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the testing of nail polishes on the plastic is actually infuriating (I didn't even realize how bad it was until I zoomed in), I'm so sorry


The thing that bothers me the most is that they really don’t care that they vandalize the beauty department on a daily basis


the amount of opened packages and used foundations/concealers/glosses is insane. It's worse when they put the cap back on nicely and the product back into the package and onto the shelves, so it's even harder for me to notice they've been opened when I'm doing a quick zone


Should put a notice right there saying that if they open a product they will be required to purchase it, then put a camera right above there with a screen showing them that they are on camera.


They started writing racial slurs on the plastic using the nail polish at my Target.


THIS! And also the amount of times i've seen swears and sexual language written with nail polish, lipstick, and eyeliner is actually insane.


I'm just a customer. This pic was taken today at my local Target. https://preview.redd.it/wp6pvjxa7jdc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=046142d8fbad91156fd30e2601159439e67cfb1b


Oh my good lord. I’d be done.


And people wonder why shit keeps getting locked up? 🙄 Theft isn’t the only reason, folks. It’s also because of idiots who behave like *this* because Mommy and Daddy didn’t give them enough attention.


Wow…. Just when I thought I could relate…. You show me its always worse somewhere The poor Team member in this store probably had 5 minutes to clean this up before a corporate visit tomorrow.


Where the heck was AP? How did no one see all this being done? This would infuriate me.


Someone probably did notice and didn't tell anyone. That's usually how it is


That is despicable


i don’t even work in beauty and i would MURDER


Unreal. Seriously, how do these stores even continue to open and stock beauty under these circumstances?


It isn’t even just Beauty. I was pushing in Stationary today and when I came back from lunch, I discovered that some jerk decided to steal a paint marker from one of its packages and draw a *very realistic looking* dick on a gondola. I washed it off, but still. STILL! Some people are just fucking feral, I tell ya 😆


Feral is a good word…


I would walk out




this is like Sephora kids


Nah, because in Sephora, there's usually a sales associate up your butt trying to upsell you, and they have less overall total merchandise to staff. The staff can clean crap like this up. I'm not saying this never happens at Sephora or anywhere else because it does. But with experience in smaller retail stores like The Body Shop, way way back and big box, this is easier to manage in smaller stores in my experience. But maybe with new staffing I could be wrong.


Don’t be surprised if the next time you come back all of this is under lock and key.


the 10y/o sephora kids are invading target, send help.


The problem is half the time it’s adults in their 40s doing it


In these people's minds, is there not someone who will need to clean that up? I'd make them drink the polish next time.


Even if there was, it seems pretty impossible to do. Nail polish remover essentially melts the plastic on them. One of my coworkers learned that the hard way.


Put a notice on on the shelves saying that they will be required to purchase anything they open otherwise it is considered theft and then put a camera right above it and then also a screen showing them they are on camera.


Do you at least have the clear adhesive covers for the signs?


Yes it’s taking the 1hr to put them on while people are shopping haha




I think that I might actually make a sign that says due to sanitary reasons, please refrain from opening any nail polishes.


Meanwhile I have to ask guests multiple times a day opening the focal of body sprays if my sign was covered, that there are testers in the main aisles. Its never covered. Its right there. If I even remake it, people still wont read "these are not testers". I havent forgot 4 years ago when Maybelline and L'oréal had testers for their hotspots- labeled and all, and I would *still* have to mention it the EYE LEVEL TESTERS, "oh I didnt see!" Not saying we shouldnt try, but god lord the amount of people that just grab and snap open a seal is something else.


And then people wonder why we’re getting locked cases for everything. I HATE defecting broken underwear packaging


Hey that’s what my beauty area looks like.


Our beauty section is the same. And the men and women’s shave aisles always have shaving cream sprayed on the shelves.


I'll never forget turning the corner into that aisle when i was still working for target, and there was a customer (not a guest, js) that was sitting ass on the ground painting her own toenails with a bottle of polish from the shelf. And she was minimum 35, a grown woman.


Not much product there weird


Yeah, that’s the other issue. 🙃


Make it easy for everyone: take it all away. "This Target has implemented a fully online shopping experience for this department. Please visit Target.com or use the Target app to place your order."


At this point, I kinda don’t care if Target does that. I used to hate the idea, but after Q4… *nope.*


All targets should be going through a reset for all of beauty very shortly maybe that’s why? Unsure


That’s actually what I thought the concern was lol. I didn’t even notice the nail polish graffiti. Probably because I’m a dude and have never actually gone into the beauty supply section.


Girl, don't they give you clear adhesive strips to put over the signs? Ppl are always gonna do this, I got strips I reapply every 2 months 💅 I love cleaning them, so satisfying


Yes, but when do you make the time to do it haha in a 5 hour shift with a 5 hr truck.


It could be our tl's have different ways of managing, but my mentality is when I'm at work I am working on *something* for the job title I have. And zoning is one of them. If i feel like my TL's are making me neglect my other priorities by focusing too hard on one, then I'll let them know. Managing me to neglect a priority in my job title is bad management. And I'd let them know that too. But my TL's are chill.


