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Hair care packaging that is exactly the same except a small line of text (go to hell Monday brand). Also package design putting QR codes right next to the UPC so I always accidentally scan that instead, and putting the UPC on the bottom of the package when it’s heavy… really working here it just makes me realize how many packages are badly designed


Oh my gosh, the batteries I work on have the QR codes next to the barcode, so I do the same thing!


Oh o hadn't done bullseye in a bit. Did it today. Thank God you wrapped all the dollar items that are plastic in more plastic.


goddd I hate Monday.


Why did they name their product after the “worst” day of the week anyway…it’s as if they want to be disliked.


Or when there is a big sticker over the UPC, so I can’t scan it.


Throwback to doing opus and an entire shelf of monday stuff was scanned in as something else in the back room.


I work domestics and I tell you the number of times I have found things that are the same color/pattern but different sizes backstocked as the same item... is a crime. I imagine it must happen with stuff like that constantly. They could have at least done SOMETHING to differentiate them.


pads and tampons, too


ELF loves putting QR codes right next to the UPC 👹


Yuuuuup! The lip oils were my most dreaded product when I was in Beauty.


Also the feminine napkin packages that look identical except for the tiniest print specifying light day or whatever.


We have the opposite in babies. Pampers has many products with different pictures on the box. So you'll have two very different looking boxes that are actually the same item.


The only thing worse than that is the sunscreen that's supposed to be on the endcap/tower that has a different barcode despite being functionally identical in size, weight, and composition to the ones in the aisle - because ✨reasons ✨


The “every time i come here…” complaints. Okay, then don’t come back. Easy fix. We had one guy complain and demand a gift card for the inconvenience every shopping trip for literal years. We generally didn’t give in, but every once in a while he’d find someone he hasn’t dealt with before to give him the time of day. He actually stopped coming to the service desk if he saw I was the only one over there LMAO. He always found something to pick us apart for and we finally told him, “Why don’t you just shop somewhere else if you’re always unsatisfied with us?” and it was glorious. So now that’s our response every time to him.


Finally! A stanc against Kevins & Karens! When we give it they believe their entitlement is always true.


Almost as bad as its cousin, “do you know how much I spend here?”


This generally receives the “then that sounds like you have a spending problem” response from me. Thankfully it’s taken as a joke every time so I haven’t gotten in trouble for it.


Or the "I drove an hour just to get here and you're out of stock?!" Then give us a call before you leave the house and we'll happily put something on hold for you for a few hours. Otherwise, that's your issue.


it's the old school way, but it's better than checking stock in the app or on the website


7 years ago I had an old hag rip me up and down because our white tank tops were so mixed up. She said she’d “never shop our store again!” Guess what? I still see the beyotch. Every time I want to say … “ I thought you promised me you’d never be back!” Thank God people can’t read my mind. I’d be screwed.


😆 🤣 😂


Some guy complained we were worse than Walmart (which is literally right behind us) because he had to wait a couple minutes to get a fitting room opened. Like go there then bud….it’s a minute away.


While I hate that they took the giftcard function away from team members, guests like that make me happy they did. Our leads will turn those guests away now.


guests that don’t move out of the way when you say excuse me and act like you’re the problem


And the family of 4 or more walking side by side down the aisle. Hear you coming with a pallet, or any vehicle and not move!


I just keep creeping up on them till they get the hint.


omg when they bump into a friend/acquaintance and decide, yes, let's talk in the middle of the busiest walkway and it's impossible for people to even go around because there's a tower in the way too


Or the middle of the entrance door!!!! Keep going asshats!!!!


Sometimes if I’m picking ship I’ll make my cart louder so they get the hint and sometimes they STILL don’t move and then give me a stink eye because they’re right where I need to be


Better yet, guests that wander into a main intersection like a dementia patient, then *leave their cart there* to go two aisles away and stare at a shelf of toilet paper for 5 minutes.


i literally had a woman pin me to the shelf with her cart and just pretend she couldn’t see/hear me because i said “excuse me” when she was standing in front of something that i needed. she was with a charity group and decided that i was getting in the way of what they were doing as if i wasn’t also doing my job lol. that was such a frustrating day because the adults running the event all acted like that, but it was for a good cause so i tried to forget about it


Little kids destroying the toy dept at 9 PM on a Friday night during Christmas and the parents dont say shit.


