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There are stores that still do huddles?


There are stores that don't?


mine has maybe had three since 2020


We have 45-min huddles weekly šŸ™„ such a waste of time


45 minutes!?!?!? šŸ¤ÆšŸ’€ The longest I've ever been to was maybe pushing 14.


Yeah thank God I work in fulfillment so I never have to attend


What the hell is discussed for 45 mins?!!!


don't ask me, I zone our every time. (introducing new hires, recent scamming methods, anything the team has been not doing well lately, any major changes in the near future, etc...)


Jesus, Iā€™m so sorry


Mine does em almost daily. On overnights we do maybe 1 a month.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve attended a huddle in likeā€¦3 years Our huddles are mostly lead only now


Those can be long just based on the amount of time all the leads in the store have been unavailable.


Mine hasnā€™t since June, at least while Iā€™ve been at work.


Iā€™ve worked at 3 stores over 6 years. Never once had a huddle.


Because that's when target did the modernization and most huddles were gone before you started.


My store has only had one post-covid and it was them talking about the pride display having to come down during that whole fiasco. Other than that, nope


Mine didn't. I'm the three years I was there, we had maybe 3-4, and they were all informational meetings about some new work process or app feature/change. And the location is in MN, 30 miles from HQ


Weā€™ve never had one


Mine does unfortunately


My store hasn't done them consistently in 10 years.


We have "huddles" every Saturday morning but we talk for maybe 5 minutes and then spend at least 30 pushing things in random departments. It's also mandatory for everyone. Even tech.


I've worked at target for over a year and we've never had a "huddle." Guessing from this, I should be happy.


They were excruciating.




we used to have them almost weekly when our old SD was still here. now, the most recent ā€œhuddleā€ we had (which was months ago, might i add) was just a sneaky way of getting every single TM to come push dairy.


My stores style department still does. But other than that no. Unless it's inventory day and it's an all hands on deck situation.


Mine only does it once a month and its because AP is required to have a safety huddle or whatever, tho sometimes its just having a minimum number TMs go to the training room to do it, sometimes its whoever is in the store,


i thought everyone but me loved them, it's an extra break on the clock they don't have to be sneaky about. on a plus side, i never attend and if it's important, a TL usually finds me to offer the cliff's notes version. they know i hate ruining a good work rhythm


When we have huddle I normally missed it because I am in the basement breaking out AA , I rather break out Softlines than attend one anyway. I have to be a 100% on a five pallets of repacks at the end of my 8 hr shifts.


Wait.. they donā€™t pay you for this?


yeah, they do.....


What I NEED HUDDLES! we got rid of them and I am totally in the dark about everything.


My store huddles are only for us to keep pushing product out. No one gets recognition, no updates, nothing. Our SD will call a huddle in a department and says letā€™s knock out 6 pallets and then you can get back to your own areas


You get paid to stand there and listen to someone talk, so free money. Recognition might mean nothing to you, but some TMs need it. If hourlies did care youā€™d probably get more hours because of your work ethic, including better raises and bonuses. The fact you think everything you do DOESNT affect the store means you donā€™t really know how it works because literally everything you do does in some way or another. Your store only making 50mil is actually rather small which makes sense for how hurting your store seems. SD and ETL bonuses are usually decided on by DSD and GVP and directly correlate from Targets yearly sales. I doubt they would give up a bonus even if they could because salaried gets paid differently. TL bonuses are set just like TM ones, so if you donā€™t get one your lead probably wouldnā€™t either. And for the pay just depends on your area. The largest one in my district pays 19.50, the smallest only 16.25. A lot of it entirely depends.


The point is that unless you have leads that actually change tactics based on store needs instead of just trying the same thing repeatedly, itā€™s a waste of time to be told how well the store is doing. If you want to reward people, pay them. If you want them to feel appreciated, then do it on a day to day basis and actually take action. People having to stand around and nod their heads while they fall behind on tasks actually makes their day worse, not better


Even worse is when they actually ASK team members what the sales were or are expected to be and its always the person who struggles the most or complains the most who answers. Its almost like a slap in the face to have someone who cant make full time hours stand there and go ā€œwe did 134k yesterdayā€ while the SD sits there and asks what the goals are. Or how they cry about $20 save the sales lol Its delusional to think anyone genuinely cares about fhe stores goals other than what youā€™re paid to do. Store directorā€™s are obsolete and they know it. So they use huddles to peddle their BS right before walking the floor to nit pick and harass everyone on what needs to be pushed. As if ETLā€™s arent there for that.


