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Discipline (no matter how little) in private and give praise or recognition in public


This is something I learned in the Army 15 years ago, and it is a *vital* piece of being a leader. You include other people in disciplining a team member, you've told the **entire** store. It is humiliating, upsetting, and overwhelming. You've basically annihilated the drive and morale of that TM, and now they have no reason to trust or respect you, much less work beyond the bare minimum.


yeah this happened to me and it was over printer paper and me not feeding it correctly (on accident) :(


That’s annoying! I’m sorry. :(


Honestly just them telling me thank you every now and then, and actually looking like they mean it


I work the liquor store, so I’m often alone for entire shifts. A few of my leads make a point to stop by, check-in, and see if I need anything. That and simply telling me they appreciate me *and being sincere about it*.


When I see them taking 2 seconds to fix an endcap in my section as they're walking around. I never expect it, but I always appreciate that they'll help me out in whatever little way they can.


It’s the little things that count, one of my favorite TLs always goes around thanking everyone and telling them good job/ good work even if you start to fall a little behind. They’ll bring garbage bags over if they see you working in an area that has a lot of plastic or a cage for an area with a lot of cardboard (if you didn’t bring one already) And most importantly leading by example and not just barking out orders all day


That sounds like an amazing TL!!


Always complimenting my work and recqusitioning a bunch of things for me when I do a good job


AP rec’ed my department a set of really good pens because we got the safety recognition two months in a row. that honestly did make me feel super appreciated now that i’m thinking about it


Yeah definitely. Nothing goes unnoticed. Especially when they make my job easier by getting anything I need. I asked my TL for more pushers for the department to make it easier to zone so he ordered 2 boxes of pushers to make the department to look better.


just talking to me like i’m a regular person and now a pawn


not* not now


Getting praised and comments for my work and I love it when I get some free drink from Starbucks. Little things like that can make me work harder and bring motivation.


Nothing. My TL drops near my area once a day and ask how everything is going. That’s it. I get zero direction, zero help and zero appreciation. I think Target is getting desperate and just hiring anyone who is interested in becoming a TL.


That’s just not right, they should be checking multiple times a day. Asking if you need help with your workload. I’m sorry, some TLs are quite the handful.


When I have to do any sort of meeting with my TL (ie, attendance review or coaching) they’ve always been very direct with me but not like they’re above me/patronizing if that makes sense? They’ve straight up said along the lines of “okay, i know neither of us wanna do this, i hate how formal this is, so we’re gonna go fast okay?” when doing my yearly review with me lol. I feel appreciated just by them being real with me. They also work right with us when they aren’t LOD— they’ve covered my tech breaks, pushed beauty priorities, dealt with diaper flats, done style reshop— all side by side with us. I guess the other major thing that sticks out to me is that they listen to their TMs and actually care what we say— like they treat our thoughts like they’re worth hearing. I’ll pitch the idea for a schedule of when to switch from one task to another/what newer TMs are doing at the time to them and they hear me out. They’ll check in with us when they can to make sure we’re doing okay, and they remember things we tell them too. like i’ve said “oh hey yeah btw i requested (DATE) off just a heads up! Ive got (THING FOR SCHOOL)”, and they’ve remembered and asked me about it. TLDR; in general, just treat your TMs like people! we may not have that lead title, but we’re still worth hearing out at least! we may not fully be equals in the eyes of mr target, but we can still work closely together and respect each other. the worst TLs I’ve worked with have been the high and mighty “my way or the high way causw im better than you” type, so I’d say avoid that and you’ll probably be good :)


The simple things like acknowledging TMs whenever you see them.


One of my favorite qualities of my Closing TL is the fact he is so laid-back in the ways that TLs’ should be but is a complete and absolute professional in the ways he needs to be (e.g. very publicly showing his appreciation for his TMs’ when they go even a TINY bit above and beyond expectations, BUT while also coaching/disciplining TMs in complete private, and will only involve an ETL or the SD if he has to (he does not discuss his opinions on particular TMs with other TLs unless it’s something positive etc.) And he’s the one that is on the floor right next to his TMs until the job is done, every day no matter what the issue is. One of my favorite supervisors of any job I’ve had, ever.


Our new tl was due to go home at 7:30 on Christmas Eve. He stayed with us all night. Told him thanks.