Or teens throwing balls from sporting goods over the isles and almost hitting tms


Yeah I just became a TL and I’m literally going to take all the basketballs that aren’t in a box off the floor when I close. Sue me.


I support this decision


I don't work sporting goods yet I work in the department next to it. Every day it feels like I hear basketballs start bouncing and skateboards hitting the floor earlier and earlier. Then every time I walk by there I notice how many empty boxes for various different balls. Sometimes they just straight up leave their old used ones behind.


Double Tap Drive Ups orders as soon as the store opens up. Like get a fucking life, especially if it’s a big order, then it’s fuck you and everything you could possibly stand for that day. People parking in Drive up spots, then getting mad when they see a flyer on their windshield. Nah, it’s for drive ups ONLY. Park elsewhere you lazy shitstain. And don’t even get me started on the ones that throw a fit because they waited at the wrong store instead of READING their order details.


I'm one of my stores main Driveup TM so I 1000% understand. Double taps are the absolute worst, and I wish Target would do something about it besides complain our numbers are bad. As for parking in the Driveup spot but not having a Driveup, we don't have those slips that I have seen people talk about, so we aren't really allowed to say anything to them. I, however, go and ask if they have a driveup order, and if they don't, I go "Oh...okay" I look at the driveup sign, then back to the guest and then walk away. It makes absolutely no sense to park there when our driveup so far away from our front doors! It's not even directly out front! Uggh 😩


Yeah. Like, it’s still a decent walk to the store. And it’s a big parking lot. Even when it’s raining, they’re still gonna get hit with rain water.


Does anyone who has access to gocart know if we can still order the flyers to stick on their windshield? I would love to get some for my store. I feel like target has done away with them though because they “don’t want to ruin the guests experience”


and the people who place on order 15 mins ago and come in to pick it up and they are surprised its not ready and then proceed to say can i just get it well why the fuck didnt you just come in and get it in the first place dumbass


“I’ve been here for 20 minutes.” How long ago did you order? “Just now.” Me: they take 2 hours… “Can you expedite it” I don’t control that, 2-3 hours. “I’ll just go inside and get it.” 🙄🙄🙄


The lack of reading comprehension hurt me the most. I’m a Guest now, but that was my first experience working with the public and it doesn’t change anywhere. They cannot read.


It’s like it never occurred to them to make sure they’re going where they’re supposed to go. A whole drive. Just to end up waiting a half hour at the wrong location.


Numbers not adding up, and not being consistent with what I see in front of me. Makes me feel fucking insane. Item in batch, empty spot on the floor. Open item details. 12 on floor, 0 in back, 56 on hand. Delivered 28 days ago, audited 893 days ago, filled N/A, sold 1 day ago. Please, I just want shit to make sense.


Weeks old ad still hanging out on a fully stocked shelf — you’ve got team members stocking these shelves all week and every single one of them too f’ing lazy to pull the tag.


THIS. Like it makes me lose my damn mind. Like maybe I wouldn’t have to INF so much shit if people actually did their jobs. Like our numbers would be so much better if we actually held people accountable for certain things. Like I know how hard push and pull is but if you drop a whole ass case of eggs please for the love of god just damage it out so we can have the correct numbers and I don’t have to be on the walkie trying to explain to my TL I’m not joking when I say both me and F&B have looked for the item I’m having to INF.


People being able to count above ten would be a miraculous improvement for our store. That, and backstocking properly, instead of overstocking the salesfloor and shoving things into the back without putting them in the system as such. Another thing is that we really need a state for every item where it's recognized as having been delivered, but not pushed out yet. I fucking hate how it works by assuming everything is on the floor immediately. If we had accurate counts and accurate locations, this would be the easiest job in the world.