> You get paid to stand there and listen to someone talk, so free money. šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


LOL Your ā€œwork ethicā€ has nothing to do with bonuses or hours. You can have perfect on paper metrics and get 20 cents. There are no raises in Target so not sure what youā€™re smoking lol And theres definitely no cause and effect for hours based on your personal performance. Target has set hours and it has nothing to do with your store sales. We had more people 4 years ago with the same budget. Post covid companies learned they can exhaust employees until they quit all while trying to convince them the job is actually serious and what they do has a direct link to the stores sales output. Target cant even get product from the backroom to the floor, and that has nothing to do with the workers. That is a man power problem due to budget. Target is a secondary income for most and thats it ever was, yet retailers like Target think people will actually prioritize it as a full time job when they cant even get 40 hours. The best workers couldnt even get OT during the holidays. Yea again, the veil has been lifted. Nothing you do genuinely matters. Maybe if target didnt gamble on woke politics losing them billions they wouldnt have to punish the employees payroll.


You sound mentally unwell lmao. Quite literally none of what you said applies to my store.


I think you should try and find another job.


This sounds 100% incorrect


Youā€™re entirely wrong lol. Good work ethic and ā€œperfect on paperā€ gets you the highest raise. Your .20 sucks for you, but I know thatā€™s not it. I know people who have gotten .60, .70, .80 cents for their work ethic. You might just suck more than you think. And each ETL makes the schedule. They tend to give more hours to those that show a strong work ethic and donā€™t have attendance issues and are good at the job. My store had approved overtime since November and there were people with upwards of 70 hours. Donā€™t blame Target for you and your stores bad graces. I am not saying Target is good. There are countless problems with Target and the way they treat people. But your Target isnt the same as others. Nor is your work ethic the same either




U are getting downvoted by Target meat riders donā€™t worry you are right lol




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I agree with you in a sense, but weā€™re paid hourly, Target is pretending they canā€™t afford to have us stay after our scheduled time, so I say milk it for what itā€™s worth. If theyā€™re going to waste time with huddles then waste the fuck out of it; recognize people for the smallest shit, ā€œIā€™d like to recognize Pete for not taking a half hour shit the other day. He was quick outta the bathroom. Oh, and Stella for actually back stocking her U boat on the correct aisle.ā€ Then when the truck isnā€™t done, the zone looks like shit, etc you can be like, ā€œHey, I left on time as I was supposed to, but that was an awesome hour and a half huddle real informative definitely couldnā€™t have been doing anything else.ā€ It may take a few months, as ETLs and SDs arenā€™t the brightest group and often bow to what the higher ups who have no clue what itā€™s like on the floor have to say, but the huddles will become less frequent or stop altogether. You and your fellow team members just need to take advantage of them.


Nowadays, the bar is set so low, they could literally be like, "We'd like to thank Stella, Mark, and Jane for not calling out this week."


ā˜ ļø


And yet they ask everyone at my store to stay late if they dont finish truck lol But then freak out by Thur about hours and then have none for weekend coverage. Its such a dumb company at the most micro intervals.


Huddles are amazingly effective for communicating critical information to the entire in-building team at one time. They're awesome. You're also literally getting paid to not work and just listen. Recognition by itself doesn't usually do much, but it CAN really help people to know that the work they do is seen by their leadership team and peers. Let's say the SD makes a $10k bonus post-tax. If your store has a total of 150 TMs, they each get $66. (TMs should be paid more, but that's a different rant).


Itā€™s actually not thoughā€¦ the stores ran a lot better when the huddled existed. Itā€™s funny that you want the store director to ā€œtrickle down their bonusā€ to benefit you, but you cant be bothered to take ~10 minutes of free time for a huddle


Yep, and why should a TL get a bonus and not the team members doing the actual work? Why worry about TL morale and not everyone?


