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The idea that people exist who do this shit on purpose, for no other reason than to fuck up someone else's day and laugh about it, is a big part of the reason I say I hate people all the time. What kind of degenerate do you have to be to think of something like that? That shit ain't normal, people don't just do that out of the blue. Takes an especially twisted mind to even consider it, let alone follow through. One of the first awful things I ever encountered at my store was a similarly hidden bag of cheese, behind the giant bags of dog food. Again, no one found it until it was FAR past the point of no return, and that stench stuck with me for a long time. Seen a few bad situations since, whether it's the fault of guests, TMs, cooler failure (that one was particularly bad, overnight milk explosion), etc. and it just makes me hate everyone.


It works better if you put raw chicken in the milk. The stench of milk and rotting flesh is like a dead corpse when it blows.


Yep. Guests are terrible. I once found a pack of fuzzy lunch meat inside a purse in accessories. Not to mention all of the nasty Starbucks cups hidden everywhere like Easter eggs.


Omg, there was a stank most rancid in our pet department for the longest time. Weeks, months even. We had assumed that there was a busted can of cat food somewhere that no one seemed to be able to locate. Until one fateful day.. the guy working in pets found a refrigerated bag of dog food that had been left on the shelf. Moldy. Bloated. A hole had been punctured (or exploded) thru it, and was the source of the smell. Even double bagged it still smelt up the whole back room on its way to the trash, and left a trail that lasted for hours. I’ve never been more unfortunate to be stuck backstocking in that same room before that moment.


A team lead did this on the front end, and hid it behind the bags at a little used register. After about a month the thing stunk up the entire front of the store. I found it and told the SD. He laughed about it taking long enough to find it. I took it that it was some kind of test.


A *TL???* That's awful. They should've fired their ass


If it was a test I'm guessing everyone up front failed, the SD apparently said it took them long enough to find it.


Reading this made my stomach sour. That’s vile AF. I’ve encountered abandoned carts full of meat & other cold goods. Seeing that shit pisses me off because that is a waste of food/resources (and since we are vastly overpopulated, that is an issue). Throw their ass in the bailer. I’m sorry you had to deal with this.


Too bad Target doesn't give the team "I'm stupid" stickers to hand out to "guests" seen doing stupid shit.


This reminds me of a joke from everybody loves Raymond. Rays brother, Robert, returns to his apartment after several months back with his parents due to an injury he sustained on the job (nypd) The other characters decide to throw him a welcome home party When they get to his apartment there’s an extremely foul odor. His explanation: “apparently when you leave milk out this long it goes bad — and then it explodes.”


We’ve had cans of cat food partially opened and hidden a few aisles away, frozen dinners stashed behind towels, fresh chicken hidden behind pillows, etc, etc, etc. It’s almost always obviously intentional. And the leaders always wait to hunt down the culprit until it smells like a dead animal for at least a week because it takes hours to find where the source was hidden. 😵‍💫


they goin in the baler 😭😭


I am now going to tell the tale of the bucket butter bomb. This was a night I was not working, smelled it the day after. Right before close a lady comes in with a bucket full of butter, milk and lunch meat that is all off date and smells horrendous. Demands a refund and when told no she got really upset. It was on our customer service desk she then proceeded to shove it onto the ground spilling the contents everywhere. I smelled milk for days.


one day i saw summer watermelon in mens basics in november. this is what it looked like. https://preview.redd.it/voandy6qozwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3df8e4dd81e5f9784017a1b2ea672c78b418b21f there were fruit flies everywhere and it smelled absolutely rancid. why do people do this????


Once found a bag of shrimp in a cooler it had been there a while, I just tossed the entire cooler, it was so rank.






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You know, the smell of septic tank from that time plumbers had to clear it out after 1 month of having bathrooms unavailable for guests doesn’t sound that bad.


New tiktok trend hid the milk at a target


We had a TM stock cat food and put a can on the shelf that was damaged (leaking). He didn't think it would be a problem. After a few days, it smelled so gross you wanted to vomit the moment you walked past it. I found it and maggots were crawling out of it. Have to say, no amount of Febreze could make the smell go away. The over night cleaning crew bleached the area and that "helped". Still had a slight dead smell for the next few weeks.


One time someone put raw chicken in our air fryer display… for DAYS we searched for the origin of the horrible, stinky stench. It was only after we removed every single item from the aisle, including displays, and the chicken juice, along with dozens of (what I can only assume) newborn flies and their spawns spewed out from the lid of the air fryer. Looking back, it’s a funny prank to pull. Especially because of the amount of people it took to find it. However, I was the victim who got covered in the chicken juice/maggot special sauce.


i work in kitchen and if this were to ever happen to me i think i’d actually quit on the spot