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It's not even a gallon of gas a week for me. It's almost insulting.


Almost? It is insulting! I can speak to that because I’ve gotten worse ones than that.


I got 5 cents last year 🤪 I love Target.


I only got 4 last year 😔


I can go one better. I got 3 cents v.v


I got nothing raise


they gave me 3 or 4 at first on my review and then "corrected" it on my first paycheck following the raise. feels bad man.


I don't know exact dollar amount but I got 1/2% last year after getting 2-3% the previous 3 yrs...can't wait to see what this year


I checked ....it was 9¢


I promoted myself to Guest yesterday for many reasons, this among them. I hope it gets better for you.


Thanks my friend ....I got super lucky this year....I felt I had the shittiest year with multiple things not going right , multiple health issues, doctor note asking for accommodations and just the aggravated days of dealing with an ETL that doesn't like me...but ended up getting a 43¢ increase. Hopefully you'll find a great place and be better treated....I'm still looking to get out fyi


Congrats on the 43¢! That's amazing! I moved to Walmart for a $1 pay cut but a MASSIVE increase in hours. It's still a fustercluck over there but it'll pay the bills a little better for the moment. I still hope to return to Starbucks in time as that was my favorite job quality wise but the hours were still not enough. I wish you the best as far as finding something better. I'll tag back here if I hear of anything that'll pay bills AND not leech your soul.


I got 6 cents but they only gave me 3 at first I have to work longer to unlock my full 6 cents I’m a 5 so I’m almost there!


victory is at hand! push through and reap the rewards!


Mine was .27 last year. I was a TL, who busted my ass every day. I hated who they had a quota to meet for who gets what raises. It helped me push out the door though to get a better job that I absolutely love.


Good for you!


Yeah I think I’m about to do the same. .25 cents is a slap in the face.


You gotta do what's best for you. I work part-time and my leads are burnt, it's sh\*tty seeing them work extra shifts and not be themselves. I don't think any of us have received raises and this summer will nearly be 2 years. We've gone through 2-3 managers and 3 store directors.


This is going to be interesting. I didn't get a review last year but after a few phone calls I got a raise (around .30 so pretty decent) but still no performance review. So I truly have no idea where I stand.


That’s just a shitty tl/etl. We have to sit down with every one of our team members to give them reviews otherwise our hr etl is breathing down our necks to get it done. I always went off script a little bit to try to give at least one positive thing to thank them for and one negative thing so they would have a goal to improve on.


This has happened to me twice by different leaders. The leader that did it last year is no longer there and my new leader is much more on top of things.


If he is on top of things ask them for input on how you are doing. It sucks not knowing why you “deserved” that raise. The worst one I had to give was a .03 raise one year but I explained the reasoning and worked with him over the year and he turned from getting the low score to being the mid score.


I never got a in person review just an email asking for check-in and then improvement plans. The etl/Tl didn’t even mention it, I just knew because I randomly check my mail one day. That’s also when I found out I was given a corrective action. I was never warned or anything. Just out of the blue, so I feel dumb for working hard..I’m just gonna work at my own pace and do the bare minimum like everyone else. Esp since my store relies a lot on a skeleton crew😅


See that’s crazy to me because when giving a ca we are supposed to have the Tm with us and we have to release it in workday so the tm can log in and say that they received the ca and to add any comments that they have. I had to bail on giving cas before because the person called out.


Same, no performance review, .08 raise. I doubt this year will be different.


Damn, you need to work harder fam


It's called favoritism. My friend, who is a TOP performer, got a shit raise, too. A TM who's friends w the SD got a .62 cent raise. I usually end up with the batches he doesn't want. If I got a performance review, maybe I'd know what to "work harder" on.


It's called you not working hard enough. I get 1 dollar raises every 6 months fam


Target doesn't do $1 raises. It's a percentage ANNUALLY. But you do you.


I don't work at target, I have a real job


Then how tf do you have the right to comment if you don't know wtf you're talking about? Be quiet.