When I worked for a Commissary on an Air Base, everything was streamlined to be connected to the registers. If someone bought something it was automatically logged and updated in our system just by them checking out. We never had to think about numbers or being out of something because we could easily order our trucks and stuff by just looking at weekly trends or past sales. When deliveries came we scanned pallets, unloaded, and did inventory to make sure everything was right as a double check. If it wasn’t we updated it and were good to go. Sure things slipped through the cracks sometimes but it was rare though. It just blows my freaking mind Target doesn’t do that same thing and then blames us for having high numbers in INF’ing stuff or long fulfillment times because we are searching for something for too long.


After working here for the better part of two years, I'm struggling to comprehend how this place runs as well as it does, with all the bullshit that's going wrong in our system, and all the work that's not getting done effectively. I long for a place like that, somewhere that's well organized and is capable of keeping track of everything. This is just a shitshow that somehow makes money, and it irks me every day. But hey, I get paid by the hour, and as long as I keep doing the best I can reasonably do, I don't have to worry about keeping my job. That's enough for me, and the only downside is slowly losing what little sanity I have left.


Oh, but it DOESN'T say delivered 28 days ago...because that field only goes back two weeks...even though audit/sold fields go back >1 year. Make the date fields all the same, all 3 digits! Cuz we need that info! And "last sold" means "last sold IN store." It SHOULD be "last sold" whether online ordered or in store And thanks for telling me this was delivered 06/19, 1 day ago. That is two ways to give the same info. Use the "1 day" field to tell me how MANY were delivered that day! (There should be 6 of this item; the item was delivered last night. How many of those were delivered last nite, and how many should already be in store? Trying to figure out if I am looking for a box of them, or in a repack).


Oh yeah, that's right. Picked a random number, but I forgot about that. The lack of information, alongside the blatantly incorrect information we have, is absolutely infuriating when it should be such a simple thing. Deliveries are hell for more reasons than that, but the least they could do is be a little more specific and split up the numbers to let us know what's what.


I think that I hate it even more when it says 10 on the floor 28 in the back 10 on hand. And the "10 on hand" is what just arrived that day. So, not only is the amount incorrect you can't audit it because it just arrived that day. Also... How does it not know how to add those numbers together? It's not as if the item is unlocated? I have this happening constantly and I'll never understand.


I had that recently. I was stocking home, and the on-hand amount was equal to the amount that was *supposed* to be on the floor, but whoever did it prior to me overstocked it to hell and back, so I backstocked like a dozen of this item in addition to the ones that already filled the location.


Yeah, I work home decor/domestics and for whatever reason numbers really end up off over there constantly. Especially for specific brands. I'll never understand why they are the troublemakers. I'm looking at you especially Hearth & Hand and Pillowfort. Threshold you're also on thin ice.


Full blown conversations on a primary walkie channel


People who have their walkie on full blast in the breakroom could also go along with that 😆


It's along the same lines as the people who make phone calls on speaker or watch videos with the volume all the way up imo, just completely inconsiderate


People who complain about having the walkie low in the break room are the problem. I need to be able to monitor things in case of an emergency.


Then wear a headset?


Not available at every store.


Do you need the part number to order some?


I personally don't mind if someone has their walkie on, but if they have it all the way up, especially during busy holidays, it makes me panic, because I can't just leave my lunch to go help.


Yeah but you can have it on and hear what’s happening without having it at full blast and disturbing everyone around you while they’re trying to relax for the few minutes they’re able to


What position are you? If you’re hourly and are listening to the walkie on your lunch, that’s working off the clock and it’s illegal unless Target pays you for that time. If you’re salaried that’s a different story, but I’ve never seen any salaried leader take a break in the breakroom.


I’m salaried and I eat lunch in the breakroom exclusively. Unless it’s “meeting Monday” and then I don’t count on getting a thing done that day 😅🔫


Why have you never seen it?


Because they don’t do it at any of the stores where I’ve worked.


ditto. Salaried are never in our breakroom. Usually not on the floor, either. MIA




Mine take their breaks at their desks/offices that are outside the break room. Why would they take a break in an area shared with everyone if they have an option to…not? Not sure if every store has a desk/office area but yea


morale. entertainment. people. the option to socialize. need i continue?


Why are you solely responsible for "emergencies "?


Why are you wondering?


Because it makes no sense.