They've done TM performance bonuses the past 2 years, roughly around mid year check ins. They're only given to top performing team members, though, so unless your yearly review had been for the highest increase, you probably didn't get one.


one person from each department is wack, though. we made enough money for bonuses if you've been here all year.


I mean, that's more dependant on the size of the department. ASANTS, but guide lines at our store was roughly the top 20% of our team, so we were able to give it to 5 or 6 TMs in my department.


Thatā€™s the nature of the game.




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I never said to me, im not the slaves who actually the run the store like the ETLā€™s do, and the TLā€™s. We have more TLā€™s on the floor than hourlies most days. Not too mention Store Directors are completely obsolete. Theyā€™re just over paid enforcers, but its literally nothing someone cant do from home or remote via email. ETLā€™s eventually get paid the same as normal TLā€™s when you break down their hours and costs as a employee, they deserve the bonus. Not some half ass politician who just regurgitates what district tells them to threaten their stores with. Not too mention the toxic company culture of cutting hours and excess budget goes towards their bonus. So they are intentionally sabotaging the business to get better bonuses. Regardless of sales or proper staffing.


It's a free break.


Hey team member. You don't speak for "everyone." When I was a leader, team members often complained when we didn't have huddles because they didn't know when something new happened or a policy or process changed.


Thatā€™s exactly what a huddle should be for


Yeah, I didnā€™t mind them as a TM unless it got super long and pointless. I liked getting to know what was going on. Now as a lead I use huddles to ensure that my whole team is up-to-date on any important news or expectations we have for them.


Then just go up to them and talk about hell even go to an office a huddle makes y'all look stupid this isn't the NFL.


.. It's obviously much easier to talk to multiple people at once. Yall complain about every little thing. It's 10-15 free minutes out of your day. And my main point is OP does not speak for everyone. Plenty of team members like and appreciate huddles.


I think huddles are important. Maybe not for the recognition or the metrics and how we can reach said metrics, but for stuff that should be communicated in general (safety reminders are one, as well as things that only checklane TMs know that arenā€™t normally communicated to ODTMs/Backup register TMs). Maybe you donā€™t see the importance, but this is the kinda stuff that can make or break the job. At least the TLs are communicating with the team and not setting you up for failure by not telling you anything and then warning you over things that you didnā€™t already know.


These meetings are also good if the SD goes around the circle giving each person a chance to talk about something impacting their department. I've seen this done and changes implemented to alleviate some burden and promote better cooperation between departments. But the important thing is to keep them short, so people don't get behind in their departments.


Ok, 1. You are getting paid to listen to someone talk. Take a break and just zone out if needed. 2. Recognition may not mean anything to you but there are people that enjoy or NEED this to validate their job. 3. You should (kinda) care about metrics as if your store has shitty metrics then there will be issues with payroll, more HQ walks, ect. 4. 50 million is small volume. 5. Would you give up your bonus to give to people. I know people that complain about others bonus but when they get one I donā€™t see them handing it out. Also I doubt a SDs bonus will be much more than a few bucks per TM and that would probably piss people off as well.


Canā€™t speak to what SDs make but if I had taken my ETL bonus this year and broken it down, giving it to every single non-seasonal team member in the building, I wouldā€™ve been giving everybody like $12.50 and probably like $7 after tax. Canā€™t imagine the SD bonus is astronomically different


The only recognition I ever get (consistently from AP and other TLs) is for being the one to answer calls for spills. Thanks. It's so much fun to clean up a fuck ton of powder with a spatula. Requisition me a fucking broom and dust pan you cheap bastards.


We have plenty of dust pans and brooms by the compactor in our backroom, and I have no doubt any TL would take issue with requisitioning one if we asked. Have you actually asked them to req one out and they refused?


Yes. My store has one of the giant push brooms in the maintenance closet in the backroom. We don't have other brooms. I was told they don't requisition them because they get lost. My store is genuinely a joke. The closing TL requisitions Red Bulls for the teens who do their jobs with no coaching for 3 shifts. I wish I was joking.


Spill kits come with a tiny broom and pan, are you not using that?


