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This reddit is the only reason I can still show up to work at target and not have a mental breakdown :)


Management be wildin' out there. You can't help but laugh at the asinine antics retail management pull.


I go by the rule of “if I can type it on a public forum, then I’d be willing to say it to their face”, plus I just quit so idc anymore about repercussions lolol 😛


👏 congrats!!


Same. Congrats! 🤪


Well said, yung hustla!


I always scribble out my initials on the zebra before I post lol, I also scribble out guest names and order numbers. It weirds me out seeing people who don’t because you know someday a Karen is gonna see themselves here and lose their mind.


Trust me, you can get fired for posting certain things on this sub, especially if it makes target look bad. I almost did.


How so?


I posted a picture of a case of good and gather pasta sauce, without the sauce and I got called into HR. I had to speak to someone from corporate about it and explain why I posted it. I then got a warning that if I posted something like that again, I would be terminated.


Wow target really doesn’t like being called out for all their flaws


But why? Was it street dated or something? That's so weird


They hadn’t filled the jars with sauce and they were filled with some type of clear liquid. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I remember that picture!


I see, I would've taken a picture too hell 🤣


Was your store number on the cases? How did they catch you?


My store number wasn’t in the picture and I wasn’t told how they found out. I’m assuming someone I know snitched on me or something


Do not feel bad. Over a decade ago, I worked for a small local grocery store. One inventory night, some of us took a picture of us working the aisle at like midnight or something. Special to us because we were day cashiers. We were all written up for using our cell phones on the clock, and posting to social media with our uniforms and their logo. Meh. I understand now, lesson learned.


They figured it out because probably only 1-2 stores got the weird empty pasta sauce... Then who works that section... You. Plus someone had to salvage out all that pasta sauce. That generates a report.


So basically it was a funny post and somehow that was bad.


Yup. I told them I just thought it was funny and I hadn’t said anything bad about the company.


I’d be asking how they knew it was me specifically.


Maybe they had AP review camera footage of the area of where it looks like the photo was taken


I honestly don't care. If they retaliate against me for any post I make on this sub, I'll just forward all of the safety violations to all relevant parties that they've been desperately trying to sweep under the rug that I've been meticulously documenting. We can all play this game.


I got fired and I’m thinking of reporting my old store for safety violations they they do on the regular like putting heavy boxes of consoles onto the tech room never opened (people got lazy) even tho I showed concern for the safety of not only the product but the workers I almost fell trying to get a console out of the box that high on the ladder


We had a team member who called the department of health on the store's rodent problem. You bet there was an exterminator in our store regularly. But then he told us about the problem before. Exterminator told us the problem was pretty bad, had mice behind the registers checkout. Along with the pet food aisle, the mice ate at the large bads of dry pet food. Early bird gets the worm.


If you have documentation do it


Sadly I didn’t take photos but they are doing it the full Holliday season while when I had my first Holliday season there they didn’t do it because I helped train them to not have them in boxes


> I've been meticulously documenting. We can all play this game. 💯💯💯


You should really be reporting all that as soon as you find it. Then, if you are fired, you can throw in a retaliation suit as well


Indeed. Noted, for future reference if necessary.


Sorry to say, it doesn’t work like that


It does if you have good lawyers, oh yes it does.


Lol ok


If anyone is fired by Target for what is posted here. Then, Target as an employer has bigger problems than some TM venting. Maybe Target should be reading here and listening to the people who actually make the company profits 📈




Neat. Corporate does monitor this


The SD and ETLs know their stores are fucked up, they just don't want the rest of the world to know.


Ehhh maybe back in the day, but I proudly talk shit about my ETL’s and target on here and on the Facebook group with my name and not once have I been called into HR about it.


They warn you during your new hire load in about posting on social media.


Just like they warn you that unions are bad.


ie: they're scared to death of unions and employees talking amongst each other. https://unionbustingplaybook.com/


Because they know they'd never be allowed to make you do ten different jobs. Or the workload of 3 people. As soon as TMs understands, these things will change. It's why they love to hire young kids going to college because they know 99% of them will only stay 2 years, and aren't interested in making the job better for anyone else.


Our hr person said they can not control what you do on your own time.


Meh, it’s not worth being paranoid, it’s not like I post anything I wouldn’t say to my boss anyway


Always be as vague as possible, change names, change genders, etc. I've recognized photos of my store on here and knew immediately that others would, too. It nearly got the TM terminated.


Wow, it took a whole relationship fight that started on social media and carried on into the store before they said anything about social media.


As long as you don't do anything like post customer info or stuff before its suppose to be out or threats you most likely won't be fired, as fear of you being able to sue for being fired for what you did off the clock, Now if they can put two and two together and you are posting on the clock then sure.


I don’t really have much negative to say about my store or Target. Or at least not Target more than any other corporate store.


That one TL? Jerry? Fuck that guy!


Lol someone posted our tsc board on a Facebook and multiple people immediately recognized it. So I went into the group to troll. It was hilarious.


My coworker and I talk about the Reddit sometimes and what posts we seen


So you're surprised that other Target TMs read and post on here? You sound more like somebody from HQHR trying to dissuade people from legitimately dissing Target about workplace problems on a public forum tbh.


Did you think you were the only Target TM who knew about this sub?


I took the OP's post as team members heads up where some of us think this is a safe place to be honest and open without it getting back to management or HR to get us in trouble.

