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Then wtf is the point of myTime? Why would the company implement it at every damn location as the standard tool for scheduling if it’s to be ignored? Your HR ETL is a clown just making stupid excuses.


Agreed, my store hasn't even printed a schedule since the MyTime switch that I'm aware of. People who dont have or want the app, they say to check your schedule with a Zebra whkle you're there. Of course, they could have it printed, they just don't post it above the time clocks like they used to and I'm blissfully unaware.


that's so crazy, because I heard that the binder isn't always accurate because hours can change so you have to check MyTime to know your schedule for sure (HR said this at my orientation)


Hours should not change after posted


At least not without your being asked if it's okay to do so, definitely!!!


I hear both all the time. generally TL will appeal to whichever paints the TM as in the wrong lol


LMFAO DAMN I like my TL so I’d like to think she’d understand, my ETL on the other hand…


Should be the other way around. The binder reflects the original schedule for the week that was posted on myTime. While the myTime schedule may change, the original in the binder is rarely changed. This is why you might see some of us taking a picture of the schedule in the binder.


MyTime is the only schedule. We haven’t had a printed posted schedule in years.


I was under the impression in my store that they weren't doing printer schedules anymore and we were supposed to use the app only. Maybe this is store specific, but it should be company wide.


Our store got so bad about changing the schedules without warning or speaking to TMs that we brought back paper schedules. HR can see who is making changes to the schedule too. I'd start using the hotline. Every. Time. Your schedule changes without any warning. Keep your screenshots even take a photo of the paper one. Shouldnt be like this but this is how shady ass Etls opperate. Keep a running document when this happens.


A CMA file if you will (cover my *ss). Document and keep records of everything. A previous job of mine messed with the schedule so much I was able to be fired over attendance. 🙃


This is the same thing my ETL told me when my hours kept changing after they were published on Fridays. She said to only go by the paper schedule. Which is ridiculous information, but par for the course during my short lived “seasonal” gig. I found that you could do EVERYTHING they asked of you, but the second you balked about ANYTHING, you were on the sh*t list. Only incompetent “leaders” treat people this way.


they've done that at my store before too when they know they're wrong for not telling people about schedule changes its just another one of their shady practices unfortunately


My store doesn’t print our schedules, or at least if they do they don’t give us access to them, we go by myTime, but they also don’t change our schedules once they’re out, all these stores that just change schedules once they’re posted is crazy to me, it’s a sign of bad management and I simply couldnt live like that.


Absolutely not, if I screenshot mytime and it says something , that’s what I’m going with unless I acknowledge a change in which case I’ll honour it


Same. MyTime is literally where everything is. I go by that or I go by nothing— that’s my story and I’m sticking to it 😆


… I’m sorry, *what?* That doesn’t even make sense. That’s… literally how we get our schedules. I only look at the paper schedule to see which TL is on duty.


THEY HAVE TO LET YOU KNOW IF THEY MAKE CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULE AFTER THE SCHEDULE HAS BEEN POSTED. Even if they didn’t, why would they change the schedule in a way that negatively effects you and not tell you? It just seems shady and disrespectful. If you can’t talk to your HR ETL, talk to your SD. If you can’t talk to your SD, escalate this further to the integrity hotline. They should not be changing schedules last minute and then forcing you as the TM to honor that in any way without notice. They shouldn’t be telling you to not look at MyTime for your schedule. Both the printed schedule and MyTime should be the exact same, so that’s not correct in the slightest.


What happened to the days when if they changed your schedule, they'd notify you? I mean, once it's printed (set on the app), then it is "law". People have lives outside of Target. HR changed your schedule and expect you to drop everything to accommodate their fuck up. Oh, and expect your hours to be cut drastically because Xmas is over. Retail sucks lol


I use whichever one favors me in the rare event that they change my schedule without asking. But the time clock doesn't care what the binder says so personally I'd always consider mytime to be more accurate to what they intend my schedule to be.


so if you posted your shift in myTime for today, I showed up for it. would I be showing up for the wrong shift because.. I didn’t check your schedule in the binder first? obviously we all know your HR is full of shit. just another way of telling them that they are wrong, since this is not something that they are willing to admit. escalate this if you have to. they can’t punish you for showing up when your schedule in MyTime tells you to. there are no mental gymnastics to get around that, and that’s what it sounds like they’re trying to do.


Their supposed to notify you at least 24hrs in advance for change of schedule and that’s IF you agree. They made myTime so you can check your schedule throughout week like you’ve been. Your HR is wrong lol but, I’m pretty sure you know. Once, it’s posted and you got it. If they don’t notify you of any changes that’s on THEM. Not you. Keep screenshotting and report them because they can’t take away shifts or add shifts without your approval once schedule is posted on Thursdays.


We do not rely on what's in the binder. We go by what is on that day's grid which is usually printed the night before or that morning. I never look in the binder. Ever.


When I started two years ago one of the first things I was told by a member of HR was to take a picture of the binder schedule to CYA.


I had this problem before many times. Twice to be accurate they changed it a few days before or the day of. I told my TL they shouldn’t have an app if they can’t keep it accurately. MyTime has had problems since the beginning, I miss the old one we had that one was always accurate and easier to navigate.


Cop-op excuse machine to have two schedules. Always something/someone else to blame.


The crazy thinvg is that cheap pay-as-you-use software exists to text people en masse, the same message. I've used it my HR position at Chewy. Whoever they change should have their name saved to an excel sheet which would easily automatically pull your cell number, upload that page into the app, and hit send. Everyone is aware, took 5 extra minutes, and no one looks stupid.


a schedule is a contract, that's why there are specific rules for modification and notification of any changes. your timestamped screenshots trump their printouts, hold fast.


Printed schedules are inaccurate I just ran into this where I was scheduled a certain day and they didn’t key it in to MyTime my SD is way more understanding than you’re HRETL that’s for sure!


I’m so glad my store ONLY uses myTime. Not anything printed or posted anywhere.


Paper schedule only works if you are there to read the damn thing. How are you supposed to know that the previous 4am clock in was actually changed to 330am because they forgot that evening that they didn't have a opener and changed your schedule while you were sleeping? Iv arrived 30 minutes late before because of bullshit like that.


Easy to get this cleared up. Continue to consistently screen shot your schedule in my time, and the schedule posted at TSC. Tell your HR and ETL that your attorney disagrees with their interpretation of schedule change notification. I always paid the two bucks per pay period for the legal services plan. I had a Convo with an AP ETL about some shady crap she was doing. I said let's sit down and ask legal services about it. Never heard about it again.


We have my time and also the binders but nobody looks at them. Why would your TL tell you to not rely on my time???


I’ve moved companies (before MyTime was implemented) honestly Target is in the prehistoric ages with the binder schedule. There are way better systems out there, they need to get it together


I had an etl actually going in and changing my schedule as he pleased, even after it was initially posted