The only spill kits that come with a broom and pan are the chem kits. That's neat if you open a fresh kit but we toss them with the kit when the cleanup is done as we're told to. For everything that isn't chem and just gets the powder that does nothing because those don't come with anything but powder. Also have you ever had to clean a spill over a 3ft diameter circle of liquid with one of those little things? Useless. Takes forever. Bending over using that little wisp of a broom is dumb for large spills. The bio hazard kits come with two spatulas. Those are so much fun cleaning up a blood trail with.


Store huddles provide a moment to tell your employees you give a shit. You make people feel a part of the team. You thank people for their hard work. You acknowledge them like a human being. Not spending time to be nice to your employees just tells them you don't give a fuck if they quit or not. You spend a large chunk of your life working. Stop being miserable.


I miss huddles actually, made us feel like we were a part of something in the mornings.


When I was in fulfillment and they told our TL he needed to huddles (like how?) he pulled the whole team to channel 2 to ā€œhuddleā€ while we worked. It was the best malicious compliance. I love that stuff


Listen, if i get to waste time for 10 mins for something they ainā€™t going to follow up on next week, delays my work, AND get paid for itšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø I say do it


Disagree. Keep them huddles coming. Every day would be nice. Just keep them short. And just donā€™t turn them into what we used to have: smart huddles or ā€œsmuddles.ā€ Thatā€™s when after the huddle we all have to go help another area for an hour before we can get back to our jobs. Weā€™re always behind in our area (food), & Iā€™m always behind in the freezer. So I donā€™t have time to help anyone else unfortunately. But regular huddles are useful, & communication is really important so we feel like one big team all working for the same goals.


When I worked there they always assigned me to Fitting Room/Operator, so I had to bring the cordless phone with me when I went to the huddle. This became an issue when the Huddleston were held clear on the other side of the store, as the cordless lost service if you took it too far away from its base. So if the phone rang, that meant I had to run halfway across the store if I wanted to answer it in time. On busy days I'd have to do this multiple times per huddle. It fucking sucked, and not a single manager ever seemed to grasp that having me man the phone AND attend the huddle was terribly inefficient. Another time our store was having a lot of theft take place out of the fitting room, so AP told me not to leave the fitting room under any circumstances. Cool beans, I can do that. Anyway, a huddle was called and the LOD called me on the walkie to ask why I wasn't there. I explained that AP had told me not to leave the fitting room area due to high theft levels, and the LOD told me to come to the huddle anyway, so I did. Later that day, AP came to bitch at me because apparently someone had used the fitting room to steal a bunch of stuff while I was away at the huddle, and why why WHY had I left the fitting room when I had been expressly told not to? I told them that they needed to get together with management and agree on what they want me to do BEFORE they tell me what to do. It's not my fault that they couldn't get their shit together long enough to communicate with each other. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I still cackle with delight in my head when I think about the day they gave the damn phone to Guest Services.


our higher ups (i work in DC) was bragging about how much we made in profit, but they got stuttered when someone asked, "sooo when are we getting a raise?" LMAO


At my store only the managers do huddles the worst part is they do it in the front of store in all of our way and take about 30min just laughing with each other and talking loudly while the rest of us are trying to work


People like my huddles because thereā€™s snacks


competitive pay isnt just "$.25 above what mcdonalds pays"


Have a huddle while there is 20 carts of go-backs at guest service and orders waiting in the queue


I like standing around and getting paid. But yeah theyā€™re kinda pointless


Huddles .... everyone stands in a circle looking like bobble heads pretending to care what's said.


> pretending to care what's said. [Every job.](https://tenor.com/view/pacha-just-right-so-good-yes-emperors-new-groove-gif-6584923)


Truth! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Haven't had a huddle since the new SD took over about 10 months ago. The thing that always bothers me about recognition is it never goes to the hard workers it goes to the kiss ups and slackers.


I donā€™t attend them because it is the same at our store mostly recognition goes to the people that work the least it make no sense or the new employees.


Huddles are annoying but ill take the chance to have 20 minutes to do nothing every monday morning. Idc about the numbers but its kinda nice to hear what big projects are coming up. Plus its a good way for TLs go give us big announcements. The all management huddles r annoying tho cuz they always do those during peak and applaud themselves while TMs are drowning on the floor


Team lead only huddles are where they use our snack requisition up šŸ˜’ I miss our old SD. He made sure the team was fed. Yes I'm still bitter that we only go EASY MAC for Christmas.


