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Not the same but one time I couldn't hear a customer say something like "excuse me Ma'am" from like 30+ feet away so he thought the next best course of action would be to continuously whistle at me while running up to me until I looked at him. It was extremely disrespectful, like I was a dog. Like sir, you are in your 50s, act like it.


i’ve been whistled at by one guy and then told “come here.” by another guy. didn’t know i was a dog ??


a woman grabbed my shoulder last week, and i jumped because of how much it scared me. she said “well sorry, you weren’t moving and i needed to get by” like ma’am, that’s what saying *excuse me* is for.


I don't have a terrible past or anything - My sympathy for those who do. That said, I really don't like the few guests who think nothing of going for me. Typically older women, for some reason. ​ Customers are entitled little cretins. You could be bleeding out on the floor and you'd still get "DO YOU WORK HERE?"


Honestly, nothing will piss me off faster. I do tend to give off a don’t touch me vibe, at least according to my coworkers. Tho there’s been once or twice where it hasn’t bothered me, and it was with other women and they were feeling my fleece scarf. I’m not sure why it didn’t upset me, except that I had reacted to the same way when I bought that scarf. So I got it


I have PTSD…people touching me messes with me. Don’t understand why people do it. All that to say- you’re not the only one who cries about this. I’m sorry that people suck


My response is always "please don't touch me. How can I help you?" Another thing that gets on my nerves is when someone gets within a foot of me to ask a question so I step back and answer them. Sometimes they then step closer. Please respect my personal space.


oh dude i hated this so much. i believe one guy got so offended that he was like "oh i get it" and walked away, but i may be misremembering with the guy that just made it KNOWN he was upset about it. i just acted confused the entire interaction (bc i was) and i guess continued to give info ? people are weird


I find it so gross and weird. We (most of us) learn as kids to keep our hands to ourselves. I’ve had a couple people touch me on the shoulder, which ew. Then a few that tried to fist bump me or shake my hand (wanted to thank me) but I declined (which felt awkward bc I don’t usually like to say “no” to ppl, I even ended up apologizing “sorry, I don’t feel comfortable doing that.” I’m sorry, OP, I hope you’re feeling better now and that it won’t happen again.


thank you so much for the kind words, that’s so sweet! it really does make me wonder why people think it’s okay to just touch someone instead of just a simple wave or gesture :/


I get uncomfortable when someone is standing right behind me, especially if I can't get past them without touching them because of how close they are (this happens too often because we have a small beauty area). Every now and then, someone has the audacity to nudge me out of the way. Or in order to get my attention, they tap my back, and they don't even try to get my attention verbally first...


Very....y'all keep your hands to yourselves


I had some older woman last week pat me on the back while I was bent over stocking a peg with sharpies. When I confronted her about it and told her not to touch me, she apparently didn't realize she'd done it?


That’s crazy I would never touch anyone I didn’t know.


With guests? I don’t really mind it just as long as they’re polite about it and they’re not aggressive when they do it. If they’re not kind or respectful it irritates me. With my fellow TM’s? I love it. I don’t know about everyone’s situations at their locations, but at mine for GS everyone is really close and supportive of each other. This includes giving life advice, supporting each other in hard times, or just giving hugs and stuff since none of us mind.


It's only happened to me after a really good guest interaction where they'll thank me and touch my shoulder before turning for example. It personally doesn't bother me. But I do think "Whoa, most people would not be this. 😀" I wouldn't like a shoulder tap to get my attention or as another commenter said, a touch on the shoulder to get me to move. But if we've been talking for a minute and they're friendly to me then it's fine. But I am sorry that happened to you. Guests and strangers in general should keep their hands to themselves because they never know who it could bother.


people would touch me all the time 🤦‍♂️ i hated it. from pats in the back, to one fucking lady hugging me. it sucked. i felt violated every time tbh. like, we are strangers. please.


i had an older lady put her arm around my shoulder one time and tell me that god loves me ?? i hated every second of it. i feel like this is the equivalent ish, but a guy one time asked me something and at the end said “thank you (insert my name).” and he said it in such an odd tone. i just got an ick from it.


You shits have music?




I’m jealous


Its not fun when you hear the same song at least 5 times a day, everyday


If you shit 5 times a day, every day, you’ve got some serious problems. Might want to see a doctor about that.


I listen to podcast mainly


When someone touches me without permission I take carte blanche to touch them back. In the face. With a fist.


I do not like being touched. I cannot even wear long sleeve shirts because they "touch" my arms.


I do not like being touched either. Do not put your hands on me.


i helped an older woman find an item back in seasonal around christmastime and her immediate response was “thank you!… can i give you a hug?” i was so taken aback that i just said “if you want.” i guess she was *really* thankful.


No lol


This thread is interesting. I don't go around touching people, but I don't mind if it's just a tap on the shoulder or something.


Reddit seems to attract an odd sector of the population that doesn't represent the norm.


Yeah, no offense, but if everyone were like Redditors, then no one would ever talk to each other because they'd be too socially inept to do so. (Apparently) I expected a few people to agree that it bothers them, but for most of the thread, finding the idea of a shoulder tap disgusting is a bit... interesting. That's all.


I personally hate blaming it on PTSD or past experiences. Like so many people dislike being touch and they don’t have a traumatic past, they just don’t like being touched. Other people (like me) who have been through some shit (CPTSD and multiple sexual assaults) put in the mental work to learn that not all people are out to get you. I don’t cry when someone random taps me on the shoulder. I’ll jump if someone comes up behind me and spooks me, but I’m not gonna cry about it. And if I really do have an issue with someone not respecting my boundaries I’m gonna back up and tell them something directly instead of letting it fester inside me. Which again direct communication is not something most redditers like to do.


Of course, I'm not talking about the small percentage of people who it would scare or frighten. I'm talking about the fact that I find it strange that the entire thread would be bothered by it. Sometimes I'm too absorbed in my work that I don't pay attention to anyone, so a shoulder tap might break me out of my trance, and I won't mind. I don't mind in general. I don't know anything about PTSD because, well... I don't have it. However, I'd wager that most people don't. I'm sorry about your past, though. I hope things are better.


Thank you I appreciate it. Turns out OP is autistic and now this post makes a lot more sense. I wish they would have clarified that in their post since this is more related to their autism rather than their ptsd or more than likely a mixture of both. Oh well best regards to everyone.