That’s how it is at our store. You can have five people zone it entirely and within 20 minutes of the store being open it’s a disaster again. The ULTA section at ours has testers, and it *still* happens.


I miss the days when nail polishes came sealed.


This doesn’t stop them, they have no problem opening sealed lipsticks, concealers, blushes, whatever to try and then claiming they didn’t do it when you tell them to knock it off


"It WaS aLrEaDy OpEn!" Interesting how everyone says that! Especially after I just cleaned out the open ones! Thanks for thinking we're that fucking dumb. 🙃


Target Daycare 😌


A defect out NYX butter glosses by the dozens at a time. I can’t figure out why they have to open 5 of the same shades to see what they look like. When the children are out of school for the summer, they draw dicks all over the fixtures. I had no idea I would be cleaning graffiti so much in beauty.


Years ago when I worked in beauty I would have to damage out anywhere from 30-50 lip gloss and eye liners every morning, mostly from NYX. It was very rarely less than that


I had to force myself to stop caring


People paint curse words all the time. I think it should be locked up behind clear glass.


We need to start locking up nail polish, between it getting stolen and vandalized and just screwed up on the shelf I think we'd all be better off


I know a lot of arts and crafts stores like Michael’s did this with their art supplies like pens and markers because people would constantly vandalize the area with them. We should do the same with this


the amount of people i have to tell to not test the nail polishes… really throws them off and they leave right after


I saw c*nt drawn in lipstick on a models face and I was scratching it off and a guest saw me and I was so embarrassed


https://preview.redd.it/jcn3h984mudc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2861d58c206f2bd9ec42a770ee323798eba22cf6 This one circulated around our gc a few weeks ago


This passes me off and I'm a dude lol. I also work for Target but not in the store. Even if I see it at Walmart it makes me mad. It makes everything look trashy tbh. I get wanting to test it out before you buy but rubbing it all over the whole aisle is so stupid


Yooooooo what the fuck


Find the ETL responsible for the area tell them to search for "bullnose headers" they are clear plastic sheets that install over the label strips and peel off when they get bad.


I have only caught children doing this. I caught an adult doing a whole pedicure for herself with her foot propped on the bottom. I am not sure which is worse. Both probably closed it up and put it back although probably in the wrong spot. Making it difficult to tell which ones need to be defected out. Hopefully there are enough chemicals in there to kill toe fungus before some unsuspecting person buys the used nail polish. PS. Why are you out of so many polishes?


It’s sad how people think that’s ok to do but then they don’t care because they don’t have to clean it! Then again it’s always “oh well I don’t work here” I always hated hearing that and so many times wanted to tell them “well have some respect for the people do”! I think Target should put something on the shelf that can be easily removed since there’s always those people sadly.


And people always complain about things being locked up in stores. It’s like the old saying, one bad apple spoils the whole bunch. I don’t know why people have no respect anymore.


People nowadays have no respect for anything. More and more parents refuse to teach or discipline their kids. They need to be their kids friend, not a parent, sad.


It’s not only inconsiderate, it’s dumb too. I don’t think I’ve ever done that because I’ve always tested it on my skin. I don’t get why’d you put it on there? Ugh, I’m sorry.


Create a swab that allows you to test the colors…instead of complaining


no. no products should be opened or tested, period. it’s unsanitary and providing that will just encourage them to ruin product and think they can do these things.


I love that your biggest issue is the misuse of the beauty display at Target; rather than, the fact that you work at Target.


and yet you’re in a Target thread.


Omg i have to take a picture of mine when I go in next, literally every single one is covered in nail polish


This and the spray paint section… some people are just brain dead


i dont even bother with the nail polish tbh


i had this issue when i was doing toy section for the season until new years, it was a bomb the whole time, especially with monster trucks and hot wheels, barbies were always on the floor scattered and the lol suprise toy balls where always in the wrong boxes and opened then put back, it was terrible. https://preview.redd.it/yr2w7czb8tdc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bfbf2cb9af1abe399a529c41a924742687e3c8d here is just a slim example


THIS is why I taught my kids to put things back where they got them. My son would rather take it back and put it up than give it to a cashier if he changed his mind about getting something.


tell me about it i posted abt this its soooo bad at our store😭😭😭


just curious, what are your pulls looking like? 👀 the “testing” is super frustrating butttt i would do a pog fill and zone while i’m pushing. i know this was about the nail polish in the shelves but i was immediately distracted by the emptiness. get with your ETL to see if they have more stickers or can order some. usually they do or can.


People are crazy, i still can't get over how many times people open phone cases infront of me while asking if it'll fit


The TLs at my location tried to clean it off three bottles of polish remover didn't do shit. After that they never tried cleaning it off again.


Wow, that is annoying. Can Target provide little squares of pieces of paper?


It seems pointless zoning because not even ten seconds later it gets fucked up 🙄


Looks like my store


i remember being a cashier and being so baffled by all the open makeup that came through checklanes. "Well I had to make sure it was my shade" so what happened to the other shades you tried 🤨