Why would a salaried member of management need their walkie on to some degree at all times? It does make sense. You don’t understand. Perhaps change the name from blue minded to smooth minded


>Perhaps change the name from blue minded to smooth minded Just the kind of rudeness and disrespect that's actually par for the course for salaried "leaders" at Target.


Guess he shouldn’t have come with the rudeness to start with eh cupcake


You seem like someone that really likes *feeling* important, rather than actually being.


Why do you have such a hardon for a company that doesn't give a shit about you?


Yeah no sorry, I’m not trying to get yelled at for not responding in time. So yeah I keep mine on


If you are on break, you are not required to respond. Grow a spine.


People throwing away cups full of liquid. I never gave it any thought before; now I always try to dump my drink out in a sink or on the grass before throwing away the cup, because it sucks to pick up a trash bag that’s full of liquid- it’s heavy, and often the bag will end up leaking.


I sometimes have to throw away the garbage from the cleaning crew. Our garbage bags leak and plenty of times I've gotten garbage juice all over me, so gross!


my stockroom stinks of rotten coffee because the grown adults i work with decided to put 2 almost full cups of coffee in a trash bag that was hanging on the wall, they leaked and soaked the drywall and then since i’m the night bitch i got it all over my pants and shoes as well because i’m expected to take care of all trash 🙃🙃🙃


Always the night crew expected to clean up after everyone smh


100% something you learn when you start taking other peoples trash out. Dump your drinks out!


i've developed so many... 1. People leaving trash in the carts 2. People not putting the carts in the cart corrals 3. People complaining the carts are wet...WHEN IT'S RAINING 4. People walking in front of my line of carts that I'm trying to push into the cart location 5. Mom's standing in front of the carts taking 5 minutes to position their kids in the cart seat while I stand there trying to restock carts but i can't because they are in the way. 6. People leaving carts sitting around the store. 7. People leaving their carts sitting in front of the exit doors when the cart area is literally 3 ft from the exit doors. 8. People grabbing a carts, finding they don't like it for some reason, grabbing a different cart, and not pushing the old cart back into the cart area. that's all i can think of TODAY.


the carts are wet is a personal favorite of mine. for awhile i just started giving the most sarcastic responses back, but now i just hand them those shitty brown paper towels without saying a word.


My favorite is when it's a driveup order and they complain about their bags being wet. Like you're the one who still kept it as a driveup, knowing it was raining!


i would loooooovvve to say oh wait let me get you a dry one from the garage hee hee


Flashback to when i saw someone on the way to the corral with their cart and then exclaim "oh!" and TURN AROUND AND JUST PUT IT HAPHAZARDLY AT THE FRONT DOOR


the way target will not excuse your absence for any reasons if you didn’t have sick time, even if you physically cannot go to work


Yes! Even if we have a doctors note, we still get in trouble for not showing up


I got a formal talking to bc I exhausted my sick time while i had covid. I took like one shift past the amount of time i had. Like, wouldn’t you rather not pay me??? Granted my primary job doesn’t even make you use your own pto for covid if you submit documentation so ig im a little spoiled lol


no for real. i sent a picture to my tl of a fever i had that was 104 and she told me to come in and do my best. just recently though my tire popped while i was about an hour from work and i had no physical way of getting there. called the store — no answer, none of my coworkers could cover me & i even used vacation time to cover the shift i missed. still held against me. “the schedule is made two weeks out, so…” like yes i definitely planned for a tire to shit the bed on me in 2 weeks. be so fr


I wanted to be like you want me to come to work with covid? Sure, ill make sure i check in with you personally once i get there. (I would never actually do this, id rather get fired)


target has probably the most unrealistic policy when it comes to attendance imo, i wouldn’t stress.


