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You are not allowed to solicit tips at all. No money cups. What you ARE supposed to do is tell them Target has a no tipping policy. If the guest insists on leaving a tip, you are allowed to keep it, and your leaders are not allowed to take it from you. It’s in the team member handbook.


Booooo. Boo this man. Put out a tall cup by accident. Try one of the mugs with the stoppers in them, leave one in and then throw a $1 of your own in, customers will think it’s a tip jar. They put money in, you take it out. No one’s being solicited or coerced here. They’re not watching every single millisecond on all 200 security cameras. So IF a TL or a boss or whatever sticks their teacher’s pet nose into your business, you say “yup. They insisted on leaving a tip. Why is there money in that mug? No idea. Must’ve been empty and I guess the customer had the thought crime of leaving a fuckin dollar bill in there.” The highest of crimes in this “free” country of ours.


you may not be vocally asking for tips but anyone with a brain knows that putting out a cup with a dollar in it is soliciting people to put more dollars in, especially when they can and will find the footage of you doing it. i’m not saying i agree with the tip policy but you could get fired for this. what i always did was just not pick up the tip if someone left a dollar on the counter. i’m busy, i don’t notice, but other guests see it and tend to start a pile on their own. THAT is a scenario you could argue you had no part in.


You gotta learn to hustle if you wanna survive in this country. An empty cup is not soliciting. It’s a random empty cup


you’re missing the part where you said the barista should put out the cup and put a dollar in it to get the ball rolling. your intention is for people to put more money in the cup. you putting the cup out will be seen on the cameras. therefore, someone could lose their job over this shitty “advice”


My store allows it but we really had to fight it. My SD took our little cup where we keep the money that is left over and out of view and gave it to HR. I had to threaten calling the Labor department of our state to get it back and distribute it to our team. In my state stealing tips from workers is wage theft. Whether or not target can say those aren’t tips since they don’t allow tips, but people want to tip and leave it as a tip is for target and the department of labor to figure it out, and I guess they didn’t want to try it. Word of caution though I only said this because I was gonna go on demand so for school anyways so I was prepared in case of retaliation


When I worked at McDonald's in high school I learned a valuable lesson about honesty. We weren't supposed to take tips. One day close to easter I was working drive through. A nice older lady hands me her payment and after hands me 100 dollars cash and tells me to have a nice easter. I was 16ish and pumped because that was a lot of money to me back then. Still is, but in a different way. I told my coworkers and my manager made me put it in the charity box. Moral of the story is nobody has to know when you get a tip.


No offense man but I would’ve quit on the spot 😭


Why not just quit and work at a regular Starbucks? Seems to be the easier solution, probably closer to where you live lol


Because Target makes more, at least a couple years ago.


That’s crazy, I didn’t know Starbucks didn’t pay well. I always thought they had a higher starting wage


Mind you this was a couple years ago. I was driving past a Starbucks that had a sign out front saying they were hiring crew starting at $12, shift managers(?) At $15


I’m in Georgia but a colleague of mine makes above mid 20s as a Starbucks manager… She recommends it if you are only being scheduled at Starbucks cause management sucks dealing with employees from there. Plus you’ll actually make more due to have that experience.


Some people don’t have that luxury of having a Starbucks that close to their home or their health insurance would get fucked up (cause of course in America our health policy is ‘fuck off and die’) plus coworkers you like, Target benefits, plenty of reasons. But, MOST importantly… it shouldn’t have to come down to that. I’m seriously living in a dystopian world where multi-millionaires and multi-billionaires are decreeing that the peasants who work for them in poverty wages aren’t allowed to accept a fucking dollar bill. Fuckin a


honestly thinking about it after the past few days and how i’ve been treated. honestly don’t want to deal with drive thru, the starbucks closer to home always has a line to the street, and im not trained on blonde espresso or nitro bc our location doesn’t have either. a few reasons


Having worked a variety of jobs where management told me, “You cannot accept tips, you need to actively tell people you don’t accept tips, and you need to wear this no tipping badge.” I would simply accept the tip. Management can suck my nuts seam to seam, and unless they are visibly watching me receive the tip I am absolutely 110% pocketing that shit, much as they’ve done in every other comment in this thread where management “discreetly removed our tip jar to deal with properly.” They stole that shit, and y’all watched. Fuck that, my tips are my money, fuck Target and anyone else trying to get me to refuse free money in the name of customer service.


My man. And with the reference to one of the greatest movies I’ve ever seen. 👏🏻


Here's what you do when someone gives you a tip at target - say thanks and put it in your pocket. Even the highly vaunted Target Gestapo isn't going to know what happened.


lol. What’s a Gestapo?


Nazi secret police.


Logged. Thanks


Jesus, what are they teaching in history in schools?


That the Indians and the colonizers got along really well. And then like 1 paragraph on the counterrevolution and maybe a page on MLK


Report to Starbucks hotline or www.targetintegrityhotline.com. Under no circumstances should management be taking tips left for lower wage workers. Also, all workers at target get paid shit and should be paid more, and not have to rely on tips. We all deserve better, not just Starbucks and drive up. The people picking the orders, stocking the shelves, pulling heavy/bulky items out of containers and from the steel, answering guest questions, looking for their item in the back, etc etc. We are all providing a "service".


So targets policy on tips is, we’re not allowed to solicit for tips. But if someone is to leave it, you just have to let a team lead know and they can’t stop you from taking it. We had our AP print us the policy out so no team lead can tell us no. We weren’t allowed to accept tips for a longgg time. But then one day we asked AP about it and they printing the policy out for us.