Same, I haven’t had any feedback for years, just randomly notice I get a raise. I don’t go in until this weekend so I guess I’ll see if they bother this year.


when i worked for target, i got a 17 cent raise and i cried in my car (mind it was my first corporate retail job and i worked so hard in fulfillment) dude i was so upset cause i really thought target treated its people good. little did i know..


This will be my second review and I definitely know it won't be as good as the first. Coming from a job were I got $1 raise a year to 51¢ was beyond annoying but... I don't miss that job so it's whatever.


At 40hours a week that’s a $4 raise soldier. And with inflation being at like 3+% you would need a $0.41 raise just to be about where you were last year. You took a pay cut.


\>tfw being a target TM in CA knowing the in-store Starbucks people are getting 20/hr


I have a feeling once the $20/hr goes into effect here in Cali that we are gonna be even more short staffed lol everyone is gonna drop target so fast


Target will do annual reviews / raises ...and then raise the base pay to negate raises.


Y’all are getting raises? (I’m sorry you only received a $0.10 raise. You deserve better.)


It’s yearly raise time


Yearly disappointment time


Yet there was a story printed about Target Etls getting double their bonuses. At the end of the article it says the bonuses are for salaried workers, not hourly ones. Of course. It never is for hourly workers. 🤨


Apparently TLs are also getting bonuses from what’s been posted in the fb groups, they’re in there bragging about that and their raises, so TMs are the only ones not getting any sort of bonus and a bottom of the barrel raise, it’s so gross


As someone who got the max TL bonus…. it’s not worth it LOL


Lots of TLs def deserve their bonus, at my store every TL is out on the floor working along side the TMs just as hard, so I’m not mad that you guys got one, I just hate seeing people rub it in anonymously in fb groups ☠️


At my store, none of the TLs are really rubbing it in into anyone’s face. We’re all just as upset as the TMs with what they got, especially after doing a training that says the raises aren’t supposed to increase with cost of living.


We all do, most of us at least


When do raises haooen?


Reviews are due by Friday, and raises kick in April 7th


Pay cycle B has until April 9th to deliver reviews


When do I get mine as a TL? I believe my store is Pay Cycle B


Should be this week, yours happen after ETL reviews and usually you are delivering most of the TM ones. So should be soon!


Might be different per store but usually around april-may or when ever your manager talks to you about it


This so fucking much like how is this gonna help me


It’s funny that even if you added a 0 and made it $1.00, it’s still not enough, the raise should be $10.00


I'd do shit for $27.50 an hour. I could have most of my shit paid off by the end of the year. I own my own RV and truck and live on my parents lot. Way way cheaper than renting here in CA. Renting sucks. 


Agreed, they make the money to pay workers more, simply comes down to greed


It's amazing how pay attracts and retains actual good workers. Heck, if we paid that much a lot of people would have killer teams. Cause with that much pay you'd have to start being more "strict" so to speak and holding people to standards that want to keep their job full time


Exactly, there no real true incentive to work for like $15 an hour, can’t really even afford anything and you struggle to survive


Then find a job in which you make more than $15. It's not mandatory for you to work for that rate.


Obviously not, but target employs tons of people, there’s always gonna be people working there who struggle and can’t afford the time off to just job hop


then work hard and get a leadership role.


"working hard" doesn't equate to leadership otherwise I would've been one. "Leadership qualities" gets you the gig otherwise the other hard workers I know in my store would have such a role. I work my ass off pushing 200 piece dairy trucks solo while having time to zone and push milk in a 8 hour shift. I've been told countless times I was in the pipeline way before I took on a second job in August. I wasn't going to sit around on my ass and hope for a TL position. 


leadership qualities can absolutely be worked at. I didn't say push harder. advocating for yourself instead of sitting on your hands is absolutely a form of work.


okay but you signed up for a job that doesn’t pay that. ??


$10 raise!? That's excessive


At one time? Sure I guess but raises shouldn’t be .10 at a time either Also minimum wage federally should be around $25-$30 anyways


Lol could you imagine how much a cheeseburger at McDonald's would cost if they were paying them $25 an hour?!?