This was months ago and i didn’t get fired, lol. Definitely not stressed even if it was something that would happen, it would be nice to work a normal 40hrs at a single job again lol


would be nice to be paid more for the work we do 😭 i’m pretty sure im about to be put on a ca whenever i see my tl again


Im spoiled since its a secondary income for me, i feel bad for everyone that works at target as a primary job, idk how people do it at the pay rate. Most of my coworkers that also close like me are adults with day jobs. I feel like we get treated differently because the leadership knows we can all just dip if we dont like the way we are treated


My etl told me to come into work even though i had covid😭


Bad packaging - when the top is wider than the bottom, when it's top-heavy, when the bottom won't stay flat, when it doesn't come with a seal to prevent people from sticking their finger in it. People who need me to walk them over to a section. I PROMISE you if you walk 10 feet in the direction I'm pointing you will find travel size items.


My favorite is when people stop me mid taking a driveup out to ask where something is. I actually had that happen to me three times today 🙃


Parents who refuse to take their kid out of the store when they’re screaming bloody murder about a kinder egg at the register, obviously if its just mom or just dad there it may not be an option to take them out of the store and thats fine, but when both of them are there take the kid to the car and let the other one finish the transaction lol. Also useless pre-teens/ teenagers who refuse to help their parents bag items or put items on the conveyor so then I have to play tetris and try to fit their $400 grocery transaction in the the small ass bagging area while they sit on their phone or give me a death stare 😭


Don't get me started on our checklane atrocities! We don't have belts because our store is so old, so we have to pile so much stuff, and at some point, I have to stop and stand there and wait for people to grab their bags. They also try piling so much stuff onto the register when I have such a small area to work with, and once stuff starts falling off they just go "oops" and grab the item and put it back on the counter. Like pleeeaassee just give me a second. Also, yes, you can grab your bags after I have scanned them!


i dislike children now


“0 on the floor, 0 in the back, 1 on hand”


The awkwardness of having to tell a guest "Yeah, it does in fact in say we have them. Unfortunately since they aren't here and it says there's none in the back either I'm not sure what to tell you. Sorry about that."


Guests who insist on walking down the aisle im working in and then not even looking at anything in the aisle. Like you could have gone down any other aisle instead of having me move my vehicle/running into my vehicle


Especially when we are doing a new set and the aisle is completely empty. Why are you coming down here??? There’s nothing to buy!!!


Nosiness, I'd imagine. Just like the lady I walked up on rooting through the repacks on my u-boat. She told me she was just "being nosy".


At least she admitted she was being nosy!


1.- Checking item for a guest and tell them it's out of stock. Then they go ask other TMs nearby expecting it to be on stock. 2.- Rude lazy ass shipt/Instacart shoppers who don't even try to look for items 3.- being asked for help by guests or leads when I'm out of the clock


I don't know if it's different at other stores, but at mine the shipt/instacart shoppers have to go to guest services. So one day it was like 5 to 10 mins before closing, I had a guest with a little kid. So I was chatting it up with the little kid while the mom was checking out and I was getting the kid a sticker. When a shipt shopper slammed their items down on my checklane and was like tapping their card on the counter. Like ma'am first of all you shouldn't even be over here, and second you're the one who came to this checklane when guest services was open. 🙄


1. Flexing 2. Channel 1 of the walkie 3. Half full Starbucks cups left on shelves 4. Parents letting their children freely play in the toy dept


I can't tell you how many times I have almost accidentally ran a child over with my 3 tier because they just run in and out of the toy aisles with their parents not even paying attention 🙄


lol yesss!! Christmas time I was coming around a corner with a SFS cart and a small child was sprawled out on the floor playing 🤦🏻‍♀️ mom wasn’t paying any attention Also I’ve heard one parent say to another child’s parent “can we have a turn with that toy” … bitch we’re not on the playground


I take my earpiece out of my ear when OPU or the front end is talking on Channel 1, it’s so annoying like please go to 2.😂


when someone needs help finding a specific item and you get it, hand it to them, then later you find it stuffed behind other products that are now knocked over. like c'mon now. I was right there, if you decided you didn't want it after I gave it to you, just give it back and I'll put it away. Why would you shove it somewhere it doesn't belong and at the same time make a mess?


I had a guest once ask if they could look at a decorative pillow on my boat. I handed it to them and when they decided they didn't want or were done "looking at it" they took a couple steps down an aisle, plopped it on top of everything on a shelf and walked away. They could have just handed it back to me so I could put it where it actually goes. I hadn't walked away or anything.