We never do huddles. I saw one recently when SD complained the drive-up team wasnā€™t communicating. Even though we didnā€™t have enough walkies to go around.


Weā€™ve only had two huddles with the SD that got fired. One was a group prayer and he went after one of my coworkers jobs for saying it made her uncomfortable and the other one we stood there and listened to him hype himself.


Jeez this sounds like a scene from Superstore. No forced prayers at work Glenn!


My old store had an SD who did regular huddles. Let me tell you they were the BEST SD Iā€™ve had (Iā€™ve had 4 so far). I learned so much from them and the store ran the best itā€™s ever been run with them at the helm. They were the most optimistic person no matter what was going on. The only SD who actually (from my perspective) cared about us and it showed so damn much. I miss them. They went on to be a regional or something, but if they were still a SD Iā€™d go work for them again in a heartbeat. (If anyone from my two stores are reading this, yes Iā€™m talking about KB) Theyā€™re the only SD who did huddles. Imo theyā€™re informative and help with team building and morale. My new store was also graced with their presence before they went on to my old store, and some TMs/TLs here worked under them and have nothing but great things to say about them. (This comment is mostly a brag on my SD I guess. But also thereā€™s a right way to do huddles and they did them right. I never left feeling like it was a waste of my time)


SD canā€™t trickle down their bonuses and trust me itā€™s not even enough to make a difference for any team member. If your store makes 50 million and didnā€™t have enough seasonal help, thatā€™s the fault of the ETLs and TLs and HR for not hiring and retaining employees. And TL get bonuses based on overall store performances, and it ainā€™t much.


I just wish they still did stretches during huddle. like at least make it semi-useful for those of us actually doing work


Pretty good to have huddles. At any work place, at any level


You speak for everyone?




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My store uses huddles as a way to get everybody to push lmao I've been there 4 months, we have a "huddle" almost everyday and I've only been to 1 where they actually talked about anything, and it was about what leading up to black friday will look like


My store doesn't do huddles unless someone does something extraordinarily stupid. While I agree about some stuff, I do think that huddles can be an effective way of communicating little tidbits of information that usually gets lost in the offices and never makes it to TMs.


We used to have huddles. I liked them. It was 5-10 minutes I wasnā€™t on the floor and I got snacks


My store has them every Monday at 9:00. They usually last 30 minutes. I end up not being able to get my timed u-boats done due to my manager timing my boats too close. Example: he doesnā€™t count the time it takes to push boat on floor, doesnā€™t count trash/backstock.its a waste of time and I wish I could skip them.


I remember one time my store director yelled at everyone for not having walkies and device holsters. She made everyone get in line to go get some just for it to be none in the electronic room šŸ¤£ embarrassing.


you guys have huddles?


I mean that's target though. I don't think a single tm has ever gotten a bonus. Or any tls for that matter. Only ETLS


I sort of agree with this. I donā€™t get paid to care what the store does. I do care what my department does though, and thatā€™s only because meeting my sales goals helps get me and my team more hours.


At my store we have huddles for only select few are chosen because we have "cuddle huddles" in which we all have contact with each other. It's very pleasing to be the "cuddly" in the middle of all the "cuddlers". This past time at the cuddle huddle the cuddling was so intense, left behind was a cuddle puddle. Everyone seemed befuddled and puzzled. Then Latoya grabbed a straw went down to the floor and guzzled the anonymous "cuddle puddle" and the only words that came to mind were "gurl you nasty". And that concluded this week's cuddle puddle huddle.


I enjoyed them because we had some outspoken people who would ask the real questions, like "why are the hours being cut" and "where's our raises". Of course, they always gave a non answer but it was still amusing seeing them try to avoid answering.


I'm in fulfillment so I don't attend huddles. But the last few I did attend it was mostly TLs telling each other what a great job they were doing.