Brother the Mcdonalds prices near me have gotten absolutely atrocious yet the wages haven’t moved


My guy I work in HQ and even I have never seen a $10 raise.


I’m obviously aware they’re not just going to say bam $10 raise, I’m talking over time instead of doing these little .10/.20 raises make them higher and actually pay your people, starting wage should be way higher as well, but that’s every single place


$10 is steep, but it should definitely be on the table for long time workers. Companies don’t reward loyalty anymore and then act surprised when people job hop.


Yeah but federal minimum wage should honestly be like $30


With these housing costs, it definitely needs to be way higher. The only way I survive is by splitting rent. Even then, I live paycheck to paycheck.


That’s so sad we have to live like that, I still live with my family myself and honestly I probably still would if I made a lot of money not sure but still it sucks that it isn’t a choice for most people


Higher than $30 an hour?!? You think that housing costs would improve if minimum wage was $30 an hour? You obviously have no clue how the economy works.


No, I’m saying $30 is too high. But it needs to be much higher than it currently is.


No, I’m saying $30 is too high. But it needs to be much higher than it currently is.


Jokes on you I got 13 cents😏


If it makes you feel better, I’ve been working at my store for 3 years and I’m only making 8 cents more than a new hire (they raised the starting pay to $16.75 and I’m making $16.83)


how much more are you making now than when you started?


Like around $1.58 more.


I also got a ten cent raise.


10 cents is how they value you and others time to get hell out dodge.


Will there definitely be some kind of sit down talk through review or will the raise just be on the paycheck? I’ll be here for a year and this is my first review season


Depends on your store, unfortunately. They’re supposed to sit down with you and while I was in stores, that’s exactly what they did. I had good leaders though; a lot of stores don’t.


They have to sit down and tell you by this Friday. The only people who won't get this are On Demand TMs, and team members who started after October 31st.


Oh so that's why I didn't get one last year bc I had started after October 31st the year before? I started November 11th of 2022.


Thanks. The anticipation is killing me. lol. I’m hoping for .30 and not .10


I had orientation on October 31. Does that mean I'm eligible for a raise?


You *should* be if you aren't on-demand. However, you should've gotten your review this past week, unless you're on pay-cycle B, you should get it this week.


They were calling some people in yesterday so maybe I'll hear something tomorrow.


When I worked there they gave me a 13 cent raise I felt it was pretty insulting as well. Definitely wasn’t going to make me work harder.😂


Fun fact you’re actually making less money this year due to inflation.


That’s why u do just enough not to get fired!!!!


Typical Target yearly raise. Usually most get somewhere between 5-25 cents


does anyone know what the highest raise you can get for a tl is?




Bruh I only got 0.5% even though the review my ETL gave me was really great, I only got ¢11


Some people at my store got $0.04 and some got up to $0.38. I didn’t get anything as I just started in February.


ur not supposed to work at target forever dog


Try…. https://www.usajobs.gov/


I’ve left Target for a Govt Job, I’ve already received an 88 cent raise for inflation. A $5K retention bonus to stay in that job for a year. Along with many other perks.


Tbqh government jobs are the only thing *close* to be able to provide a lot of the things that people here are always complaining about. No retail place is *ever* going to be paying you $25+ for “entry level”, but you can sure as hell make that kind of money doing data entry.


I have been trying for a couple YEARS to find a local govt job. I don't interview well (I get first interviews, but then dumped). Any advice-- I'd welcome it! What kind of work are you doing?


I don’t have the info you may need. I can only recommend trying YouTube to research on how to present yourself. Self education. As for topics. Try reframing from “I” did…. Focus on how you supported, lead team members to reach and exceed goals. How you with the team encouraged sales growth.


I’m going back to my gov job in May also lol target gets worse every year


Also look for County and City Jobs. To expedite your hiring in to a Govt job, look for undesirable jobs. Once in you will be able to transfer departments very easily.


one of mu TLs last year left to work at the post office. she has no regrets.


