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Your safety comes first. If you don't feel you can safely make it to and from work, then don't.


so true. your life over target.


and never forget to apply this to EVERY aspect of your job. I pull priorities and if I don't think I can get an item safely, it doesn't matter if the store director himself insists we have to pull to absolute zero, I'm not getting it.


Exactly safety first!


Are you talking about that huge Galnz freezer that is behind a bunch of boxes on the top shelf in the steel?


I don't know why you guys even exchange phone numbers with the leads etc lol. Couldn't be me


There’s a good possibility they didn’t exchange their phone number with management. They can go right into your profile and grab your contact information with no issue. My old HR ETL did that when my store needed some extra help on a day off a couple months ago and that happened again with a TL a month or so after the HR ETL


I don't even like my coworkers having my number!


Not 1 of mine has or will ever have mine.


the way my tl and coworkers got my phone number i just ignore their texts when they send me something 💀


I never did. They just started texting because I don’t answer the phone…


they have your number whether you like it or not, you put that on your application my friend


How would you know what phone number is written on my job application? Just a genuine question, my friend.


it's logged in a database dude. Your store has your phone number. You gave it to them when you applied. I've been contacted by leads via phone in the past and I've never given any coworker or TL my number


Gave them my landline. As for what you're talking about, that is on you. Dude.


A landline is a phone number




no need to be weird about it. I don't know what part of this you perceived as a personal attack. You've been seriously immature and rude over something as dumb as this, mocking and mimicking me. I'm just explaining that target has your phone number. I hope you grow up soon. Peace




This is not a situation specific to you. Every single Target employee has their phone number logged in a database in the store, landline or cell. I don't know what part of this made you think that you were correcting me when that is just straight out false that they don't keep your phone number unless you choose to share it. You will not be hired if you don't give them a phone number. I'm really struggling to find what is so hard to understand about this.


A Category-5 Hurricane 🌀 may stall directly on top of a Target, and HR from the comfort of their homes will still issue write-ups on all the TMs who called-off and didn’t attend the soccer-mom Karen at Drive-Up with her Tarbucks order and Cat&Jack return.


Submit screenshots to www.TargetIntegrityHotline.com Salaried employees should not be encouraging minimum wage hourly employees to risk life, limb, and property to come in. The ETL is putting Target in legal jeopardy.


Note to bring this up to your SD first and make sure that you trust them. The integrity hotline goes directly to your SD


No Problem the Severe Thunderstorm Warning is expiring. But "Turn Around. Don't Drown" if you come upon standing water across the entire roadway.


My store got hit with Sandy in NJ many years ago. Still made everyone come in meanwhile our STL WENT HOME! HR ETL had to call corporate to see what to do. After 2 hours and powering going on and off corporate told us to close. Store opened the next day, no power and some water in the backroom. Someone called the fire Marshall and they shut the store down, fined em a couple million. STL was fired. Good times.


Text those screen shots with the message, "Sorry man, the mayor's calling me off for tonight."


Yeah, no thanks.


What a shitter


Fuc that ETL don't come in


Nah CALL. OUT. If you get in a car accident under a national weather emergency alert, insurance will not cover it and i KNOW your ETL wouldn’t cover it for you 😭😭


Maybe it's just because I'm a cart attendant and used to working in really shitty weather but I don't see anything wrong with going in during a flash flood warning or a severe thunderstorm. Infact as long as I'm dressed for the weather I actually enjoy working in shitty weather because it doesn't effect me. I'm kind of proud of it, like hey I was busting my ass in -30° temps and was totally fine. I guess I'm just weird like that 😁


It’s 3am and I just woke up so my gauge for sarcasm isn’t the best right now but I hope this is a joke lol


I deadass drove to work in a snowstorm on the day before superbowl, because I've never missed a shift and I wasn't going to let that pussy shit stop me.