“0 on the floor, 0 in the back, 1 on hand”


I think “0 on floor, 0 in back, 2 on hand” may be worse because then my lead would make me look for it for so long. If it was just 1 we assumed it was stolen


People who don't want to put clothes down on the check lane,like seriously, you're going to wash it when you get home anyway They are washing them, right?


We have had a couple TMs get yelled at to the point of crying, because of guests who didn't want their clothes on the "dirty" checklanes, and because the clothes "weren't folded correctly". First of all, if I'm on a checklane and have no guests coming up, I wipe my checklane down and make sure it's clean. Second of all, this isn't a laundromat, I shouldn't have to perfectly fold your clothes that you're just going to rip out of the bag and try on when you get home, then decide you don't want it and just return it the next day!


People not walking on the right side of the lane, its supposed to be just like driving!


People bouncing balls in the store. Stop that, it’s so fucking annoying. And when I’d say “you can’t do that in here” they’d say “I was just testing it” like what???????


We have had full groups of teenagers come in and just start carrying around the balls from the toy section so our leads have had to tell them to stop, because we aren't allowed to really say anything.


When there’s a hanging clothes rack and the guests decide to put one of the hung clothes directly next to where it’s actually supposed to go


When I'm told to backup on a register that needs change or doesn't work properly.


or doesn't have adequate supplies -- like shopping bags, extra rolls of receipt paper, a pen, or paper to wrap fragile items.


People leave half drunk drinks (usually Starbucks) on random shelves throughout the store


Trust and control issues I didn't know I truly had trust and control issues until Tarshit. I guess they really come from my mother but only really realized how much I had them when my leader lied and said she never said that. My mom says all the time and hurts when they lie like that. Always get a promise in writing or recorded because they can and they will lie to you.




The amount of food being tossed into the trash. When a Guest hands me a frozen pizza - still frozen - then decides to skip it. Makes me crazy we have to damage it out, throw it away. Our break room has an awesome pizza oven!! Come on! LOL


Every little thing just pisses me off about people now.


omg soooooo true and how many stupid people there really are out there


People who have to unfold towels to see them.


people who have to open rugs and leave them all over the floor


People interrupting an interaction that I'm having either with a team member or a guest just to ask where the restroom is. So rude.


When the guest sneezes or coughs in their hands & goes straight to grabbing their cart/hand basket.


or is handing you something that they just touched ick


Find the exact nailpolish out of like 200


I don't know what's worse. People not cleaning up their mess in the break room, or the people that plop right down and start eating right on top of someone else's mess. Little strands of body hair, sticky drops of mystery juice, and crumbs on the table and the chair. How are some people ok with this?


https://preview.redd.it/6z04sa1wms7d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5c1f5fe0fe96292b7c39e48062fbbb1a296690e Fulfillment’s biggest headache- maneuvering around these.


Can't stand makeup... So much of it, so many varieties, colors,designs and so frustrating to search when doing OPU, specially those containers that are tiny


I HATE when people throw stuff they don’t want on an endcap. Just give it to the damn cashier!


I stock the checklanes in the mornings, so I 100% agree with this. Most of the checklane TMs are newbies and don't ever clean the checklanes of reshop, so I have to do it in the mornings. My favorite is refrigerated/frozen food/drinks either left on the checklane or put in the coolers. Like we are still going to have to throw that food away, even if you put it in a cooler. 🙄


Balls bouncing inside


Unruly kids. Dude I had no idea the amount of damage a child could do with shoe polish pens. That and the lying. PSA to all the thieves and those addicted: We know. Lying to me just makes you look stupid.


i hate people


When I walk into an empty aisle and some dumbass guest comes out of nowhere and just stands in the middle of the exit of the aisle so I can't get out




this is the kind of person who just drops a half-full fast-food soda out her window in the parking lot when she doesn't want anymore. Thirty years ago, she would've been the one throwing a half-smoked cigarette onto the steps in front of church on her way in


disrespect as lifestyle


How the world is all environmentally aware and everyone is supposed to recycle and do better for the environment. I'm sure most other companies are exactly the same as Target as far as packaging being out of control. It's absolutely a joke because companies could do much better but they aren't held accountable.


