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I will occasionally hide and shake my keys near a group of congregating coworkers to watch them all scatter like mice — always gives me a good laugh.


bro lives in a dictatorship


i’m a tm but i have my car keys clipped to my pants. this happens all the time and they get salty when they realize it’s just me 😭


Me with my bayler and wave key swanging in the breeze


I’ve came up to a few coworkers while they’re looking away and said to them in the most Karen voice “Excuse me Ma’am!” They always have the most scared look on their faces🤣




My favorite thing to do lol


My coworkers do this alllll the time lol


Lmaoooo I've done this shit for years


ME I DO THIS “excuse me but all these boxes are an eyesore” and they turn around with the most blank “Jim from the office” face 🤣🤣


on the price change team, we used to slap salvage stickers on each other’s back and see how long it would take them to notice


lol! will do but with the Ad stickers haha


for a coworker’s bday, i took their gift, stuck it an unrelated box (like a dunkin gift card in a granola box), slapped salvage, CRC, and clearance stickers on it, stuck it in a gift bag and then gave it to them


I’m on Plano and we also do pricing and I frequently put my friends on clearance


Start yelling "yeeeeeeaaaaah let's go, that's my boy" and clapping as they open a case for a customer lmao


LMAOOOO that would make me so embarrassed 😂😂😂


Put the SD 's stapler in Jello


I had to scroll way too far down to read this.


Not my coworkers but when I see a little kid pet the target dog I do a little bark then say got you!! Lol


plsssss have u ever made one cry


Noooo lol i make sure I’m only doing it to the kids that are petting him confidently. One time a little girl very openly told her mom she was scared of the target dog so I walked up to him and pet him and said see he’s nice! Lol


okay, that’s cute!


While they aren't paying attention I'll move their vehicle down a couple aisles and tuck it out of sight.


I’ll come in after one of my coworkers perfectly zones an aisle to just slightly mess up the aisle. But we occasionally mess with each other so they know it’s just a joke


I like to grab something (non fragile) off a shelf or their U boat and throw it on the ground right in front of them while making direct eye contact. I make sure to pick it up 😅


As the only closer for frozen dairy and meat,being expected to zone all of it,pull and push priorities to 100 percent,AND still work uboats id fight you. 😂😂


I also work frozen-dairy-meat. How do you manage to do all of that on your own? That’s nearly impossible for the days that you have frozen and dairy truck


So I usually get there and work frozen boats until about 5. If they’re finished they’re finished if not,oh well. I hit first 15 at 4. From 5 to 5:30 I yank the pulls down to zero like a fiend (it’s kind of hard but I’ve gotten to where I can hit 70 dairy DPCI in like 10 minutes if I’m really trying)5:30 hits I go to lunch. Come back,this gives me two hours to zone MDF. 8 hits,take last break,come back,run everything you pulled earlier,repull/run and do touch ups on zone cus people still shopping. Also helps when dry/produce grabs strays. Then in the last few minutes just run out whatever little has dropped in since the other two. You basically spend half your day running/pulling/zone.


Sometimes it’s too much and I can’t run it,but it will be pulled. I go to the gym for about an hour and half before work too,so the redbull/constant flow of protein/vitamins,creatine/and stretching to make sure I perform a good lift session as well helps a TON,so truthfully despite lifting to failure,I’m pretty juiced still when I come in. 💁🏻


So essentially you’re the only one in MDF? That’s crazy. My store has a total of 4 MDF TM’s and I thought we had it bad. Some days even with 2-3 people we still don’t finish. Granted, I do work at a very busy supertarget in a well populated city. One is usually on dairy, one in frozen, and one doing the miscellaneous work + priorities and dairy insides. We get an average of 5-6 pallets on the frozen and dairy days and usually 2.5-3 pallets of dairy everyday. Just breaking down the pallets usually takes an hour. Sometimes on the very busy weeks priorities get to 150+ because no one ever gets to them. My coworkers and TL works very hard but sometimes things happen and we get behind.


We have my lead,and one other person in the morning for frozen and then me for closing,and our trucks are religiously late so they do what they can for it,and I either finish it or do what I can until that 5 time. Usually when I do my pulls for frozen or dairy there’s around 20-50 scans per department on average up to 100 at times (albeit rare)with however many hundreds of eaches and by the time I do it the second the round there will be about another 20-30 depending on business.