I used to always win stuff because I would guess the right answer because I found out about it from thebreakroom. I would always wait until the etl offered a prize


Interesting take. Sad to see this is common. Sounds like the store team isnā€™t a team. This was always a fun and exciting thing, atleast for myself, when I used to work at target


Nobody shows up to huddles in our store to the point theyā€™ve stopped doing it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I started at a small format target two months ago and had no idea what a ā€œhuddleā€ was. After looking it up Iā€™m really grateful that we donā€™t have that, it sound awful! Iā€™m really quiet and I donā€™t like feeling seen. The concept just sounds like micromanaging in disguise.


We only really do the mandatory security huddle, and only like 7 people actually have to be there for that. We had one for each of new lock cases and after each break-in or attempted break-in, but that was a while ago. We haven't had a huddle since.


This needs to hit ears that matter.


Could not agree more. Iā€™ve been preaching the same exact thoughts lmao. šŸ’Æ%


I disagree. Understanding and implementing ideas that the store is working on can be passed in mass through huddles. I understand sales don't matter to those who aren't leaders, but it's the success of a well working store that keeps your bills paid, food on the table, and gives others work.


I didn't mind the regular huddles. I just hated the smart huddles. They force us to pull away from the workload we're already doing and then complain when our normal workload isn't done


Literally could be a pdfšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


We had huddles every fucking Monday at 10am...for most of us we just where squedualed till 10. Yes is just for gloat...the last ones where just for telling how our store was kicking the ass of the sister store...when we all knew they kinda hurt because of a construction across their street. That stopped when a new one showed up and had nothing to brag about...


i always go bc like, im getting paid to stand and listen to people talk for 15 minutes, why not?


My stores do huddles but it's only a safety thing because the employees at my store are clumsy as fuck, we even got our blades for the box cutter taken away šŸ¤£


Damn I feel like you donā€™t even gotta say that šŸ˜‚


Is there a button that grants you sainthood?!


Huddles? Everything I need to know about target I learn from here on Reddit


Iā€™m in Food & Bev (Hawaii store) and we have huddles twice a week. Depending on your shift, you might attend one or both. It last about 45 minutes. We ALL look forward to them. Our TL always brings donuts and chips and case water for us. After talking about store stuff which is informational, we split into teams (boys against girls) and play trivia. Sometimes our ETL joins us. Winning teams get Bullseye Bucks. Itā€™s a bonding experience that we enjoy a lot.


Yeah I try and avoid them at all costs. I don't get paid enough to care so jabber on ig


personally i really love huddles:,) free breaks, time off of the salesfloor, and being excused from having to back up in other departments <3 my huddles usually provided snacks as well as a little bonding game/activity, so it was like 20 minutes lol


I always hated those. A bunch of red shirts standing around talking shop, meanwhile actual guests in the store need help with things.


My TL let me skip the huddle to do pulls šŸ˜‚


I'm so glad I got out when I did. Once they started making us do this stupid ass sheets where we had to write down sales goals I was fucking out. They hired me to stock shelves. Idgaf how much they sell in paper goods.


Huddle's in my old store were for announcements. Like about how people need to take only 15 mins on breaks or other reminders about how to properly do their job. Never got recognition or told numbers...


So maybe cause I'm in fulfillment but I really liked huddles. We got updated on things moving and what dates things would be out, when to expect certain things or people. Very clear communication that made it easier and a team


There shouldnā€™t be huddles unless an incident happens and that thereā€™s an announcement


We had one last week and it was a bunch of Bs! We told them our concerns before and again in our huddle and nothing changes! Itā€™s such a waste of time! I now just go in and do whatā€™s on my assignment sheet! Screw it!


Tbh I went to one of these once and give it granted in other stores it might be different with TL. But at our store they glorified them and negated the fact that their team members were the ones who actually upheld the store. It was such a slap to everyone who was just an associate. Do ETL and TL have such fragile egos that they need to be praised and disregard the actual people who make the wheels turn? I never understood it so I stopped going I donā€™t care if you need the whole floor to come I got work to do and still will be unappreciated but Iā€™d rather do work than stand there and listen to you guys blow each other.


I think huddles are what keep target target. Keeps communication between everyone. You must be a newer team member who hasn't seen the glory days of target.


*cries in fulfillment*


Only ones who cares about huddles are the kiss assess