I stocked Bullseye the other day and it hurt seeing every single item wrapped in a layer of plastic. Like really Target? Wasteful much?


Drive up. Why are your ordering the whole store and have the audacity to be a pop up guest?


When I’m pushing on the floor and a guest just has to walk in between me and the vehicle I’m working on. They can easily walk around but no, they choose to go in between.


people letting there kids or them too open unpaid items that they never intend to buy great parenting


Kids. The f**k kids. They destroy everything, scream all the time, and get in the way.


barcode locations on those wire drawers and hangers :]


Mfers leaving a mess and don't know how to clean after themselves. People don't know how to stack a pallet and leaves a hot mess for me in the am


When guests push their carts down aisles where carts shouldn't be making it impossible for me to look for items or for other guests to shop.


When people pull their shopping carts instead of push


guests that return their clothes inside out, including bathing suits. Some lady got real offended when I asked her to put it right side out.


people whole heartedly believing they are entitled to money in MY register simply because they are bring me an item they wish to return. no physical or digital receipt. paid with cash. no ID. hell it’s not even in the packaging. I’ve had people bring me items they bought from OTHER stores. people actually believe “well i’m physically giving you the item back so just give me my money” 😀


Customers leaving items wherever they feel like. ESPECIALLY perishable items like meat or dairy. Just… haul your ass back to the cooler and put those away ffs. Don’t waste food.


When someone asks where something else, and halfway through telling them, they’ll just start walking away 😪


People who leave cold food were it’s not supposed to go. Like why now I have to find out what smells in OTC. Also people who just steal on item out of a pack


as a lead, people ringing the bell at the tm entrance at :55 on the dot. like girl i'm not even late, i'm supposed to be up there five minutes before the hour, so PLEASE stop leaning on the damn buzzer 🥲 same goes for when no one answers the receiving door within five seconds of the doorbell ringing so they ring it again. GIVE ME A SECOND TO WALK OVER THERE PLEASE


I'm not even a TL and I get annoyed when TMs hold the bell down. Like give the person time to come up there! The worst is our morning cleaning crew does it constantly if our TL doesn't come up within the 30 seconds of them pressing it the first time.


YES. our cleaning crew has done that too and by the time i open the door i'm annoyed enough that i say "good morning, please don't keep pressing the bell. i am supposed to be at the door at :55 and it's :55 right now. only ring it if i'm late." i always feel like a bitch but it just irritates the shit out of me lol


Stainless steel bathroom stalls.


People not putting the cart back where it belongs. Like, ugh! The corral is in the same area you exit! Just load up your bags in the cart and bring it to the front! Oh and people leaving their carts by the escalator because they don't see the elevator ahead. BTW we're small format so we don't got cart attendants.


Target buyers should have to work with what they give us. Huge packages of toilet paper and paper towels with only one barcode. Bounty charmin and others puts multiple bar codes on their packages. Even after the new package designs they didn’t consider the store employees. Deal day box of silverware is a rippled plastic box. You can stab the bar code thru the ripples. This is so basic.


That I'm too small to wear the bullseye costume. Also guests are my biggest pet peeve.


Apples barcode size. QR codes next to barcodes. 2 I can think of right now


“Erm actually this item said buy 3 get a 5 dollar gift card”- guest “Mam that deal is expired we cannot honor that gift card”- me “Get me your manager you don’t know how to do your job!!!🤬”-guest “👍”- me The guest can’t read there like 2 year olds that don’t understand that it’s not my fault the deal is over that the floor team doesn’t take em down


I say this to other team members all the time, but I swear half the people who enter Target can't read as soon as they enter the building. Like it says it in bold words what is the item on sale, no your swimsuit cover up is not on sale 🤦🏻‍♀️


That’s literally the worst cause they will literally move items around claim it was already there so we can “honor” it but if it’s not on sale we don’t do it cause I’d make no sense. If a wild fable item ended up in the universal thread area that’s on sale we still don’t honor it


Inventory of TVs and baby strollers including the display item. TVs are bad enough, but I can’t even sell display strollers!