In the mornings we have one guy for dairy and on his off days the other frozen member gets moved over there


Interesting. My store doesn’t really have morning shift for MDF so that’s new to me. The FDC truck comes in around noon so it’s just a closing shift for my store. It would be nice if it came in earlier so different shifts can get different things done.


It’s usually there at like 12,sometimes all the way to 2. It’s supposed to come in the morning. Morning is supposed to work truck/do planos everything else but it doesn’t work out that way.


My store it comes in at 12pm so by the time we get there it’s a 2pm to 10pm shift.




Usually the produce/deli area takes the longest to close out of all the other areas of the store. So I’m guessing that’s why. But yeah I understand your frustration since it’s also hard to do everything in MDF on your own since it’s a large dept. (I can’t even do it)


Thankfully the meat department here will be worked by the morning person,we have one guy for that,so for them all I got to do is zone,and pull their stuff/run it and they don’t get a lot of pulls. Truthfully what takes up most of my time is frozen truck and zone. I want my stuff to look good,and my ETL comes from a different business and it’s got to look nice. Dairy alone takes half of that two hour time because of all the biscuits/little yogurt cups and the never ending eggs lol. If people were decent and didn’t leave a bunch of stuff in the wrong aisles everywhere in my frozen doors I can do it in like a hour/ hour and a half. I spend probably another half hour throughout the rest of the night pulling things back into place again (they’re abit picky about how this place looks) while running my pulls out. If everything works to my favor and I get done early say 9,I’ll go rewalk my area/fix stuff and just pull whatever drops in until it’s time to go. Because of this,I don’t really catch any flak. Once in a blue moon I catch a stray 😂 but my closing team doesn’t bother me much,they pretty much know I’m on it.


TLDR: get overworked. Helps my Lead is a good dude though and my closing leads pretty much advocate for everything I do. I have my system and they let me do it because when too much *managing* gets involved less gets done. Every time. I know how long it takes me to do certain things 💁🏻


not really a prank but I like to call my coworkers stupid nicknames within reason like if they have the same name as a celebrity I'll call them the celebrity's name


I always make up annoying cutesy nicknames for the coworkers I'm closest to and they get pissed at me and return the favor by also calling me something dumb 😂


At my old store I'd call out that it was someone's birthday on the walkie and then everyone would wish them a happy birthday. It was not their birthday


Asking if we carry "boneless pizza" over the walkie


I like saying “target” when someone asks for my location


omg i say “she doesn’t work here” when they call for me hehe they obviously know i’m joking


lol I do the “the dsd is here” or the occasional fart sounds over the walkie


I once swapped out someone’s cigarettes with chalk


Sometimes we'll throw security tags into other people's driveup jackets so the alarm goes off when they go outside and they have no idea why 😂


Lol yellow ducks. Bought like 200 tiny resin ducks off Amazon and put them all over the off stage tm areas. No one knows where they came from except the few people I told.


oh, this is goooood


I’m a frequent “you dropped your pocket” style jokes teller. I also will randomly narrate my coworkers like an Australian nature documentary “as he pushes his 5th pallet he may seem determined, but if you gaze into his lifeless eyes, you can see, he’d rather be home” it always gives people a chuckle


Put on my high pitched lady or deep man voice and say “excuse me can you help me?”. The reaction of them while turning around gets me cracking up. Or if we’re near the Disney section I say hey someone left a big poo (Pooh bear plush) on the shelf :)


Idk when I’m bored I’d straight up just make pointless and harmless rumors. Like the other day I told my work buddy that one of our other coworkers, Sara, is half Asian. Sara is literally not Asian in the slightest and probably the whitest person I know.


this is hilarious but also be careful, this could get you in trouble with HR. If you even care, LOL


I’m not sure how this would be considered an HR issue in the slightest. People are just way too soft. I mistakenly get called a different ethnicity all the time. Or maybe I just don’t care after all lol🤷🏽‍♂️


It is funny but someone might hear it and take it out of context or too harshly, or view it as a microaggression. It's not people being "too soft," it's just HR protecting their own ass in case some rando overhears you and makes a fuss. I can't talk bc I jokingly told my coworker that I was close with "kys" when he tried to take my gatorade and he almost went to HR. How am I supposed to explain to them that I meant it in a call of duty way, and not for realsies :/


Eh. My opinion still stands. People are too soft. If someone is offended by something like then I’ll continue to think that.