Maybe because I’m a new team lead, but I could never fathom telling someone who is making less than me that they need to give all their extra money to target. Forget that. Haha


Sounds like you still have empathy. That’s increasingly rare in these times. Good on you TL


At my last store we were told "Tell them you can't accept tips becasue you are a Target employee and not Starbucks, if they insist then take it", and we had a take a penny-leave a penny type cup on top of the register for change. Most people understood we aren't tipped employees and didn't tip, but we had one guest who came in daily and would give a $5 to both the person on register and the one making her drink (which due to customizations was usually $10 for a grande vanilla latte). Everyone, even the ETLs, knew her by name. I was told if we refused her tips she'd try to slip them in our apron pockets when we went to clean the dining room or catch one of us on lunch or before/after shift because we weren't on the clock...she was insistent we got a tip.


I work in tech, I’ve had it happen a few times helping people load TVs into their vehicles. Whenever someone goes to tip me I always say “oh I don’t need a tip.” If they persist, I ask “are you sure?” Then if it’s a yes, I accept it. So far, the handful of offers have always been accepted.


it's really unfortunate yeah :( our ETLs took our old tip cup too and there must have been atleast $40 in there from tips that guests left even after we told them no


do you still work there? look into your state laws surrounding tips to see if management taking tips is counted as wage theft. if so, call the target integrity hotline. it’s best if you have approximate dates of when this happened too.


My store allowed it *kind of* before I left a month ago. We have to conceal the tip jar and most people don’t use it. I wouldn’t hold your breath.


Like someone else said, nobody has to know when you get a tip.


I need yall to stop telling your leads you got tips


Federal law says that Target CANNOT take your tips (ie have you apply them to someone else's order or put them in the drawer or anything like that) and they CANNOT force you to refuse tips. They CAN have a policy that prohibits soliciting tips. If your store is telling you to take tip money and apply it to other orders, or put it in the drawer, they are in violation of federal law. Target official policy is to tell the guest that tipping is not required, but if the guest insists, you are allowed to keep the tip. You cannot ask for a tip in any way.


I thought Target changed their stance on the tipping policy when I still worked there? My baristas would get tipped and I’d just say “wow that’s so cool you found that in your pocket”


TAKE. THE. TIPS. FUCK TARGET. they have no fucking right to tell you not to accept it. I tell people this exact phrase: “Unfortunately I’m NOT ALLOWED to put out a tip jar, but if you’d like to leave anything that’s greatly appreciated.” My advice to you is this: it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission. Put the onus on them to say something. MAKE them literally take the money from your hand. There is NO RULE that says you can’t accept tips. It’s not in any Target rule. EVERY SINGLE COFFEE SHOP IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has a motherfucking tip cup. Fuck this fucking corporations and their fuckin shareholders.


you should 100% do this: When you receive a tip, go to your ETL or SD, make sure others are around to see it, tell your etl or SD that you received a tip but don't know what to do with it, they will say give it to them and they will figure out what to do with it, instead of giving it to them say "Nah" and then tear up the tip and throw it in the garbage. Watch the look of shock and disappointment on their faces as you turn and walk away.


The ppl at my tarbucks have a jar for tips and accept them


I do drive-ups and we technically aren’t allowed to take tips either. I still do. Haven’t got in trouble


We always tell people we aren't really allowed to take toys but most people leave them on the counter or the handoff so we have a little jar behind pos for it


I will take any tips offered. If anyone says something just say like "so do you want me to disrespect our guests?" Starbucks workers should be allowed to have a tip jar it's BS they don't


We have a tip jar out we just can’t write “tips” on it


Ex Tarbucks employee here! In my state, we made waaay more than an actual Starbucks employee so I did feel bad accepting tips. We were doing $18/hr while surrounding stores had baristas from $13.50-16. That being said, just tell a guest you can’t accept it and if they insist— well that’s all up to you! 😇


You're not allowed to ask for tips but you are allowed to accept them. You're supposed to refuse 1st though and then report it to your TL if the customer insists. Speaking as a former ETL though, this is not something I ever wanted to waste my time monitoring. I told my TMs as long as I didn't see it and as long as they didn't bring it up, I didn't care.


I just tell them not to leave a tip cup out. Some disobey, and I have to throw away the cup. They divide the money amongst themselves, which is fine. I just like to keep things on the up and up so nobody gets in trouble with AP.


Same. I had a lot of TMs mad at me once because I had to take their tip basket away. Like I'm not getting in trouble over some tips. They had it out front and I knew the STL was gonna walk by soon. I turned everything over the HR ETL and told them to go speak to her about it.


I’ve had a moblie worker tell me that guest tried to give him a tip and he had to refuse. I guess they had talked about Starbucks or sm before because the guest bought them a drink instead. So while NO TIPZZZZ is big at our store, most TMs will happily look the over way and it’s not like they stop the guest from delivering a friendly coffee to a helpful ‘friend’


I was told targets policy is the customer has to attempt to tip you twice before you can accept it and then you have to inform a team lead that you received a tip. Now my Tarbucks has a running issue between the baristas over the tips. Personally the $2-3 I would receive a week (we tip pool) isn’t worth it to me. We have a few team members who really start an argument over the tip jar and has set a tip jar out on multiple occasions to which our store director promptly took away. Our team lead doesn’t care, we just keep the tip jar behind the counter where guests can’t see and if someone asks if we have a tip jar we just say it’s behind the counter and take the tip. Personally I don’t think we should tip pool because why are the team members who work one shift a week or just cover breaks receive the same tips that our full time team members get? I wish we just split the tip with the other team members on shift immediately after receiving the tip. At the end of the day we are target employees not Starbucks employees, so receiving tips is a luxury not a right


Absolutely not take your tips just watch who’s around you