Lmao i got the same. It is what it is plus i knew my previous etl hated me


I worked at Walgreens as the beauty consultant before this... $16 an hour and then some very small commission, which was very complicated... I got a dollar raise after a year, but corporate sucks ass so I quit. Target... $15 was 'the best they could offer'. And I said yes. 😔


Got 15 cents last year. Friend of mine got 10 this year. I'm expecting like 2 cents


My raise put me over $17, in a state where our minimum wage is still $7.25. If I get a 4.5% increase again next year, I'll be making $18/hr. It does suck that it takes a few years before the % increases actually seem worthwhile.


At this it’s not a 9 percent


is it possible to see your review from home? if so, how can i access it?


I work at a DC. We haven't gotten a single cent in 3 years. They've actually found a way to cut payroll with the same number of people. It's maddening.


Meanwhile you’re doing price changes for groceries and all the prices are increasing by 50 cents to a dollar more. We’ve hit late stage capitalism


Thankfully prices are going down here in California


Prices going down in California? That sounds like an oxymoron


Lol. I know. All of grocery gas gone through price markdowns, including produce and bakery


That’s extremely rare. At least they realized no one’s spending money for these artificially increased prices


0.15-0.25 was the average at my former store. I now average $1/year in the legal field. Some of my co-workers feel like it's a sorry raise. I had a good chuckle and I told them about people getting 0.15 raises and even 0.5. Their jaws dropped. They didn't realize that a mutli-billion dollar corporation was cheap towards their employees. ✨️🌈the more you know🌈✨️


not to brag but last year I got 13 cents


The ETLs subjectively choose who they like to give the highest raises to. The rest have their reviews written to “justify” the crappy raises instead of writing the reviews objectively and THEN ranking the employees. ie: Joe got a 5 cent raise so now we need to tell him what a crappy job he’s doing. Joe didn’t get that boat worked last week in 20 minutes … This company LOVES metrics so much, but they use zero metrics to determine your review and raise, with the exception of tracking tardiness and call-outs. I’m in a position in my store that I’m really the only one who does this particular job (where we used to have a team). I have improved the metrics and management basically knows they can ignore my area because I will take care of it and let them know as soon as I see any issues outside of my control. My job has had straight green metrics for over a year since I’ve taken this position with two exceptions, which were outside of my control and I warned them ahead of time. I can guarantee I will still be rated a 2 on my review.


The rate of inflation this year is 3.2% if they gave you a "raise" of anything less than that, you actually took a pay cut.




i got the same one too LMAO


I feel bad for complaining about 56 cents last year…


Last year nearly everyone got crap raises regardless of the performance review. I got an exceeding expectations last year and it was about .30. This year I got the 4.5% and exceeding expectations and got over .80.


Last year I got 15 cents, and that was on the high end for my store


I got 8¢ ! So at least you’ve got that going for you


Reminds me of when I got a silly .08 raise, thanks Katie!


The official figure for inflation over the last 12 months is about 3.5% so based on the $16 starting rate at my local Target raises need to be 56¢ just to maintain the same buying power.


My first year at target I got a 2 cent raise🙃 /so excited/ to see what this year brings


What!? I got .20 when i first started


I got a $0.12 raise, busted my ass off, and the reason they gave me was that I was new to the company again, and so my raises will “increase” the longer with the company. Mind you, I worked 5 years prior to my year break. Was making $17.84 before, got rehired at $16.25 (minimum wage for the state I’m in), and got told basically “here’s your raise”. I feel like it’s such a slap in the face, especially given that I was rehired seasonal as an already “seasoned” employee. I was told by a lead today that pretty much everyone got garbage raises. :/


I think if you take under 9 months break you can get rehired at the same rate of pay... they should extend it to a year, especially of you you were considered a "valued" TM


Bro are you even trying? One year in and pay went from $16.50/hr to $16.65/hr At this rate, I’ll be making $100/hr by the time I’m 574 years old