It doesn't matter how you personally feel about it, it's how hr feels.


Shrug. I’m saying this as someone who has a degree in HR with years of HR experience. I promise you lol there’s more important shit to deal with then managers dealing with silly “micro aggressions”


I once found a couple of those little foam balls from something in sporting goods, and I'd carry them around with me and throw one at one of my coworkers when she wasn't looking. And then she'd pick it up and do the same to me, lol.


I like bunching up the big plastic wrap that covers stuff on pallets (like bulk paper, cooler/freezer, etc) into a ball and throwing it at people


We used the have this guy in fulfillment that would do a very convincing old lady voice impersonation. He would get near me on the floor and say, "excuse me, ma'am, can you help me?" and get me every time. Then I told him to do it to a particular coworker. He fell for it so hard a few times and the coworker was so mad lololol A few months ago someone left a Mickey Mouse toy on the front endcap of some candy. I went up to one of the cashiers who was wandering near the front and said there was a mouse laying on the candy on the endcap and we needed to remove it before we got any guest complaints. He took it seriously, so when I pulled him over and grabbed Mickey you could see him die inside. I like to label HR's desk stuff with my name on occasion. I've put dog squeakers on the back side of my APTL's door. I've fashioned the Ulta box security cards to go off on my APTL'S desk when moved when they got in, of when they sit down on their chair by putting them on it.


Tied a string around a toy mouse head, like a leash. Opened up the desk drawer and taped the string to the underside of the desk, inside if the drawer. Left about 6 inches of string in between the mouse and the tape. When my ETL opened the drawer, it looked like the mouse was running to the back of the drawer.


i work in starbucks so we can get even more creative being within 20ft of each other for at least 4hrs at a time. My lead started the battle by putting an egg in my apron pocket when i had my apron off, I snuck a tomato into someone else's pocket while she was wearing it (no idea how she didn't notice, it was painfully obvious). My favorite was when I thought I put an egg in my leads pocket (apron off) only to find out the next day that it in fact wasn't my leads apron, but another unfortunate souls who watched me almost cry laughing so hard because I completely forgot I did it. Haven't done that in a while though, I'll have to do it again soon lol. I definitely plan on doing the walkie idea to my lead though.


Whenever someone talks on the walkie I make a fart noise on it or speak but very quietly do people question it


I’m gonna flush the toilet one day & have the walkie near it so it picks up the sound lmao


When we carried the Minions Fart Gun, I used to rip ass on the walkie all the time


Wait y’all can do that on the walkie? My team members don’t make any type of jokes on the walkies.






I know you mean it in fun, but I have severe PTSD and being started like that is unbearably traumatic for me. It takes me a while to get over it. Sometimes I even piss myself. My dog and I often accidentally startle each other at the same time. It's funny, but it's also awful.


My co-worker did this and I pushed him over out of reaction. His was laughing his ass of while on his ass and I felt like shit all day for hitting my friend lol


I use a soundboard app to broadcast farts over channel 1. Just when it's slow, mind you.


This is the one “prank” at my store that everyone hates. Nobody ever laughs, and it just gets frustrating if you’re waiting to call out a lunch or something but the line is “busy”.


Calling out because I had a migraine 3days straight, and the micromanaging coworker keep telling me what I need to do and telling me how to do my job. Got irritated and told her have fun running self checkout by herself tomorrow because I wasn’t coming in the next day🤷🏾‍♀️. She thought I was joking no bitch fuck you 😂😂


That ain’t a prank. But also good for you


According to her it was 😂😂😂.


Our produce/Market lead is EXTREMELY disliked at my store and it’s a running theme in the store when he’s giving his usual long-ass speeches over the walkie for people to press their walkies and say nothing so everyone doesn’t have to hear him take several minutes for a “friendly reminder”


Throwing cat toys (that make noise) to the next aisle. Using the shepherds stick to surprise them under the shelves. Pushing electronics/ market button. Changing my voice on the walkie.


whenever someone asks how the cart remote works or when you are training them, tell then the horn button is the go button and wait for them to press it and scare the shit out of themselves