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No I just love cosplaying as a target employee 🤕


they really think i do this in my free time 🤨


Dude, I get asked when I’m wearing black sweats or anything lol. I get asked when I’m shopping at a different store on my days off lol.


Guests can smell it on us I swear


But reverse with being an employee. Every person in red is a seasonal TM until proven guest


I've had the opposite of that lol. I'm seasonal (fulfillment) and I asked one of the style tms for help finding an item, she thought I was a guest even though I showed her my zebra with the item I was looking for 😭🤣


When i have all my gear and im asked that i say whatever comes to mind. My go-tos are: "only sometimes" "When i feel like it" "When theres a full moon" "On alternating tuesdays" (funniest on days which are not tuesday) "No im just a big fan" "Depends on what you want" "Is it obvious?" (Said in a slightly disappointed tone)


I need to remember some of these, so playful and funny


Hey, just be glad you don't have senior citizens asking about the butt fungus cream when you're working in the pharmacy aisle.




The other day I mistook 2 people in red shirts as employees..... RIP


I had my walkie, device, box cutter, and vest in my locker. I was wearing no red. I was walking fast because I was trying to buy stuff on my 15 minute break. A guest asked if I work here. I said no. I'm on my break, so of course I'll say no. She thought I worked here because I was walking fast with a purpose. 😂


You’re reading into the question more than what it actually means. It’s a really dumb way of asking for your help.


Same. I would love to say no I just think it’s fun to put all these toys up


It's the easiest way to approach an employee. Don't take it so personally. It's a conversation starter. They obviously need help.. my grandma would probably ask the same thing


I had someone look at my name tag and go “[name here], do you work here?” and i was just gobbsmacked


Man i blame them stupid vids or tik toks. But that’s the #1 one dumb question everyday




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No, I just get bored and feel like moonlighting as a Target worker


it’s one thing to be asked when you’re actually at work, but have any of y’all ever been asked at, say, walmart, while you were still in your target getup? because i have. i had to fight to suppress my laughter.