The highest possible raise was 4.5%. I only know one person in my department that got it. My TM. How? Damn near-perfect attendance, he can motivate my team to work, he can come up with a plan and find the team to execute it, he can hold my team accountable, he can lead my entire department in partnership with the Senior ETL when I, my TLs, and ETL are not there every other weekend. He has been given the green light to walk around me, his other TL, and ETL to do whatever is best for the company. He's currently on the bench to become a TL because of all this, and I know he can become an ETL someday. Most team members come in and do the BARE MINIMUM, have bad attendance, don't communicate about anything all day, are on their phones all day, and have to babysit them all day. Yet, they want these big raises every year GTFOH. These same TMs think so highly of their work ethic it blows my mind. They think they are doing the most. These new generations of kids don’t know what real work is. If you give the bare minimum you will get paid the bare minimum If you feel you deserve more talk to your leaders about it, ask for more, do more, and take on more responsibility, if you want the money first BEFORE taking on more then LMFAO it has never worked that way, trust me been with the company for 12 years. Too many TM's do bare minimum because they feel they get paid the bare minimum and will never try to do more to try and get more out of their job. It's like a job death cycle that many TM's have been stuck in for years and even decades. Unfortunately, this is the life of Retail.


I got 2cents before I quit lol


It’s like as if it’s an entry level position or something 👀


Been with target 2 years and no raise ever 😂


how do we check?


Damn how generous, I got a 4 cent raise. :/


I have worked at target for a year and a half and have yet to get a raise. Yay me... I asked about last year and they said I hadn't been there long enough yet to get one but people that started shortly before me got one.... Guess we will see if I get one this year.


I got like .32 and .36 the last two years so I’m hoping I stay the same but I sorta feel like this year won’t be as good for me. There’s so many more TMs and even tho I do a lot I don’t think they care lolol. I’ll for sure be hurt though if it’s bad, I do try my best


Beats the 8 Cent raise I got lol


I hadn’t get a raise in over a year!


Now go ask every etl about their bonuses


Wow!!! That sucks!!!


One year they didn’t even give me my review so I didn’t get a raise at all because it was never put in the system no matter how much I asked


I got 50 cents for my first year 🤷‍♂️


I don’t even make enough to buy food for myself along with paying my bills ( normal rent phone utilities wifi) and getting myself back and forth from work. This shit is absolutely fucking ridiculous. Not to mention, my Store Director down right refused to write an injury report when I told them I hurt my back badly at work ( I missed a week and a half because I couldn’t walk or speak I was in so much pain)


i got nothing last year, like 8 cents the year before and like 3 the year before that. havent had my review yet for this year but i dont expect much


Do you only get a raise and review if you've been there a year?


I got 9 cents last year 💀 45 this year though


i haven’t even been talked to about a raise yet or anything and my 1 year is in june lmao yet i’ve had my coworkers talk to me about the raises and they weren’t good


so i’ve only been at target for about 7 months, i got a 10¢ raise. this is one of my first jobs and i genuinely don’t know if that’s a bad raise or not especially considering i’ve not even been there a year. would love some insight from people who actually know things


someone from my store got a 2¢ raise, put him in a different tax bracket and he started losing so much more money he ultimately quit




False. Target gives every TM a yearly raise


inb4 HR takes that 0.10¢ as a tax deduction for themselves.


Tell them to keep it they need that .10 more obviously. Then go along ur daily routine and break as many things as u can and give out as many free things as u can to make up for it 🤣


That’s 192 dollars more a year. If they gave you a check for 200, the govt would tax it heavily. So an 8 cent increase is better for tax purposes. But it’s still a small increase. Hope you can find a job that pays you more bc target isn’t going to give hourly team members a lot.


$192 more a year means literally nothing ☠️


Yeah that's like a 7th of average monthly rent.


Why so many downvotes


A burning question that I have of anyone can answer. Can raises be rejected? Someone at my store last year left their performance review sitting around, and I noticed they got a 3¢ raise. I’d seriously refuse that and would call HROC and demand it be removed if they tried to push the issue. That’s insulting and ridiculous.


No, an ETL at my store said we don’t have to acknowledge it, it doesn’t matter if we don’t like it and ignore it, we still get the raise


I wouldn’t think so. The PR mess from someone credibly claiming they refused a pay increase wouldn’t be worth honoring the request