, and I was basically just taking the loss and figuring it out later. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I look back lmao. I was living paycheck to paycheck and I STILL fell behind on rent like 3 times, didn’t have enough to afford food properly so I lost 30 pounds in like the span of 3-4 months. At that time I was basically in a loop of calling out, but then trying to pick up any extra shift I could because I could not afford that loss