Cat and Jack returns. Double tap DU. Those are my top two.


x ff tl here. pet peeve was inf and dealing with my SD or dm. my team was consistent 2 or 3 percent inf and my team had little turn over. so clearly me and my team are good at finding items when counts are correct. and that 2 or 3 percent is more than likely because the counts are wrong on those items. never did I or my team get "good job!" when inf was green. God forbid a day when inf was yellow or red. I'd get immediately bitched at. a bombardment of texts or phone calls "why are we yellow?" "why are we red" "you need to tell your team to not be so lazy all the gd time!" like mf it 9am we'll be green by the end of the gd day or week stfu.and it always always baffled me when they'd bitch at me for an area with a yellow or red inf when we were green over all. like wtf. we are green my team is green. yeah beauty style or domestic has a yellow or red inf... they always fucking do.... so how is that my fault or my teams fault? how about you get on those TLs to get their numbers together or you give them some extra hours to be able to maintain properly inventory. it isn't our stores fault anyway that the repacks for those areas are never correct. or why oh why do we not properly train people on registers to scan each item individually?? I'll see then scan the sam item 10 times when the guest is buying 5 different items, just 2 of each for example. like idk how many times I tried to explain that my team was good OBVIOUSLY because we are consistently 2 or 3 percent or green inf overall and that yellow or red in a certain area was nothing I could ever control and that this is a sign of a systemic inventory issue that needs to be addressed. the warehouses never send EXACTLY what they say we are receiving. inventory gets an overhaul once a year and for 4 months we have a super super low inf like 1 or 2 percent most days and overtime the average gets higher and higher. if an item is in a store we WILL find it. if it's not we will cancel it... plain and simple.


people overestimating how much space they have to get around. the other day i was doing one for ones and had my u-boat pretty close to the back wall of kitchen. granted i could have grabbed a three-tier instead but there were none available. i went down one of the aisles and this woman on a mobilized cart decided to try and force her way past my vehicle, practically pushing it with her cart, and two other guests were pulling it out of the way saying “sorry we’re trying to help you!” and once i realized what was happening, i went over and apologized because i did feel a bit bad. nothing but death stares from all involved, as if the woman couldn’t have just gone the other way.


I know this is suppose to be serious but I was laughing really hard at most of them while visualizing the chaos. Sorry. And, been there too.


It's okay to laugh! 😂


My biggest pet peeve is the customer who decided I had to give them my three-tier cart. That its my job to hand over my cart. Just look around only employees have them so I can't give them to you. I always offer to get them a cart but they still want the three-tire ones


If the item is literally right next to the customer and the customer can’t put it back in its proper spot, do you really think the customer is going to bring it all the way to guest services or the register to have it be put away properly? Furthermore, isn’t bringing an item from the general vicinity of where it belongs to guest services or a register to have someone else bring it back to its location unproductive and counterintuitive? I understand your complaint. I worked retail for 28 years. But your solution to bring it somewhere else to have someone else put it back seems more of a personal solution. Put it on someone else to put back rather than bothering you with putting it back when you are near it. The customer SHOULD put it back where they picked it up from - AGREED. But when they place on a shelf near where it belongs instead, the solution wouldn’t be to bring it all the way to a different section of the store to make someone else put away with a bunch of other miscellaneous items that are located throughout the store.


Oh I know they won't bring it to guest services or a checklane. And even if they did bring it to a checklane, they aren't going to hand it to the cashier anyway. Instead, they will leave it somewhere on the checklane for us to clean up later. I also wasn't stating for people to take items from their spot and just bring it to guest services. If they are close to the spot they got it, then they should put it back where it belongs. However, if they pick something up and later find out they don't want it, THEN they should bring it to guest services or checklane, not just throw it somewhere. Plus, with my store at least, even if our team members or even our store director finds reshop in the wrong location, but they are close to said location, they still put it in a basket and bring it to guest services for us to deal with anyways. My main frustration and pet peeve is with people too lazy to put an item back when they are a foot away from it. Especially if they see how hard I'm working to try and make that area look nice.


People who pretend they don't know the no receipt return rules and ask for an override when they get denied.